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System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

Customer Maser Integration System Requirements Specification

Project Revision History

Version 1.0 Name Mona Kaushal Date 06/05/2010 Reason For Changes New document


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 1 o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

Table of Contents
1 SYS !" #V!RV$!%&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ' 1&1 SYS !" P!RSP!C $V!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ( 1&) #P!R* $N+ !NV$R#N"!N &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& , ) -S! C*S!S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& . )&1 -S! C*S! D$*+R*"&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& / )&) -S! C*S!S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1) ' F-NC $#N*0 R!1-$R!"!N S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 12 '&1 3!H*V$#R*0 R!1-$R!"!N S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&12 '&) D* * R!1-$R!"!N S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1( '&' $N !RF*C! R!1-$R!"!N S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1( 2 N#N4F-NC $#N*0 R!1-$R!"!N S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1, 2&1 0*N+-*+! F#R $ SYS !"S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1, 2&) D#C-"!N * $#N R!1-$R!"!N S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1, 2&' 0!+*0 R!1-$R!"!N S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1. 2&2 H*RD%*R! R!1-$R!"!N S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1. 2&( S#F %*R! R!1-$R!"!N S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1. 2&5 D$S*S !R R!C#V!RY R!1-$R!"!N S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1. 2&, S!C-R$ Y "*N*+!"!N R!1-$R!"!N S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&1/ ( *SS-"P $#NS6 C#NS R*$N S *ND D!P!ND!NC$!S&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&)1 5 C#NC0-S$#N&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& )1 H! PR#P#S!D S#0- $#N "!! S H! #37!C $V! #F $N !RF*C$N+ 0!+*CY *PP0$C* $#N D!*0!R $NF#R"* $#N D* *3*S! %$ H S*P S#0- $#N& H$S S#0- $#N SH*00 F*C$0$ * ! H! C!N R*0$8!D C-S #"!R "*S !R D* *3*S! SYS !"&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& )1 $"P0!"!N * $#N #P $#NS F#R H$S S#0- $#N H*V! 3!!N D! *$0!D $N H! R!SP!C $V! D#C-"!N S $N H! 9PR#7!C D!0$V!R*30! D#C-"!N 0$S V!R 1&:&;0S< F$0!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& )1 *PP!ND$; * = SYS !" R!1-$R!"!N S $NF#R"* $#N +* H!R$N+ !"P0* !&&&&&&&&&&))


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 2 o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

1 System #vervie>
$his "ro(ect is sco"ed on creating a centrali)ed customer master %ata*ase. %ata #rom +egacy system ,%ealer In#ormation %ata*ase- is going to *e merged into S.'. S.' will *e the Core Master Maintenance system. . *rie# o/er/iew o# the +egacy system0 Dealer $n#ormation Data*ase ,%I%-1 %I% is an .uto industry %ealer In#ormation %ata*ase system that stored customers/%ealers in#ormation. It consists o# customers who are "rimarily classi#ied as dealers and non0dealers. $hey are a- Shi"0to locations *- 2arranty re"air stations c- 3leet com"anies d- .uto Industry su* organi)ations e- 'lants #- 4o/ernment g- 3inancial organi)ations h- %istri*ution Centers , %C5C%CIt is a Main#rame %62 data*ase that stores dealers7 customer master data. 3ollowing are the status used to determine %I% customers1 a- 8istory 0 com"letely done customers *- 'ending 0 they are creating the site c- .cti/e 0 Currently acti/e d- $erminate 0 out o# *usiness5 not an acti/e dealer5 *ut still #inancially acti/e 8ere is a *rie# on what S.' is1 S.' stands #or Systems5 .""lications and 'roducts in %ata 'rocessing. S.' is an enter"rise resource "lanning ,9 '- so#tware "roduct ca"a*le o# integrating multi"le *usiness a""lications5 with each a""lication re"resenting a s"eci#ic *usiness area. $hese a""lications u"date and "rocess transactions in real time5 thus allowing seemingly5 e##ortless integration and communication *etween areas o# a *usiness. .6.' ,.d/anced 6usiness .""lication 'rogramming- is the "rogramming language used in S.'.


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age : o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

* figure ?e@o> that Aepicts S*PBs integration across Aifferent processes6 function si@os&

Here is a conteCt Aiagram of S*P @anAscape that >i@@ ?e useA for this project&

' ier System 0anAscape

Data?ase Server

*pp@ication Server

*pp@ication Server






e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age ; o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration 1&1 System Perspective
4i/en the /olume o# the %I% data and the need #or a sta*le5 re"eata*le "rocess o# creating5 changing and deleting customer master records5 manual creation or change to the customer master data is not an o"tion. $he inter#ace will *ring in all the changes to the customer master on a daily *asis to <ee" the systems in sync. Manually modi#ying the customers would *e tedious and error "rone and may result in data inconsistency *etween the two systems. 8owe/er5 controlled manual inter/ention would *e re!uired to an e=tent ,#or S.' s"eci#ic #ields- once the inter#ace is u" and running.

1&1&1 High4@eve@ architecture Aiagram

$he o*(ecti/e here is to ha/e a glo*al customer master re"ository in S.' #or the "ur"ose o# *illing and accounts recei/a*les. %I%5 *eing the 4old System #or dealer in#ormation5 is one o# the main source systems #or customer master. $he "ur"ose o# the on0going inter#ace is to maintain data consistency *etween %I% and S.' customer masters. 8ere is a com"rehensi/e architectural o/er/iew o# the system. It is intended to ca"ture and con/ey the signi#icant architectural decisions that ha/e *een made on the system.


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 5 o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

Logical Architecture of DID to SAP


.dd5 Change5 %elete



Customer Master Data

SAP Applications Landscape

July 2007 18


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 6 o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration
1&1&) "ajor system features
3enefits of imp@ementing S*P So@utionsD

$ncrease revenueD .ccess real0time data #ast with S.' ReAuce costsD 4one are the days o# costly and recurring customi)ation *Aapta?@eD eact !uic<ly whene/er your *usiness needs to change and ad(ust to new mar<et conditions Comp@ete so@utionD un your entire *usiness e##ecti/ely with (ust the one solution Persona@iEeAD Im"ro/e your em"loyees7 "roducti/ity with a role0*ased user e="erience5 *uilt0in learning5 analytics and colla*oration $mprove customer re@ationshipsD Integral C M arms your team with rele/ant in#ormation "aintain $ so@ution as you gro>D S.' will not hold your *usiness *ac< #rom growth C@ear6 instantaneous insightsD Create u"0to0the minute dash*oards 3usiness Critica@ a@ertsD 'ower#ul alerts system $mprove efficiencyD >ne centrali)ed data re"ository Support "u@ti4currency transactionsD Multi0currency transaction and re"ort ca"a*ilities "u@ti4@ingua@ capa?i@itiesD ./aila*le in 2? languages and ;0 countries $ntegrate >ith "icrosoft #fficeD 2ord5 9=cel and >utloo<

1&) #perating !nvironment

System e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0 %oc. &ersion 1.0 'age ? o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration
%ealer In#ormation %ata*ase is a Main#rame %62 data*ase that stores dealers7 customer master data. @NIA is going to *e the o"erating system on which S.' is installed and #unctions.

) -se Cases
CreateFChange Customer in S*P ?y rigger from 0egacy Systems
-se Case $Aentification anA History -se Case $DD -se Case NameD

Create/Change Customer Master ecord In $he +egacy 4old Source Systems Version NoD 1.0

$he "ur"ose is to create/change a customer master record in the S.' system whene/er a re!uest #or creation/change o# a customer is sent #rom a legacy system 6elow are the #eatures s"eci#ic to S.' C
PurposeD 0ast -pAate ?yD -serF*ctorD 3usiness #>ner NameD riggerD ReferencesD Frequency of -seD PreconAitionsD Post ConAitionsD Non4functiona@ Requirements %I% C source system #or dealershi"s. .""ro=imately5 D0E o# the customers will come #rom %I%. $he num*er assignment will *e internal to local S.' instance. $he account grou"s and the actual num*er ranges will not *e a##ected *y this decision. #n GAateHD 06/15/2010

Mona Kaushal Inter#ace Key *usiness users

Contact Detai@sD e!uest #or creation/change o# customer #rom u"stream system N/. 3re!uent C daily Customer created/changed in the legacy system Customer masters are created/changed in S.' None 0 Create re!uest in legacy system to create/change customers in S.' 0 $rigger Customer Master Inter#ace 0 Create/change customer master record in the S.' System1 S.' 9CC 5 %I%


Step 1

-ser *ctions Create re!uest in legacy system to create/change customers in S.'

System *ctions N/. C +egacy +egacy system #eeds data #ile to the 4I3 ,4lo*al Integration 3actory$he 4I3 "asses on the data #ile to S.' through an I%oc. %oc. &ersion 1.0 'age F o# 22

$rigger Customer Master Inter#ace


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration
: New customers are created in S.' #rom the data recei/ed #rom the inter#ace *y internal num*er assignment. 9=isting customer master records are changed as re!uested.

)&1 -se Case Diagram

-se Case )&1&1 CMIBIN$B001011 Create Customer "aster RecorA in S*P


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age D o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

-se Case )&1&) CMIBIN$B001021 Change Customer "aster RecorA in S*P


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 10 o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 11 o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

)&) -se Cases

-se Case $Aentification anA History -se Case $DD -se Case NameD PurposeD

)&)&1D CMIBIN$B00101
Create Customer "aster in S*P Version NoD 1.0

Creation of S*P customer master recorAs Airect@y in S*P 4 4oing #orward5 S.' will *e the 4old Source #or %I% customers. %I% will send data #ile as mentioned in the ma""ing document. S.' will read the data5 /alidate and then create the customer master in S.' system. 0ast -pAate ?yD -serF*ctorD 3usiness #>ner NameD riggerD ReferencesD Frequency of -seD PreconAitionsD Post ConAitionsD Non4functiona@ Requirements *ssumptions6 $ssuesD StepsD 0 Create customer master record in the S.' system System1 S.' $ransaction C A%01 Step 1 -ser *ctions Create customer master record in the S.' System *ctions New customers are created in S.' Mona Kaushal Inter#ace Key 6usiness user e!uest #or creation o# %I% into S.' N/. 3re!uent C daily e!uest #or new customer is a""ro/ed. Customer masters are created in S.' None $he re!uest is a""ro/ed $he customer does not already e=ist. #n GAateHD Contact Detai@sD 06/15/2010


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 12 o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

-se Case $Aentification anA History -se Case $DD )&)&)& CMIBIN$B001B2 -se Case NameD PurposeD Change !Cisting Customer "aster in S*P Version NoD 1.0

Change an eCisting S*P customer master recorA in S*P 4 $he customer masters #or which S.' is the gold source can *e changed in S.'. 4oing #orward5 S.' will *e the 4old Source #or %I% customers. %I% will send data #ile as mentioned in the ma""ing document. S.' will read the data5 /alidate and then change the customer master in S.' system. 0ast -pAate ?yD -serF*ctorD 3usiness #>ner NameD riggerD ReferencesD Frequency of -seD PreconAitionsD Post ConAitionsD Non4functiona@ Requirements *ssumptionsD StepsD 0 Change customer master record in the S.' System1 S.' $ransaction C A%02 Step 1 -ser *ctions Change customer master record in the S.' System *ctions 9=isting customer is changed Mona Kaushal Key *usiness user e!uest to change a customers in S.' N/. 3re!uent C daily Customer e=ists in S.' S.' customer masters are changed as re!uested. None $he re!uest is a""ro/ed $he customer already e=ists. #n GAateHD Contact Detai@sD 06/15/2010


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 1: o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

' Functiona@ Requirements

.ll the #unctional re!uirements are co/ered in the res"ecti/e %eli/era*le o*(ects list. $he re!uirements will *e gathered through the 2> KS8>'S conducted with the *usiness. e#er to the 2or<sho" document #or details.

'&1 3ehaviora@ Requirements

'&1&1 Fai@eA ransaction HanA@ingF!rror HanA@ing for $nterfaces
SystemFcommunication !rrors1 $he inter#ace is run in scheduled *ac<ground (o*s. I# a (o* does not run due to #ile accessing errors or technical reasons5 or terminates while running the (o*5 the su""ort team monitors the (o*s and ta<es #ollow u" actions as "er the esta*lished "rocedures. I# the inter#ace was a*orted in middle due to di##erent technical reason5 error is analy)ed and i# re!uired the (o* is rescheduled. Data !rrors1 2hile "rocessing the +egacy source #ile in S.'5 data records are /alidated at #ield le/el #or consistency with ma""ing rules and data related chec<s. $he data records that "ass through these chec<s will *e loaded to S.'5 *ut those that #ail in the /alidation chec<s will not *e loaded to S.'. $he data records that #ail in the /alidation will *e stored in a custom ta*le in S.' #or later error correction and re"rocessing in a (o* run called GSus"ense run7. 6e#ore "rocessing the +egacy source #ile in a egular (o* run5 the inter#ace is e=ecuted in a Sus"ense (o* run to load the corrected data records #ound in the "re/ious egular (o*. $here are two stages where errors can occurH *e#ore loading to S.' during /alidation and in the "rocessing o# the record in S.'. $here is no editing or correction done at the source #ile le/el in S.'. 6ut5 i# there is a need to correct the #ailed data records at the +egacy source and resend them in a #ile to S.'5 then these #ailed records in S.' will *e archi/ed #irst *e#ore re"rocessing the #ile containing the erred data records5 which will *e a egular (o* run.


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 1; o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration '&) Data Requirements
8ere is the list o# the Source system data elements1 0 %I%
%I% 3I+9 +.I>@$ %9$.I+S /er 1.0.doc

8ere is the list o# the %estination system data elements1 0 S.'

S.' C@S$ M.S$ 3I9+%S /er 1.0

%etails o# the how the data will *e translated to *e co/ered in the Ma""ing document o# the 3unctional S"eci#ication document.

'&' $nterface Requirements

3ollowing are the e!uirements that need to *e gathered #or the Inter#aces 3re!uency ,realtime5 =Minutes5 =%aily5 =2ee<ly5 =Monthlyo 8ow many #iles are we going to recei/e and whenJ o *ns>erD 9/ery hour .utomated or Manual o Manual i# someone has to <ic<o## the "rocess5 re/iew the #ile *e#orehand5 or manually u"load/download a #ile li<e a s"readsheet o *ns>erD *oth manual and automated es"onsi*le 6usiness >wner o 2ho #rom the *usiness owns the "rocess and inter#aceJ o *ns>erD >wned *y the *usiness Customer master team. es"onsi*le "erson #or +egacy system1 o 2ho owns #rom the de"loyment team and can answer ma""ing and technical !uestionsJ o *ns>erD Mona Kaushal %ata $ransaction &olumes o 8ow many records are coming "er transmissionJ o *ns>erD .""ro=imately 10 customer
System e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0 %oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 15 o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

'&'&1 Reporting Requirements

Report Name DescriptionF-se Freque ncy

SB.+ BF ?0121?D 0 Customer +ist

$he customer list is used #or dis"laying and #or "rinting customer master data which is needed in the area o# #inancial accounting. $he list can *e used #or in#ormation and documentation. Iou can narrow down the num*er o# customers to *e "rinted using selection criteria. $his includes5 #or e=am"le5 the account num*er o# the customer5 the com"any code5 a search term5 or an inter/al #or the selection criteria. >nly customers #or whom com"any0code0de"endent master data e=ists5 are dis"layed #or the #ollowing entries. $he address list re"ort dis"lays customer address #rom the 4eneral /iew o# the customer master record.


SB.+ BF ?0121F0 .ddress +ist SB.+ BF ?0121F2 %is"lay Changes to Customer s


Iou can use this re"ort to dis"lay changes to the customer master record. Select o"tions e=ist concerning the customer5 the change date5 the name o# the "erson changing and the #ield grou". .dditionally5 you can choose whether you want to see the changes #or the general data5 the com"any code data or the sales area data. 2ithin each data range5 you can set limits according to the organi)ational #orm . "rogram is used #or dis"laying and changing the customerKs con#irmation status. $he con#irmation status "ro/ides in#ormation as to whether sensiti/e #ields ha/e *een changed in the customer master record.


SB.+ BF ?0121F: %is"lay/C on#irm Critical Customer Changes



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%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 16 o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

2 Non4Functiona@ Requirements
2&1 0anguage for $ systems
9nglish will *e the only language o# communication #or documentation5 meeting5 "resentation5 deli/era*le documents and wor<sho"s. .6.' will *e the "rogramming language that will *e used #or S.'.

2&) Documentation Requirements

3ollowing are the list o# documents that will *e needed to *e deli/ered at /arious stages o# the "ro(ect. +in< *elow to go into the details. htt"1//code.google.com/"/customer0master0integration/ S.No %escri"tion 1 2 : ; 5 6 ? F D 10 11 'ro(ect 'lanning document 'ro(ect methodology document 'ro(ect milestones document System e!uirement document 2or<0sho" documents 3unctional s"eci#ication document Ma""ing document $echnical s"eci#ication document $est Cases/scri"ts $raining manual Minutes o# Meeting

2&)&1 Safety Requirements

$he documents will *e loaded in a sa#e and secure location #or uni!ueness5 consistency5 a/oiding data du"licity. .ccess to the system will *e restricted to the "ri/ileged grou". 6ac<u" o# needed data will *e maintained.
System e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0 %oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 1? o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration


raining Requirements

$raining documents will *e detailed in the $raining manual. $he training document will "ro/ide details on how to use the system in details with sna"shots and ste" *y ste" instructions.

2&' 0ega@ Requirements

$his "ro(ect will *e go/erned *y 84@ rules and regulations and in accordance with the @S legal rules/regulatory code.

2&'&1 Soft>are 0icensing Requirements


2&2 HarA>are Requirements

+a"to"s5 %es<to"5 8' @NIA Networ<5 and other in#rastructure needs to *e installed *e#ore mo/ing into the L eali)ationM mode o# the "ro(ect.

2&( Soft>are Requirements

$he "ro(ect system will *e run on @NIA "lat#orm $he user community will use 2indows5 MS >##ice5 S.' and other re!uired tools to wor< on the "ro(ect.

4.6 Disaster Recovery Requirements

6ac<u" o# the data5 system will *e maintained as scheduled.


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 1F o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration 2&, Security "anagement Requirements
2&,&1 -ser Security Requirements
@ser "ri/acy5 security5 access will *e controlled *y the System administrator and "er the security norms.

2&,&) Data Security Requirements

%ata security will *e maintained as "er standard security norms *aselined *elow1 %e#ine .ccess e!uirements $he data can *e classi#ied *y its sensiti/ity ,e.g.5 restricted5 con#idential- or *y user role. @sers can *e classi#ied *y organi)ational unit5 *y user role5 or *y indi/idual. Identi#y restrictions *y data and user classi#ication. %e#ine time #rames when secure data cannot *e "u*lished to non0secure sta##. %e#ine .udit e!uirements

%e#ine audit re!uirements. Consider gathering in#ormation on connections5 disconnections5 data accesses5 and data changes. %e#ine Networ< e!uirements

Identi#y networ< re!uirements5 such as data encry"tion/decry"tion and routing restrictions. %e#ine %ata e!uirements Identi#y any legal restrictions that a""ly to data <e"t on customers5 em"loyees5 etc. $o meet legal restrictions it may *e necessary to store summari)ed data so that indi/idual entities ,e.g.5 em"loyees5 com"anies- cannot *e identi#ied. Identi#y data "ri/acy laws that must *e adhered to ,e.g.5 most countries re!uire that com"anies that hold data on customers must ma<e this data a/aila*le to the customer on demand-. %e#ine data mo/ement security re!uirements. $he #ollowing should *e considered1 N Can data *e trans#erred to a dis<etteJ N Can data *e stored on a 'CJ
System e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0 %oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 1D o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration
N 2ho might ha/e access to data trans#erred to a dis<ette or a 'CJ N %o *ac<0u"s ha/e to *e encry"tedJ N 2here should *ac<0u"s *e <e"tJ N 2ho might ha/e access to the *ac<0u"sJ %e#ine 8igh0Security e!uirements I# high le/els o# security are re!uired5 de#ine the re!uirements5 such as OtrustedO /ersions o# data*ase management systems5 OtrustedO /ersions o# o"erating systems5 and secure #acilities.


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 20 o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

( *ssumptions6 Constraints anA DepenAencies

$he assum"tions and de"endencies considered are1 %I% will continue to *e the 4old Source System #or dealers and will "ro/ide the customer master #or con/ersion. %ealers will not *e created directly in S.'. .ll changes to customer master records ,%I% data- will *e initiated #rom %I% system. 8owe/er5 changes to S.' s"eci#ic data would *e "ossi*le directly in S.'. $he +egacy system owners ,%I%- will Gcleanse7 and Gdownload7 the legacy data as a""ro"riate5 and "ro/ide the customer data under the re!uired structure. S.' will ser/e as a tool to #acilitate the on0going inter#ace "rocesses and o*(ects li<e ma""ing source P destination system #ields5 #ile #ormat5 #ile structure etc. >nly acti/e customers will *e e=tracted #rom the legacy systems. $he S.' team is res"onsi*le #or1 o ecei/ing /alid Customer Master %ata in S.'. o 'rocessing source #lat #iles. o Con/erting5 ma""ing source #ields as necessary. o 9=tending additional S.' /alues as necessary. $he +egacy System team is res"onsi*le #or1 o 9=tracting5 con/erting5 translating +egacy data into S.' re!uired #ormat as "er the re!uired guidelines

5 Conc@usion
$he 'ro"osed solution meets the o*(ecti/e o# inter#acing legacy a""lication %ealer in#ormation %ata*ase with S.' solution. $his solution shall #acilitate the Centrali)ed Customer Master data*ase system. Im"lementation o"tions #or this solution ha/e *een detailed in the res"ecti/e documents in the LProject Ae@ivera?@e Aocument @ist ver 1&:&;0SM #ile.


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 21 o# 22


System Requirements Specification

Customer Master Integration

*ppenAiC * = System Requirements $nformation +athering emp@ate

Clic< the #ollowing lin< to get details o# the documents "ertaining to this "ro(ect1 htt"1//code.google.com/"/customer0master0integration/


e!uirements S"eci#ication $em"late $em"late &ersion 1.0

%oc. &ersion 1.0 'age 22 o# 22

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