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IB Chemistry Lesson 1

Quantitative chemistry

What is quantitative chemistry? The word quantitative implies that you have to deal with exact numbers. In quantitative chemistry you will be measuring the mass volume and amount o! chemical substances. "ou will learn about moles which is the currency in chemistry and you will learn how to use mole concepts to calculate amounts o! chemical required !or a reaction or accurately predict the amount o! products that a reaction will generate and so on. The #ey mathematical s#ill required in this chapter is ratios. $bility to solve simple linear equations and ability to use scienti!ic notation %standard !orm& in expressing numbers are also required. The #ey chemical #nowledge !rom 'C() that you should bear in mind would be to derive or to remember the !ormula o! chemical substances. IB chemistry requires you to I& #now the !ormula %symbol and charge& o! simple and common polyatomic ions such as ammonium hydroxide carbonate or sulphate and II& write down * deduce the chemical !ormula o! a chemical substance based on its name. The mole By de!inition a mole is the number o! atoms present in exactly 1+ grams o! carbon,1+ atoms - that is atoms that contain . protons and . neutrons. This turns out to be a huge number - 1+ grams o! carbon, 1+ atoms contain ../+ x 1/+0 atoms. $ good anology to the mole would be the do1en - 1 do1en o! anything contains 1+ items e.g. + do1en o! eggs 2 +3 eggs. )xamples4 Level 14 1 mole o! carbon atoms contains ../+ x 1/+0 atoms. 1 mole o! oxygen molecules contains ../+ x 1/+0 oxygen molecules. 1 mole o! grains o! sand contains ../+ x 1/+0 grains o! sand %5oles are the most use!ul when applied on atomic or molecular entities although you may also apply it on other ob6ects&. Level +4 /.3 mole o! hydrogen molecules contain /.3 x ../+ x 1/+0 2 about +.31 x 1/+0 molecules o! 7+. 0 moles o! sodium ions contain 0 x ../+ x 1/+0 2 about 1.81 x 1/+3 sodium ions. Level 04 /./. mole o! ethanol C+7.9 contains /./. x ../+ x 1/+0 2 0..1 x 1/++ molecules o! ethanol. :urthermore since there are + carbon atoms . hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom per molecule o! ethanol the number o! moles o! each type o! atoms present can be calculated as !ollows4 number o! carbon atoms present 2 + x 0..1 x 1/++ 2 ;.++ x 1/++ carbon atoms number o! hydrogen atoms present 2 . x 0..1 x 1/++ 2 +.1; x 1/+0 hydrogen atoms number o! oxygen atoms present 2 1 x 0..1 x 1/++ 2 0..1 x 1/++ oxygen atoms all #inds o! atoms combined 2 %+ < . < 1& x 0..1 x 1/++ 2 0.+= x 1/+0 atoms

)xercises4 1& "ou have /./1+ moles o! sulphuric acid...... a& 7ow many molecules o! sulphuric acid do you have> b& 7ow many moles o! hydrogen atoms do you have> 7ow many hydrogen atoms do you have> c& 7ow many moles o! oxygen atoms do you have> 7ow many oxygen atoms do you have> d& 7ow many moles o! atoms o! any #ind do you have> 7ow many atoms do you have> +& Consider the compound sodium nitride. a& ?hat is the !ormula !or sodium nitride> b& In 0.= moles o! this compound...... 7ow many moles o! cations do you have> 7ow many cations do you have> 7ow many moles o! anions do you have> 7ow many anions do you have> 7ow many moles o! ions %o! any #ind& do you have> 7ow many ions do you have>

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