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Grup 1 : 1. Airin Kadjan 2. Nuning 3. Eko Bagus Setyadi 4. Lili Dwi Ashari . !rawati "uliana #. Sartika Dewi GRAD : 2C



S$r%it &wited (he )ast

' All the $ast ' Airin Kadjan !" *a+ily ,atient Nuning !" ,atient Eko Bagus Setyadi !" Nurse !-D Lili Dwi Ashari !" $hair+an o. the roo+ 1 !rawati "uliana !" $hair+an o. the roo+ 2 Sartika Dewi !" Nurse

In the Abdoel Wahab Sjahranie Hospital Monday, 25 february 2014. atient !ith "a#ily $a#e to the I%& !ith her &ispepti$ $o#plains. Airin Eko ' E/$use +e Sr00 hel% +e.. ' 1es.. i2+ nurse eko.$an i 3el% you.. 444

Airin ' 1es..i2+ airin kadjan. 5y sister is the $o+%laint00 her is the $o+%laining o. nausa and 6o+iting sin$e two days ago. And $o+%lained o. %ain in the a7do+en last night. Eko ' what is your na+e4

Nuning' +y na+e is nuning Eko ' when were your 7orn4


Nuning' o$to7er 2 Eko


' where do you li6e4


Nuning' i li6e in sa+arinda0 wolter +onginsidi street Eko ' what is your %ro7le+4

Nuning' i .eel %ain in +y a7do+en06o+it and nausa last night. Eko ' ha6e you e6er .elt this 7e.ore4

Nuning ' yes00 i .elt last +ont.7ut i dont .elt %ain a7do+en Eko ' let9s go with +e to the roo+00 i will your $he$ks your %ro7le+.

Nuning' ok.. thank you Eko Airin ' +iss airin0 %lease wait in the waiting roo+ and ad+inistration ' ok

In the roo#.. Eko ' e/$use +e +iss.. i will $heking your a7do+en .

Nuning ' yes nurse0 .. %lease Eko ' : %er$ussion her a7do+en ; what is the %ain like 4..

Nuning ' yes it is %ain Eko ' is it shar%0 dull0 sha77ing 0 a$hing 4

Nuning ' that is shar% Eko ' oke.. i will gi6e +edi$ine .or de$rease your %ro7le+. But i will gi6e to li<uid trought intra6enouse0 i will gi6e an in.usion. Are 1ou agree 44 Nuning ' yes.. i agree. Eko ' : he is %airing in.ussion ;

Nuning ' thank you

After doin' $are Eko ' +iss Airin.. your sister ha6e to the treat+ent nursing $are00 7e$ause her is the seriosly %ro7le+ !n the a7do+en. Airin ' really00 === so00 her is the treat+ent in hos%ital ..44 Eko ' yess +iss..

Airin ' oke..

In the nursetation roo#.. Eko Lili Eko Lili Eko Lili Eko Lili Eko Lili Eko Lili ' : he is $alling .la+7oyan ro+e ; ' : $riiiiiiiiiinnnnngggg.....==== ;0 hallo *la+7oyan roo+ .. 44 0 good +orning . ' yess00 good +orning too.. this .ro+ !-D roo+00 is there an e+%ty roo+ 44 ' yes there is00 what the %atient diagnosis 4 ' %atient with a diagnosis o. Dis%e%ti$ ' .e+ale or +ale00 44 ' .e+ale +iss00 ' what the %atient na+e 4 ' her na+e is +iss Nuning00 ' oke0. )o+e in .la+7oyan roo+e00 %lease ' yes.. thank you ' wel$o+e

At the fla#boyan roo# Eko ' e/$use +e0 this is %atient .ro+ !-D0 7ehal. +iss nuning with diagnosis Dis%e%ti$.

!ra Eko !ra Eko

' oke0 $an i do $he$king health status o. %atient 4 ' yes00 ' oke 00 thank you ' your wel$o+e

(rin' the patient in the fla#boyan roo# !ra ' e/$use +e +iss0 we are nurse9s in here. 5y na+e is ira and +y .riend is lili. 1our na+e is Nn.Nuning44 Nuning ' yes0 +y na+e is Nn. nuning Lili Airin !ra ' are you her .a+ily 44 ' yes0 nuning is +y sister ' oke0 i will e/%lain the .asilites in the .la+7oyan roo+0 7ed nu+7er 3 and roo+ >>#. what you had gi6en +edi$ine .ro+ !-D4 Nuning ' yes0 nurse Lili !ra ' i will take your +edi$ation and i kee% it in the roo+ to 7e gi6en to you later. ' %lease rest0 i. you need so+ething0 %lease $all +e at the nurse station. later0 there was another nurse who $a+e to do the assess+ent. In the roo#,, nurse ti)a doin' to ana#nesa of patient (ika ' good +orning +iss00 +y na+e is Sartika Dewi.. i2+ nurse in the *la+7oyan roo+. Nuning ' oke nures0 this is +y +edi$ine

Nuning' yes00 good +orning too. (ika ' i need to .ill a +edi$al re%ort a7out your health status

Nuning' sure nurse (ika ' what your surena+e +iss 40 and your .irst na+e +iss 4

Nuning' Nuning (ika ' where do you li6e 4


Nuning' i li6e in Sa+arinda0 wolter +onginsidi street (ika ' are you +arried 4

Nuning' no0 i2+ single (ika ' whats your o$$u%ation 4

Nuning' uni6ersity student (ika ' whats your religion 4

Nuning' isla+i$ (ika ' your ne/t o. kin 4

Nuning' +y 7rother +iss00 (ika ' when were your 7orn 4


Nuning' ?$to7er 2 (ika


' i will $he$king your health status00 : head to too ;

Nuning' yes0. Nurse (ika ' what is your %ro7le+ right now 4

Nuning' i .elt is nause00 6o+it0 heada$he0 .illed with air0 and %ain is a7do+en (ika ' : she is $he$king ; . : %er$ussion her a7do+en ; what is the %ain like 4

Nuning' yes .. (ika ' how your the nutrition now 4

Nuning' not good0. Be$ause i2+ nause0. And 6o+it (ika ' how is your 7owel and how +u$h in the daily 4

Nuning' not good. (wo in daily (ika ' how with your rest 4

Nuning' i .eel di..i$ult slee%



' why 4

Nuning' 7e$ause in +y %ain a7do+en (ika ' ok thats enough +iss Nuning0 thank you

Nuning' wel$o+e nurse

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