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ABSTRACT O4er the 5ears6 7e are ta8ght to amp8tate the 9isease9 tiss8e :rom a tooth 7ith the help o: tra9itional t8r;ines& 9iamon9 an9 ar;i9e ;8rs& 8ltrasoni tips& air a;rasions an9 hemi als as a 8re :or 9ental 9e a5. <ith o=one therap5 7e ha4e a simple sol8tion to pre4ent an9 8re 9ental 9e a5 7itho8t an5 nee9les& pain an9 amp8tation.

INTRODUCTION : A 9e a9e ago& one o8l9n>t ha4e imagine9 a tooth ;r8sh e::e ti4e 7itho8t a tooth paste li?e a proton magnesi8m tooth ;r8sh an9 teeth ;eing 8se9 as a gra:t :or osteo-o9onto?erato - prosthesis to impro4e 4ision. To9a5& 7ith te hnologi al ;rea?thro8gh oming at a 9a==ling pa e& resear hers t8rn to the most simple sol8tions to sol4e the most omple@ pro;lems an9 one s8 h pro;lem is the 8ni4ersal an9 ine4ita;le 9ental aries 7hi h o8l9 ;e a thing o: the past i: this ne7 mo9alit5 o: therap5 in the o::ering pro4es to ;e s8 ess:8l. <e onl5 ha4e to sear h :or that missing pie e to omplete the p8==le o: li:e an9 pass it on 9o7n generations to impro4e A8alit5 o: li:e. !HAT IS O"ONE AND !HY IS IT SPECIAL # O=one :orms a part o: the nat8ral gas mi@ that s8rro8n9s the earth at high altit89e an9 prote ts the 7orl9s pop8lation :rom e@ essi4e 8ltra4iolet ra9iation. For the past 0/ 5ears& o=one is ;eing 8se9 :or p8ri:i ations o: 7ater an9 as an o@i9ising agent e::e ti4el5. O=one is pro98 e9 nat8rall5 98ring th8n9erstorms an9 an ;e pro98 e9 in a ontrolle9 manner 8sing ele tri al orona 9is harge 8nits6 7hi h is e@tremel5 e::e ti4e at re98 ing the amo8nt o: ;a teria an9 4ir8ses present as m8 h as more than 22B. !assi4e re98 tion is e::e te9 almost instantaneo8sl5 an9 hen e has ;een o: onsi9era;le ;ene:it in ;a terial re98 tion an9 ontrol. HO! DOES O"ONE HELP US DENTISTS ## Fail8re to :in9 a 8re :or 9ental 9e a5 ma5 ;e 98e to hange in t5pe an9 spe ies o: mi roorganism in aries 9e4elopment in spite o: 9ental pro:essionals an9 pharma e8ti al ompanies sear hing :or simple s5stems to pre4ent an9 8re aries.

THEORY O DEVELOPMENT O CARIOUS LESION : To ;rie:l5 re4ie7 the theor5 o: 9e4elopment o: a ario8s lesion :CThe ni he

en4ironment theor5D is no7 a epte9 to e@plain the pro ess o: initial oloni=ation an9 9e4elopment o: a i9ophili mi roorganisms in a spe iali=e9 ni he en4ironment. (a teria oloni=e together an9 pro98 e a i9 7hi h lea9s to loss o: mineral ontent in enamel s8r:a e6 ?no7n as 9eminerali=ation. This is o::set to some e@tent ;5 the ;alan e ;et7een 9eminerali=ation an9 reminerali=ation ;5 the hosts normal ne8tral oral en4ironment. <hen the n8m;er o: a i9ophili ;a teria in rease& the ni he ;e omes pre9ominantl5 a i9i &

attra ting more a i9 pro98 ing ;a terial spe ies an9 o4er time& a a4it5 :orms. THE O"ONE UNIT : An o=one 8nit Eeg. Healo=one :rom "8ro=one& USAF EFig.GF is a porta;le apparat8s. This omprises o: 6 GF An o=one generator that 9eli4ers o=one at a on entration o: +&+// ppm. +F A 4a 88m p8mp that p8lls air thro8gh the generator at HG. *F A han9 pie e EFig.+F 0F Disposa;le remo4a;le sili on 8ps E9iameters ranging :rom *-G/ mmF .F An o=one 9estr8 tor Emanganese E$$F ionsF. HF A s5stem that 9eli4ers a liA8i9 re98 tant to :8rther ne8trali=e an5 possi;le resi98al o=one. HO! DOES AN O"ONE UNIT !ORK : Re ent s ienti:i papers s8ggest that 8se o: )-ra5s is mislea9ing an9 e4en 8se o: tra9itional mo8th mirror an9 pro;e is 9ismisse9 as a relia;le tool. The laser 8nit Eli?e 9iagno9ent 8nit ;5 1a#oF loo?s insi9e a tooth s8r:a e :or ;a terial ontaminants an9 in9ire tl5 meas8res the 9egree o: 9e a5. Imin8te.

O%&' ()' D'&*+ ,- ./0%12 )/3 1/ 3' (r'*( ,(# Upto no7& there has ;een no 7a5 to eliminate 9e a5& apart :rom me hani al amp8tation 8s8all5 9one 7ith the help o: a 9ental 9rill or hemi all5 Eeg. "arisol4F6 ;8t here there might ;e in omplete remo4al 7hi h ma5 lea9 to :ail8re. E4en 7ith the 8se o: 95es& omplete remo4al o: aries an ;e a hit an9 miss a::air. This ne7 te hnolog5 8ses the 9ire t appli ation o: o=one to the tooth s8r:a e in a ontrolle9 manner thro8gh a han9 pie e. Here the 8nit 9eli4ers a G/ se on9 ;8rst o: o=one gas at a preset on entration& thro8gh a hose an9 han9pie e& into a pol5mer 8p that is pla e9 aro8n9 the tooth s8r:a e to ;e treate9 EFig. *F. No7 a seal is on:irme9 ;5 the 8nit& 7itho8t 7hi h& the 8nit 7ont pro98 e the o=one gas. This is 8se9 as a pre a8tionar5 a t to prote t against the ontrain9i ations o: high o=one e@pos8re. At the en9 o: the G/ se on9 o=one e@pos8re& the 8nit 4a 88ms an5 resi98al o=one ;a ? thro8gh a atal5st that on4erts this o=one ;a ? to o@5gen 7hi h ta?es another G/ se on9s. A:ter this a re98 tant :l8i9 I mineral 7ash onto the treatment site is p8mpe9 :or . se on9s to ?i ? start the remineralisation. So in J8st +. se on9s 7e an eleminate the mi ro:lora that a8se 9e a5 an9 start the healing pro ess o: a ario8s lesion. The a4it5 an ;e seale9 or restore9 at a later appointment i: ne essar5 or :or osmeti reasons. No7 the patient is sent home 7ith an CAt home are ?itD 7hi h onsists o: a 9enti:ri e an9 on4enient :8ll si=e ;ottles o: mo8th rinses 7ith patient instr8 tion EFig. 0F.

O5/%' T'&)%/6/7+ P/('%(,*6 : G. $nitial treatment :ollo7e9 ;5 re-treatment at * or H months 7o8l9 pro4i9e a treatment that 7ill eleminate the tra8ma o: inJe tions an9 8se o: 9ental 9rills 7hi h ma5 ;e 4er5 m8 h a epta;le espe iall5 :or hil9ren. +. E4en 7hen a :illing is ne essar5& o=one an re98 e the ;a teria in the a4it5& ;e:ore the :illing material is pla e9. This ma5 a4oi9 sensiti4it5 an9 pain a:ter a ne7 :illing has ;een pla e9. *. <aiting :or * months or more& ma5 9e rease the amo8nt o: tooth tiss8e to ;e remo4e9& to o;tain ;etter osmeti res8lts. 0. For geriatri patients& 7ith 9e rease9 sali4ar5 :lo7 or 7ith arthritis an9 impaire9 man8al 9e@terit5& its 9i::i 8lt to maintain a high stan9ar9 o: oral areK Here o=one treatment ma5 help maintain health5 teeth ;5 eliminating ;a teria that a8se 9e a5 aro8n9 the ne ?s o: teeth or primar5 root lesions. .. This te hnolog5 an ;e o: 8tmost 4al8e in 9e ontamination o: 9ental 8nit 7ater 7hi h is 48lnera;le to ;a terial ontamination. H. Treatment o: perio9ontal 9isease an9 pre 7or?ing o: s8rgi al sites prior to& :or e@ample& implant pla ement. ,. $t ma5 also hol9 goo9 in tooth 7hitening& an9 leaning o: root anals6 7herein a n8m;er o: st89ies is 8rrentl5 ;eing 8n9erta?en. Some o: the short omings o: o=one therap5 an ;e that 6 G. The treate9 areas o: 9e a5 7ill ;e relati4el5 so:t an9 7ill not s8pport an5 restoration 8ntil at a re4ie7 appointment 7herein remineralisation pro ess 7ill ;e 7ell a94an e9. +. O=one at high on entrations at gro8n9 le4el has ;een ?no7n to a8se respirator5 9istress. *. $ts ontrolle9 e@pos8re an9 8se in pro@imal aries is onl5 still 8n9er st895.

CONCLUSION : L8st a ten se on9 e@pos8re to o=one gas 9ea ti4ates 22B o: ;a teria& 4ir8ses an9 :8ngi. As the CA i9i Ni he En4ironmentD ta?es 5ears to esta;lish& its 8nli?el5 that the ni he 7ill 9e4elop ;e:ore remineralisation ta?es pla e an9 ma5;eK.& the ans7er to most o: the pro;lems lies J8st 7ithin o8r rea h& hi99en among the millions o: perm8tations an9 om;ination that ma?e 8p the hemi al ;alan e o: li:e.

RE ERENCES : G. (a5son A.& <hile5 R.A.& '5n h E. : Antimi ro;ial e::e t o: a no4el o=one generating 9e4i e on mi roorganism asso iate9 7ith primar5 root aries lesions in 4itro. "aries Res. +/// 6 *0 6 023-./G. +. (eighton D.& '5n h E. : A mi ro;iologi al st895 o: primar5 root aries lesions 7ith 9i::erent treatment nee9s. L Dent Res. G22* 6 ,* 6 H+*-H+2. *. Filippi : O=one in oral s8rger5 : "8rrent stat8s an9 prospe ts. O=one S i Eng. G22, 6 G2 : *3,-*2*. 0. Holmes L. : Ne7 te hnologies :or 9ental are. Dent Pra ti e. L8l-A8g +//+ 6 G EHF 6 3-2.


Fig.G : O=one 8nit Fig.+ : O=one 8nit han9pie e Fig.* : Han9pie e in sit8 Fig.0 : Patient ?it

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