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Annotated bibliography Atherton, W. A. (1984). From compass to computer: A history of electrical and electronics engineering.

San Francisco: San Francisco Press. his boo! starts at the "ery beginning o# early electronics and goes $p $ntil the 198%&s laying o$t 'any o# the i'portant stepping stones that has lead to the electronic o$tbrea! o# the (1st cent$ry. his is a credible so$rce beca$se it is a boo! printed by the San Francisco Press and can be #o$nd in the )ibrary. * +ill $se this so$rce to help 'e begin the bridge as * try to +or! #ro' beginning to end sho+ing the h$ge i'pact the electrical engineers ha"e had on the +orld e"er since the "ery beginning. ,en Fran!lin&s -ite ./peri'ent. (n.d.) 0etrie"ed 1arch (4, (%14, #ro' http:22+++.codechec!.co'2cc2,enAnd he-ite.ht'l3 his site +ill be $sed to help e/plain one o# the #irst sitings o# electricity and ho+ it +as ca$ght and $sed. his is a credible cite beca$se 'ost o# this in#or'ation is +ell !no+n and it happened to ha"e e"erything yo$ need to !no+ together. * +ill $se this so$rce to begin 'y +ebsite and e/plain +hat electricity is. 4a"is, 5. ,. (1986). .lectrical and electronic technologies: a chronology o# e"ents and in"entors #ro' 194% to 198%. 1et$chen, 7.8.: Scarecro+ Press. his boo! ga"e in#or'ation abo$t di##erent in"entors and in"entions and e/plained so'e o# ho+ +e got to the de"ices +e $se today. his so$rce is credible beca$se it can be #o$nd in the library and is printed by the Scarecro+ Press and is in#l$enced by the *.... * +ill $se this so$rce to help add in#or'ation on the 'iddle ages o# electronics. .lectrical and .lectronics .ngineering, ./cept 9o'p$ter. (n.d.). Burea of Labor Statistics. 0etrie"ed Febr$ary (6, (%14, #ro' +++.bls.go"2oes2c$rrent2oes1:(%:1.ht' his so$rce sho+s the ;ob description o# .lectrical .ngineers. *t is done by the ,$rea o# )abor Statistics +hich gi"es it credibility. * +ill $se this so$rce to tal! abo$t the c$rrent ;ob in#or'ation, s$ch as ho$rly pay and salary. .lectronics i'eline < =reatest .ngineering Achie"e'ents o# the +entieth 9ent$ry. (n.d.). Electronics Timeline - Greatest Engineering Achievements of the T entieth !entury. 0etrie"ed Febr$ary (6, (%14, #ro' http:22+++.greatachie"e'ents.org2>id?@96A his so$rce is a list o# great electrical engineering achie"e'ents starting in the early 19%%&s and it also has in#or'ation abo$t +hat each achie"e'ent is. his is a credible so$rce beca$se it is basic in#or'ation that can be cross re#erenced by other in#or'ation so$rces, and also is 'ade by the 7ational Acade'y o# .ngineers. * +ill $se this so$rce to sho+ so'e o# the in"entions 'ade d$ring the 19%%&s. Engineering: "ssues# !hallenges and $pportunities for %evelopement (pp. 1(:<1(8). ((%1%). Paris, France: Bnited 7ations .d$cational, Scienti#ic and 9$lt$ral CrganiDation. 0etrie"ed Febr$ary (6, (%14, #ro' http:22$nesdoc.$nesco.org2i'ages2%%182%%189:2189:6@e.pd# his is a boo! abo$t all #or's o# .ngineering b$t on the pages 1(:<1(8, it gi"es a brie# description o# ho+ it electrical engineering started and +hat it is. his is a credible so$rce beca$se it is p$blished by B7.S9C and is a B7.S9C report. * +ill also $se this so$rce to #ill s'all gaps in as * try to #ill in the enor'o$s history o# the electrical engineer. Freitag, 5. (198A). Electrical engineering: The second century begins. 7e+ Eor!: *nstit$te o# .lectrical and .lectronics .ngineers.

his boo! gi"es in#or'ation aro$nd the boo'ing years o# electrical engineering aro$nd the :%&s and the 8%&s. his is a credible so$rce beca$se it is a library boo! p$blished by the 7e+ Eor! *nstit$te o# .lectrical .ngineers. * +ill $se this so$rce to help in e/plaining 'ore in to detail the 'ore recent past in the #ield o# electrical engineering. 5istory o# *.... (n.d.). "EEE -. 0etrie"ed Febr$ary (6, (%14, #ro' http:22+++.ieee.org2abo$t2ieeeFhistory.ht'l his so$rce is a brie# history on the *nstit$te o# .lectrical and .lectronics .ngineers. his so$rce is credible beca$se the organiDation +rote it. * +ill $se the so$rce +hile * tal! abo$t the c$rrent ;ob sit$ations and the reso$rces yo$ can ha"e +hile yo$ +or!. 0oberts, 8., 4e'arest, -., G Prescott, =. ((%%8, Cctober ((). What .ngineering is oday and What it is )i!ely to ,eco'e> Session S&E, &(1), 1<4. 0etrie"ed Febr$ary (6, (%14, #ro' http:22#ie< con#erence.org2#ie(%%82papers21A64.pd# his so$rce goes thro$gh and e/plains +hat the ;ob o# engineering is today and gi"es de#initions abo$t speci#ic things on the ;ob. his is a peer<re"ie+ed ;o$rnal +hich is +hy it is a credible so$rce. * +ill $se this to help in e/plaining e/actly +hat electrical engineering is.

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