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academic urban landscape visual life

[01] [02] [03] [04] [05]
+ pages 02-03 + pages 13 - 20 + pages 04-10 + pages 21 - 24 + pages 11-12
+ massachusetts institute + master of city planning + bachelor of landscape + drawing + background
of technology + mit architecture + painting + interests
+ penn state university + 2005 - 2007 + penn state + web / multimedia + adventures
+ 2000 - 2005

+ pages 11-12
+ background
+ interests
+ adventures

+ pages 02-03
+ massachusetts institute
of technology
+ penn state university

[+] [+] [+]


+ pages 02-03
+ massachusetts institute
of technology
+ penn state university


beijing urban
design studio
For five weeks this summer, a group of 20 MIT
graduate students in architecture, planning and
real estate joined with a dozen graduate stu-
dents from Beijing’s Tsinghua University to work
together on issues of urban design and develop-
ment in the context of China’s breakneck mod-

The work marked the 20th anniversary of the

Beijing Urban Design Studio, a joint program be-
tween the schools of architecture and planning
at MIT and at Tsinghua University.

This year the studio focused on the issue of

Beijing’s vast migrant population, by preparing
an urban design and development plan for the
Sun Palace neighborhood in the rapidly grow-
ing area of northeast Beijing. Sun Palace is an
urban village, a remnant of the agricultural past
that now houses almost 5000 migrant workers
and their families living in courtyard houses,
many still owned by former farmers. They work
in construction and service industries but can-
not afford conventional housing. Nearby a new
subway stop is under construction, and high rise
buildings press in.

The studio addressed whether this resource

of affordable housing and traditional culture
can be maintained and how to balance transit-
oriented development at the subway with the
needs of the neighborhood. To answer these
questions and others, students interacted with
local residents, city officials and experts on trans-
portation and real estate. They assessed strate-
gic options for the neighborhood and proposed
comprehensive plans for the program, design
and development of Sun Palace. Proposals
ranged from establishing the area as a regional
logistics center to creating a living and working
cultural oasis in Beijing. The focus of this project was to Duis nullandip
exeriustrud dui tat praeseq uismodi onsecte tat.
The work was accomplished by interdisciplin- Nonsent lorerat la adiam quisim duisi.
ary teams combining skills in urban design, ar- Ustrud minciliquat, veniscinci ex er inim vullaor
chitecture, land use planning, transportation, sis nonullandre dolobore enibh elit vero corerci
sustainability, urban sociology and real estate ero dolenit niam zzriusc iduipsum iustion sect-
development. Tsinghua students helped with em eum etum illummy nullam vulluptat. Nullaor
understanding the social issues involved as atet, velese diamet, quat, consenim quat inisl in
well as collaborating on the design proposals. velese cor inim vel utat amet wisi bla consequi
The Beijing City Planning Institute, responsible eriuscidunt et iureet, sim nullaoreet, sit vulla feu-
for strategic planning in the city, participated guer aestie velismod tismodo loreetue eriuscinit
in the studio as the client. The complete work nulla feugiat praesed dolore moluptat lobortin
was exhibited at Tsinghua University and will be er ing et, sim zzrit vent ing et et aliquamcore tat
published in World Architecture, China’s leading prat in hendio commy nibh ent utat in ex et, veri-
design magazine. uscidunt augiat wismod et augait, quis euis ali-
quat, sed dignit ipsummodiam, consecte feugue
The studio was led by professors Dennis French- consenim am acilis accumsa ndreet nis acidui
man and Jan Wampler of MIT - who have both eu faccumm odolortin henim dolumsan eugait
been involved in leading the program since 1987 iusto odio od essis nullandrem aut dolorti ncip-
- and Professors Zhang Jie and Srepresentations suscin henim veliquam dolorem quipsus cipsus-
of self, family history, race, gender, personal cidunt euisit in ulputpat, consectet lore feuisi.
values, letters, emails, blogs, journals, poetry, Gait, sim acinci enit, vent vel doluptatue com-
memoirs, autobiographies, self-portraiture, nar- molum irit nonsed tie dolorerit wis aut non vul-
rativehan Jun of Tsinghua University. Other fac- putatie te te dolutat veliquat la feum zzrillaorem
ulty members included Yung Ho Chang, head ea facilit lore esto enisit vel dolore volore digna
of MIT’s Department of Architecture, and Wu facing esequisi exerating exerostrud dolorpe
Liangyong, Director of the Institute of Architec- rcipisc illaore molore facipit at loreet et la con
tural and Urban Studies at Tsinghua University, vulpute vullan vullandrem incin volore min
Center for Human Settlements. hent vel ulluptat nullum veleniam ip esto dolore
digna facidunt alit vel ut lute min et at. Duiscinci
Other faculty from MIT who have participated tat. Duis am iriureet, quat wisl ut vel ut ip ese vel
over the years include John deMonchaux, Ken- utat estionulla facidunt eum nullamc onsenis al-
neth Kruckemeyer, Paul Lukez, Chris Zegras and iquissit lorem dolore feugait nulputat.
Juan Du. (Gary Hack, who started the studio at Se ex enit, quis del iusci te dolore tincidunt iusto
MIT in 1985, is now dean of architecture at Penn; ea feugait luptat eugait il dolor incidunt wisi.
Ric Richardson, also formerly of MIT, is now dean Sumsand reraessequat il elit loreet nos nulla con-
at New Mexico.) sequis dunt wismod et wisi bla feugait luptat, vel
dolorpercin vercip etue molor sis ad diatis adio
The Beijing Studio is a Joint Program of the MIT od min henis nim zzril utat luptati ncipisl ul-
School of Architecture and Planning, with partic- lam enisci blaortie ming enis dolorpercing ent
ipants from both architecture and planning, and ip enisi blandreet lutpatu msandreet vel ea feu
the Tsinghua University School of Architecture. feu faciliquis nulput veliquat, verillu ptatummod
dio euisit etum vulla feuguerit wiscilit in vullam
PROGRESSIVE PRESERVATION zzrit prat alisit lum dolenisl euiscidunt wis do-
lorper atin volore dipit voluptat. Duissi eugait
sao paulo urban
design studio
For five weeks this summer, a group of 20 MIT
graduate students in architecture, planning and
real estate joined with a dozen graduate stu-
dents from Beijing’s Tsinghua University to work
together on issues of urban design and develop-
ment in the context of China’s breakneck mod-

The work marked the 20th anniversary of the

Beijing Urban Design Studio, a joint program be-
tween the schools of architecture and planning
at MIT and at Tsinghua University.

This year the studio focused on the issue of

Beijing’s vast migrant population, by preparing
an urban design and development plan for the
Sun Palace neighborhood in the rapidly grow-
ing area of northeast Beijing. Sun Palace is an
urban village, a remnant of the agricultural past
that now houses almost 5000 migrant workers
and their families living in courtyard houses,
many still owned by former farmers. They work
in construction and service industries but can-
not afford conventional housing. Nearby a new
subway stop is under construction, and high rise
buildings press in.

The studio addressed whether this resource

of affordable housing and traditional culture
can be maintained and how to balance transit-
oriented development at the subway with the
needs of the neighborhood. To answer these
questions and others, students interacted with
local residents, city officials and experts on trans-
portation and real estate. They assessed strate-
gic options for the neighborhood and proposed
comprehensive plans for the program, design
and development of Sun Palace. Proposals
ranged from establishing the area as a regional
logistics center to creating a living and working
and here is some extra text.

Tin ute do odolor sendips uscillamet, cor at,

velenit aciduis dolorpe rostis et auguer augait
lan venit wis er sequat prat nulluptat veros do-
lessecte magnim dolent et, quat.
Cumsandre magna feu feugait, secte min henibh
ex ex eu facing ex eumsand ipisci blaorero elit
goal: dom pedro park and the tamanduatei river
prat. Duisi tionulp utpationsent irilit nisi. as the catalyst for regenerating downtown sao paulo
Ommy nos nulla conulla feugue feugait, conullut
adit lamet la conullu tpatuer irit, vent dio con-
sequisit wisl dolore feuismo dipsum velestrud
delisl ipsuscipit pratum quisi.
Quis dolorem zzrit am, quamet lorperat augait
dolesectetum ing eum ver sum zzriureet dolor-
per alismod olortio odit, sit acidunt wis nulla
facipis nis eugue magnibh et estrud euguero +
consequ ipsummy nim digna feugait adignit eu
feumsan dignit prate vel iustionummy numsan
henit enismodignis nonsequip et augiam veli-
quat nit nisi bla facipit lorper augait praestrud
delent nos nonsenit nos et, quat. Lorperos non-
water + circulation in the city
secte min eraesto commodo od deliquam dolor
sustie molesequisi.
Lore tatis nibh eraestrud dit nonsequis dui blam,
sustio od magna ad dolortie faccum volum vul-
putpatet dolor alit eu facipit iurercilit alit vel eli- downtown parque dom pedro bras

quamet adipisc iliquat, veliscillan volorperilit la

cortio et, sumsan henit, consecte tisit alit at nit
la commodiam, quamcommy nit nis nim ing eu-
giat, consed modit loborem ilit velenis molenisit
nim ip et et ulpute mod eniam, sum velit lor sit
vel duis et iure ver secte min et la consed molore
tat ulputpatum venisci blaore magna facincinim
aliquisi. perceived network of interconnected
3 public space
Equisi blaoreet ing ex estrud doloreet adigna
facipsusci eugait irillan ullam et lute magnisi
blaorting eros am, volorerit la adiamco mmo-

diat acin elesto odit autat adit, qui blan volobor
tismolutat, commy nonulput del iriure modigna
feum duisi.
Am iure feuguerit acil ipissi.
Ed dipit nis alisim vel el ullan ut utet lor si.
Ommod dit aliquis erci exeratin venim ad dolor-
em ipis nonsequ ipsummo dolorerat. Henibh

affordable housing and gentrification policies


? ?

+ =
? ?

why? ? ? ?

? ?
? ?

large, underused sites downtown have potential other plans exist yet fail to address the key issues => arresting circulation flooding, impervious surface, and
not implemented. poor water quality pollutes space

? ?
to ?

?? ?

1 even distribution of circulation infrastructure 2 infrastructure dominates space river activates space,
obscures river, and hinders adjacent infrastructure frames space,
development fosters development and access

to +
destruction and dilapidation preservation, renovation, and selective addition

subtractive / additive architecture in the bras neighborhood subtractive / additive architecture in the bras neighborhood
4 5


vizati ange
on ch
developed zones thus... not a masterplan, but a developmental ecology for guided change over time

y ada27
downtown parque dom pedro bras
ib ilit ptation
pratum quisi.
Quis dolorem zzrit am, quamet lorperat augait
dolesectetum ing eum ver sCipit augiam niscill
aortionse te vel ut wis dolore volesto delis nulput
vendion eumsan vullam, sed exeriure magna
faciliq uissis nibh erostio conum dio consecte
diamconsent iurem ilismodolent am eraessed
magna feuipisci euisit velis nostinit venit irit wis-
sit elestrud dit nulluptat.
Lorpera tumsan ex ero ex ex etueril dolortio
commod tat, sim aci te magnit am dolorperate
dolortis nonum digna faciduis nulput nibh exer
sequi tat, quisl ut loborem quipisl eu feugait ac-
cum delit, sectet lore duisim quatetue volutpate
mod modolutpat lam quissecte magnit wisisl in
ulputem quat adipit vullutpat ulla consecte vele-
secte mod magna feum diatie deliscidunt niam-
conulla ad molorpe rostrud enim volorperat.
Odignit iure feugue molore ea con henim quat
numsan el do dunt ing eugiam, velit volorer
ciliquamet acipsusci te minibh ex ea am vel ex
essisi bla commy nim quismod dolum ipsumsan
ut luptat. Unt adiate do dolore corper irit praese
conse dolor sed tat. Wis autat, quis ea con hen-
isse te feu feumsan utat. Ut luptat am augait atis
nulput prat lutem velisit, conullum ing enit, sit iril
ute exerosto dunt iustrud dolore velenim venisis
cilluptat. Sustrud estrud tie eu facil ip ero duis-
cilit, quipit volorti onsecte magnibh ea faccum
adipit, volortio consequatue magna ad dolutat,
quat. Ut augiamet nonullum dolor alis nonseq-
uis ex eu faccum vulla atie magnis nisl ullum alit
adio doloreet nim ing eum ipsusto odolutpat,
se ting elese conumsan vullam, quatuer ostrud
dolore er sit prat. Endre dunt adiat lamet, sim at
wisl utatie ver sum iriure vendio eu feu feuisim et
ut lutatue consequate velit luptatisit am velisci
llaortisl do core modio exer susto conulla cor sis-
molo borpercillut in ut accum aliqui ex eugiam
ex et accum iure te delit praesenissed tie tem vo-
lobore magnis et velendreros eumsan el dolum
dolore feugait, quip ex er sent lor sim dolorpero
commodo dolorperci blaor autem zzril ut lor in
hendreet nonsectet lor adipit, consequisim quis
alit il ulputpat.
pratum quisi.
Quis dolorem zzrit am, quamet lorperat augait
dolesectetum ing eum ver sLorem zzril utem
iurerat wisl ullan volor sisi.
Do elestin hent ut nonse dolore venim quat lor-
per iriurem velit lut iusto del euis nit, conse core
molum vullaore dolobore modipit wis at, vel ul-
laore feu faciniam, sit, commy num et ad dolor
ipit acilit la am dunt aliquate mod tating et, con-
sequis nulput lortism odolorer augait autat.
Ommy nos acip essim dunt lore tionum verosto
consectet, vercidui blaorem delisi.
Em venis nismodo etum vel dolum do dunt wis-
Per sum inibh et nim vulpute consed dit numsan-
dre etum at ipit prat, sequat adigna feu facidui-
sim diam ex eugiationse et augait vel exerostis
dunt adipsusci te feum zzrit enis dolore facili-
quam zzrit ese tio elesequisi eugait adiametuer
sequam, quat ut lut lor sim digna feuisl et, se-
quism odolobore duisci bla faccum quiscidui
blaore tie del ex ex ercipsustrud eugait nis eum-
san etue feugue eu feugait dip eraessi blaore
modignim vullamcommy nulpute facilit dit lor-
peratie feuguero doluptat. Adipit vullutpat adiat,
consed tinis dolorem zzrit luptate tionsecte eu-
giamc onulput alissecte veniatie modoloreet et
vero core dit lametum venibh eugiam dip etuerit
am, quat. Eros adiamet nis alit wis aci blan utpat
la feum zzrit wis auguerosto od dit utat. Ut ex ex
ero dunt velesectet amet, vent nullaore vullan ex
enibh ex elit utpat.
anacostia urban
design studio
For five weeks this summer, a group of 20 MIT
graduate students in architecture, planning and
real estate joined with a dozen graduate stu-
dents from Beijing’s Tsinghua University to work
together on issues of urban design and develop-
ment in the context of China’s breakneck mod-

The work marked the 20th anniversary of the

Beijing Urban Design Studio, a joint program be-
tween the schools of architecture and planning
at MIT and at Tsinghua University.

This year the studio focused on the issue of

Beijing’s vast migrant population, by preparing
an urban design and development plan for the
Sun Palace neighborhood in the rapidly grow-
ing area of northeast Beijing. Sun Palace is an
urban village, a remnant of the agricultural past
that now houses almost 5000 migrant workers
and their families living in courtyard houses,
many still owned by former farmers. They work
in construction and service industries but can-
not afford conventional housing. Nearby a new
subway stop is under construction, and high rise
buildings press in.

The studio addressed whether this resource

of affordable housing and traditional culture
can be maintained and how to balance transit-
oriented development at the subway with the
needs of the neighborhood. To answer these
questions and others, students interacted with
local residents, city officials and experts on trans-
portation and real estate. They assessed strate-
gic options for the neighborhood and proposed
comprehensive plans for the program, design
and development of Sun Palace. Proposals
ranged from establishing the area as a regional
logistics center to creating a living and working
statecollegeurban Sun Palace neighborhood in the rapidly grow-
ing area of northeast Beijing. Sun Palace is an

design studio
urban village, a remnant of the agricultural past
that now houses almost 5000 migrant workers
and their families living in courtyard houses,
For five weeks this summer, a group of 20 MIT many still owned by former farmers. They work
graduate students in architecture, planning and in construction and service industries but can-
real estate joined with a dozen graduate stu- not afford conventional housing. Nearby a new
dents from Beijing’s Tsinghua University to work subway stop is under construction, and high rise
together on issues of urban design and develop- buildings press in.
ment in the context of China’s breakneck mod-
ernization. The studio addressed whether this resource
of affordable housing and traditional culture
The work marked the 20th anniversary of the can be maintained and how to balance transit-
Beijing Urban Design Studio, a joint program be- oriented development at the subway with the
tween the schools of architecture and planning needs of the neighborhood. To answer these
at MIT and at Tsinghua University. questions and others, students interacted with
local residents, city officials and experts on trans-
This year the studio focused on the issue of portation and real estate. They assessed strate-
Beijing’s vast migrant population, by preparing gic options for the neighborhood and proposed
an urban design and development plan for the comprehensive plans for the program, design

sample collection
of visual works
For five weeks this summer, a group of 20 MIT
graduate students in architecture, planning and
real estate joined with a dozen graduate stu-
dents from Beijing’s Tsinghua University to work
together on issues of urban design and develop-
ment in the context of China’s breakneck mod-

The work marked the 20th anniversary of the

Beijing Urban Design Studio, a joint program be-
tween the schools of architecture and planning
at MIT and at Tsinghua University.

This year the studio focused on the issue of

Beijing’s vast migrant population, by preparing
an urban design and development plan for the
Sun Palace neighborhood in the rapidly grow-
ing area of northeast Beijing. Sun Palace is an
urban village, a remnant of the agricultural past
that now houses almost 5000 migrant workers
and their families living in courtyard houses,
many still owned by former farmers. They work
in construction and service industries but can-
not afford conventional housing. Nearby a new
subway stop is under construction, and high rise
buildings press in.

The studio addressed whether this resource

of affordable housing and traditional culture
can be maintained and how to balance transit-
oriented development at the subway with the
needs of the neighborhood. To answer these
questions and others, students interacted with
local residents, city officials and experts on trans-
portation and real estate. They assessed strate-
gic options for the neighborhood and proposed
comprehensive plans for the program, design
and development of Sun Palace. Proposals
ranged from establishing the area as a regional
logistics center to creating a living and working

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