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COURSE OUTLINE FOR AGRARIAN REFORM LAW [Law 148] UP College of Law, 2nd Semester, SY 2011-2012 Cou !e "e!

# $%&$o' This two unit course is designed to provide law students an insight into the core concepts of agrarian reform law as designed and implemented under RA 66 ! "as amended#$ A historical %ac&ground shall %e provided, and the &e' ideas of this social (ustice legislation will %e e)amined$ The student will also %e given a detailed anal'sis of the dispute resolution mechanism within the *AR and the *AR Ad(udication +oard$ ,inall', the student will also %e given a live case to handle, and appl' his-her anal'tic s&ills in the proposed resolution of the case %' writing a case matri) and a draft decision$ Cou !e Re(u$ e)e'&! 1$ Active .articipation in /lass *iscussions and least 10 class attendance da's "102# 2$ .aper and .resentation3 /ase Anal'sis and *raft *ecision "102# 1$ ,inal 4)ams 5 6ultiple /hoice 7uestions on 8urisdiction and 4ssa' 7uestions on 9e' AR :aw /oncepts; 002 U!eful Refe e'#e - "AR Legal I'fo )a&$o' S*!&e) +,&&%-..www/l$!/0a /go1/%,.2

Cou !e Ou&l$'e Se!!$o' O'e 3 O ga'$4a&$o'al Mee&$'g <verview of the /ourse on Agrarian :aw =eneral /oncepts of Agrarian Reform <rgani>ational 6atters and /ourse /ompletion /ommon 6a&e ?p Time /lass /oordinators 4mail =roup

Se!!$o' Two 5 I'& o0u#&$o' 6$!&o $#al 7a#8g ou'0 a'0 P og e!!$o' of Leg$!la&$o'

Article: Law on Agrarian Reform, %' Recaredo +arte, 1@@1 4dition, pp$ 1-1A "Bntroduction# Article: The Development of Post War Philippine Land Reform: Political and Sociological Explanations +' *avid Curfel in Se#o'0 9$ew f o) &,e Pa00*, Antonio :edesma, .erla 7$ 6a&il D Eirginia A$ 6iralao, eds$, Bnstitute of .hilippine /ulture, Ateneo de 6anila, 1@A1 RA 1A00 as amended %' RA 61A@ "Agricultural :and Reform /ode# August A, 1@61 .* 2! "4mancipation of Tenants from the +ondage of the Soil# <ct$ 21, 1@!2$ 4)ecutive <rder 22A "*eclaring ,ull :and <wnership to 7ualified +eneficiaries covered %' .* 2!# 1! 8ul' 1@A! 4)ecutive <rder 12@-A "6odif'ing 4< 12@ Reorgani>ing and Strengthening *AR# 26 8ul' 1@A! .roclamation 111 "Bnstituting a /omprehensive Agrarian Reform .rogram# 22 8ul' 1@A! RA 66 ! "/omprehensive Agrarian Reform .rogram# 8une 10, 1@AA RA !AA1 "Amending the /AR.# ,e%ruar' 20, 1@@ RA @!00 "Strengthening the /AR.# August !, 200@ Sec$ 2 RA 66 ! "as amended %' RA @!00# F *eclaration of .rinciples and .olicies

Se!!$o' T, ee 3 La'0 A#(u$!$&$o'


LAN" AC:UISITION F the transfer of private and pu%lic lands to farmer %eneficiaries o Sec$ 1a *efinition of Agrarian Reform "a# Agrarian Reform means redistri%ution of lands, regardless of crops or fruits produced, to farmers and regular farmwor&ers who are landless, irrespective of tenurial arrangement, to include the totalit' of factors and support services designed to lift the economic status of the %eneficiaries and all other arrangements alternative to the ph'sical redistri%ution of lands, such as production or profit-sharing, la%or administration, and the distri%ution of shares of stoc&s, which will allow %eneficiaries to receive a (ust share of the fruits of the lands the' wor&$ o Sec$ 0 Scope of the .rogram

The /omprehensive Agrarian Reform :aw of 1@A@ shall cover, regardless of tenurial arrangement and commodit' produced, all pu%lic and private agricultural lands, as provided in .roclamation Go$ 111 and 4)ecutive <rder Go$ 22@, including other lands of the pu%lic domain suita%le for agriculture$ 6ore specificall' the following lands are covered %' the /omprehensive Agrarian Reform .rogram3 "a# All aliena%le and disposa%le lands of the pu%lic domain devoted to or suita%le for agriculture$ Go reclassification of forest or mineral lands to agricultural lands shall %e underta&en after the approval of this Act until /ongress, ta&ing into account ecological, developmental and eHuit' considerations, shall have determined %' law, the specific limits of the pu%lic domain$ "%# All lands of the pu%lic domain in e)cess of the specific limits as determined %' /ongress in the preceding paragraphI "c# All other lands owned %' the =overnment devoted to or suita%le for agricultureI and "d# All private lands devoted to or suita%le for agriculture regardless of the agricultural products raised or that can %e raised thereon$ o Sec$ ! .riorities of /overage

The *epartment of Agrarian Reform "*AR# in coordination with the .residential Agrarian Reform /ouncil ".AR/# shall plan and program the acHuisition and distri%ution of all agricultural lands through a period of ten "10# 'ears from the effectivit' of this Act$ :ands shall %e acHuired and distri%uted as follows3 .hase <ne3 Rice and corn lands under .residential *ecree Go$ 2!I all idle or a%andoned landsI all private lands voluntaril' offered %' the owners for agrarian reformI all lands foreclosed %' the government financial institutionsI all lands acHuired %' the .residential /ommission on =ood =overnment "./==#I and all other lands owned %' the government devoted to or suita%le for agriculture, which shall %e acHuired and distri%uted immediatel' upon the effectivit' of this Act, with the implementation to %e completed within a period of not more than four "0# 'earsI .hase Two3 All aliena%le and disposa%le pu%lic agricultural landsI all ara%le pu%lic agricultural lands under agro-forest, pasture and agricultural leases alread' cultivated and planted to crops in accordance with Section 6, Article JBBB of the /onstitutionI all pu%lic agricultural lands which are to %e opened for new development and resettlementI and all private agricultural lands in e)cess of fift' " 0# hectares, insofar as the e)cess hectarage is concerned, to implement principall' the rights of farmers and regular farmwor&ers, who are the landless, to own directl' or collectivel' the lands the' till, which shall %e distri%uted immediatel' upon the effectivit' of this Act, with the implementation to %e completed within a period of not more than four "0# 'ears$ .hase Three3 All other private agricultural lands commencing with large landholdings and proceeding to medium and small landholdings under the following schedule3 "a# :andholdings a%ove twent'-four "20# hectares up to fift' " 0# hectares, to %egin on the fourth "0th# 'ear from the effectivit' of this Act and to %e completed within three "1# 'earsI and

"%# :andholdings from the retention limit up to twent'-four "20# hectares, to %egin on the si)th "6th# 'ear from the effectivit' of this Act and to %e completed within four "0# 'earsI to implement principall' the right of farmers and regular farmwor&ers who are landless, to own directl' or collectivel' the lands the' till$ The schedule of acHuisition and redistri%ution of all agricultural lands covered %' this program shall %e made in accordance with the a%ove order of priorit', which shall %e provided in the implementing rules to %e prepared %' the .residential Agrarian Reform /ouncil ".AR/#, ta&ing into consideration the followingI the need to distri%ute land to the tillers at the earliest practica%le timeI the need to enhance agricultural productivit'I and the availa%ilit' of funds and resources to implement and support the program$ Bn an' case, the .AR/, upon recommendation %' the .rovincial Agrarian Reform /oordinating /ommittee ".AR//<6#, ma' declare certain provinces or region as priorit' land reform areas, in which the acHuisition and distri%ution of private agricultural lands therein ma' %e implemented ahead of the a%ove schedules$ Bn effecting the transfer within these guidelines, priorit' must %e given to lands that are tenanted$ The .AR/ shall esta%lish guidelines to implement the a%ove priorities and distri%ution scheme, including the determination of who are Hualified %eneficiaries3 .rovided, That an owner-tiller ma' %e a %eneficiar' of the land he does not own %ut is actuall' cultivating to the e)tent of the difference %etween the area of the land he owns and the award ceiling of three "1# hectares$

Sec$ 16 :and AcHuisition "/ompulsor' AcHuisition#

,or purposes of acHuisition of private lands, the following procedures shall %e followed3 "a# After having identified the land, the landowners and the %eneficiaries, the *AR shall send its notice to acHuire the land to the owners thereof, %' personal deliver' or registered mail, and post the same in a conspicuous place in the municipal %uilding and %aranga' hall of the place where the propert' is located$ Said notice shall contain the offer of the *AR to pa' a corresponding value in accordance with the valuation set forth in Sections 1!, 1A, and other pertinent provisions hereof$ "%# Cithin thirt' "10# da's from the date of receipt of written notice %' personal deliver' or registered mail, the landowner, his administrator or representative shall inform the *AR of his acceptance or re(ection of the offer$ "c# Bf the landowner accepts the offer of the *AR, the :and +an& of the .hilippines ":+.# shall pa' the landowner the purchase price of the land within thirt' "10# da's after he e)ecutes and delivers a deed of transfer in favor of the government and surrenders the /ertificate of Title and other muniments of title$ "d# Bn case of re(ection or failure to repl', the *AR shall conduct summar' administrative proceedings to determine the compensation for the land reHuiring the landowner, the :+. and other interested parties to su%mit evidence as to the (ust compensation for the land, within fifteen "1 # da's from the receipt of the notice$ After the e)piration of the a%ove period, the matter is deemed su%mitted for decision$ The *AR shall decide the case within thirt' "10# da's after it is su%mitted for decision$ "e# ?pon receipt %' the landowner of the corresponding pa'ment or, in case of re(ection or no response from the landowner, upon the deposit with an accessi%le %an& designated %' the *AR of the compensation in cash or in :+. %onds in accordance with this Act, the *AR shall ta&e immediate possession of the land and shall reHuest the proper Register of *eeds to issue a Transfer /ertificate of Title "T/T# in the name of the Repu%lic of the .hilippines$ The *AR shall thereafter proceed with the redistri%ution of the land to the Hualified %eneficiaries$ "f# An' part' who disagrees with the decision ma' %ring the matter to the court of proper (urisdiction for final determination of (ust compensation$ o Sec$ 1@ :and AcHuisition "Eoluntar' <ffer to Sell# :andowners, other than %an&s and other financial institutions, who voluntaril' offer their lands for sale shall %e entitled to an additional five percent " 2# cash pa'ment$

A!!o#$a&$o' of S)all La'0ow'e ! $' &,e P,$l$%%$'e! e&/ al/, 1S Se# e&a * of Ag a $a' Refo ) , =R$ Go$ !@110 , 8ul' 10, 1@A@ "1! S/RA 101# Ro;a! 1!/ Cou & of A%%eal! "=R Go$ 12!A!6, *ec$ 1!, 1@@@# 9ARIATIONS ON LAN" AC:UISITION o Sec$ 11 /orporate :andowners "Stoc& *istri%ution <ption# /orporate landowners ma' voluntaril' transfer ownership over their agricultural landholdings to the Repu%lic of the .hilippines pursuant to Section 20 hereof or to Hualified %eneficiaries, under such terms and conditions, consistent with this Act, as the' ma' agree upon, su%(ect to confirmation %' the *AR$ ?pon certification %' the *AR, corporations owning agricultural lands ma' give their Hualified %eneficiaries the right to purchase such proportion of the capital stoc& of the corporation that the agricultural land, actuall' devoted to agricultural activities, %ears in relation to the compan'Ks total assets, under such terms and conditions as ma' %e agreed upon %' them$ Bn no case shall the compensation received %' the wor&ers at the time the shares of stoc&s are distri%uted %e reduced$ The same principle shall %e applied to associations, with respect to their eHuit' or participation$ /orporations or associations which voluntaril' divest a proportion of their capital stoc&, eHuit' or participation in favor of their wor&ers or other Hualified %eneficiaries under this section shall %e deemed to have complied with the provisions of the Act3 .rovided, That the following conditions are complied with3 a# Bn order to safeguard the right of %eneficiaries who own shares of stoc&s to dividends and other financial %enefits, the %oo&s of the corporation or association shall %e su%(ect to periodic audit %' certified pu%lic accountants chosen %' the %eneficiariesI %# Brrespective of the value of their eHuit' in the corporation or association, the %eneficiaries shall %e assured of at least one "1# representative in the %oard of directors, or in a management or e)ecutive committee, if one e)ists, of the corporation or associationI and c# An' shares acHuired %' such wor&ers and %eneficiaries shall have the same rights and features as all other shares$ d# An' transfer of shares of stoc&s %' the original %eneficiaries shall %e void a% initio unless said transaction is in favor of a Hualified and registered %eneficiar' within the same corporation$ Bf within two "2# 'ears from the approval of this Act, the land or stoc& transfer envisioned a%ove is not made or reali>ed or the plan for such stoc& distri%ution approved %' the .AR/ within the same period, the agricultural land of the corporate owners or corporation shall %e su%(ect to the compulsor' coverage of this Act$

6a#$e'0a Lu$!$&a I'#/ 1e !u! P e!$0e'&$al Ag a $a' Refo ) Cou'#$l e&/ al, =R$ Go$ 1!1101, 8ul' , 2011$ o Sec$ 6 para$ 1 F Award of :ands to /hildren of :andowners

Reference: DAR Adm. rder !o. "# series "$$% & R'LES A!D RE('LAT) !S ! T*E A+,')S)T) ! A!D D)STR)-'T) ! . A(R)+'LT'RAL LA!DS /nder RA 0012 as amended 34 RA %2$$ Se!!$o' Fou 3 Re&e'&$o', E;e)%&$o' a'0 E;#lu!$o'! LAN"S NOT CO9ERE" 7< LAN" AC:UISITION3 Retention Rights, 4)emptions and 4)clusions o Sec$ 6 of RA 66 ! F Retention Rights "c$f$ with retention right under .* 2!#

4)cept as otherwise provided in this Act, no person ma' own or retain, directl' or indirectl', an' pu%lic or private agricultural land, the si>e of which shall var' according to factors governing a via%le famil'-si>e farm, such as commodit' produced, terrain, infrastructure, and soil fertilit' as determined %' the .residential Agrarian Reform /ouncil ".AR/# created hereunder, %ut in no case shall retention %' the landowner e)ceed five " # hectares$ Three "1# hectares ma' %e awarded to each child of the landowner, su%(ect to the following Hualifications3 "1# that he is at least fifteen "1 # 'ears of ageI and "2# that he is actuall' tilling the land or directl' managing the farm3 .rovided, That landowners whose lands have %een covered %' .residential *ecree Go$ 2! shall %e allowed to &eep the areas originall' retained %' them thereunder3 .rovided, further, That original homestead grantees or their direct compulsor' heirs who still own the original homestead at the time of the approval of this Act shall retain the same areas as long as the' continue to cultivate said homestead$

The right to choose the area to %e retained, which shall %e compact or contiguous, shall pertain to the landowner3 .rovided, however, That in case the area selected for retention %' the landowner is tenanted, the tenant shall have the option to choose whether to remain therein or %e a %eneficiar' in the same or another agricultural land with similar or compara%le features$ Bn case the tenant chooses to remain in the retained area, he shall %e considered a leaseholder and shall lose his right to %e a %eneficiar' under this Act$ Bn case the tenant chooses to %e a %eneficiar' in another agricultural land, he loses his right as a leaseholder to the land retained %' the landowner$ The tenant must e)ercise this option within a period of one "1# 'ear from the time the landowner manifests his choice of the area for retention$ Bn all cases, the securit' of tenure of the farmers or farmwor&ers on the land prior to the approval of this Act shall %e respected$ ?pon the effectivit' of this Act, an' sale, disposition, lease, management, contract or transfer of possession of private lands e)ecuted %' the original landowner in violation of the Act shall %e null and void3 .rovided, however, That those e)ecuted prior to this Act shall %e valid onl' when registered with the Register of *eeds within a period of three "1# months after the effectivit' of this Act$ Thereafter, all Registers of *eeds shall inform the *epartment of Agrarian Reform "*AR# within thirt' "10# da's of an' transaction involving agricultural lands in e)cess of five " # hectares$ Al$&a 1!/ Cou & of A%%eal! "1!0 S/RA !06, 1@A@# rder !o. " series "$$5 6 "$$5 R/les of Proced/re on Landowners Retention Rights

Reference: DAR Adm.

o Sec$ 10- 4)emptions and 4)clusions :ands actuall', directl' and e)clusivel' used and found to %e necessar' for par&s, wildlife, forest reserves, reforestation, fish sanctuaries and %reeding grounds, watersheds, and mangroves, national defense, school sites and campuses including e)perimental farm stations operated %' pu%lic or private schools for educational purposes, seeds and seedlings research and pilot production centers, church sites and convents appurtenant thereto, mosHue sites and Bslamic centers appurtenant thereto, communal %urial grounds and cemeteries, penal colonies and penal farms actuall' wor&ed %' the inmates, government and private research and Huarantine centers and all lands with eighteen percent "1A2# slope and over, e)cept those alread' developed shall %e e)empt from the coverage of the Act$ o Sec$ 1 c in relation to *<8 <pinion Go$ 00 s$ 1@@0 and the case of Gatalia Realt' et$ al$$ versus *AR, =R Go$ 101102, August 12, 1@@1 Agricultural :and refers to land devoted to agricultural activit' as defined in this Act and not classified as mineral, forest, residential, commercial or industrial land$ References: 7. DAR Adm. rder !o. 75 series 7%%$ & R/les and Proced/res (overning Exemptions of Lands 'nder Sec. 7$ of RA 0012 ". DAR Adm. rder !o. 8 series "$$5 & "$$5 R/les on Exemption of Lands /nder Sec. 5c# RA 0012 and D 9 pinion 88 s. 7%%$ Lu4 Fa )! 1!/ Se# e&a * of Ag a $a' Refo ), GR No/ 8=88>, "e#e)?e 4, 1>>@ "1@2 S/RA 1# "e%a &)e'& of Ag a $a' Refo ) Petitioner, vs/ "el$a T/ Su&&o' e&/ al/, Respondents/ 5=$R$ Go$ 1620!0$ <cto%er 1@, 200 $; M$le!&o'e Fa )!, I'#/, petitioner, vs/ Off$#e of &,e P e!$0e'&, respondent/ 5=$R$ Go$ 1A2112$ ,e%ruar' 21, 2011$; RA !AA1 "1@@ # 4)empting .rawn ,arms and ,ishponds from /AR.

Reference: DAR Adm. rder !o. 5# series 7%%1 & R/les and Reg/lations on the Exemption of .ishponds from the +overage of +ARL p/rs/ant to RA 2::7 Ce'& al M$'0a'ao U'$1e !$&* 1e !u! "ARA7 "21 S/RA A , 1@@2# 5compare with *AR vs$ *4/S; "e%a &)e'& of Ag a $a' Refo ), %etitioner, vs/ "e%a &)e'& Of E0u#a&$o', Cul&u e a'0 S%o &! +"ECS2, respondent/ 5=$R$ Go$ 1 A22A$ 6arch 21, 2000$; P o1$'#e of Ca)a $'e! Su 1!/ CA, 222 S/RA 1!1 "1@@1# ROAAS B COMPAN<, INC/, petitioner, vs/ "AM7A5NFSW a'0 &,e "EPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM, respondents/ 5=$R$ Go$ 10@ 0A$ *ecem%er 0, 200@$;

Se!!$o' F$1e 3 La'0 9alua&$o' LAN" 9ALUATION F the process of determining the (ust compensation for the land owners, the modes of pa'ment and the review-appeal process in case the value is deemed too low$ :and Ealuation under <peration :and Transfer ".* 2!# Read .* 2! and 4< 22A and the valuation formula "para$ 0, .* 2! and Sec$ 2 of 4< 22A#

.* 2!

,or the purpose of determining the cost of the land to %e transferred to the tenant-farmer pursuant to this *ecree, the value of the land shall %e eHuivalent to two and one-half "2 1-2# times the average harvest of three normal crop 'ears immediatel' preceding the promulgation of this *ecreeI The total cost of the land, including interest at the rate of si) "6# per centum per annum, shall %e paid %' the tenant in fifteen "1 # 'ears of fifteen "1 # eHual annual amorti>ations 4< 22A Lenceforth, the valuation of rice and corn lands covered %' .$*$ Go$ 2! shall %e %ased on the average gross production determined %' the +aranga' /ommittee on :and .roduction in accordance with *epartment 6emorandum /ircular Go$ 26, Series of 1@!1, and related issuances and regulations of the *epartment of Agrarian Reform$ The average gross production per hectare shall %e multiplied %' two and a half "2$ #, the product of which shall %e multiplied %' Thirt' ,ive .esos ".1 $00#, the government support price for one cavan of 0 &ilos of pala' on <cto%er 21, 1@!2, or Thirt' <ne .esos ".11$00#, the government support price for one cavan of 0 &ilos of corn on <cto%er 21, 1@!2, and the amount arrived at shall %e the value of the rice and corn land, as the case ma' %e, for the purpose of determining its cost to the farmer and compensation to the landowner$ :ease rentals paid to the landowner %' the farmer %eneficiar' after <cto%er 21, 1@!2, shall %e considered as advance pa'ment for the land$ Bn the event of dispute with the land owner regarding the amount of lease rental paid %' the farmer %eneficiar', the *epartment of Agrarian Reform and the +aranga' /ommittee on :and .roduction concerned shall resolve the dispute within thirt' "10# da's from its su%mission pursuant to *epartment of Agrarian Reform 6emorandum /ircular Go$ 26, Series of 1@!1, and other pertinent issuances$ Bn the event a part' Huestions in court the resolution of the dispute, the landownerKs compensation claim shall still %e processed for pa'ment and the proceeds shall %e held in trust %' the Trust *epartment of the :and +an& in accordance with the provisions of Section hereof, pending the resolution of the dispute %efore the court$
Sec 1! and 1A, RA 66 ! S4/TB<G 1!$ *etermination of 8ust /ompensation$ MBn determining (ust compensation, the cost of acHuisition of the land, the current value of the li&e properties, its nature, actual use and income, the sworn valuation %' the owner, the ta) declarations, and the assessment made %' government assessors shall %e considered$ The social and economic %enefits contri%uted %' the farmers and the farmwor&ers and %' the =overnment to the propert' as well as the non-pa'ment of ta)es or loans secured from an' government financing institution on the said land shall %e considered as additional factors to determine its valuation$ S4/TB<G 1A$ Ealuation and 6ode of /ompensation$ MThe :+. shall compensate the landowner in such amounts as ma' %e agreed upon %' the landowner and the *AR and the :+., in accordance with the criteria provided for in Sections 16 and 1!, and other pertinent provisions hereof, or as ma' %e finall' determined %' the court, as the (ust compensation for the land$ The compensation shall %e paid on one of the following modes, at the option of the landowner3 "1# /ash pa'ment, under the following terms and conditionsI "a# ,or lands a%ove M Twent'-five percent fift' " 0# hectares, insofar "2 2# cash, the %alance to as the

e)cess hectarage is %e paid in government concerned$ financial instruments negotia%le at an' time$ "%# ,or lands a%ove M Thirt' percent "102# cash, twent'-four "20# hectares the %alance to %e paid in and up to fift' " 0# hectares$ government financial instruments negotia%le at an' time$ "c# ,or lands twent'-four M Thirt'-five percent "1 2# "20# hectares and %elow$ cash, the %alance to %e paid in government financial instruments negotia%le at an' time$ "2# Shares of stoc& in government-owned or controlled corporations, :+. preferred shares, ph'sical assets or other Hualified investments in accordance with guidelines set %' the .AR/I "1# Ta) credits which can %e used against an' ta) lia%ilit'I "0# :+. %onds, which shall have the following features3 "a# 6ar&et interest rates aligned with @1-da' treasur' %ill rates$ Ten percent "102# of the face value of the %onds shall mature ever' 'ear from the date of issuance until the tenth "10th# 'ear3 .rovided, That should the landowner choose to forego the cash portion, whether in full or in part, he shall %e paid correspondingl' in :+. %ondsI "%# Transfera%ilit' and negotia%ilit'$ Such :+. %onds ma' %e used %' the landowner, his successors in interest or his assigns, up to the amount of their face value, for an' of the following3 "i# AcHuisition of land or other real properties of the government, including assets under the Asset .rivati>ation .rogram and other assets foreclosed %' government financial institutions in the same province or region where the lands for which the %onds were paid are situatedI "ii# AcHuisition of shares of stoc& of governmentowned or -controlled corporations or shares of stoc&s owned %' the government in private corporationsI "iii# Su%stitution for suret' or %ail %onds for the provisional release of accused persons, or performance %ondsI "iv# Securit' for loans with an' government financial institution, provided the proceeds of the loans shall %e invested in an economic enterprise, prefera%l' in a small-and medium-scale industr', in the same province or region as the land for which the %onds are paidI "v# .a'ment for various ta)es and fees to governmentI .rovided, That the use of these %onds for these purposes will %e limited to a certain percentage of the outstanding %alance of the financial instruments3 .rovided, further, That the .AR/ shall determine the percentage mentioned a%oveI "vi# .a'ment for tuition fees of the immediate famil' of the original %ondholder in government universities, colleges, trade schools, and other institutionsI "vii# .a'ment for fees of the immediate famil' of the original %ondholder in government hospitalsI and "viii# Such other uses as the .AR/ ma' from time to time allow$ Bn case of e)traordinar' inflation, the .AR/ shall ta&e appropriate measures to protect the econom'$

Sec16 "d# in relation to the authorit' of the *AR to revalue the propert' Bn case of re(ection or failure to repl', the *AR shall conduct summar' administrative proceedings to determine the compensation for the land reHuiring the landowner, the :+. and other interested parties to su%mit evidence as to the (ust compensation for the land, within fifteen "1 # da's from the receipt of the notice$ After the e)piration of the a%ove period, the matter is deemed su%mitted for decision$ The *AR shall decide the case within thirt' "10# da's after it is su%mitted for decision$ Read Section BE * of *AR Adm$ <rder Go$ 2, series 200@ "Ealuation# LAN" 7ANC OF T6E P6ILIPPINES vs/ 6ON/ ELI G/ C/ NATI9I"A" , =$R$ Go$ 12!1@A$ 6a' 16, 200 DOSEFINA S/ LU7RICA vs/ LAN" 7ANC OF T6E P6ILIPPINES, =$R$ Go$ 1!0220$ Govem%er 20, 2006$ A!!o#$a&$o' of S)all La'0ow'e ! $' &,e P,$l$%%$'e! e&/ al/, 1e !u! Se# e&a * of Ag a $a' Refo ), =R$ Go$ !@110 , 8ul' 10, 1@A@ "1! S/RA 101# 5pertinent portions on (ust compensation; La'0 7a'8 1!/ CA a'0 Pe0 o <a% "=R Go$ 11A!12, <ct$ 6, 1@@ # Au&,o $&* of &,e "AR A0Eu0$#a&$o' 7oa 0 o1e la'0 1alua&$o' cases "see Article JBJ of the 200@ *ARA+ Rules of .rocedure#

Se!!$o' S$; 3 La'0 Re0$!& $?u&$o' LAN" RE"ISTRI7UTION F the awarding of lands to Hualified %eneficiaries once the propert' has %een Ne)propriatedO %' the government, the pa'ment %' the %eneficiaries to the government and the su%seHuent sale or transfer of the distri%uted land to third parties after distri%ution Secs$ 22, 21, 20, 2 , 26 and 2!, RA 66 !, as amended

The principle of afforda%ilit' to the farmers, and government financing of transaction costs Bndefeasi%ilit' of Titles SAMUEL ESTRI7ILLO, e&/ al, petitioners, vs/ "EPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM a'0 6ACIEN"A MARIA, INC/, respondents/ 5=$R$ Go$ 1 @6!0$ 8une 10, 2006$;

Se!!$o' Se1e'5 La'0 Te'u e I)% o1e)e'& LAN" TENURE IMPRO9EMENT 3 LTI 3 &,e $)% o1e)e'& of &,e &e'u $al a'0 !o#$o5e#o'o)$# !&a&u! of &,e fa )e ! !,o & of & a'!fe $'g full ow'e !,$% of &,e la'0

a2 I)% o1e)e'& of &,e Lea!e,ol0 Rela&$o'!,$% Sec$ 12$ *etermination of :ease Rentals o Chat constitutes a leasehold relationshipP Ca?alle! 1!/ "AR, =R Go$ !A210, *ecem%er , 1@AA "16A S/RA 20!# Gelo! 1!/ Cou & of A%%eal! "20A S/RA 60A, 1@@2# Ga? $el 1!/ Pa'g$l$'a' " A S/RA @0, 1@!0#

Reference: Administrative rder !o. "# s# "$$0# Revised R/les and Proced/res (overning Leasehold )mplementation in Tenanted Agric/lt/ral Lands ?2 P o0u#&$o' S,a $'g +Se# FG2 #2 Al&e 'a&$1e 7u!$'e!! A a'ge)e'&! +Do$'& E#o'o)$# E'&e % $!e! $' a Po!& "$!& $?u&$o' S#e'a $o- Ma8$'g La'0ow'e 5Fa )e Pa &'e !,$% Wo 8 +"AR A0)/ O 0e No/ >, !/ G@@=2 Se!!$o' E$g,& 3 Co'1e !$o' of Ag $#ul&u al La'0! CON9ERSION F The actual change of the land use from agricultural, to residential, industrial or commercial, of lands which could have potentiall' %een covered under the /AR. Sec 6 , RA 66 ! /onversion of Agricultural :ands3 Chat is the difference %etween e)emption, conversion and reclassificationP Do!e Lu$! Ro!, e&/ al/ Petitioners, vs/ "e%a &)e'& Of Ag a $a' Refo ) Respondents/ 5=$R$ Go$ 1120!!$ August 11, 200 $; C6AM7ER OF REAL ESTATE AN" 7UIL"ERS ASSOCIATIONS, INC/ +CRE7A2, petitioner, vs/ T6E SECRETAR< OF AGRARIAN REFORM, respondent$ 5=$R$ Go$ 1A100@$ 8une 1A, 2010$; Sec 20 of RA !160 ":ocal =ovt$ /ode# 6emo /ircular Go$ 0 s$ 1@@1, <ffice of the .resident ".rescri%ing the =uidelines governing Sec$ 20 of RA !160 Authori>ing /ities And 6unicipalities to Reclassif' Agricultural :ands to Gon-Agricultural ?ses$# rders !o. 7# s. "$$" ; "$$" R/les and Reg/lations on the +onversion of Agric/lt/ral

Reference: DAR Administrative Lands to !on6Agric/lt/ral 'ses

T,e 6o'/ Ca lo! Fo &$#, e&/ al/ 1!/ T,e 6o'/ Re'a&o Co o'a =R$ Go$ 1110 !, April 20, 1@@A "*ecision, <pinion and Resolution of the 6otion for Reconsideration# *ecision of the <ffice of the .resident on the Sumilao /ase "on the Revocation of the /onversion <rder#

9I"EO S6OWING- LUPANG 6INARANG, ?* "$&!$ Ca ol$'o

Se!!$o' N$'e5 Me#,a'$!)! fo P og a) I)%le)e'&a&$o' The .residential Agrarian Reform /ouncil "Secs$ 01, 02, 01, 0@# The .rovincial Agrarian Reform /oordinating /ommittee "Sec$ 00-0 # The +aranga' Agrarian Reform /ommittee "Secs$ 06-0A# The *epartment of Agrarian Reform "4)ecutive <rder 12@-A, dated 8ul' 26, 1@A!# The *AR Ad(udication +oard "Sec$ 11, 4< 12@-A# F$'a'#$'g &,e P og a) Sec$ 61 of RA 66 !, in relation to Secs$ 21 and 22 of 4< 22@ RA A 12$ "1@@A# Augmenting the Agrarian Reform ,und with an Additional ,ift' +illion .eso +udget RA @!00, Sec$ 21 amending Sec$ 61 of RA 66 !

Se!!$o' Te'5 Ag a $a' Du!&$#e o &,e Re!olu&$o' of Ag a $a' "$!%u&e! :ua!$ Du0$#$al Powe ! of &,e "AR +Ag a $a' Du!&$#e2 F the mechanisms to determine the status of the land, entitlements of %eneficiaries, and other agrarian matters and disputes which ma' reHuire mediation, conciliation, determination or ad(udication$ This topic includes actions %' the *AR, the *AR Ad(udication +oard and the RT/ acting as a Special Agrarian /ourt$ Secs$ 0- 1 of RA 66 ! as amended "$!&$'#&$o' ?e&wee' Ca!e! $' &,e A0)$'$!& a&$1e I)%le)e'&a&$o' of &,e P og a) +ALI2 a'0 Ca!e! fo A0Eu0$#a&$o' - "AR A0)/ O 0e No/ F, !/ G@@F +G@@F Rule! o' Ag a $a' Law I)%le)e'&a&$o' [ALI] Ca!e!2 200@ Rules of .rocedure of the *ARA+$ Ruf$'a 90a 0e Ta'gu? 1!/ Cou & of A%%eal!, U"C >8=4 , *ecem%er 1, 1@@0 "1@1 S/RA AA # S&a/ Ro!a Real&* "e1elo%)e'& Co %o a&$o' 1e !u! Dua' A)a'&e e&/al $ "=$R$ Go$ 112 26, 6arch 16, 200 # Authorit' of the *AR Secretar' to nullif' titles under the /AR. "Sec$ 20 of RA 66 ! as amended %' Sec$ @ of RA @!00#

Reference: DAR Adm. rder !o. 0. Series "$77 < Septem3er "7# "$77= The "$77 Revised R/les and Proced/res (overning the +ancellation of Registered Emancipation Patents >EPs?# +ertificates of Landownership Award >+L As?# and ther Titles )ss/ed 'nder an4 Agrarian Reform Program *EPARTMENT OF AGRARIAN REFORM, petitioner, vs/ RO7ERTO D/ CUENCA e&/ al, respondents$ 5=$R$ Go$ 1 0112$ Septem%er 21, 2000$;

"e&e )$'a&$o' of a' Ag a $a' "$!%u&e fo #a!e! f$le0 $' #ou &! a'0 % o!e#u&o ! off$#e [Se#/ 1>, RA >H@@] R4A*3 *AR Administrative <rder Go$ 1, series 2011"8ul' 1@, 2011#3 Revised Rules and Regulations Bmplementing Sec$ 1@ of RA @!00 "8urisdiction on and Referral of /ases that are Agrarian in Gature# *<8 *epartment /ircular Go$ 00, dated 8une !, 2010 5=uidelines on the Bnvestigation and Referral of /ases to the *AR pursuant to Sec$ 1@ of RA @!00;$

</A /ircular Go$ 62-2010 dated April 2A, 2010 on the Bmplementation of Secs$ ! and 0-A of RA 66 !, as amended$

Se# IH, T,e ole of &,e S%e#$al Ag a $a' Cou &! $' la'0 1alua&$o' a'0 %e'al % o1$!$o'! P,$l/ 9e&e a'! 7a'8 1!/ CA e&/ al, +GR No/ 1FGH=H, Da'/ 18, G@@@2 LAN" 7ANC OF T6E P6ILIPPINES, petitioner, vs/ RA<MUN"A MARTINEJ, respondent/ [G/R/ No/ 1=>@@8/ Augu!& 14, G@@H/] LAN" 7ANC OF T6E P6ILIPPINES 9S/ 6EIRS OF ELEUTERIO CRUJ G/R/ No/ 1HI1HI, Se%&e)?e G>, G@@8 LAN" 7ANC OF T6E P6ILIPPINES vs/ LEONILA P/ CELA"A G/R/ No/ 1=48H=/ Da'ua * GF, G@@= La'0 7a'8 1!/ CA a'0 Do!e Pa!#ual +GR No/ 1G8IIH, "e#/ G>, 1>>>2

Mo0e! of A%%eal.Re1$ew f o) &,e "ARA7 - Rule 01 of the Rules of /ourt - Sec$ 0 of /AR:, in relation to Rule 6 of the Rules of /ourt

Se!!$o' Ele1e' 3 Su%%o & Se 1$#e! Support Services for the ,armers and :andowners F Secs$ 16-1@ RA 66 ! as amended .rohi%ited Acts in the /AR. :aw F Sec$ !1, RA 66 ! as amended

Se!!$o' Twel1e &$ll &,e E'0 of &,e Te ) .resentations of the /ase +riefs and *raft *ecisions in /lass "Bnteractive Sessions- groupings and order of presentation to %e determined#

,BGA: 4JA6BGATB<GS "%' agreement of the class# =<<* :?/9 AG* 6AY TL4 ,<R/4 +4 CBTL Y<?QQ Revision <cto%er 1!, 2011


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