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MUST BE COVERED FOR TEST: -types of rocks -rocks with fossils in them -pumice rock with holes -Minerals

are all the same material -Relationship between rock and mineral! Rocks are made from minerals -How sedimentary rocks are formed/all types! -What forms after a rock has been weathered over many years? Soil -Rocks broken down weathered -Movement of weathered materials is called what?! -soil samples relation of water -!ypes of S"#$ and what is found in each one!! -%olor of topsoil!

ROCKS, SOIL & MINERALS &ay '( &ifference between rocks minerals( "bserve rocks usin) ma)nifyin) )lass draw shapes/colors of minerals &ay *( Rock %ycle( How sed+ meta and i)neous are made/observe &ay ,( Sort rocks by appearance Sedimentary( rounded+ appearin) mineral rock particles that are cemented to)ether often in layers #)neous( w/w/out observable crystals+ not in layers or with/ without airholes or )lasslike Metamorphic( crystals/minerals+ often in layers &ay -( %lassify common rocks in .tah Sedimentary( sandstone+ obsidian+ shale #)neous( basalt+ )ranite+ obsidian+ pumice Metamorphic( marble+ )neiss+ schist &ay /( Weatherin)/ 0rosion chan)e move materials that become soil

&ay 1( 2lant )rass+ observe list components of soil 3minerals+ rocks+ air+ water+ livin) dead or)anisms4 &ay 5( !ypes of Soil &ay 6( &ia)ram/ model of soil profile &ay 7( Review for test &ay '8( !0S!

Day 1: Difference be !een r"c#$ & %inera&$

'9 Have students )ather , items from desk9 &ivide into )roups )ive them * minutes to sort them into cate)ories record in my Rocks Soil book9 *9 Have )roups share cate)ories and why they sorted+ what criteria did they use? ,9 :ust like we sorted items from our desks into cate)ories+ scientists do the same thin)9 * )roups scientists use are Rocks Minerals9 -9 ;ive )roups a sample of Mineral sample of Rock and Hand $ens /9 !ell them on is a rock one is a mineral9 $ook at it with your lens and see if you can determine which is a mineral which is a rock9 19 <fter * minutes have students share their ideas reasonin)9 59 &efine =Mineral= =Rock= as class record definition in book9 69 &ivide students into )roups and combine their mineral rock samples9 .sin) class definitions+ have students sort into the two cate)ories9 79 Share compare! '89 Have students illustrate ' mineral ' rock in their rocks soil book9 #llustrations must clearly show that minerals are >ust ' and rocks are more than ' #? !#M0( Move onto step * of Rock "bservations! %lose up of rocks!

DA' (: )"! r"c#$ are f"r%e* +r"c# cyc&e, & - *ifferen y.e$
'9 =0ach rock has a story about how it was born/formed= *9 Hold up piece of )ranite( !he life story of this piece of )ranite mi)ht be somethin) like this( # started life as a very hot li@uid9 Slowly # rose toward 0arth=s surface started to cool9 <s # cooled+ minerals # was made of started to =find= each other form crystals9 # started to look speckled very pretty! # cooled completely rose a little hi)her in 0arth=s crust9 Soon+ rain+ water even an iceber) scraped off the rock on top of me! # was eAposed to li)ht for the first time9 !hen # was brou)ht into this classroom! ,9 Bow999how do we make rocks? How do those mineral pieces stick to)ether? -9 !here are , basic kinds of rocks( #)neous+ Sedimentary Metamorphic We are )oin) to look at the life story of each one! /9 SM<R!C"<R& $0SS"B a9 $et=s start with #)neous Rocks 3S$#&0 14( What happens when somethin) )ets really hot? 3melts4 b9 When rock )ets really hot+ it melts too9 Melted rock is called ma)ma 3move out obsidian4 !his is found deep in the 0arth where it=s really hot! !oday we are )oin) to use melted chocolate to represent ma)ma! 3;ive each students a cup of ice water w/ a s@uirt of ma)ic shell9 have students watch as it hardens9 4 c9 !his is what happens to ma)ma9 When it=s below the surface of 0arth it is hot li@uid but then it comes up throu)h volcanoes or cracks in the earth=s surface as it cools+ it hardens to become #)neous rock 32ull out other rocks on slide4 Have students write definition in Cook!! eat chocolate!!19Sedimentary Rocks 3S$#&0 54( <re all rocks the same siDe? 3B"4 Some are hu)e like boulders some are small like )rains of sand! "ne way rocks are made is by takin) lots of smaller rocks pressin) them to)ether in layers9 !hese are sedimentary rocks! 3Move out sandstone chert on slide4 -2ile books on top of each other( :ust like rocks are in layers if we >ust pile them they will easily fall apart9 We need somethin) with more 2R0SS.R0!2ull out limestone last one9999"ver lots of time the layers are pushed to)ether by various forces like )ravity+ wind etc9 <fter lots of time to)ether999it=s really difficult to pull apart the layers9 !hese rocks are under 0Atreme pressure for a E0RF lon) time! Have students write definition in book! 59 Metamorphic Rocks 3S$#&0 64( While i)neous rocks are made from heat sedimentary are made from pressure999Metamorphic are made from C"!H heat pressure!! -Have one student come up )ive them * separate pieces of clay! Bow your hands are warmer than the clay they are applyin) pressure as you mold it miA it9 :ust like heat pressure chan)e i)neous sedimentary rocks into metamorphic+ you are usin) them to take * pieces and chan)e them into ' -Write definition in notebook!


'9 Review what the three types of rocks are( i)neous+ sedimentary+ metamorphic usin) smartboard for &ay , 3S$#&0S '-,4 *9 Separate into e@ual )roups for amount of rocks9 0ach )roup must have * i)neous+ * sedimentary and * metamorphic rocks ma)nifyin) )lass ,9 ?irst+ )ive time 3/ish minutes4 to observe study rocks 3S$#&0 -4 What do they see? %olors? How bi)? %an you see minerals? #s rock spotted or striped? How does it feel? Rou)h/Smooth? #s it shiny or dull? -9 BeAt have students use what they observed to divide rocks into , cate)ories9 #)neous+ Sedimentary and Metamorphic9 3%heck to)ether to make sure all )roups are correct4 /9 BeAt+ have students look at each )roup one at a time9 3S$#&0 /4 What do they look like? How do they feel? What colors are they? What do they have in common? %an you see evidence/si)ns of how rock was formed? 19 Write/draw description of each type of rock on =Rocks Soil= book pa)e!


'9 *9 ,9 -9 &ivide students into , )roups )ive each a boA of the rocks common in utah ;ive each of them a set of = What=s !his Rock= %ards9 Have them use descriptions on cards to identify each rock in the collection9 Share/%ompare answers as a class #f a )roup finished early they can come up work with the smartboard lesson identifyin) other kinds of rocks in the , cate)ories /9 Bow that all the .tah rocks have been identified+ sort them into )roups of i)neous+ sedimentary metamorphic rocks in )roups 19 Share/%ompare as class! 59 Have students list .tah rocks in correct cate)ory in the =Rocks Soil= book9 0G<M2$0S( #)enous Rocks( obsidian+ basalt+ )ranite+ pumice Sedimentary Rocks( Sandstone+ shale+ con)lomerate+ limestone


List the rocks you have observed that are found in the state of Utah
________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________

List the rocks in the correct cate ory be!o"# $%N&OUS' S&($M&NTAR)' M&TAMOR*H$C'

(A) +' ,eatherin - &rosion

./ove /ateria!s that beco/e soi!0
1. Ask...while students follow along on paper...What is stronger? Wind or a rock, plant or rock, water or rock, ice or rock etc. Have students complete predictions on paper as you ask. (S !"# $% Ask "o all rocks stay the same si&e? '( "#)!'# weathering for students...have them write it in their rocks * soil +ook. (S !"# ,% ;" "E0R !F20S "? W0<!H0R#B;9999 S00 pictures S$#&0S /-7999WR#!0 in notebook *9 S$#&0 '8( Weatherin) is not alone has a friend that helps move the pieces that have been been broken9 ,9 S$#&0 ''( Huestions about dirt hittin)9999&efine 0rosion write in soil notebook! <lon) with types of erosion -9 <%!#E#!F( !ake students on a walk around school )rounds+ point out evidence of erosion weatherin) 3buckled sidewalks+ rivets+ worn bricks+ concrete+ rocks moved around4 SOIL FORMS AFTER LOTS AND LOTS OF 1EAT)ERIN2 & EROSION
/9 #? !#M0( H<B&S "B( fill tub with loose dirt9 C /r"ce*3re: '9 Clow on the tub of loose dirt9 "bserve that wind makes soil move9 *9 Clow on the turf9 "bserve/infer that the plants/)rass seem to hold the soil in place9 ,9 #ncline the tub of loose dirt and pour water on it9 "bserve that the water carries away the soil9 -9 #ncline the tub of turf and pour water on it9 "bserve/infer that the plants/)rass seem to hold the soil in place9 /9 2ick up a fra)ile clump of wet soil9 Hold one end of it and wait for the other end to fall9 <sk the students what force caused the clump of dirt to break9 Wind and water and )ravity can all make soil move9 !hese are the three a)ents of erosion9 Which is the process by which bits of earth Itypically soil and rock+ but also bits of buildin)sJ are transported from one place to another9 Cut why does this happen? ;ravity is easy to fi)ure out+ it provides a force to pull down on overhan)in) bits of earth9 Cut what about wind and water?
K Wind+ water+ and )ravity can all lead to erosion+ which is the movement of soil+ dirt+ rocks+ etc9- all the thin)s that make up the 0arth9

,&ATH&R$N% - &ROS$ON
What is stronger? -ircle your prediction What is stronger? What is stronger? What is stronger? What is stronger? What is stronger? Wind A plant Water !ce .ain or or or or or a rock a rock a rock a rock a rock

Weathering/ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1ypes of Weathering/ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 #rosion/ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1ypes of #rosion/ 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 How can we reduce erosion?

(ay 1' Soi! $ntroduction

1. Slide 1/ What2s the difference +etween soil * dirt? et talk in groups. "irt is what you find under your fingernails...soil is found under your feet. .ead rest of slide 133 Why do we rely on soil? Animals? 4lants? Slide 5/ )irst layer/ ground level / humus * decomposers33 Slide $/ 1opsoil Slide ,/ Su+soil Slide 6/ 4arent 7aterial Slide 8/ 9edrock ook at profiles3

5. $. ,. 6. 8. :.

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