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Research Collaboration between Gadjah Mada University and Kyushu University

Research Team : Wahyu Tri Widayanti San Afri Awang, Dhonawan Sepsiaji Ratih Madya Septiana, Takahiro Fujiwara Noriko Sato

Forest village communities has a very strong dependence on the existence of forest resources Community forest resources use for income sources, such as : for agriculture, construction timber, fuel wood and forage fodder Lack of land ownership for agriculture activities Besides farming, rural community relies on the livestock sector as well as family income.

General objectives to synergize livestock management with forage fodder capacity produced from the forest resources .

Specific objectives :
1. To describe characteristics of livestock management by rural community 2. To understand perception and motivation of rural community related to livestock management 3. Potential livestock and forage fodder in the forest 4. Contribution income from livestock activity 5. Strategies for development of livestock management in the village of forest

1. Case study method collecting data : observation, depth interviews and documentation Determination of informants : purposive method and snowball characteristics, perceptions and motivation 2. Survey method collecting data : stratified sampling with purposive sampling respondents : 100 people in each village income, potential, carrying capacity

Study Sites :
1. Gunung Kidul Regency Kedungkeris Village : a village bordering the state forest and privately owned forest 2. Pemalang Regency 3 Villages : Surajaya, Glandang and Peguyangan : the villages located close by state forest area.

Java Island
290km Jakarta KPH Pemalang



Gunung Kidul

Source: Google Earth


The kinds of cattle raising by community such as : goats (Capra hircus, Capra aegagrus), sheep (Ovis aries), cow (Bos taurus) and buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Livestock Management : household scale where the livestock belong to family and shared livestock The Objective of Management : Breeding, Feedlot and work labor (to plow the rice field )

Forages supplying :

a) To look for forages at the privately owned land (wet rice field, dry land, homegarden, privately owned forest), lahan kas desa (Government) and state forest.


Pasture is carried out not permanently in the state forest as well as in privately owned land.

Livestock Housing System

Individual at homegarden In the back houses goats, sheeps, cows.

Livestock housing system for buffaloes. Livestock housing is built in common village lands) or privately owned land. An agreement built by livestock owner related to save livestock.

Perception and Motivation of Livestock Management

Maintaining livestock for producing organic fertilizer, and family saving. If people get more income from agriculture crops, they will buy couple of cattles and maintained Those cattle will be sold for family needs in particular time

Potential of Livestock
Number of livestock
No Livestocks Kedungkeris Surajaya Glandang Peguyangan

1 2 3 4

Cow Goat Sheep Buffalo

385 416 11 -

7 1.413 20 654

5 525 1

8 537 6 696

Potential of Livestock in the Village of Forest

Potential of livestock (Animal Unit)





Glandang Peguyangan

Total of Animal Unit/Species






2 3 4

Goats Sheep Buffalo

Total of Animal Unit/Village

45,92 161,56 1,26 1,60 - 567,38 354,33 737,14

58,48 0,29 63,37

58,16 0,76 569,62 635,84

324,12 3,62 1.137,29 1.790,68


greatest potential of livestock in the village of Surajaya

The greatest potential of livestock is buffalos

Potential of Forage Fodder (FF) in the Village Production of Forages (Fresh Weight,Ton/Year)
No Source of FF
Area (Ha) FF

Area (Ha) FF

Area (Ha) FF

Area (Ha) FF

1 2 4

State Forest
Private Land

165,32 76

9.206,36 391,39



300,00 149,5 6

264,77 1.411,71 65,40

265 163,91 16,08

1.411,71 68,78 858,67

498,3 2.192,40 43,20 16,20

Common viilage land Total


9.597,75 1.352,05 127,72 455,50 1.741,88 265 2.339,16

Peguyangan and Kedungkeris Village the main source of forage fodder derived from state forest
Surajaya and Glandang Village the main source of forage fodder derived from prived land

Carrying Capacity for Livestock Maintenance Based on Potency of The Available Forages
No 1 2 3 4 Villages Kedungkeris Surajaya Glandang Peguyangan

Carrying Capacity (CC)

144.968,61 146.589,45 109.320,45 1.964.801,78

Population of Livestock (AU)

354,33 737,14 63,37 635,84

Utilized Precentage (%)

0,24 0,50 0,06 0,03


of Carrying Capacity for cattle is verry low.

Development for the management of livestock is still wide open.

Average Income and Family Income contribution

Average Income of Farmer (IDR/year/Households)
No Sources of Income Kedungkeris IDR 1 2 3 4 Livestock Agriculture Agriculture Labour Non Farm Labor 2,988,350 6,812,030 351,100 937,150 % 19.62 44.73 2.31 6.15 Surajaya IDR 1,063,025 2,129,263 537,100 755,500 % 16.17 32.39 8.17 11.49 Glandang IDR 1,234,900 1,557,546 909,800 1,518,550 % 17.17 21.66 12.65 21.12 Peguyangan IDR 557,510 5,764,106 852,250 598,000 % 6.16 63.72 9.42 6.61

5 6 7 8

Trade Private Employees Family members Others

Income/year/HH (IDR)

2,366,410 981,000 793,000 1,000


15.54 6.44 5.21 0.01


1,077,000 54,000 400,500 556,500


16.39 0.82 6.09 8.47


1,281,500 24,000 496,300 168,000


17.82 0.33 6.9 2.34


695,500 1,560 372,130 205,250


7.69 0.02 4.11 2.27


Strategies for Livestock Management Development

Developing village breeding center for Buffalo in Surajaya and Peguyangan villages Developing cattle pilot project to sinergize cattle breeding activity and supply the forage fodder from forest Developing community institution to support cattle development program iniciated by community and government Developing capital and cooperative collaboration with other stakeholder Developing supporting program for extension, training, and comparative study

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