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SUMMARY AND COVER LETTER I am a certified master trainer of Change Agents in ICT in education from INHO AND Uni!ersit" #Nether$ands%certified teacher trainer and coach& , certified 'ro(ect management 'rofessiona$, Institute of Management consu$tant and trainer fu$$ mem)er , ha!e a master degree in management information s"stems, *+ Sc in Chemistr"%ma(or& en!ironment %minor&,ha!e S'ecia$ist e,'erience in the fo$$o-ing technica$ areas. teaching and $earning/ teacher training/ and student assessment, teacher 'rofessiona$ de!e$o'ment 'ractices and adu$t $earning methods, and a -ide e,'erience as a team $eader, train the trainer and $eadershi' 'rogram manager, content consu$tant -or0ing on em'o-ering change Agent. the 'o-er of Attitude 'rogram at CADER ,the CEO of A1a)a Hote$s Association%USAID and %EU funded& effectively managing an Annual budget of quarter a million $. ,MENA regiona$ 2$o)e 'rogram director and -or0ing no- as training manager at A$3Ro-ad internationa$ schoo$s in Ri"adh + I had started m" $earning and de!e$o'ment career as a teacher then as a senior master trainer, $ecturer and content de!e$o'er in 'ost graduate di'$oma in ICT in education, content de!e$o'er and train the trainer in CADER %change Agents for Ara) de!e$o'ment and Education Reform& in -hich I $ead the 'rocess of change in man" 'ro(ects and schoo$s, e+g+ 4Inno!ati!e use of ICT in Education4%USAID funded&,Education reform 'ro(ects 5 and 6 %USAID funded& in -hich I -as a)$e to
supervise, and coach teachers ,supervisors and management of MOE in education technical skills and programme management from 677836759, I de$i!ered the 'rogram in 'o!ert"

areas in :ordan such as Shona, 2hor;+and in <a$estinian refugee cam's %=ehdat, *a11a ,Schne$er++&+ E,am'$es of training I de$i!ered are teaching , $earning and assessment, su'er!ision and coaching ,'rinci'a$shi', schoo$ change management, $eadershi' s0i$$s, conf$ict management, team )ui$ding, communication s0i$$s, 'ro)$em so$!ing, situationa$ $eadershi' and IT change management ,and to integrate techno$og" -ith modern 'edagogies to create a student centered acti!e $earning en!ironment MBT PERSONAL TY EN!" The gi!er Insightful Contributor: Communicate & Cooperate 4T-o heads are )etter than one4 E#PER ENCE "$%2013 &'()) %*+

A),R*+$- %'./%$'(*%$) Sc0**)


Supervision and training Manager

Responsibilities Managing & facilitating AIS Induction & Orientation Producing materials, facilitating and coordinating in-house training Consulting with all departments to identif training needs !rawing up an o"erall training plan #or$ing with training pro"iders to assist with AIS training acti"ities %"aluating the success of both indi"idual training and o"erall training programmes Managing regular staff appraisals and re"iews and ma$ing sure staff ha"e opportunities for ongoing de"elopment %nsuring training materials and information are up-to-date and a"ailable for all emplo ees &raining teachers in new and appropriate teaching strategies' Assisting teachers in the classroom to implement strategies which promote acti"e learning' Integrating the use of technolog to support classroom instruction' Organi(ing and implementing the )ew &eacher Program' Assisting teachers with Professional *rowth Plans' !e"eloping a earl school-wide plan for Professional !e"elopment' Assisting the !eput principals, +O!s, lead teachers with formal obser"ations of teachers Obser"ing the ,ualit of teaching deli"ered in the classrooms %"aluating teachers performance in classrooms Pro"ide training-wor$shops to teachers to de"elop their competencies based on &)A Coaching teachers to impro"e their performance Super"ising teachers attendance, punctualit , commitment on duties Coordinating with students counselors to sol"e students misbeha"iors and assist teacher in classroom control and management Mini-obser"ations, interim assessment

Achievement &he school implemented integrating classmate tip top &he school .oined the globe program &he school .oined Passport to success program 2

&he main role of +Ods become coaching and training

!.3.2005, D.c.43./ .2013 CADER 5C0$%6. A6.%' 7*/ A/$3 D.8.)*94.%' $%.-:c$'(*% /.7*/4 A44$%, "*/-$% Senior Master Trainer and After a Si,3month intensi!e training course> he$d )" Dutch tutors from INHO AND Uni!ersit" in :ordan from Fe) 6778 ti$$ August 6778+ , I )ecame a certified master trainer and started -ith other master trainer de!e$o'ing tai$or made content and de$i!ering it ,as a senior master trainer I started to train CADER third )atch trainers ,and as a content de!e$o'ment team mem)er I designed -or0sho's for the high education di'$oma ,'rinci'a$ shi' 'rogram and soft s0i$$s 'rogram after ta0ing man" -or0sho's in management and session design such as acce$erated $earning ,a''reciati!e in1uir" ,organi?ationa$ change;;he$d )" Dr Hans Rac0e$ from @irin internationa$ consu$tanc"3 Nether$ands >The training course inc$uded 65 da"s in INHO AND Uni!ersit" in The Nether$ands+ The training aimed at creating Change Agents in Education )" 'romoting their different s0i$$s such as communication s0i$$s, meta3cogniti!e s0i$$s, 'edagogica$ s0i$$s, and $eadershi' s0i$$s R.;9*%;(3()('(.; Creating Change Agents in Education )" 'romoting their different s0i$$s such as communication s0i$$s, meta3cogniti!e s0i$$s, 'edagogica$ s0i$$s, and $eadershi' s0i$$s+ Res'onsi)$e for training teachers to integrate ICT too$s -ith modern 'edagog" and im'$ementing them in their c$assrooms+ Master trainer in the High Education Di'$oma AICT in educationB -hich has )een a-arded )" his Highness <rince Hassan for Scientific E,ce$$ence+ Team $eader the ES< 'i$ot 'ro(ect AInno!ati!e Use of ICT in the C$assroomB+ USAID Funded 'ro(ect+ He$'ing teachers to ado't different ICT integration mode$s in the c$assroom+ He$'ing teachers to integrate 2IS, !irtua$ $a)s ;+ in the curricu$um+ Ma0ing training 'ac0ages for different 'rograms )ased on need ana$"sis+ Co3author of the High education di'$oma *oo0s + CADER third )atch trainer of trainers Mar0eting for CADER through free training sessions+ Mar0eting for High education di'$oma student assessment, teacher training, educationa$ materia$s de!e$o'ment, educationa$ management, and educationa$ monitoring and information s"stems -or0ing successfu$$" -ith ministries of education, net-or0s of educators

Design and de$i!er soft s0i$$s and management s0i$$s training courses Design 'rinci'a$shi' training 'rogram Use CADER mood$e and $earning management s"stem

2000, 2005 "*/-$%

A44$% B$cc$)$:/.$'. Sc0**)


*/O0% &eacher and laborator technician1 2 O*E is an interagenc" 'rogram funded )" the Nationa$ Aeronautics and S'ace Administration %NASA& 2 O*E is a coo'erati!e effort of schoo$s in 'artnershi' -ith co$$eges and uni!ersities, state and $oca$ schoo$ s"stems, and non3go!ernment organi?ations ---+g$o'e+go! A; <)*3. '/$(%./ Trained g$o)e teachers on 2$o)e 'rotoco$s in Amman and A1a)a A; <)*3. '.$c0./ 9/*8(-.; '0. ;':-.%'; '0. *99*/':%('1 '* ).$/% 31 =

Ta0ing scientifica$$" !a$id measurements in the fie$ds of atmos'here, h"dro$og", soi$s, and $and co!erC'heno$og" Re'orting their data through the Internet <u)$ishing their research 'ro(ects )ased on 2 O*E data and 'rotoco$s Creating ma's and gra'hs on the free interacti!e =e) site to ana$"?e data sets Co$$a)orating -ith scientists and other 2 O*E students around the -or$d Res'onsi)$e for 2 O*E internationa$ 'rogram and for 're'aring a$$ science and 2IS $a)s+ Trained 2 O*E teachers from M+++O+E ho- to use ICT in en!ironmenta$ education in Amman and A1a)a I2CSE chemistr" ,)io$og" and 'h"sics tutor ---+a)s+edu+(o htt'.CCsoi$+gsfc+nasa+go!Csoi$montC*ASEM+htm htt'.CCsoi$+gsfc+nasa+go!Csoi$montC(une79+htm htt'.CCsoi$+gsfc+nasa+go!C H$;0.4('. :%(8./;('1 >$/?$,

1998, 2000 "*/-$% /ab &echnician

Res'onsi)$e for 're'aring for, o'erating and maintaining a$$ instruments in instrumenta$ ana$"sis and 'h"sica$ chemistr" $a)s+ Res'onsi)$e for the 'ractica$ training for industria$ technician stud"ing at communit" co$$eges in ?ar1a ---+hu+edu+(o P0$/4$ %'./%$'(*%$) A44$%, and educationa$ $a)orator"

199@, 1998 "*/-$% Chemical anal st

Res'onsi)$e for conducting 1ua$it" contro$ 'rocedures and esta)$ishing them+++ Drug ana$"sis using com'uteri?ed instruments+ Using com'uter to de!e$o' ne- methods+

Using com'uteri?ed s'ectro'hotometer to determine the )est a)sor)ance -a!e$ength+ PRO"ECTS E#PER ENCES 5UNPA D LEAVE !ROM CADERA D.c.43./ 2011 &'()) %*+ AB$3$ H*'.); A;;*c($'(*% 5AHAA AB$3$, "*/-$% Chief E,ecuti!e Director A1a)a Hote$ Association %AHA& is a 'rofessiona$ Association re'resenting Hote$s in A1a)a/ Its mission is to e$e!ate A1a)aDs hote$s to internationa$ standards through ade1uate re'resentation, 'romotion, and ca'acit" )ui$ding+ Current$" it has t-o grants. one from EU %:EDCO& and one from USAID %ACED 'rogram& .2009,A9/() 2009

!.3. , "*/-$% E,am'$es.

Freelance trainer for leadership skills <rinci'$es of societ"Es management, conf$ict reso$ution, team de!e$o'ment, communit" 'artici'ation for FENID Communication s0i$$s, team *ui$ding, time management, *usiness eti1uette for Ah$i *an0 IT Change management for <a$ma ena)$ing e,ce$$ence -ith coordination -it IMC Content de!e$o'ment for $eadershi' s0i$$s for CADRE internationa$ ---+imc+com+(oC'rint-or0sho'+'h'GidHI7 A1)$ A8($'(*% Ac$-.41

Oc'*3./ .2008,7.3 2009 AB$3$, "*/-$% Leadership Program Manager and Cadet Counselor

Creation and im'$ementation of a$$ 'rocesses re$ated to soft s0i$$s de!e$o'ment of students in the A"$a eadershi' <rogram+ am accounta)$e for fu$$3c"c$e 'rogram management -hi$e focusing on )ui$ding the soft s0i$$s de!e$o'ment 'rocesses -ithin A"$a + I '$a"ed a 0e" ro$e in )ui$ding re$ationshi's -ith !arious instructors

and trainers -ithin the com'an" so as 'rogram content is integrated into the -ho$e s"stem to faci$itate the career de!e$o'ment of 'rogram 'artici'ants EDUCAT ON 2C2005 ,8C2005 (% H*))$%- :%(8./;('1 R*''./-$4, N.'0./)$%-; M$;'./ '/$(%./ *7 C0$%6. A6.%'; (% '0. A/$3 +*/) A :oint 'rogram )et-een "armou0 uni!ersit" and inho$$and uni!ersit" to ena)$e 0no-$edge econom" in :ordan and Ara) region a Si,3month intensi!e training course> he$d )" Dutch tutors from INHO AND Uni!ersit" in :ordan from Fe) 6778 ti$$ August 6778+ , >The training course inc$uded 65 da"s in INHO AND Uni!ersit" in The Nether$ands+ The training aimed at creating ChangeAgents in Education )" 'romoting their different s0i$$s such as communication s0i$$s, metcogniti!e s0i$$s, 'edagogica$ s0i$$s, and $eadershi' s0i$$s

0''9=CC+++.(%0*))$%-.%)C(%0*))$%-c*4C htt'.CC---+inho$$and+n$Cacadem"C htt'.CC---+inho$$and+n$CAcadem"CContentCNieu-s677JC677J7KCCADERL:ordaniM+htm GSource2uidHNI67FO6IP3O6II3PP863*J6639F68F*8DDA9JQ 2003, 200@ A/$3 Ac$-.41 7*/ 3$%?(%6 $%- 7(%$%c($) ;c(.%c.; A44$%, "*/-$% M.Sc. in Management Information S"stems -ith e,ce$$ent record 2<A KKR Rating E,ce$$ent M$(% ;:3D.c'; (%c):-.;= change management, 'ro(ect management ,0no-$edge management ,decision su''ort s"stems ,information s"stems management ,*usiness information techno$og" ,*usiness data communication ,and e3)usiness+ EEE.AA*FS+OR2 1992,199@ Y$/4*:? U%(8./;('1 /3(-, "*/-$% B.Sc + Ma(oring in Chemistr"+ Minor in En!ironment+ ===+SU+EDU+:O 1989,1992 A44$%,"*/-$% A),H:;;.(% C*)).6.

2enera$ Secondar" Schoo$ Certificate %Ta-(ihi& Scientific stream+ PRO!ESS ONAL MEMBERSH P %;'(':'. *7 4$%$6.4.%' c*%;:)'$%' $%- '/$(%./; & 7:)) 4.43./ !/(.%-; *7 .%8(/*%4.%' ;*c(.'1,7:)) 4.43./

TRA N N< COURCES 66C55368C55 @irin internationa$ Amman :ordan Com'$e,it" management 69CPC67563 6OCPC6756 <)*3$) !:%- 7*/ A DS A1a)a3:ordan AIDS ad!ocac" and strengthening 'artnershi' 5KCPC67563 A$"ousef for Food safet" A1a)a3:ordan HACC< a-areness session for Hote$s managers and su'er!isors 5CPC6756 A4(- .$;' A1a)a3:ordan <ro(ect management 'rofessiona$ training . <M*O@ IC6C6757 CADER Amman3:ordan Creati!it" and team )ui$ding. the Fish 'hi$oso'h" *" :ami$ Sarra( 5I,TKC57C677J '.$4 .%6(%../(%6 $%- 4$%$6.4.%' c*%;:)'$%' Amman3:ordan Socia$ inno!ation and management. Is$amic 'ers'ecti!e -or0sho' )" <rof Ronnie $essem, <rof A)du$ Muti Assaf and Dr Ade$ A$rasheed+ 83KC6C677K B:;(%.;; -.8.)*94.%' c.%'./ Amman3:ordan Train the trainer -or0sho' )" Dr Samir *ata # ead6Act 20, 22C12C2008 B/('(;0 c*:%c() A44$%,"*/-$% InterAction $eadershi' 'rogram UInterActionD is an adu$t $earning 'rogramme -hich aims to u'grade an indi!idua$Ds 'artici'ation, $eadershi', communication and !isioning s0i$$s and in turn gi!e himCher the confidence to initiate andCor engage constructi!e$" -ith 'ositi!e socia$ change 'rocesses -ithin their organisations and communities+ The 'rogramme is rooted in the !a$ues of the transformationa$ $eadershi' management 'hi$oso'h" 2@C8C2008,29C8C2008 CADER $%- ;$%;$ c*%;:)' 5N.'0./)$%-;A A44$%,"*/-$% mentoring and e!a$uation )" isette 2ast 23,26C8C2008 CADER $%- 2(/(% (%'./%$'(*%$) c*%;:)'$%c1 A44$%,"*/-$% Future search and a''reciati!e in1uir" )" Dr Han Ra0es 21,22C8C2008 CADER $%- 2(/(% (%'./%$'(*%$) c*%;:)'$%c1 A44$%,"*/-$%

Advanced session design

by r !an Rakes

29C6,3C@C2008 LM A44$%,"*/-$% Team $eading A-ard

(%;'(':'. *7 ).$-./;0(9 4$%$6.4.%' 5U.2A

30C4,1C5 C2008 CADER $%- 2(/(% (%'./%$'(*%$) c*%;:)'$%c1 A44$%,"*/-$% Creati!it" and inno!ations in training and $earning )" Dr Han Ra0es 1,15 C4C2008 B/$%$ C.%'./ D$4$;c:;, S1/($ Fast reading )" Saheer Ha(ar 14,15 C@C200@ CADER $%- 2(/(% (%'./%$'(*%$) c*%;:)'$%c1 A44$%,"*/-$% Faci$itating Ins'ired Changes )" Dr Han Ra0es 10,24C6C 677I U%('.- N$'(*%; U%(8./;('1 &L.$-./;0(9 %;'(':'. A44$%,"*/-$% Conf$ict reso$ution, negotiation, and mediation+ 1C2,1C8C2005 N.'0./)$%-; (%H*))$%- Ac$-.41

C./'(7(.- 4$;'./ '/$(%./ $%- C0$%6. A6.%' Si,3month intensi!e training course he$d )" Dutch tutors from INHO AND Uni!ersit" in :ordan from Fe) 6778 ti$$ August 6778+ The training course inc$uded 65 da"s in INHO AND Uni!ersit" in The Nether$ands+ The training aimed at creating ChangeAgents in Education )" 'romoting their different s0i$$s such as communication s0i$$s, metcogniti!e s0i$$s, 'edagogica$ s0i$$s, and $eadershi' s0i$$s+

8C1998,8C2000 H$;0.4('. U%(8./;('1 >$/B$ &"*/-$% T*'$) F:$)('1 4$%$6.4.%' '/$(%(%6 c*:/;. 0.)- 31 9/*7.;;*/ A33$; 20$7$D( 9.%. S'$'. :%(8./;('1 H(%D H$4*:/( P/*3).4 ;*)8(%6 '.c0%(B:.; 31 9/*7. 4$04*:- T$0./ $%MS O77(c. c*49/.0.%;(8. '/$(%(%6 c*:/;.


H:4$% c*49:'./ (%'./$c'(*% ,'.c0%*)*61 '.c0%*)*61 4:)'(4.-($ ).$/%(%6.

Acc.9'$%c. 4*-.) ,.-:c$'(*%$)

Research 'ro(ect u'dated TAM for ne- soft-areDs in schoo$s in :ordan

LAN<UA<ES A/$3(c E%6)(;0 mother tongue !er" good s'o0en and -ritten, TOEF 66I, !CE

RE!ERENCES :ama$ @ha))a?eh, Ena)$ing *usiness En!ironment Team eader, A1a)a Communit" and Economic De!e$o'ment %ACED& <rogram, A1a)a3:ordan, E3mai$. (0ha))a?ehVaced3(ordan+com,Mo)+. LJO6 %IJ& J7O J7K7,Te$+. LJO6 %9& 675 IIO5 E,t+.57O,Fa,. LJO6 %9& 675 IIO7 S0"'e. (0ha))a?eh, =e). ---+aced3(ordan+com %current Su'er!isor& Ru$a A$(undi ,Trainer of trainer ,CADER change Agent for Ara) de!e$o'ment and education reform ,mo)i$e 77JO6IIO96688O %'re!ious su'er!isor& ,Ra$(undiVcaderco+com Adnan A)u A$hai(a ,senior Master trainer,CADER change Agent for Ara) de!e$o'ment and education reform mo)i$e77JO6IIOJPI869 PERSONAL DATA !:)) N$4.. *asem Mohammed Amin A)de$rahman D$'. *7 B(/'0. I3K35JIP P)$c. *7 B(/'0. i)"a N$'(*%$)('1. :ordanian M$/'($) S'$':;. Married, 9 chi$dren Te$+. JO63O3PKI6897 Mo)+ JO63IJI5O58I5 7JOO8P697OKP5 A--/.;; AB$3$ ;9.c($) .c*%*4(c G*%.,A/.$ %* 10 A44$% &"*/-$% P.O.B*H 330523 E3mai$. )asemma0V"ahoo+com

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