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Very Rarely



Very Frequently



ovidiu@consciousness-quotient.com www.consciousness-quotient.com My perspective To be conscious = to have a high degree of witnesssing awareness and a high degree of freedom of choice in mind-emotions-body More conscious = Higher degree of witnessing awareness More conscious = Higher degree of choice when thinking, feeling and initiating a behavior More conscious = less automatic in thinking-feeling-sensing Max level of C = !itnessing " #alanced Mind " #alanced $motions " #alanced body %ace validity is the extent to which a test is sub&ectively viewed as covering the concept it purports to measure' (t refers to the transparency or relevance of a test as they appear to test participants' (n other words, a test can be said to have face validity if it )looks like) it is going to measure what it is supposed to measure
# FACTOR !"FACTOR Trait # A$ility %ill el(-evaluation Item &escri'tion. Re(erences. YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate .0. O1


CO,N-T-V. C/

#5 When I examine my past, I kno exa!t"y hat !hoi!es I o#"$ ha%e ma$e $i&&e'ent"y( #)* I 'ea"i+e hen this happens that my min$ is some he'e e"se othe' than on hat I am a!t#a""y $oin, at that moment( #)- I 'ea"i+e hen I ha%e .#$,e$ someone $#e to 'on,"y


CO,N-T-V. C/

Awareness o( mind wanderin0

Not o%* - see that ....


CO,N-T-V. C/

&etection o( co0nitive errors


Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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p'e!on!ei%e$ i$eas( 4. CO,N-T-V. C/ Co0nitive 5etaanalysis Acce'tance o( de'endence on others #/) I #s#a""y ana"yse the 'easons &o' 0ein, in 'e"ationships ith %a'io#s peop"e( #// I 'ea"i+e hen I !annot so"%e 0y myse"& my pe'sona" iss#es( #/1 I ha%e moments hen I ask myse"& i& my p'in!ip"es in "i&e a'e 'on,( #2- When I make impo'tant $e!isions, I #s#a""y ana"yse my emotions o' &ee"in,s that in&"#en!e that $e!ision( #13 I 'ea"i+e 4#i!k"y i& I ha%e taken on mo'e then I !an a!t#a""y $o( #3* E%e'y $ay I ha%e moments hen I 'e&"e!t on hat I $o o' &ee" at that %e'y moment( )ie scale* 'air with #22 Noticin0 rumination -nternal &ialo0ue #5- I 'ea"i+e hen I nee$ to ask &o' he"p 0e!a#se I !annot han$"e thin,s a"one( I noti!e hen I think too m#!h on the same topi! I ha%e moments o& inte'na" $ia"o,#es, ima,inin, $is!#ssions ith %a'io#s peop"e <<


CO,N-T-V. C/


CO,N-T-V. C/


CO,N-T-V. C/

9. :.

CO,N-T-V. C/ CO,N-T-V. C/


CO,N-T-V. C/

++. +2.

CO,N-T-V. C/


Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill Co0nitive allowance (le=i$ility Attention - catch the thou0ht when creatin0 ne0ative emotions allow thin%in0 to let 0o>>>

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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CO,N-T-V. C/

I noti!e an$ a""o myse"& to ha%e !ont'a$i!to'y tho#,hts on the same topi! I noti!e hen I ha%e a tho#,ht that is !'eatin, a ne,ati%e emotion(


CO,N-T-V. C/


CO,N-T-V. C/

I am a0"e to empty my min$ o& most o& my tho#,hts an$ .#st 0e in the p'esent moment, hen I !hoose to $o so Sometimes I &in$ an ans e' to a 4#estion itho#t 0ein, a0"e to &#""y te"" ho I a''i%e$ to that ans e'( It is easy &o' me to "ea'n an$ !han,e my o n i$eas a&te' 'ea$in, o' at!hin, ho othe' peop"e think(



CO,N-T-V. C/

listen to dee'er intuitive thou0hts .ase to learnin0 (rom wisdom ?'eo'le@s wisdom* teachin0s etc.A* $y ins'iration


CO,N-T-V. C/


CO,N-T-V. C/

I "ike to p"ay



Creativity B lan0ua0e awareness - a ha$it o( 'eo'le who are conscious o( the 'resent moment< Re(lective Cud0ments correlate with a hi0her co0nitive C/< # $elie( in ,od is correlated with intuitive thin%in0. intuitive versus re(lective co0nitive styles. "y .


CO,N-T-V. C/

intuitive versus re(lective co0nitive styles

When I ana"yse somethin,, I pa#se to !'iti!a""y examine hat my int#ition is sayin,, an$ then I take the !hoi!e to 0e int#iti%e, "ess5 int#iti%e o' !o#nte'int#iti%e(


Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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intuitive Cud0ments we mean Cud0ments made with little e((ort $ased on automatic 'rocesses* and $y re(lective Cud0ments we mean Cud0ments in which the Cud0e 'auses to critically e=amine the dictates o( her intuition?sA* thus allowin0 (or the 'ossi$ility o( a lessintuitive or counterintuitive conclusion 2;. CO,N-T-V. C/ &reams awareness &reams awareness o'enness 6#'in, $'eamin, I ha%e expe'ien!e$ moments hen I a a'e that I as $'eamin, I 'emem0e' my $'eams the $etai"s as

2+. 22.

CO,N-T-V. C/ CO,N-T-V. C/

ith most o& Carlo And listenin0 $y em'tyin0 my mind* re-inter'retin0* (ilterin0... is NOT o$Cective listenin0* $ut itDs 0ood to have it in there.

When $is!#ssin, I "isten to a ne i$ea 0y 0ein, !omp"ete"y 'e!epti%e, ,i%in, my &#"" attention, exp"o'in, this i$ea 0y 'e"atin, to it &'om my o n ay o& inte'p'etin,, 0#t a"so &'om the inte'p'etation o& othe's(


CO,N-T-V. C/

Construct-aware 'ersons

I am a a'e o& the pse#$o5'ea"ity !'eate$ 0y o'$s


CO,N-T-V. C/


7 a'e o& the "imits o& "an,#a,e


Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill 'ersons

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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hen $es!'i0in, a sit#ation Whene%e' I speak I !hoose my o'$s ith ,'eat !a'e an$ think a 0it a0o#t hi!h o'$s i"" exp'ess 0ette' my tho#,hts(


CO,N-T-V. C/

Construct-aware 'ersons

27. 28. 29.

CO,N-T-V. C/ CO,N-T-V. C/ CO,N-T-V. C/

5-N&F!)N. 5-N&F!)N. 5-N&F!)N.

&escri$in0 with words nonCud0in0 o( inner e='erience nonCud0in0 o( inner e='erience

C7MS 89 It:s easy &o' me to keep t'a!k o& my tho#,hts an$ &ee"in,s ;IMS 89 I ten$ to e%a"#ate hethe' my pe'!eptions a'e 'i,ht o' 'on, <;IMS )39 I 0e"ie%e some o& my tho#,hts a'e a0no'ma" o' 0a$ an$ I sho#"$n:t think that ay( . 'e ne0ativ* de re(ormulat<< . 'e ne0ativ* de re(ormulat>> au de lasat asa<


CO,N-T-V. C/

CO,N-T-V. "-A . - Cum'in0 to conclusions sel(

It happens to me that I .#mp to !on!#sions, itho#t ana"ysin, to m#!h the a%ai"a0"e $ata

e re'eta* e sus rel(ective style sau intuitive style 'air with the ne=t< For sel(-others see ocial Awareness -nventory +::7- heldon


Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill CO,N-T-V. "-A . - Cum'in0 to conclusions others

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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CO,N-T-V. C/

When ta"kin, to someone, I noti!e hen my a',#mentation o& the pe'son I ta"k to is .#mpin, to !on!"#sions, itho#t m#!h ana"yse(

Eum'in0 to conclusions R-C1 This is a mechanism that ta%es whatever in(ormation is availa$le and ma%es the $est 'ossi$le story out o( the in(ormation currently availa$le* and tells you very little a$out in(ormation it doesn@t have. o what you 0et are 'eo'le Cum'in0 to conclusions. - call this a Fmachine (or Cum'in0 to conclusions.G


Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill CO,N-T-V. "-A . the mechanism o( su$stitution - sel(

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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CO,N-T-V. C/

When $is!#ssin, a topi!, I noti!e hen I a!t ith tota" !on&i$en!e as i& I e'e an expe't, e%en i& I $on:t kno too m#!h a0o#t that topi!(

the mechanism o( su$stitution # - act as %now the answer with com'lete con(idence* even i( - don@t %now ric% hanson - Hhat@s interestin0 is that many a time 'eo'le have intuitions that they@re equally con(ident a$out e=ce't they@re wron0. That ha''ens throu0h the mechanism - call Fthe mechanism o( su$stitution.G Iou have $een as%ed a question* and instead you answer another question* $ut that answer comes $y itsel( with com'lete con(idence* and you@re not aware that you@re doin0 somethin0 that you@re not an e='ert on $ecause you have one answer. u$Cectively* whether it@s ri0ht or wron0* it (eels e=actly the same. Hhether it@s $ased on a lot o( in(ormation* or a little in(ormation* this is somethin0 that you may ste' $ac% and have a loo% at. "ut the su$Cective sense o( con(idence can $e the same (or intuition


Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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that arrives (rom e='ertise* and (or intuitions that arise (rom heuristics. . . .


CO,N-T-V. C/

CO,N-T-V. "-A . the mechanism o( su$stitution -

When $is!#ssin, a topi!, I noti!e hen the pe'son I ta"k to I a!t ith tota" !on&i$en!e as i& they e'e an expe't, e%en i& they $on:t kno too



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill others

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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m#!h a0o#t that topi!( I #se to !onsi$e' a"te'nati%es an$ $i&&e'ent pe'spe!ti%es hen makin, a $e!ision When I $is!#ss, " "isten !a'e&#""y, an$ than ait an$ think &o' a &e moments, 0e&o'e 'ep"yin, 0a!k


CO,N-T-V. C/

5ulti-'ers'ectives in analyJin0 ACT-N, H-TK CKO-C. Awareness o( (ilters


CO,N-T-V. C/


CO,N-T-V. C/


----!sually when - listen to a new idea # - am voluntarily em'tyin0 my mind AN& TK.N reinter'ret everythin0 and (ilter it throu0h my own "ut that is not the end o( the roadL a similar dynamic ha''ens in re0ards to what - am tal%in0 a$out. Iou can continue to re-inter'ret everythin0 -Dm sayin0 throu0h the 'aradi0mM(ilter o( mind and identity* and in doin0 so it will always a''ear that you are ri0ht. "ut 0ettin0 to what -Dm tal%in0 a$out requires a willin0ness to 'ut the mind aside* $ecause that is how you create enou0h s'ace in which to notice


Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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your more (undamental essence. Iou have to sto' inter'retin0 everythin0 throu0h the mind and its need (or certainty* and investi0ate your own nature (or yoursel( 37. CO,N-T-V. C/ O'eness toward outcomes o( mind # ?no head (eelin0 in nondualityA When I ta"k I "et my tho#,hts in the &"o an$ I am &ee" "ike hen I am in this &"o I am !hoosin, the 'i,ht o'$s itho#t imposin, my min$ hat $i'e!tion to &o""o === -t was so (unny when (irst e='erienced this no head (eelin0 N-A OOThen* when we tal%* itPs sur'risin0* as we really do not %now what we are 0oin0 to say ne=tQQ this is also loo%s li%e an automatic thin%in0... $ut is more li%e a trust in own mind... 38. CO,N-T-V. C/ CO,N-T-V. "-A #RroCection - sel( When ta"kin, to peop"e, I pay attention to hat I 'e!ommen$ to peop"e 0e!a#se I kno it may 0e my o n p'o.e!tions onto peop"e When ta"kin, to peop"e, I pay attention to hat they 'e!ommen$ to me 0e!a#se I kno it may 0e thei' o n p'o.e!tions onto me


CO,N-T-V. C/

CO,N-T-V. "-A #RroCection others



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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CO,N-T-V. C/

When $is!#ssin, ith peop"e I "isten to them tota""y open an$ I 4#estion i& ho thei' %ie o& 'ea"ity is mo'e a!!#'ate than my pe'spe!ti%e A!TONO5O! 5ulti'le .,O 'ers'ectives M truths When ta"kin, to peop"e, I am a a'e>'ea"i+e that any pe'spe!ti%e, no matte' ho e"" in&o'me$, is pa'tia", !ontext5$epen$ent an$ !#"t#'a""y !on$itione$ I 'ea"i+e that ea!h pe'son has its "imite$ pe'spe!ti%e o& a sit#ation, an$ the'e is no t'#th, 0#t m#"tip"e t'#ths( I noti!e hen peop"e I ta"k point to mo'e s#0t"e n#an!es o& an e%ent than I $o +92 Hhen tal%in0 to 'eo'le* am a$le to see and re(lect $ac% their own 'atternsMschemes o( thin%in0 +93 Hhen discussin0 with 'eo'le - am a$le to hel' them $y intervenin0 at in Cust the ri0ht moment and with a''ro'riate words.


CO,N-T-V. C/


CO,N-T-V. C/

A!TONO5O! 5ulti'le .,O 'ers'ectives M truths A!TONO5O! .,O


CO,N-T-V. C/


CO,N-T-V. C/

RO T)imits o( words M When I ta"k to peop"e I noti!e thei' A!TONO5O! lan0ua0e as o$Cect system o& thinkin, an$ I am a0"e to .,O o0se'%e ho they think Constructaware



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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+94 Hhen tal%in0 to a 'erson am a$le to adCust my words and lan0ua0e to their (ramewor% so that can communicate 'ro'erly with them. 44. CO,N-T-V. C/ RO T)imits o( words M A!TONO5O! lan0ua0e as o$Cect .,O Constructaware When ta"kin, to peop"e I am a0"e to noti!e ho thei' "an,#a,e "imits thei' pe'spe!ti%e on a spe!i&i! e%ent o' sit#ation &a!t(


CO,N-T-V. C/

RO T)imits o( words M When ta"kin, to someone I am A!TONO5O! lan0ua0e as o$Cect a a'e i& I #se o' not %e'0a" .,O ste'eotypes Constructaware RO T)imits o( words M A!TONO5O! lan0ua0e as o$Cect .,O Constructaware RO TA!TONO5O! .,O Constructaware RO T"i0 'icture # A!TONO5O! 'anoramic view When I ta"k a0o#t a sit#ation I 'ea"i+e that my "an,#a,e > the o'$ I #se$ a'e .#st inte'p'etations o& this 'ea"ity an$ $o not !apt#'e the 'ea"ity o& that e%ent ?eop"e say a0o#t me that I noti!e s#0t"e $istin!tions o& a sit#ation <<


CO,N-T-V. C/


CO,N-T-V. C/


CO,N-T-V. C/

I o&ten sense that I ha%e a pano'ami! %ie on the topi!



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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.,O Constructaware 4:. CO,N-T-V. C/ el( re(lectiveness # $i0 'icture

$is!#sse$, that in!"#$e many o& the pe'spe!ti%es &o the peop"e I ta"k to( When I 'e&"e!t on hat an e%ent, I $e"i0e'ate"y pay attention to in!"#$e it in a 0i, pi!t#'e(

6;. 6+. 62.

CO,N-T-V. C/ CO,N-T-V. C/ CO,N-T-V. C/

Automatic 'atterns I am a0"e to noti!e the a#tomati! patte'ns o& my min$( Automatic 'atterns I am a0"e to noti!e the a#tomati! patte'ns o& my "an,#a,e( When $is!#ssin, a sit#ation I noti!e the am0i,#ities in the "an,#a,e o& the peop"e I ta"k to authenticity When speakin, to someone I p'e&e' main"y my o n o'$s, 0ase$ on my pe'sona" expe'ien!e, an$ not #se many !itation &'om othe's I am a0"e to ana"y+e my past tho#,hts ith many $etai"s hen I 'emem0e' a sit#ation &'om the past( .'isodic memory Awareness o( 'ersonal en0a0ement in remem$ered events and e='eriences. Autonoetic consciousness is im'ortant in our (ormation o( our Fsel(G identity. Hhat we have done in the 'ast $ecomes a 'art o( our Fsel(G and the a$ility to re(lect on this in(luences our $ehavior in Rus si la emotional si la co0nitive


CO,N-T-V. C/


CO,N-T-V. C/

Autonoetic consciousness



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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the now. Autonoetic consciousness is the human a$ility to mentally 'lace ourselves in the 'ast* in the (uture* or in counter(actual situations* and to analyJe our own thou0hts. Our sense o( sel( a((ects our $ehavior* in the 'resent* 'ast and (uture. -t relates to how we re(lect on our own 'ast $ehavior* how we (eel a$out it* and this in turn determines i( we do it a0ain


.5OT-ONA) C/

Familiarity with emotions* .motional ensitivity

#)) I am a0"e to 0e!ome intense"y in%o"%e$ hen I at!h emotiona" s!enes in mo%ies( #)) I &ee" intense"y in%o"%e$ hen I at!h emotiona" s!enes in mo%ies(

Felicia- -sn@t this item re(errin0 to a 'ersonality ty'e ?emotiveA< - am a$le to $e conscious o( the emotions transmitted $y the movie* however the de0ree o( the involvement in the scene is a matter o( my own choice. - would re'hrase itN - am a$le to $ecome intensely involved... Ies- to $e tested Related to emotional hiCac%s


.5OT-ONA) C/

el(-.motional re(le=ivity

#)1 I 'ea"i+e imme$iate"y hen I 0eha%e imp#"si%e"y #n$e' some



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill ?o$server # inner (ocusA

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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emotiona" in&"#en!e( #2) I &in$ it easy to assess hen some0o$y a'o#n$ me 0eha%es $i&&e'ent"y to thei' #s#a" se"&, $#e to thei' momenta'y emotiona" state( When I am in a 0a$ moo$, I !an easi"y i$enti&y>t'a!k its so#'!e, hete' it is a physi!a" $is!om&o't, a sit#ation o' a psy!ho"o,i!a" iss#e= #2/ When I am in a 0a$ moo$, I !an easi"y i$enti&y i& my moo$ is ,ene'ate$ 0y a physi!a" $is!om&o't o' 0y "a!k o& &#"&i"ment ith my "i&e( Felicia - The item seems a little too FharshG to meN is whether - have a 'hysical discom(ort or am not (ul(illed in my li(e. -t can ha''en that - am in a $ad mood when (acin0 a stress(ul situationL however - am 0enerally satis(ied with my own li(e.


.5OT-ONA) C/

.motional re(le=ivity ?o$server # outer (ocusA .motional discrimination


.5OT-ONA) C/


.5OT-ONA) C/ .5OT-ONA) C/ )ie scale* 'air with #3+

#18 I #s#a""y ana"yse my emotions in o'$e' to so"%e my pe'sona" iss#es( #)5 I !an see hen someone is a!tin, imp#"si%e"y 0#t they a'e not so in ,ene'a", it@s .#st an emotion o& the moment( When ta"kin, to someone, I am a0"e to i$enti&y e%en the sma""est 0eha%io'a"s si,ns>!"#es in$i!atin, ho they &ee"(



.5OT-ONA) C/

accurately reco0niJe one@s emotions. identi(y ver$al* 'hysical* and situational cues indicatin0 how others (eel.



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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72. 73.

.5OT-ONA) C/ .5OT-ONA) C/

Automatic 'atterns I am a0"e to noti!e the a#tomati! patte'ns o& my emotiona" "i&e( A((ective em'athy I am a0"e to mi''o' the emotions o& the peop"e I ta"k to One item to rule them all N-A A((ective am'athy is the $ase trait (or emotional C/


.5OT-ONA) C/

A5. A A"OV.

I am a0"e to a!!#'ate"y 'e!o,ni+e the emotions o& the pe'son I am ta"kin, to( I !an empathi+e ith peop"e hose opinions o' a!tions I $isapp'o%e o&(

76. 77.

.5OT-ONA) C/ .5OT-ONA) C/ &etection o( automatic emotional res'onses to stimuli. .ducatin0 choice.

I noti!e hen some e%ents t'i,,e' the same emotiona" 'esponses in me(


.5OT-ONA) C/

I "et myse"& to expe'ien!e &#""y on Not sure i( emotional or hat is takin, p"a!e, itho#t payin, mind(ulness attention to hat I expe!t 5-N&F!)N. o$servin0 AMI -9 I 'emain p'esent ith sensations an$ &ee"in,s e%en hen they a'e #np"easant o' pain&#"( <;IMS 2-9 I pay attention to ho my emotions a&&e!t my tho#,hts an$


.5OT-ONA) C/


.5OT-ONA) C/





Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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0eha%io'( 8;. .5OT-ONA) C/ 5-N&F!)N. &escri$in0 with words <;IMS /39 E%en hen I:m &ee"in, te''i0"y #pset, I !an &in$ a ay to p#t it into o'$s <C7MS 59 I !an #s#a""y $es!'i0e ho I &ee" at the moment in !onsi$e'a0"e $etai"( I !onsi$e' that a"" my emotions a'e app'op'iate <;IMS )/9 I te"" myse"& that I sho#"$n:t 0e &ee"in, the ay I:m &ee"in, <AMI )8 'e&9 I !an pe'!ei%e my &ee"in,s an$ emotions itho#t ha%in, to 'ea!t to them <AMI /5 'e& 9 I !an at!h my &ee"in,s itho#t ,ettin, "ost in them( I !an &ee" 0a"an!e$ hen expe'ien!in, eithe' posti%e emotions o' ne,ati%e emotions( )( When ta"kin, to peop"e I maintain -- did they loo% away eye !onta!t hi"e I am ta"kin, a0o#t when tellin0 me #np"easant emotion( somethin0 that was di((icult or emotional to . 'e ne0ativ* de re(ormulat>>


.5OT-ONA) C/


&escri$in0 with words

82. 83.

.5OT-ONA) C/ .5OT-ONA) C/ .5OT-ONA) C/ .5OT-ONA) C/ .5OT-ONA) C/ .5OT-ONA) C/

5-N&F!)N. 5-N&F!)N.

nonCud0in0 o( inner e='erience nonCud0in0 o( inner e='erience nonreactivity to inner e='erience nonreactivity to inner e='erience ACC.RTANC.









Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate

them< 89. .5OT-ONA) C/ /( When ta"kin, to peop"e I maintain eye !onta!t hen I am expe'ien!in, an #np"easant emotion( -NT.RCONN.CT .&N. I ha%e moments hen I &ee" I "o%e e%e'ythin, an$ I am at one ith e%e'ythin,( It happens to me that I &ee" many $i&&e'ent emotions in the same moment o' a'o#n$ the same e%ent( ACC.RTANC. I a""o myse"& to !ons!io#s"y "i%e ne,ati%e emotions( I am a0"e to o0se'%e my emotions hen they !ome, hen I expe'ien!e them, an$ hen the emotions a'e ,one( 5ind(ul livin0 ACC.RTANC. I noti!e hen I 0e!ome 'esistant to thin,s that annoy me an$ $o not a!!ept them as they a'e( #2 I "i%e$ th'o#,h impo'tant moments in "i&e a&te' hi!h I !han,e$ my %a"#es an$ p'io'ities( ?moved (rom el( C/A


.5OT-ONA) C/ .5OT-ONA) C/ .5OT-ONA) C/ .5OT-ONA) C/


9+. 92.





#15 When I examine the past, I ?moved (rom el( C/A 'ea"i+e exa!t"y hen an$ ho I ha%e !han,e$( Rea% e='eriencesreinventin0 #1) 6#'in, my "i&e I ha%e "i%e$ th'o#,h si,ni&i!ant e%ents that ?moved (rom el( C/A




Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill yoursel( ?$y 'ain or notA

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate

!han,e$ my !on!epts a0o#t the o'"$ an$ "i&e in ,ene'a"( I am in%estin, time an$ e&&o't &o' $e%e"opin, pe'sona" st'en,ths o' ta"ents I noti!e hen 'epetiti%e e%ents happen in my "i&e in o'$e' to "ea'n &'om it <<






Fle=i$ility in learnin0

I "ea'n %e'y 4#i!k"y &'om a sit#ation, &eJira$il... it $on:t ha%e to happen t i!e o' mo'e times to "ea'n &'om it When I sea'!h &o' in&o'mation on a topi! I "ike to exp"o'e a"so $ata that $o not s#ppo't my pe'spe!ti%e on that topi!( Con(irmation $ias The tendency to search (or or inter'ret in(ormation in a way that con(irms oneDs 'reconce'tions. -n addition* individuals may discredit in(ormation that does not su''ort their views.S27T The con(irmation $ias is related to the conce't o( co0nitive dissonance. Hhere$y* individuals may reduce inconsistency $y searchin0 (or in(ormation which re-con(irms their views ?Eermias* 2;;+* '.



CO,N-T-V. "-A # Con(ormation $ias



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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+47A. :+. -NN.R ,ROHTK C/ )earnin0 == Ca'acity to learn (rom mista%es. )earnin0 thru 'ain ?dramatic momentsA or $y $ein0 o'en



Kow you react when con(rontin0 criticism toward you. )isten* analyJe and evaluate* o( Cust react # no-no style. Kow many times have you chan0ed your li(e 'ers'ective ?e0oA

When someone !'iti!ises me I "isten %e'y !a'e&#""y an$ I ask &o' mo'e $etai"s(



6#'in, my "i&e I ha%e !han,e$ my "i&e pe'spe!ti%e

:4. :6.


==== -nternal resiliency - When en!o#nte'in, $i&&i!#"t sit#ations in "i&e, I #se to !on%e't mis&o't#ne into ,oo$ &o't#ne( &etectin0 'atterns o( the mind M emotional 'atterns Awareness o( im'rovin0 sel(%nowled0e

"ein0 o'en and vulnera$le


I noti!e the !o,niti%e an$ emotiona" patte's that 'est'i!t me &'om !han,in, into a 0ette' an$ 0a"an!e$ pe'son( 7t the en$ o& ea!h $ay I #se to exp"o'e hat I ha%e "ea'ne$ &'om that $ay





Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate



E%e'y$ay I ask myse"& the 4#estion 5 What is the 'ea" o0.e!ti%e o'"$ o' Who am I= 6#'in, my "i&e I ha%e expe'ien!e$ pa'a$i,m shi&ts an$ #p$ate$ my i$entity( &urin0 my li(e - have e='erience 'aradi0m sh(ts # reinventin0 mysel( Consciously chan0ed my identity (n my personal experience, everything that ( ever thought of as )me) has shown itself to be either a piece of conditioning or a selfsustaining identity' !hen you let go of some piece of identity or conditioning, yet you don*t actually die, something inside says, )Huh' ( really thought that was me but ( guess (*m not that') Then it happens again, and again, and again' The more it happens, the more )ripe) the person becomes for a more monumental shift in which the whole house of cards falls apart -- where not only are the various pieces of identity seen as being )not-me) but the very basis for identity itself -- the )() -- is seen




Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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as )not-me)' !hen that happens, nothing comes in to replace that sense of false identity' +ll that is left is emptiness, and life goes on. +;;. -NN.R ,ROHTK C/ RO TA!TONO5O! .,O Constructaware .0o as o$Cect M construct When en!o#nte'in, a ne impo'tant in&o'mation, I am a0"e to pe'!ei%e ho that in&o'mation is !han,in, my i$entity

+;+. -NN.R ,ROHTK C/ +;2. -NN.R ,ROHTK C/


I noti!e hen my 0e"ie&s !han,e an$ hen I see a &ami"ia' sit#ation ith a ne pe'spe!ti%e( It happens that I see &ami"ia' sit#ations ith $i&&e'ent meanin,s( )ettin0 in new e='eriences # (ind new meanin0s in the same (acts M situation. Conservatism ?"ayesianA The tendency to insu((iciently revise oneDs $elie( when 'resented with new evidence emmelweis re(le= The tendency to reCect new evidence that contradicts a 'aradi0m Awareness o( you own level o( develo'ment # not

+;3. -NN.R ,ROHTK C/

I 4#estion my pe'spe!ti%es hen I $is!o%e' ne o' !ont'a$i!to'y e%i$en!e(

+;4. -NN.R ,ROHTK C/

When I $is!#ss ith peop"e I 'ea"i+e I& I ha%e a 0i,,e' o' a sma""e'



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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pi!t#'e>pe'spe!ti%e than that o& the pe'son I am ta"kin, to( +;6. -NN.R ,ROHTK C/ I !an easi"y !han,e my %ie hen I en!o#nte' a ne pe'spe!ti%e that is "a',e' than mine, hen I ta"k to &'ien$s o' 'ea$ a 0ook see a mo%ie == "ody M -nteroce'tive Awareness "ody M -nteroce'tive Awareness "ody M -nteroce'tive Awareness "ody M -nteroce'tive Awareness #)B I 'ea"i+e 0e&o'ehan$ that I am ,oin, to ,et h#n,'y( #/B I noti!e the &i'st si,ns o& a !o"$ st'ai,ht a ay, e%en 0e&o'e the physi!a" symptoms sho #p( #21 I !an easi"y assess hi!h types o& &oo$ my 0o$y nee$s( #11 I kno exa!t"y the in,'e$ients #se$ in the &oo$ I eat(

Cust 'ers'ective* $ut levels # i( 'ossi$le<

+;7. RKI -CA) C/

+;8. RKI -CA) C/

+;9. RKI -CA) C/

+;:. RKI -CA) C/

F.)-C-A .R!RAN - am a little reluctant a$out these itemsN isn@t this actually re(errin0 to acquired s%ills throu0h e='erience and education and there(ore this is not a 0eneral human trait. -( a 'erson is e='osed to di((erent ty'es o( in0redients and s'ices durin0 his li(e* he will $ecome educated and will $e a$le to FdetectG them. 5y reluctance is hi0her (or the item re(errin0 to



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate

s'ices. As an e=am'le cannot detect di((erent s'ices as - do not %now how many o( them should tasteL usually - avoid s'ices in the (ood - eat. I. - s%illed 'eo'le or senJorial 'eo'le will score more* still* this is a 0ood detection. He are Cust measurin0 the level they are at* not the reason why they are there. ++;. RKI -CA) C/ #58 When I am in a ,'o#p o& peop"e, The smell is related to I !an easi"y as!e'tain the so#'!e o& muladhara cha%ra the sme""s I pe'!ei%e( mells s'read easily around the source and FcontaminateG other o$Cects in the environment. Felicia - - am not sure i( humans in 0eneral can ascertain sources o( smells. I easi"y noti!e i& the'e a'e any !han,es in the sme""s a'o#n$ me( )ie scale* 'air with #44 Rsychosomatic connections #1 When I eat I !an $ete!t hi!h spi!es a'e #se$ in the &oo$( I noti!e hen my 0o$y te""s me hen my min$ is in !on&"i!t ith 'ea"ity Ce,( it &ee"s !ont'a!te$, Felicia - ee a$ove ?comment to item 44A <<

+++. RKI -CA) C/ ++2. RKI -CA) C/ ++3. RKI -CA) C/



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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tensione$, 0#'nin,, hea%yD ++4. RKI -CA) C/ .5OT-ONA) AHAR.N. -N TK. "O&I NOT-C. When somethin, is 'on, in my "i&e From 5A-A* 2;+2 I !an &ee" it in my 0o$y

++6. RKI -CA) C/ ++7. CO,N-T-V. C/ ++8. RKI -CA) C/

When I am tense I noti!e he'e the tension is "o!ate$ in my 0o$y

From 5A-A* 2;+2

Automatic 'atterns I am a0"e to noti!e the a#tomati! patte'ns an$ ,est#'es o& my 0o$y( I !an easi"y $ete!t most o& the so#n$s a'o#n$ me, e%en i& I am &o!#se$ on a spe!i&i! task I !an easi"y $ete!t the so#'!e o& the so#n$s a'o#n$ meE (or the second su$scale would add some items re(errin0 to seein0 and hearin0 as well. -.e. suita$le items (rom The 5ultidimensional Assessment o( -nteroce'tive Awareness ?5A-AA* 2;+2 From 5A-A* 2;+2

++9. RKI -CA) C/

++:. RKI -CA) C/


I noti!e easi"y !han,es in my 0'eathin,, s#!h as hethe' it s"o s $o n o' spee$s #p

+2;. RKI -CA) C/


When I am in !on%e'sation ith someone, I !an pay attention to my post#'e When I am tense I noti!e he'e the tension is "o!ate$ in my 0o$y

+2+. RKI -CA) C/


From 5A-A* 2;+2



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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+22. RKI -CA) C/

I noti!e ho my 0o$y !han,es hen I I &ee" happy o' .oy&#" OR I noti!e ho my 0o$y !han,es hen I I &ee" sa$( I noti!e ho my 0o$y !han,es hen I I &ee" 'e.e!te$(

From 5A-A* 2;+2

+23. RKI -CA) C/

I !an $ete!t the sma""est !han,e in the intensity o' n#an!e o& a !o"o#'( I am a0"e to 'ea""y en.oy the taste o& &oo$ an$ $'inks an$ not eatin, a#tomati!a""y When at!hin, a on$e'&#" "an$s!ape I &ee" %e'y !onne!te$, as i& I am 0e!omin, pa't o& it Also - su00est items re(errin0 to $ein0 a$le to $ecome intensely involved in di((erent sensorial e='eriences --this is (low #narrowin0 o( the 'ers'ectiveU A$sor'tion<<

+24. RKI -CA) C/

+26. RKI -CA) C/

+27. RKI -CA) C/



AMI 39 I noti!e ho my emotions exp'ess themse"%es th'o#,h my 0o$y( <;IMS )-9 I noti!e ho &oo$s an$

+28. RKI -CA) C/





Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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$'inks a&&e!t my tho#,hts, 0o$i"y sensations, an$ emotions +29. RKI -CA) C/ A!TONO5O! Aware o( ener0y .,O I 'ea"i+e hen some peop"e a'e someho , $'ainin, o' in&"#en!in, my ene',y in my 0o$y CI &ee" "o o' &ee" enth#siasti! hen meetin, some peop"eD( I noti!e hen my %oi!e 0e!omes "o#$e' o' my 0o$y "an,#a,e is "ike a,,'esi%e When I am ha%in, a st'on, emotion, I noti!e he'e in my 0o$y this emotion is "o!ate$ > hat pa'ts o& my 0o$y &ee"s hot>!ont'a!te$>!oo"== #)/ I 'ea"i+e that my emotiona" !han,es a'e in&"#en!e$ 0y my thinkin,( When I meet my &'ien$s, I p'e&e' to $is!#ss a0o#t ho e think an$ ho e expe'ien!e "i&e, instea$ o& .#st $es!'i0in, the e%ents that happene$ in o#' "i%es( #/2 When I meet my &'ien$s, I p'e&e' to ana"yse the si,ni&i!an!e o& an e%ent, not the spe!i&i! $etai"s o& the e%ent( Not descri$e events* $ut their im'act in me

+2:. RKI -CA) C/

+3;. RKI -CA) C/

+3+. SEFA CQ

+32. SEFA CQ



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate

+33. SEFA CQ

#22 I kno hat I o#"$ 0e 'ea""y ,oo$ at, e%en tho#,h I $o not $o that 'i,ht no ( #25 I ha%e moments hen I ana"yse myse"& th'o#,h the eyes o& othe's( el( re(lectiveness I "ike to ha%e moments o& se"&5 ana"ysis, 0y myse"& o' in $is!#ssions ith my &'ien$s( #23 I "ike to spen$ most o& my time $oin, se"&5ana"ysis, 0y myse"& o' in $is!#ssions ith my &'ien$s(


+34. SEFA CQ +36. SEFA CQ

imilar comment to items 26 and 6;N - actually associate this with 'atholo0y ?narcissism* OC&A. -( we have a healthy* sta$le individual* who is not currently in thera'y or sel( analysis with a 'sychothera'ist* - do not see why heMshe would s'ent most o( the time thin%in0 a$out himMhersel( ?and not wor%* (riends* (amily* (ree time* 'lans (or the (utureA. el(-analysis is im'ortant* i( it is done (requently it is o%* however Fmost o( my timeG - thin% it is too much. -( we have an uneducated tar0et* the meanin0 o( Femotional 'atternsG mi0ht $e di((icult to understand. Althou0h this mi0ht not $e relevant as C/ inventory is rather (or a niche

+37. SEFA CQ

#51 In my pe'sona" 'e"ationships I 'ea"i+e hi!h o& my emotiona" patte'ns in&"#en!e my 0eha%io#'(



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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tar0et. +38. SEFA CQ #53 I ha%e moments hen I ima,ine ho I o#"$ "ike to a!t in !e'tain sit#ations( )ie scale* 'air with #6; #/3 I p'epa'e 0e&o'e sayin, somethin, an$ I assess ho to say it, e%en i& it 'e"ates to $is!#ssions on e%e'y$ay topi!s( I en.oy makin, .okes a0o#t the I am ay ame comment as item 6; re0ardin0 s'ontaneity.

+39. SEFA CQ

+3:. SEFA CQ +4;. SEFA CQ

5a%e Co%es a$out my e0o el(-mana0ementN The a$ility to re0ulate one@s emotions* thou0hts* and $ehaviors e((ectively in di((erent situations Can you li%e without wantin0< VeJi la ric% ha$nson diverse chestii de mind(ul livin0>> As'iration is a$out li%in0* while attachment is a$out wantin0 - and these involve se'arate systems in your $rain. )i%in0 what is 'leasant and disli%in0 what is un'leasant are normal and not a 'ro$lem. Trou$le comes when we ti' into the cravin0 and strain inherent in wantin0* wantin0* wantin0 whatDs

I easi"y a$apt C>!a"i0'ate=D my emotiona" 'ea!tions an$ 0eha%io#' to $i&&e'ent sit#ations


.)F C/

I !an easi"y "ike somethin, antin, it




Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate

'leasant to continue and whatDs un'leasant to end. o learn to reco0niJe the di((erences $etween li%in0 and wantin0 in your $ody* emotions* attitudes* and thou0hts. - thin% youDll (ind that li%in0 (eels o'en* rela=ed* and (le=i$le while wantin0 (eels ti0ht* 'ressed* contracted* and (i=ated. +42. .)F C/ 5ind(ul livin0 ACC.RTANC. 5ind(ul livin0 ACC.RTANC. I am ok hen expe'ien!in, a $is!om&o't When I ha%e a 0a$ $ay I ha%e !ompassion &o' myse"& an$ a!!ept this itho#t .#$,in, me ha'$"y When I ish, I !an 'e!'eate an emotion &'om my memo'y an$ I am a0"e to t#'n this memo'y into an a!t#a" &ee"in, - OO(irst - needed to remind mysel( o( the (eelin0 ?as a memoryA and then it turned into the (eelin0.QQ 5as%<


.)F C/


.)F C/

Flow mindemotions connection


.)F C/

ense o( realness

When ta"kin, to peop"e I p'e&e' to o&&e' myse"& as I am in that pa'ti!#"a' moment, an$ not te""in, a0o#t my sto'y>e,o



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill ,oal in li(eautonomous ,oal in li(e- e0o aware ,oal in li(e- unitive

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate

+47. +48. +49. +4:.

.)F C/ .)F C/ .)F C/ .)F C/

I sense that my main ,oa" in "i&e is to .#st 0ein, I sense that my main ,oa" in "i&e is to .#st 0e a a'e I sense that my main ,oa" in "i&e is to 0e the most I !an 0e I noti!e the %a'io#s s#0pe'sona"ities that a'e in me an$ I !an From a certain 'oint there is only one 'ersonality* and no roles...

A!TONO5O! Notice o( .,O u$'ersonalities


.)F C/

A!TONO5O! Notice o( .,O u$'ersonalities

I !an $ete!t hi!h s#0pe'sona"ity a!ts in 'e"ations to $i&e'ent peop"e( I am a a'e o& 0oth my ne,ati%e an$ positi%e aspe!ts o& my pe'sona"ity I 'ea"i+e that my i$entity is .#st a system o& patte'ns that as $e%e"ope$ th'o#,h my "i&e( my 'ersonality M my e0o M my identity <<< constructM system o( 'atterns <<<

+6+. +62.

.)F C/ .)F C/

A!TONO5O! Need to $e .,O authentic RO T.0o as o$Cect M A!TONO5O! construct .,O Constructaware


.)F C/

I 'ea"i+e that my pe'sona"ity has some pa'ts that a'e mo'e 0a"an!e$ than othe' pa'ts( .motional -ntuition #)2 When I meet a pe'son, a&te'





Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill ?awarenessA* nonver$al o$servation and connectin0 non-ver$ally

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate


some min#tes I kno hethe' o' not I am ,oin, to "ike them, e%en 0e&o'e ta"kin, $i'e!t"y to them( #)2 When I meet a pe'son, I kno in a$%an!e hethe' o' not I am ,oin, to "ike them, e%en 0e&o'e ta"kin, $i'e!t"y to them(



RO THitnessin0 M nonA!TONO5O! attachment .,O Constructaware

When ta"kin, to peop"e I &ee" "ike I am a0"e to !onne!t ith them p'o&o#n$"y on a non5'ationa" "e%e"(


OC-A)R.)AT-ONA) C/ OC-A)R.)AT-ONA) C/ OC-A)R.)AT-ONA) C/ Reality chec% in social interactions

#) When I am aske$ I &in$ it easy to $es!'i0e my &'ien$s an$ my 'e"ationships ith them( #/ I kno hen I ha%e to p#t on an a!t to !'eate a $i&&e'ent ima,e othe' than my #s#a" se"& in &'ont o& some peop"e( #/* I kno the moments hen my "i&e pa'tne' is momenta'i"y &o!#se$ on p'io'ities othe' than o#' 'e"ationship, e%en i& they a'e not te""in, me( #28 I noti!e imme$iate"y hen a &'ien$ has !han,e$ thei' attit#$e to a'$s me, e%en i& thei' 0eha%io#' is the same(







Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill &etectin0 social dece'tion

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate



#1B I 'ea"i+e hen some0o$y is t'yin, to 0e someone othe' than the pe'son they t'#"y a'e( #5) I 'ea"i+e hen I ha%e to 'e&#se the he"p o& my &ami"y so I !an s#!!ee$ on my o n(



&etectin0 social dece'tion

#5/ I noti!e hen the peop"e I am ta"kin, ith t'y to !on!ea" hat they t'#"y think( #52 I i$enti&y hat peop"e ant &'om me, e%en i& they $o not say it $i'e!t"y( I kno hen I $o not ,et 0a!k as m#!h as I ,i%e in a 'e"ationship( #55 I kno hen to ,i%e #p on some o& my &'ien$s, 0e!a#se I $o not ,et 0a!k as m#!h as I ,i%e(

not $uyin0 the story o( others -


&etectin0 the hidden a0enda




)ie scale* 'air with #63

#)8 When ta"kin, to someone I "ook %e'y !"ose"y at his 0eha%io#' an$ as!e'tain hethe' o' not hat they a'e sayin, is 'ea""y hat they a'e thinkin, When peop"e ta"k to me, I "isten to them ith my &#"" attention an$ not






Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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C/ +78. OC-A)R.)AT-ONA) C/

thinkin, a0o#t hat I am to say next, hi"e they ta"k( It is easy &o' me to $ete!t i& the 0eha%io' o& the pe'son I am ta"kin, to is not thei' 'e,#"a' 0eha%io', an$ they a!t "ike this $#e to the momenta'y sit#ation o' exte'na" &a!to's( -n social 'sycholo0y* the (undamental attri$ution error* also %nown as the corres'ondence $ias or attri$ution e((ect* is 'eo'leDs tendency to 'lace an undue em'hasis on internal characteristics to e='lain someone elseDs $ehavior in a 0iven situation* rather than considerin0 e=ternal (actors Hhen - tal% to 'eo'le* use to com'lete or continue their stories* without ac%nowled0in0 what they Cust said



When I "isten to peop"e, I #se to !omp"ete thei' senten!es, to sho them that I #n$e'stan$ hat they say( (



I t'y to shape my o n opinion o& The a$ility to ta%e the peop"e 'e,a'$"ess o& thei' !#"t#'e o' 'ers'ective o( and 'e"i,ion( em'athiJe with others (rom diverse $ac%0rounds and cultures. Role-ta%in0. A$ility to willin0ly switch (rom one identity to the other* inside the sel(-'ersonality



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill Co0nitive em'athy # Rers'ective ta%in0

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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It is easy &o' me to take the pe'spe!ti%e o& anothe' pe'son an$ 'e!o,ni+e thei' pe'spe!ti%e as thei' t'#th When ta"kin, to someone I am tota""y open to #n$e'stan$in, thei' o'"$ %ie itho#t "a0e"in,

te' into some$ody else@s world




Their world V their $elie(s* their (ears* their e='eriences* how they loo% at the world* how they loo% at themselves


OC-A)R.)AT-ONA) C/ OC-A)R.)AT-ONA) C/ OC-A)R.)AT-ONA) C/ Outros'ection

I noti!e hen the ,'o#p o& peop"e I am in is hi,h"y empathi! o' has "o empathy( I noti!e hen the peop"e I ta"k to is hi,h"y empathi! o' has "o empathy I ,et to kno myse"& 0y $e%e"opin, 'e"ationships an$ empatheti! thinkin, ith othe's
Roman 1rJnaric



Outros'ection is a way to 0et to %now onesel( $y develo'in0 relationshi's and em'athetic thin%in0 with others. 1rJnaric does not see em'athy as a so(t social conce't used to connect with those who are dis-em'owered* $ut rather as a discovery o( onesel( $y Fste''in0 outside ourselves and e='lorin0 the lives o( other 'eo'le and culturesG. -n this way em'athetic



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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thin%in0 is a 'athway to e='and your social in(luence* overcome stereoty'es and $arriers a$out those who are di((erent and en0a0e individuals in collective em'athetic movements that can ma%e chan0e. +86. OC-A)R.)AT-ONA) C/ OC-A)R.)AT-ONA) C/ Outros'ection I &in$ ,'eat %a"#e in steppin, o#tsi$e o& myse"& 0y $is!o%e'in, othe' peop"e:s "i&e, not .#st 0ein, se"& 'e&"e!ti%e When meetin, a pe'son, I noti!e i& my min$ ten$ to "a0e" them ith one !ha'a!te'isti!, i,no'in, thei' !omp"ex pe'sona"ity( When meetin, a pe'son, I noti!e i& they ten$ to "a0e" me ith one !ha'a!te'isti!, i,no'in, my !omp"ex pe'sona"ity( When inte'a!tion, ith peop"e, I noti!e hen e $on:t &in$ a ay to 'ea""y !onne!t an$ e .#st ex!han,e some s#pe'&i!ia" i$eas( Feelin0s vs. value Cud0ments. -n a con(lict situation. When inte'a!tin, ith peop"e I noti!e hen my ana"ysis o& the sit#ation is 0ase$ on my momenta'y &ee"in,s an$ not A$ility to consider and coordinate the interests o( sel( and others (rom a detached 'ers'ective &oes it in any way occur that - let my ne0ative (eelin0s a$out a 'articular 'erson lead to moral


CO,N-T-V. "-A )a$elin0 - sel(


CO,N-T-V. "-A )a$elin0 - others







Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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!onsi$e'in, the 0i, pi!t#'e(

value Cud0ments in the 'resent con(lict< -( you ma%e ne0ative Cud0ments a$out your counter'artN Hhat is the $asis o( these Cud0mentsN s'ontaneous (eelin0s* concrete e='eriences made* Cud0ments made $y others< Rersons as individuals and as 0rou' mem$ers. Can - 'erceive 'ersons who are mem$ers o( the Wother sideW as unique individuals with di((erent traits and orientations* or do - tend to see them as 'retty much similar $ecause o( the 0rou' mem$ershi' or their $ein0 attri$uted to some s'eci(ic cate0ory ?menMwomen* (orei0ners* wealthyM'oor* etc.A<



-n-out 0rou' stereoty'es

I #se to see peop"e that not 0e"on, to my ,'o#ps C&'ien$s, so!ia" ,'o#ps, !#"t#'a" ,'o#ps et!(D as in$i%i$#a"s, an$ not p#t the ,'o#p "a0e"s onto them(



Connection in 'resent moment

When $is!#ssin, ith peop"e, I !an $ete!t imme$iate"y hen someone e"se is min$&#""y in the p'esent moment o' they a'e in thei' min$, itho#t 0ein, 'ea""y p'esent to hat e a'e ta"kin,



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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A!TONO5O! Need to $e .,O authentic A!TONO5O! Need to $e .,O authentic

When meetin, ith peop"e, I pay attention to !'eate $eepe' an$ a#thenti! 'e"ationships When meetin, ith peop"e I am !ons!io#s"y t'yin, to 0e open an$ 'e$#!e my p'o.e!tions onto them an$ see them as they a'e, not &i"te'e$ th'o#,h my o n pe'spe!ti%e( When I ta"k to peop"e I $e"i0e'ate"y think 0e&o'e speakin,, an$ I !hoose my o'$s ith %e'y m#!h attention to hat o'$s I #se so > I !hoose my o'$s !a'e&#""y Gso that I o#"$ 0e #n$e'stoo$ 0e the pe'son I am ta"kin, to( When ta"kin, to peop"e, I am a0"e to see an$ 'e&"e!t 0a!k thei' o n patte'ns>s!hemes o& thinkin, .((ectin0 trans(ormation chan0e in others




RO T)imits o( words M A!TONO5O! lan0ua0e as o$Cect .,O Constructaware



RO TCa'acity A!TONO5O! 5irrorin0 .,O Constructaware RO Tervin0 as catalyst A!TONO5O! # .,O Constructaware



When $is!#ssin, ith peop"e I am a0"e to he"p them 0y inte'%enin, at in .#st the 'i,ht moment an$ ith app'op'iate o'$s(



RO Tervin0 as catalyst When ta"kin, to a pe'son I am a0"e A!TONO5O! # to a$.#st my o'$s an$ "an,#a,e to .,O thei' &'ame o'k so that I !an



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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Constructaware +99. OC-A)R.)AT-ONA) C/ RO TVehicle (lowin0 A!TONO5O! throu0h me .,O Constructaware

!omm#ni!ate p'ope'"y

ith them(

When ta"kin, to peop"e I &ee" "ike I am an inst'#ment an$ that the'e is a kno "e$,e that is t'ansmitte$ th'o#,h me > &"o s th'o#,h me 5 to the peop"e I am ta"kin, to(




RO TA!TONO5O! .,O Constructaware

ervin0 others -

I &in$ app'op'iate sit#ations to $o "itt"e a!ts o& kin$ness to st'an,e's(


R-R-T!A) C/


#3 I ha%e moments hen I am ,'ate&#" &o' hat I am an$ hat I ha%e(

,ratitude ,ratitude has $een de(ined as Fthe willin0ness to reco0niJe the unearned increments o( value in one@s e='erienceG ?"ertocci B 5illard* +:73* '. 39:A* and Fan estimate o( 0ain cou'led with the Cud0ment that someone else is res'onsi$le (or that 0ainG ? olomon*==A


R-R-T!A) C/

'iritual &aily 'ractice

#- I &in$ time e%e'y $ay to $o exe'!ises that he"p me imp'o%e myse"& o' !han,e &o' the 0ette'



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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C'ea$in,, p'aye', me$itation, $ia'y, et!(D( +:2. R-R-T!A) C/ connectedness #8 I ha%e moments hen I &ee" that a"" h#man 0ein,s 0e"on, to a 0i, &ami"y, e%en tho#,h e $o not kno ea!h othe'( Version - (ell the unity o( all li(e< - thin% that this item mi0ht have a cultural $ias. thin% that oriental cultures are more oriented towards conce'ts such as Funity o( all li(eG* whereas western cultures tend to $e more FindividualistG. -s individualism a si0n o( FunconsciousnessG.


R-R-T!A) C/

#)3 I 'ea"i+e hen I meet impo'tant peop"e an$ hen I am in impo'tant sit#ations that !an he"p me to imp'o%e o' !han,e myse"& &o' the 0ette'( #/- I t'y to #n$e'stan$ othe' peop"e:s i$eas a0o#t spi'it#a"ity( #1* I #se to think a0o#t ho I !an !ont'i0#te to the p'o,'ess o& h#mankin$ #1* I 'e,#"a'"yE ARECVENT7 think a0o#t ho I !an !ont'i0#te to the p'o,'ess o& h#mankin$ This may also $e included

+:4. +:6.

R-R-T!A) C/ R-R-T!A) C/


R-R-T!A) C/

#12 I make e&&o'ts to !han,e the ha0its hi!h I kno a'e 0a$ &o' me(



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill &elayed 0rati(ication

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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R-R-T!A) C/

It happens to $o thin,s in the p'esent that I $o not "ike 0e!a#se I kno it i"" 0e 0ette' &o' me in the &#t#'e( #1- I $o thin,s in the p'esent that I $o not "ike 0e!a#se I kno it i"" 0e 0ette' &o' me in the &#t#'e(


R-R-T!A) C/

#3) It is easy &o' me to ta"k ith my !"ose &'ien$s a0o#t the meanin, o& "i&e an$ my 'o"e on the Ea'th( )ie scale* 'air with #28 #5B When I meet someone ith a %ie a0o#t spi'it#a"ity that is $i&&e'ent than mine, I@m !#'io#s an$ I ask 4#estions to "ea'n mo'e( I sometimes &ee" sa$ an$ I am the %ie e' o& my sa$ness Hitnessin0 awareness. The emer0ence o( the witness sel( means a shi(t o( the sel(-sense and the construction o( and identi(ication with a new 'lat(orm (or awareness* outside o( the $usy e0o 'rocesses.


R-R-T!A) C/


R-R-T!A) C/



Hitnessin0 awareness* mind(ulness


R-R-T!A) C/

Hitnessin0 awareness* mind(ulness Hitnessin0 awareness* mind(ulness

I sometimes &ee" nee$y an$ I am the < %ie e' o& my nee$s I sometimes &ee" pea!e&#" an$ the %ie e' o& my pea!e <


R-R-T!A) C/



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill Hitnessin0 awareness* mind(ulness -denti(ication o( co0nitive stories 'ast* (uture* a$out me* a$out others. Rost-autonomous e0o

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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R-R-T!A) C/

I sometimes an,'y an$ I am the %ie e' o& my an,e' I !an see ho my min$ is !'eatin, sto'ies a'o#n$ my nee$s



R-R-T!A) C/


R-R-T!A) C/

When $is!#ssin, ith peop"e, I 'ea"i+e that e%e'yone is "o,i!a""y t'#e insi$e thei' sto'y( Causality and 0lo$al causality acce'ts whatDs 0iven vs. i0nores* reCects whatDs 0iven ?the e((ects o( your actions and e((ects that do not de'end on you directlyA Attitude o( hi0hly res'ectin0 the other 'erson M the 'erson - am interactin0 with ?they are as im'ortant to the !niverse as - amA< .a0er to learn more a$out yoursel( # li(e> .a0er to learn new 'ers'ectives>


R-R-T!A) C/

Total allowance # I a!!ept ea!h ne expe'ien!e as acce'tin0 each the 'i,ht expe'ien!e &o' me, e%en i& new e='erience as they $on:t $epen$ on me $i'e!t"y the ri0ht e='erience (or you. .verythin0 is correct.


R-R-T!A) C/

When a meet a pe'son I #n$e'stan$ that they a'e as impo'tant to h#manity as I am(


R-R-T!A) C/

E%e'y $ay I am %e'y ea,e' an$ !#'io#s to "ea'n mo'e a0o#t me an$ my "i&e .veryday - 'ay attention to the In e%e'y moment I pay attention to the p'esent moment an$ to hat is


R-R-T!A) C/



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill 'resent moment<<<

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

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'ea""y he'e no me(

in me an$ a'o#n$


R-R-T!A) C/


nonreactivity to inner e='erience

<MQ )9 Us#a""y hen I ha%e $ist'essin, tho#,hts o' ima,es, I am a0"e .#st to noti!e them itho#t 'ea!tin, imme$iate"y <AMI /3 mo$i&i!at9 In $i&&i!#"t sit#ations, I !an pa#se to 'e&"e!t itho#t imme$iate"y 'ea!tin,( I am !om&o'ta0"e ith ne#t'a" expe'ien!e an$ I am not &o!#se$ on "ookin, &o' p"easant expe'ien!es( When I ana"y+e my pe'spe!ti%e o& "i&e, I see that my sto'y is a pa't o& a "a',e' sto'y, that in%o"%es a"" the h#manity I &ee" the o'"$ a'o#n$ me as &'ien$"y an$ &#"" o& meanin, )i0ht or heavy touch Kow serious were they< &id they (eel the universe was a (riendly or un(riendly 'lace< Full o( meanin0 or without meanin0<


R-R-T!A) C/


nonreactivity to inner e='erience "alanced allowance


R-R-T!A) C/


R-R-T!A) C/


R-R-T!A) C/


R-R-T!A) C/

A!TONO5O! 5isuse o( Rower .,O ?'rinci'led an0erA A!TONO5O! Now awareness M .,O 'resent centered awareness

I &ee" p'in!ip"e$ an,e' an$ 'i,hteo#s in$i,nation hen I see in.#sti!es o& the o'"$ > a'o#n$ me I ha%e moments hen I &ee" that I am somethin, $eepe' than my


R-R-T!A) C/



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill Ca'acity to $e 'resent #

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate

menta" a!ti%ity I ha%e moments hen I am o#t o& my hea$ I am a0"e to app'e!iate .#st 0ein, he'e I am, in the p'esent moment Out o( the head


R-R-T!A) C/

A!TONO5O! Now awareness M .,O 'resent centered awareness Ca'acity to $e 'resent # RO THitnessin0 M nonA!TONO5O! attachment .,O Constructaware


R-R-T!A) C/

I am a0"e to itness > o0se'%e my o n tho#,hts an emotions as they !ome an$ ,o, an$ I "ike at!hin, the sho an$ ha%in, a ,oo$ time I &ee" a sense o& on$e' &o' sma"" thin,s that happen in my "i&e


R-R-T!A) C/

RO T)i(e as mystery A!TONO5O! .,O !nitive RO T)i(e as mystery A!TONO5O! .,O !nitive RO T)i(e as mystery A!TONO5O! .,O !nitive RO T)i(e as 'recious A!TONO5O!


R-R-T!A) C/

E%e'y $ay I see my "i&e as a on$e'&#" an$ myste'io#s


R-R-T!A) C/

When I ake #p in the mo'nin, I &ee" "ike "i&e is a &#"" myste'y


R-R-T!A) C/

I &ee" "ike a"most e%e'y moment in my "i&e is on$e'&#"



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate

.,O !nitive 223. R-R-T!A) C/ RO Thi(tin0 near and A!TONO5O! (ar .,O !nitive When I $o #s#a" st#&&, s#!h as !ookin,, this is %e'y spi'it#a" to me, &#"" o& on$e'&#" meanin,s( 7"" the sma"" thin,s a'e %e'y "#mino#s to me = 6E TEST7T 224. R-R-T!A) C/ RO Thi(tin0 near and A!TONO5O! (ar .,O !nitive I !an easi"y in!"#$e Ho$ an$ othe' 'e"i,io#s &i,#'es hen I am .okin,, in a kin$ ay( &ane- shi(tin0 near and (ar e((ortlessly $etween the near and (ar* mundane and su$lime* tem'oral and eternal* serious and transcendent sel( as well as (luid transitions $etween di((erent states o( consciousnessG ?+:::* '. ++8A &ane- Rerha's the %ey $rea%throu0h in my entire li(e was a vision o( com'assion (or mysel(. The moment my mind let me literally see a 'icture o( mysel( at one o( the 'oints o( my worst a$use. From that 'oint on - was 0iven the 0i(t o( seein0 (rom the outside what really loo%ed li%e in that


R-R-T!A) C/

RO TCom'assion (or A!TONO5O! sel( .,O !nitive

I ha%e !ompassion &o' myse"&, e%en hen I ha%e some 0a$ $ays I t'eat me ith kin$ness an$ "o%e(



Very Rarely Trait # A$ility %ill

Rarely Item


Very Frequently


&escri'tion. Re(erences.

YOUR COMMENTS )eave $lan% i( adequate* add your comments i( not adequate

'lace. Eust li%e someone was reenactin0 it in a movie. The moment - saw that and really had em'athy and true com'assion (or that little $oy and what he had $een throu0h. That was the $e0innin0 o( a maCor 'art o( my healin0. And - don@t %now how that ha''ened to occur $ut it was an incredi$le window . . . "ecause when - $e0an havin0 com'assion (or mysel( than - could $e0in havin0 interest and true com'assion (or another 'erson. 227. R-R-T!A) C/ RO TCom'assion (or A!TONO5O! sel( .,O !nitive RO TA!TONO5O! .,O I am ,ent"e ith myse"& an$ I $on:t .#$,e my se"& too ha'$ hen I am ha%in, a 0a$ $ay I ha%e moments o& !oin!i$en!es Csyn!h'oni!itiesD in my "i&e, hen it seems that the peop"e o' sit#ations a'e ,i%in, me exa!t"y hat I am "ookin, &o'(


R-R-T!A) C/

Ao' the &o""o in, se!tions p"ease a$$ yo#' !omments in the 'i,ht si$e o& the 4#estions, thanks 46


Very Rarely



Very Frequently


These answers all indicate a 'erson who is awa%e and aware to what is. Hithout re(errin0 to the 'ast or ima0inin0 a (uture 'ossi$ility* 'lease answer how you are (eelin0 now # as you read the questions # answerin0 yes or no. TherePs no ri0ht or wron0. +A &o Iou (eel rela=ed* at ease* (ul(illed* 'eace(ul* and satisi(ied < I. M NO 2A Or* do Iou (eel tense* uncom(orta$le* an=ious* or unha''y< I. M NO --+ I. * 2 NO 3A Are you (antasiJin0 a$out what you want or dream a$out havin0< --NO 4A -s there a sense o( worry or (ear a$out what may* or may not* occur< --NO 6A &o Iou (eel easy 0oin0* con(ident* 0rate(ul* satis(ied andMor (ul(illed< 7A Or* are there thin0s you ho'e to 0et that will ma%e you ha''ier< --6 I. * 7 NO 8A -s your mind relatively silent and su''ortive o( Cust $ein0 how you are < 9A Or* is your mind* com'lainin0 andMor criticiJin0 yoursel( and others< --8 I. * 9 NO :A Are you ha''y $ein0 who you e='erience yoursel( to $e most o( the time< +;A Or* would you rather $e some other way or $e someone else < --: I. * +; NO



Very Rarely



Very Frequently


++A Are you intensely concentrated on answerin0 these questions < +2A Or* are you rece'tively listenin0 (or the answers to come to you< --++ NO* +2 I. +3A &o you enCoy not-thin%in0 - $y dwellin0 on all that you (eel as a whole< +4A Or* are there many thou0hts* one thou0ht a(ter the ne=t* sequentially< --+3 I. * +4 NO +6A &o you thin% you would $e ha''ier i( you could silence your mind< +7A Or* would it $e scary (or your mind to $e still and silent most o( the time< --+6 NO* +7 NO +8A &o Iou (eel am$itious andMor driven to achieve what you thin% you want < +9A Or* do you (eel (ul(illed Cust e=istin0 as you are* con(ident that all is well< --+8 NO* +9 I. +:A Are you aware this moment o( the quality and 'resence o( your awareness < -- I.

- use the e='ression FThe Truth -sG -- NO - use the e='ression FIou are wron0G -- NO - %now the mind is not an instrument o( %nowled0e $ut an or0aniJer o( %nowled0e -- I. Hhen - am sic% - am relatin0 with my $ody and - am deli$erately activatin0 the inner healin0 'rocess 48


Very Rarely



Very Frequently


--I. - lived moments when - (elt li%e - had no e0o and - was one with the entire world ?'ea% e='erience* trans'ersonal e='riencesA IMN -t ha''ens that when someone is loo%in0 at me* (rom distance* - automatically loo% in his direction --Ies - have a stron0 commitment to act accordin0 to universal ethical 'rinci'les. -- Ies - realiJe that 'eo'le are at di((erent levels o( develo'ment ?'sycholo0ical* emotional* s'iritual etc.A --I. - am aware o( my own level o( 'ersonal develom'ent and - can 'osition mysel( in relation with other 'eo'le --yes 'irituality is (or me hel'in0 'eo'le and ta%in0 care o( them --yes ,pirituality' (n short, the spirituality of persons is developed and revealed primarily in the spirituality of their relations with other persons' (f you regard spirituality primarily as the fruit of individual meditative attainment, then you can have the gross anomaly of a )spiritual) person who is an interpersonal oppressor, and the possibility of )spiritual) traditions that are oppression-prone -Heron, .//01 2ramer and +lstad, .//31 Trimondi and Trimondi, 45536 ' - do not have a (ear o( death --yes - could live ha''ily even without havin0 anythin0 - owe ri0ht now << - yes (* would also add in your list of ,piritual C your attitude and fears towards death and survival -unless it was there and ( missed it76' The latter is the key to understanding consciousness and cosmic consciousness - remem$er my dreams 49


Very Rarely



Very Frequently


o .very mornin0 M A (ew times a wee% M A (ew times a month M A (ew times a year M Never - have e='erienced moments o( tele'athy -- yes &urin0 re0ular activities* - have e='erienced moments when - (elt that my $ioener0y is connected to the $ioener0y o( another 'erson. -- yes - have selected my own values $ased on my own analysis* not Cust ta%in0 the values o( the 0rou's - am in - (amily* (riends* education etc --yes 8ust-world hypothesis - C9:;(T(<$ #(+,The tendency for people to want to believe that the world is fundamentally &ust, causing them to rationali=e an otherwise inexplicable in&ustice as deserved by the victim-s6' - thin% the world is Cust (or everyone --no - have desi0ned my own cosmolo0y # 'ers'ective o( li(e on earth and my 'osition here on earth ?? ---------------------------&.).T.& #: - realiJe how much - com'licate my own li(e. New item< 5ore choice V Act on sel(-endorsed values and tend to consider events as sources o( in(ormation rather than as sources o( 'ressure ?Choice vs reactionA



Very Rarely



Very Frequently


5y 'ers'ective To $e conscious V to have a hi0h de0ree o( witnesssin0 awareness and a hi0h de0ree o( (reedom o( choice in mind-emotions-$ody 5ore conscious V Ki0her de0ree o( witnessin0 awareness 5ore conscious V Ki0her de0ree o( choice when thin%in0* (eelin0 and initiatin0 a $ehavior 5ore conscious V less automatic in thin%in0-(eelin0-sensin0 5a= level o( C/ V Hitnessin0 X "alanced 5ind X "alanced .motions X "alanced $ody VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV +. RKI -CA) C/ ?$ody B $asic 'hysical 'erce'tions B sensationsA << are we considerin0 the 'hysical universe< )et us consider the 'hysical world and universe at once* intertwined.


Very Rarely



Very Frequently


<< su$scalesN one re(errin0 to $odyM interoce'tive awareness and the other to 'erce'tion and contact with the outside 2. .5OT-ONA) C/ ?emotions* (eelin0sA +3 3. CO,N-T-V. C/ ?related to thin%in0* re(lection* Cud0ement* 'atterns or understandin0s* way o( ma%in0 meanin0A Co0nitive $iases have two sides # sel( and othersN Eum'in0 to conclusions* su$stitution* la$elin0* 'roCection 4. OC-A)-R.)AT-ONA) C/ ?'arental* close relations* wor% relation* any interaction with othersA 6. .)F C/ ?identity* ima0e o( li(e* e0o* sel(-awareness* 'ost-autonomousA The 'ur'ose o( the sel(-system is to inte0rate a num$er o( di((erent 'sycholo0ical com'onents to create a coherent whole 7. .)F &.V.)OR5.NT M -NN.R ,ROHTK C/ 8. R-R-T!A) C/ ?connectin0 with humans and nature* meta-awareness* not mani'ulatin0 the e='eriences # acce'tin0 themA The mystical e='erience does not end with unityL it $e0ins there* and then must $e inte0rated into the equal reality o( individuated daily li(e 'irituality - -n short* the s'irituality o( 'ersons is develo'ed and revealed 'rimarily in the s'irituality o( their relations with other 'ersons. -( you re0ard s'irituality 'rimarily as the (ruit o( individual meditative attainment* then you can have the 0ross anomaly o( a Ws'iritualW 'erson who is an inter'ersonal o''ressor* and the 'ossi$ility o( Ws'iritualW traditions that are o''ression-'rone ?Keron* +::9L 1ramer and Alstad* +::3L Trimondi and Trimondi* 2;;3A .



Very Rarely



Very Frequently



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