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I need to set your mind straight with a show on what this is all about.

This is work in progress, under Duress! Please watch;

The Declaration o4 5atural $ights
The moment you recei!e this. 6y client knowingly and willingly entered a pri!ate contract this
package outlines in detail and 4ull disclosure as protection 4rom you, ' 4or you.
I )d 7urtis, 5ow law4ully, legally contracted 4iduciary pledged to aggressi!ely pursue, promote,
protect, de4end, and build my clients, sa4ety, rights, 4reedoms and happiness. I am on call 89/:/ 10; days a
year. 6y main )mail is wannabeherd < outlook .com , with a sole goal, +how o!er whelming 4orce to 4ree
my clients in the least amount o4 time and stress possible. I, )d 7urtis 4reely and publicly o44er this personal
contract in 4ull disclosure ' 4ree will to all who are captured in your !ictim less crime scam. 6y clients
read it and agree enough to hand it to you, =T*) +T/T)>, to remain silent, peace4ul, to watch, Take notes
and take names.. They +T(D& this, print, sign ' keep until needed, I5 T*) 7/$, *26) 2$ 72($T
$)72$D i4 needed! The number one rule and goal o4 law and ?ustice is D2 52 */$6, It is &2( causing
harm. 8@ minutes o4 time is what we allow you. ,e */5D &2( T*I+ 6/T)$I/A ,IT* $)+P)7T, '
I5 -22D ,IAA.
Once the power of honesty is isco!ere, "e wi## $eco%e A RICH, FREE, &n s&fe n&tion &'&in. It is
the (#ti%&te protector of #&w, )(stice, freeo% &n yo(. (nder my contract clients are to remain silent.
They ha!e hurt no one. But meet you under +T$)++ /5D D($)++ your chosen actions is in4licting on
their li4e. 7lient agrees to gi!e 8@ minutes o4 time 4or 4ree, /nything o!er will be billed 4or. They 4eel I4
you will in!estigate this, They should be 4ree to go.
/CCID/.IT 2C *25)+T&
This is blunt, bold, honest and rock solid. It can be submitted to any aggressor under duress, 4or protection.
*ow can anyone claim di!ine right o!er another person, call themsel!es something else and not be
accountable 4or their actions
6y client knows this material, &ou came to them, They did not seek you. Time is not 4ree and you are
being paid to take time, ,e will seek 4ull compensation 4or your actions..
*ow does any paper gi!e anyone a right to rule o!er me *ow 7an anyone ?usti4y with a piece o4
paper the sub?ugation o4 another Do words on paper no matter how 4ancy or by whom created gi!e you or
anyone the right to 4orce your belie4s on others 7an anyone ?usti4y the ensla!ement o4 another by their
independent actions and a piece o4 paper Is there anything in A/,, hea!en or earth that ?usti4ies sla!ery
and in!oluntary ser!itude o4 another and be eDonerate o4 their actions and crimes against others Is it a
crime to stand on T*) P2I5T o4 law I am no lawyer, I do not charge clients 4or my time but the ones
who 4orce this contract. This is 52T the common E/ EP2I5T+ o4 law they ha!e always o!ercome, this is
T*) P2I5T o4 law. This is 52, in their court, IC you choose.
Ignorance o4 the law is no longer your eDcuse, It is your choice, your oath, word and duty, 25 2($
/5 (5 $)B(TT)D /CCID/.IT +T/5D+ /+ T$(T* (5TIA $)B(TT)D P2I5T C2$ P2I5T, In F@
days / 4ull disco!ery is reGuested. 62TI25 T2 72($T
I )5T)$ T*I+ 4ull ;F /CCID/.IT 2C *25)+T& /s Protection 4or /AA .I7TI6+ I5 .I7TI6A)++
7$I6)+, P$I5T, +T(D&, +I-5, /5D +(B6IT. Then +*(T(P, Aet honesty handle it! 2CCI7I/A

P$I5T 7A)/$A& as 2CCI7)$
By +howing 2.)$ ,*)A6I5- C2$7) ,) /AA *2P) C2$ P)/7). I4 you choose war, I will need to
get this a44ida!it to the clerk o4 court right now 4or my clients protection. I will need you to 4ill out pg ;@
4or 4uture actions in my duties. &2( can not take my legal papers, they must be on o44icial record, as
de4ense C$26 you. Ignorance can be claimed only once, &2( caused distress, 6y contract reGuires your
4ull identi4ication Ipg ;@, the end o4 this.J I ask, ,hy did you not accept this o44er o4 peace Please write
and send your 4ull answers.
Cirstly, ,e thank you 4or your work on our behal4. ,e 4eel your oath o4 o44ice protections to uphold and
de4end the 7onstitutional pro!isions you ha!e made to the public is 4air as it gi!es us peace o4 mind to
know that you are working 4or us to ensure our best interests are protected and met. ,e ha!e con4idence in
your abilities to help resol!e this situation to all our bene4it in the swi4test ways possible by standing within
the boundaries o4 your parameter and tending to the duties you ha!e o44ered, agreed to, take paid 4or. &ou,
and my 4iduciary has pledged to secure law and *25)+T ?ustice 4or me. I place this 4ile 4or public record,
To you, Identi4ied as T*) +T/T). I will need your contact in4o Isee pg ;@J, 6y 4iduciary agrees to accept
all responsibilities 4or my actions 2nce you recei!e this, client is incompetent at law and under a pri!ate
personal contract that is now in e44ect. 7lients agree to remain silent, to not resist you in any way or be a
threat to anyone. /gain, ,e wish to acknowledge our thanks and acceptance 4or your Public 244ering,
pro4essional assistance and o4 course, &our personal 2ath o4 o44ice protections; This issue will cause great
distress ha!ing to de4end 4rom things not understood. ,e wish to ensure that we competently continue to
work together to clear any con4usion that may eDist. This was written with my client in mind, who agreed
enough to hand this to you, 4or de4ense and we welcome you to study it.. In 8F minutes, we will know who
and what we want to.
6y reGuests are not meant to undermine your e44orts and are reGuired terms to 4ul4ill my contract; To
ensure that we /AA are on the same understandings so intelligent decisions can be made, It is written out
C2$ &2(. I am not getting paid 4or this and it will cause a huge burden on li4e . Cunds and time are
limited and we did not start this. 6y client did read and understand this and openly contracted with me. I
ha!e duty to share this knowledge with all. It would be a crime o4 conspiracy not reporting this. This
*25)+T& /CCID/.IT P/7#/-) is designed to ser!e 6/5& purposes in the matter o4 ?ustice and 4or
the protection o4 all in!ol!ed. This co!ers e!ery crime T*) +T/T) .+ my client engage in that has no
nameable !ictim: #52,A)D-) I+ P2,)$, Do you come in ignorance or with malice is ...T*) P2I5T.
52 .I7TI6 " 52 7$I6), the stand. ,e 4eel my client had the legal duty to *and you this in de4ense and
we all prey, yours. I ,I+* T*) 7A)/$A& P$I5T)D +I-5/T($) 2C ).)$& */5DA)$
I am a contracted 4iduciary, 6y client is now under 4iduciaries care. 7lient is considered incompetent,
under duress, a4raid ' con4used. 7lient agrees to my terms and is now under personal contract. I look out
4or my best interest in these matters o4 law, I put my name on it. &2( pursue 6). ,e o44er this as a show
o4 4orce o4 law, Aaw you might not know. In contract law, i4 terms o4 contract are !iolated, a breach o4
contract .oids all claims, protections and obligations, personally. In my best interest, I do not wish to pay
4or the persecution o4 my client by T*) +T/T) and o44er to help client pursue ?ustice. In the best interest to
all 4amily, 4riends, neighbors, city, town, state, and country. I, )d 7urtis am now personally responsible 4or
all claims and causes o4 actions so bring them to me personally. I , Did ha!e the right to remain silent. I4 my
client 4eels damaged de4rauded, used or abused, by our contractual agreements, they ha!e e!ery right to
seek redress 4or my actions in any court o4 law. I4 any o4 this motion is made with intent to de4raud anyone
or de4raud this court, T*) +T/T) is responsible 4or legal actions against me personally. I4 I !iolated the
law, In any way, I /77)PT C(AA $)+P25+IBIAIT&. I seek to end my client su44erings and 4ul4ill my
agreement as soon as possible in my and my clients best interest. I am not an eDpert, I am not being paid
and In honesty, work 4or the best interest o4 all. 6y client agrees to supply all court records in!ol!ing these
actions o4 his court eDhibit and e!idence recorded, stamped and sent to me. It must be noted that I am not
skilled at law, I am not being paid, and &2( 4orced this action. This package contains ).)$&T*I5- I
4eel rele!ant or needed to de4end my clients actions 4rom your actions. +amples o4; e!idence, parts o4
brie4s, motions, a44ida!its, rele!ant points, disco!eries, and stands, are included so we can close this matter
in the swi4test matter. Crom direct eDperience, )!ery day brings stress, damage and eDpense.. In F@ days, I4
the state wishes to pursue, these matters, I will reGuire a KF@,@@@ (P C$25T retainer 4ee sent to )d 7urtis
L a rate o4 KFM@@ per day and K ;@@ per day to my client personally upon 4ul4illment o4 contract. 2ur
charges and damages will come separate. This was read by client, ,e both agree with this.
This package was designed with client in mind, not your court, but -i!en to you 4or (+, In /AA our best
interest. Take the time to study it, ,e prey, you will walk away. D$2P this in the 4astest, cheapest,
way.NN$I-*T 52,. In honesty, ,e should 5).)$ */.) 6)T 2$ C)/$ lights in the mirror, cops at
the door, !iolations o4 rights or law you take pay 4or. The predator hunters o4 our time, 4reedoms, money
and li4e are now out o4 work here. 2nce on court record, This protection is, Promoted to the Public and on
record. T*I+ I+ / blunt, bold, B$(T/AA& honest, ,*)A6I5- C2$7) 2C A/,, A/,, ,ith my
clients right to due process, speedy and public trials in mind.
This is )O*IBIT+, e!idence, submissions proo4s and points any court o4 honor will e!er need 4or the
protection o4 the public by a -o!ernment sworn to protect 6) C$26 /AA )5)6I)+ B2T* C2$)I-5
/5D D26)+TI7.
*onestly, &ou, 6e and my client are under contract, -athering names and 4acts, seeking 3(+TI7), 4or all
&ou who work in truth, we work with honesty..
,e seek copies o4 any ad!erse documentation that would superseded your oath o4 o44ice contract you and
your coPworkers ser!ice 4or us that stands o!er or abo!e the oath o4 o44ice as a public ser!ant contract.
Please send all documentation o4 any laws, codes, or statutes that you may belie!e states any claims to
supersede a contractual oath o4 o44ice to uphold and de4end the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates o4 /merica
and all itQs human population. Please supply all contracts that bind, knowingly and willingly, in 4ull
disclosure signed, that binds This human to this action Cor inspection by 4iduciary.
I4 any are made, then this would ha!e drastic implications and I 4eel that it is prudent in this immediate
situation to know 4or 4uture actions.
I ask you to ascertain copies o4 the documentation that support any and or all allegations. Ciduciary thinks
their is a massi!e seditious conspiracy to o!erthrow 2($ law4ul go!ernment: that by !irtue o4 accepting
your contractual public RoathS it is within your duty to pro!ide all such !ital in4ormation or documentation
made in the name o4 T*) +T/T), B& T*) +T/T), 4or the good o4 the people. ,orking together, ,)
,IAA T/#) / BIT) 2(T 2C 7$I6)! in my clients de4ense I did con!ince them enough to hand you
this. IC &2( /$) a /merican 7itiTen o4 the /merican $epublic ,ho solemnly swore to support and
de4end the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates against all enemies, 4oreign and domestic; IC &ou took this
obligation 4reely, without any mental reser!ation or purpose o4 e!asion, and IC you will truth4ully discharge
the duties o4 your o44ice on which &ou ha!e entered on oath and in &2($ personal word o4 honor,. ,)
/$) &2($ B)+T C$I)5D! T*I+ I+ / P)/7) T$)/T& C2$ /AA 2C (+. / separate personal, pri!ate
contract only allows client to remain silent and grant you 8@ minutes o4 time to In!estigate This protection,
4iduciary has o44ered ' &ou ha!e triggered with the need to present it to you. In 8@ minutes, &2( ,IAA
/5+,)$, /m I 4ree to go or are you detaining me I will email you a copy 4or more study. I4 I am leading
my client wrong, $eport this crime. I !alue your pro4essional !iew. I hope It will protect you 4rom !iolating
your oath and damage your good name 4or political goals and with criminal actions.
,e both wish ?ustice $I-*T ,e will need you, you will need us to help round them all up! /AA who
continue playing 4oreign agents ,IAA be deported as D/5-)$2(+ illegal aliens when this system 4alls
or 4ace ?ustice 4or the laws they !iolated under 2($ A/,, 3udge this honestly is all we ask.
6& 725T$/7T T)$6+ /$) .2ID)D ,IT* P$22C 2C .I7TI6.
This is a peace negotiation to end this here and now 4or e!ery ones good. 5o one is abo!e the law, 5o one
has the right to !iolate a law4ul contract, any ones rights, or the law.
The law states that the minute you recei!e an a44ida!it, It is to be recorded. Cailing to do so is crimes o4
obstruction o4 ?ustice, statues sec; ;9@F, ;9@:, ;9@M o4 crimes against ?ustice and too many others to list
here. In crimes against in?ustice a conspiracy results. (nless you are =The law>, &ou do not ha!e right to
make legal determination, you do not ha!e the authority to ?udge, and you do not work 4or me. In honesty,
only a criminal would deny ?ustice. / crime way more destructi!e to all than to break most o4 theF0 million
laws today. This is 52T what you learned in your trainingUs but this is 52T what we all agreed to pay you
4or either. In court we swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth but In honesty, ,hat
is truth ,itches, Doctors,writers and 3ews were eDecuted by truth. It has Guietly robbed, abused and
ensla!ed us all, The more you understand it, The more you will see it. ,hoQs truth is the T*) A/, based
on +ome say the world is o!erpopulated yet all the world could li!e in 5orth Dakota " com4ortably. Truth
has di44erent meanings 4or di44erent people across world. It is a word that has been manipulated to pieces to
4it the needs o4 a di44erent mentality, the ones that li!e to take and ha!e mutated into human predators. It is
T*) ,2$D that has destroyed countless li!es, our nation and threatens the world. *onestly, ,ould &ou
pay to ha!e another do this to you or put another in a cage at your eDpense, when they did nothing to you
Is not law 4or your bene4it ' sa4ety too ,hat would I be I4 I did this to you, I5 6& 5/6) ,hat would
gi!e you a right I do not ha!e i4 we all are eGual The 4act is, Truth has no solid meaning especially in law.
Cor an eDample, say, &ou were caught smoking a ?oint, in 5orth Dakota, you are in a cage, your li4e
destroyed. In 7olorado, It is cool I4 you Dri!e your car without a license, you ?P walked, didnQt 4asten your
seat belts, did not pay or did not do something T*) +T/T) claims a crime. They will come, They will kill
i4 you de4end yoursel4. &ou owe T*) +T/T) your time, &our money and 2B)DI)57) ,*/T I+ T*I+
+T/T) i4 not me Cor a law, I ne!er personally agreed too, Do not bene4it 4rom but pay a lot o4 people to
kill i4 necessary to en4orce It is a law made to keep me in line and under control, by &2($ ignorance. In
honesty, who owns me enough to say what I can or can not do i4 you hurt no one, Is it not the same 4or you
,hat is -o!ernment but people Truth is a legal trick word that made e!eryone a P)$+25, Isee 2CCI7)
2C P)$+25J .ictimPless crimes are not meant 4or humans but a 4iction entity o4 =T*) +T/T)>, a 4iction
has 52 right to rule a human and most work in ignorance o4 this. 7ure ignorance and it will cure crime.
3ust who has the right to regulate and demand money 4or doing something without paying some 4ee ,ho
has the right to tell me what I can do, say, think, drink, smoke, eat or do i4 it only hurts me 3ust who has
the right to tell me I can not tra!el, unless I *a!e a piece o4 plastic when V;W o4 accidents are caused by
sober, licensed dri!ers In honesty, we ne!er needed a dri!ers license. ,*/T -I.)+ /5&25) T*I+
$I-*T To hide behind a word and not be responsible 4or their actions is why this 7ountry 4ell. ,e were
all tricked by this word truth, It is not a honest word it scattered honesty to the winds. Is law 4or my or your
protection or is It 4or pro4it and power o!er (+ ,/#) (P, T*I5#! ,hy should I be 4orced to gi!e you
my pay or pay 4or putting a person in a cage, ,hy should they need to be in one T*) +T/T) 7/5 D2
52T*I5-, IT I+ 52T*I5-. IT T/#)+ P)2PA) T2 D2 IT. Do T*)& ha!e more rights than I do, &et
work 4or me In honesty, ,hat is being produced is a growing predator class that hunts, 4eeds and makes
criminals 4or pro4it. It is in their training to see the millions o4 =a points> but ne!er T*) P2I5T o4 law,
?ustice, or *25)+T&. To think =I am only doing my ?ob> remo!es responsibility 4or their actions when
their oath is their word and what they are paid 4or is 5(T+! 6y clients deser!e 4ull due process, eGual
protection, an *25)+T, /ggressi!e de4ense with a speedy and public trial. 6y clients deser!e 3(+TI7),
The one we pay you 4or. I will work by my clients side /s an eDpert witness and legal coach 4or laws I ha!e
4ound in the same law books that has been used on me. I was made a criminal 4or thinking their was eGual
protection o4 law, I learned a lot. I will stand witness 4or my clients health, legal, human, ' law4ul issues
this action raises. I pledge To help end my clients distress, protect my clients rights, 4reedoms county and
state 4or maDimum bene4it 4or all. This is blunt,bold, honest A/,. Aaw is 4or 6& protection, not state
pro4it. I am contracted with my client until all issues with all actions are 4ully settled. /nd my client
li!es,,ith maDimum; sa4ety, 4reedom ' happiness. I /6 duty bound as Ciduciary and eDpert witness 4or
the accused. In the best interest o4 my client, the state, the country and world. This education will end
crime, racism, debt, po!erty, and war. /bout e!ery problem we 4ace today will be cured when ignorance is..
+)) my 4irst book; http :// www .scribd .com /doc /M0;9@8:0/ 5ew Pbut P2ld P#nowledge ,hen you T*I5#
DICC)$)5T, this whole world will simply go away as you are 4ooled no longer. It is time to undo the
wrongs o4 truth and upgrade your thinking to honesty, or you will li!e with it. 2nly an educated society will
make the upgrade peace4ul. The people who do it should care..This is good 4or stopping /AA the crimes o4
them who think the law is a tool to take, ,e come on a mission o4 peace with *25)+T& and 4acts
concerning 2($ A/,. )!ery one has a moral, legal and human duty to his 4amily and neighbors, town,
city, state, country and all our kids to eDpose, con4ront and report crime. This is ).)$&25)+ duty. 2nce
it is in the open light, It will simply shri!el and die as crime can not work in the light, now you know.. This
a44ida!it Is sent in good will but under duress, /t great eDpense, under threat, and as personal protection in
all matters T*) +T/T) has interest in this client 4or. It must be placed on court record, rebutted or
dismissed within F@ days, In writing.
,hen this system 4alls, &2( ,IAA 4ace an angry, destroyed nation unless you understand this. &ou will
ne!er look up and keep 4eeding o44 us all until you are stopped. The matters you and my client meet has
acti!ated a pri!ate contract. ,ith all Public +er!ants in!ol!ed. ,e /ccept &2($ 2ath 7ontract To uphold
and de4end the (+ constitution and the oaths your subordinates, whom, you are also responsible 4or, who
also swore to protect and de4end the 7onstitution, the integrity o4 law, and this community. I submit this
a44ida!it, eDhibit, motion and redress 4or you to ha!e entered into court record as reaction to your action.
Please check the ones that do not apply to &ou, me or my client.
F P ,) ha!e the right to speci4ically reser!e any or all o4 rights '
8 P I ha!e the right to remain silent Ito stand muteJI;th /mendmentJ
1 P I ha!e the right to say what I want and to be heard IFst /mendmentJ
9 P I ha!e the right to represent mysel4 Upro perU
; P I ha!e the right to 2b?ect to any statement by the ?udge and/or prosecutor.
0 P I ha!e the right to $e4use IdismissJ the ?udge
: P I ha!e the right to call ,itnesses to assist in my de4ense I0th /mendmentJ
M P I ha!e the right to ha!e legal 7ounsel 4or my de4ense I0th /mendmentJ
V P I ha!e the right to conduct my de4ense Upro perU, 4ree 4rom the pro4essional restrictions imposed upon
licensed attorneys.
F@ P I ha!e the right to submit 6otions and be herd
FF P I ha!e the right to a 4air trial
F8 P I ha!e the right to /ppeal any ?udicial decision
F1 P I ha!e the right to a speedy, public and 4air trial by an impartial ?ury I0th /mendmentJ
F9 P I ha!e the right to wai!e court and transcript costs, on the basis o4
pleading Uin 4orma pauperisU Ino moneyJ
F; P I ha!e the right to due process o4 the law ItrialJ, be4ore I am depri!ed
o4 any liberty, property, or money I;th /mendmentJ
F0 P I ha!e the right to a 4ace the inured party claiming damages I/rticle III
and 0th /mendmentJ
F: P I ha!e the right to 4ace my accuser and witnesses against me I0th
/mendmentJ ,
FM P I ha!e the right to in4orm the ?ury o4 the Truth, their rights, and their
duties I Fs t and 0th /mendments J
FV P I ha!e the right to put the ?udge on notice o4 my intent to preser!e my rights
8@ P I ha!e the right to put the ?udge on notice o4 my intent to /ppeal any
ruling or decision during the case
8F P I ha!e the right to Protest and 2b?ect i4 any o4 my rights or demands are not being met
88 P I ha!e the right to demand that the court place in e!idence, any
(n re!ealed contract, statute, law, rule, or in4ormation being used against
me I0th /mendmentJ
81 P I ha!e the right to challenge all rele!ant laws in this trial in terms o4 their intent, interpretation,
4airness, en4orcement, and whether they +er!e and Protect the People o4 this +tate
89 P I ha!e the right to personal liberty under the F1th /mendment
8; P I ha!e the right to challenge the ?urisdiction o4 this court
80 P I ha!e the right to argument o4 recourse and remedy, under (77 FP
F@1 ' (77 FP8@1
8: P I ha!e the right to demand that the code be construed in *armony with
the 7ommon Aaw.
8M P I ha!e the right to reGuire translation o4 any citation o4 law or procedure
into plain )nglish.
52TI7) o4 6iranda warning and understandings o4 law is made in good 4aith. /nd 4ull disclosure,
packed in the smallest package possible. This is some o4 T*) P2I5T+ /+ T2 P$2+)7(TI25+: /4ter
you ha!e gi!en your name, badge number, rank and proo4 o4 agency, you will ha!e the right to remain
silent. /nything you say 4rom that point 4orward can and will be used against you in the 4orm o4 criminal
a44ida!its and ci!il sanctions. &ou ha!e the right to counsel present during any interrogations or ci!il
disclosure. I will need all names 4or honesty a44ida!it promotions, and actions
D)6/5D+ T2 B) 6)T B& 2CCI7)$ T2 /.2ID 7I.IA /5D 7$I6I5/A P)5/ATI)+
F. ,arrantPless /rrest: &ou are not to arrest my client unless you ha!e seen them commit an arrest able act
or omission, or ha!e eDigent circumstances to cause the arrest. I4 you are arresting my client without a
warrant, you must I66)DI/T)A& take my client be4ore a ?udicial o44icer o4 competent ?urisdiction, to
determine whether the arrest was law4ul, or i4 there was enough probable cause 4or the arrest, pursuant to
clearly established law. This demand must be met prior to booking. I4 you do not comply with this Demand
you will be sued and charged with kidnapping under color o4 law. The +upreme 7ourt has held that the
courts are open twentyP4our hours a day, se!en days a week, three hundred siDty 4i!e days a year. I once
spent V days be4ore I saw a ?udge
8. I4 you improperly arrest my client without a warrant in your possession, or with a warrant that does not
comply with The Courth /mendment reGuirements, you will be sued in your I5DI.ID(/A capacity.
+ub?ect to personal name promotions 4or this honesty a44ida!it, ,e will go to the ?ury o4 our peers nation
wide. Crom personal eDperience, in my clients best interest, ,ith a website like http :// the4aD .webs .com / I+
the only protection 4rom pro4essional thie!es and traitors hidden in 4iction.
1. /rrest (pon ,arrant: the arrest warrant must be in your possession.
/n a44ida!it and probable cause statement attached to the warrant as subscribed in The Courth /mendment
to The 7onstitution 4or the united +tates o4 /merica must support it.
The arrest shall not be based upon hearsay, unless supported by a warrant accompanied by a bona 4ide
a44ida!it. +aid warrant and a44ida!it must be based upon 4irstPhand knowledge o4 the /44iant charging my
client with a 4elony or other in4amous crime. 6y client must be allowed the right to 4ace accuser. I4 you
deny my client that right it will be a !iolation o4 The +iDth /mendment, and i4 you act unreasonably in your
in!estigation or use eDcessi!e 4orce, it will be considered abuse, assault ' battery, o44icial oppression and
in !iolation o4 The Courth /mendment, and se!eral others o4 which !iolate established law. &ou +tepped
out your o44ice o4 protector o4 the peace and are open to criminal and ci!il actions.
9. I4 it is determined later that the warrant was in!alid, you will be held liable 4or This assault and battery,
4alse arrest and sued in your 2CCI7I/A capacity and conspiracy o4 =T*) +T/T)>.
;. &ou may not take property or wrong4ully con!ert any o4 property, such as personal photographs or my
4ingerprints without written authority. +uch is granted only a4ter an ad!ersary proceeding which complies
completely with The Ci4th and The Courteenth /mendment due process rights, concluded with a signed
order by a ?udicial o44icer o4 competent ?urisdiction ordering the taking o4 said property.
0. must be gi!en contact their outside counsel or 4riend. ,/55/B)*)$D<2(TA22#.726
:. must be gi!en pencil, paper and adeGuate access to a law library, to prepare my Ehabeas corpus.E IC &2(
I-52$) T*)+) ,/$5I5-+, it will show bad 4aith on your part and prima 4acie e!idence o4 your
deliberate indi44erence to 7onstitutionally mandated $ights o4 my client. / copy o4 this instrument will be
prima 4acie e!idence o4 your bad 4aith.
&ou are a Public +er!ant, and as such you are eDpected to treat all with due respect.
This 52TI7) has been submitted upon demand o4 a +tate issued pri!ilege, permit or license and there4ore
is a mandatory part o4 the o44icial record o4 any ensuing action and 6(+T be introduced as prima 4acie
e!idence in said action. It will be noted that will4ul suppression o4 e!idence is a 4elony. /ny cause 4or
action will result in a lawsuit under (+7 Title FM, Title 8M, and Title 98, FVM1 /5D C2$ C(T($)
/7TI25+ , I 4eel 6y clients rights are 6& $I-*T+, you are messing with 6& -2D -I.)5 human
rights They are 52T &2($+ to gi!e, take or manipulate. $ebut all misunderstandings in ,riting. $ead
this entire package and let it go.
This go!ernment can ne!er gi!e rights, they are not yours to gi!e or take.
/ny ob?ections to what I assume to be true, +*2(AD B) $)B(TT)D,you are the pro4essional.
6)62$/5D(6 2C P2I5T+ /5D /(T*2$ITI)+
F. /rrest is presumed to be 4alse; o44icer has the burden o4 proo4. The only thing the plainti44 needs to plead
and to pro!e is either IFJ that the de4endant made an arrest or imprisonment, or I8J that the de4endant
a44irmati!ely instigated, encouraged, incited, or caused the arrest or imprisonment. Burlington !. 3osephson,
,hen the plainti44 has shown that he was arrested, imprisoned or restrained o4 his liberty
by the de4endant, Ethe law presumes it to be unlaw4ul.E People !. 6c-rew,
EThe burden is upon the de4endant to show that the arrest was by authority o4 law.E 6c/leer !. -ood, 0;
6ackie !. /mbassador, FF P.8d 0 IFV18J.
E/ny arrest made without a warrant, i4 challenged by the de4endant, is presumpti!ely in!alid...the burden is
upon the stateE to ?usti4y it as authoriTed by statute, and as not !iolati!e o4 constitutional pro!isions. +tate !.
6astrian, Butler !. +tate, I6iss FV0MJ
E/s in the case o4 illegal arrests, the o44icer ... must keep within the law at his peril.E Thiede !. +candia,
8. 6ust show warrant upon reGuest E*e must show it to the accused, i4 reGuested to do so.E +mith !. +tate,
8@M +.8d :9: I6iss., FV0MJ.
EI4 demanded, he must produce the warrant and read it to the accused, that he may know by what authority
and 4or what cause he is depri!ed o4 his liberty.E +tate !. +haw,
E/n accused person, i4 he demands it, is entitled to ha!e the warrant 4or his arrest shown to him at the time
o4 arrest. 7rosswhite !. Barnes, F89 +.). 898, 89; IFV89J.
E/ special deputy is bound to show his warrant i4 reGuested to do so, and i4 he omit, the party against whom
the warrant is may resist an arrest, and the warrant under such circumstances is no protection against an
action 4or an assault, battery and 4alse imprisonment.E Crost !. Thomas,
EIt is doubtless the duty o4 an o44icer who eDecutes a warrant o4 arrest to state the nature and cause and the
substance o4 the process which gi!es him the authority he pro4esses to eDercise, and, i4 it is demanded, to
eDhibit his warrant, that the party arrested may ha!e no eDcuse 4or resistance.E +ho!lon !. 7om.,
EIt was the duty o4 an o44icer who attempts to make an arrest to eDhibit the warrant i4 he has one.E 3ones !.
+tate, FF9 -a. :V, 1V +.). M0F IFV@FJ
1. ,arrant must be !alid / constable ?usti4ying an imprisonment under a warrant must show that the
warrant on its 4ace is legal, and that the magistrate had ?urisdiction o4 the sub?ectPmatter. Poulk !. +locum,
1 Black4ords
/ warrant is regarded as insu44icient and thus !oid i4, on its 4ace, it 4ails to state 4acts su44icient to constitute
a crime. ,hartonUs 7rim. Proc., F8th )d., !ol. F, p. F;8 IFV:9J.
9. no rubberPstamp EsignatureE EThe (nited +tates +upreme 7ourt ... stressed the need 4or Uindi!idualiTed
re!iewU to a!oid the issuance o4 Urubber stampU warrants.E +tate !. Paulick, 8:: 6inn. F9@, F;F 5.,.8d ;V0
;. Calse arrest is assault and battery E/n illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to
be restrained o4 his liberty has the same right, and only the same right, to use 4orce in de4ending himsel4 as
he would ha!e in repelling any other assault and battery.E +tate !. $obinson, :8 /tl.8d 808 IFV;@J.
E/n arrest without warrant is a trespass, an unlaw4ul assault upon the person ... where one is about to be
unlaw4ully depri!ed o4 his liberty he may resist the aggressionUs o4 the o44ender, whether o4 a pri!ate citiTen
or a public o44icer, to the eDtent o4 taking the li4e o4 the assailant, i4 that be necessary to preser!e his own
li4e, or pre!ent in4liction upon him o4 some great bodily harm.E +tate !. -um, 0V +.). 909 IFVF@J.
)!ery person has the right to resist an unlaw4ul arrest in pre!enting such illegal restraint o4 his liberty, he
may use such 4orce as may be necessary.I/d!ised not tooJ
0. 5o handcu44s i4 client is being mo!ed when pose no danger, I2+*/J
EBut a constable cannot ?usti4y handcu44ing a prisoner unless he has attempted to escape, or unless it be
necessary in order to pre!ent his doing so.E ;F A.$./. 8F0.
EThe handcu44ing was utterly unlaw4ul.E 2sborn !. .eitch F Coster ' Cin )ng $ep 1F:.
:. -o immediately to magistrate Ino photographs, no 4ingerprintingJ
The one arresting has Ea duty to immediately seek a magistrate,E and 4ailure to do so Emakes a case o4 4alse
imprisonment.E *eath !. Boyd, ; Brock !. +timson, F@M 6ass. ;8@
ETo detain the person arrested in custody 4or any purpose other than that o4 taking him be4ore a magistrate
is illegal.E #ominsky !. Durand, F8 /tl.8d. 0;9 IFV9@J.
E/ny undue delay is unlaw4ul and wrong4ul, and renders the o44icer himsel4 and all persons aiding and
abetting therein wrongdoers 4rom the beginning.E (l!estad !. Dolphin,
EThe taking o4 the plainti44Us picture be4ore con!iction was an illegal act.E *awkins !. #uhne,
EThe power to arrest does not con4er upon the arresting o44icer the power to detain a prisoner 4or other
purposes.E -eldon !. Cinnegan, 8;8 5.,. 1:8 IFV19J.
E7ompulsory 4ingerprinting be4ore con!iction is an unlaw4ul encroachment...RandS in!ol!es prohibited
compulsory sel4Pincrimination.E People !. *el!ern, 8F; 5.&. +upp.
52TI7) 62TI25 T2 $)+)$.) /AA $I-*T+, I still wonder ,*& this is needed with all the paid
protectors o4 our rights and 4reedoms we pay 4or +ince all courts reGuire either a !alid contract or a
damaged !ictim or both 4or a court to ha!e law4ul ?urisdiction, It is now motioned that a contract or !ictim
be placed into e!idence or said ?urisdiction is challenged and !oid 4or lack o4 e!idence.
Proceeding will be considered treason, +ilence is conspiracy, and deliberate indi44erence is betrayal and
breach o4 contract. It is 4urther motioned that the o44icers o4 the courts are under oath and attest that they are
in 4act members o4 the ?udicial branch o4 this A/,C(A go!ernment and not under a 4oreign ?urisdiction o4
7ongress o4 the (5IT)D +T/T)+.
I 4eel you may ha!e been tricked and 4ailed to remain in your o44ice, or why would we meet ,hy would
you remain silent, conspire, or !iolate rights and your law4ul duties you collect pay 4or
F.I do warn you, 6y time is not 4ree, I will bill each and e!ery o44icer o4 the court, personally 4or my time
and KF@,@@@ per !iolation o4 7onstitutional rights !iolated or ignored. I will seek 4ull prosecution o4 the
guilty 4or breach o4 contract and The 7$I6)+ committed, Indi!idually, and do it publicly.
8. Do you 4ully understand these charges you pursue Do you; (nderstand the implications and accusations
presented in this de4ense D2 &2( acknowledge and act in accordance with the (+ Cederal court ruling to
wit to the cases below;
/. The claim o4 7onstitutional rights can not be con!erted to a crime 6iller .+ (.+.
B. The 7onstitution is a written instrument, it does not change in meaning.
(.+. .+ #ruikshank.
7. +ilence can only be eGuated to 4raud when their is a moral and legal duty to speak.
D. / contract made in 4raud is null and !oid in a law4ul court o4 law.
1. /ll o44icers swear to abide by oaths to the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates /rticle .I clause 8'1 o4 the
(+ 725+TIT(TI25. It is the supreme law o4 the land.
9. That It is &2($ D(T&; To pro!ide 4ull due process o4 law pursuant to /mendments; F,9,;,0,:,V,'F9 o4
the (+ 7onstitution and other rele!ant amendments o4 your ?ob descriptions with the 7onstitution as
;. That /ll o44icers swear to pro!ide eGual protection o4 the law with no eDceptions.
I now ask you as my public ser!ant. D2 &2( 52T T/#) 6& P/&, To respect, protect and de4end each
and e!ery right o4 this plainti44, /n /merican citiTen in this matter -uaranteed by all oaths o4 all o44icers o4
my law4ul -o!ernment
D2 52T; /ll o44icers swear to uphold the 7onstitution as the +upreme law o4 this land and
agree to help 4ully prosecute and bring to ?ustice /AA actors working under color o4 law, with no
?urisdiction thus !iolating all concepts o4 law and ?ustice and bring open 4raud on this court and damages
4or this !ictim I+ 52T T*) 25A& ./AID $)/+25 C2$ A/, to protect each and e!ery human beings
5/T($/A indi!idualUs rights I+ T*I+ 52T T*) )++)57) 2C $)/A A/, I will be blunt, bold,
obnoDiously honest but *25)+T. I /6 on record in this court because you wanted me to be.
I am con4used by &our thoughts, actions and in actions towards me. &ou, as Public 244icials, 244icers o4 the
court, skilled at law and pillars o4 the community. Is The way e!eryone (+)D T2 see you, I see you
di44erent, ).)$& action taken, will be met by $) /7TI25. It is not my 4ault we met. 24 your own 4ree
will, &2(, ha!e +worn an 2ath to De4end, Protect, and Preser!e the 7onstitution 4or the united +tates o4
/merica against all enemies, both Coreign and Domestic, or are a liar and terrorist or ignorant. I ha!e to ask
tough Guestions i4 I want your honest answers 4or client.
52TI7) 2C 72($T D)CI7I)57I)+ on record, until now.
Be4ore the abo!ePre4erenced action can proceed, the 4ollowing de4iciencies in
the 7ourt o4 the +tate must be resol!ed. These de4iciencies include:
F. 5o e44ecti!e counsel is a!ailable The accused has diligently searched 4or counsel that is un4ettered and
not beholden to the plainti44. It appears the only persons who are allowed to be 7ounselor are those who
ha!e taken a solemn oath to support the plainti44, the +tate /ttorneys are also o44icers o4 the state and ha!e a
duty to see that de4endants are punished 4or !iolating plainti44Us laws. Thus, the 4irst duty o4 attorneys is to
the courts, not to their clients and when duties con4lict, their duties to the court must take precedence. I+ee
: 7.3.+., +ection 9, page M@FPM@8, Cootnotes ;1 through ;0J. It seems impossible to obtain counsel that can
present 6& side o4 the con4lict because an attorneyUs 4irst loyalty is to the Plainti44.
The accused is not Guali4ied to represent himsel4 and is unwilling to wai!e his right to e44ecti!e, unbiased
counsel. ,here can an attorney be 4ound who can practice law in your
state who is 4ree to e44ecti!ely counsel my rights and is not beholden to the plainti44
8. The ?udge has taken Eloyalty oathsE to support the laws o4 the plainti44. *e is an employee o4 the plainti44
and is paid large sums o4 money to en4orce the will o4 the plainti44. *ow can the ?udge be neutral and
1. )!ery ?uror is a member o4 the state and is, there4ore, one with the plainti44. 3urors are also reGuired to
swear oaths to support the plainti44. They, too, recei!e
small amounts o4 money 4rom the plainti44. +ome ?urors also recei!e large sums
o4 money 4rom the plainti44 in the 4orm o4 go!ernment ?obs or handouts. 3urors
ha!e an intimate and long standing relationship with the plainti44, but ha!e ne!er met the accused.
9. The law en4orcement witnesses ha!e a !ery close relationship to plainti44
and are not impartial. They are paid to go out and en4orce the plainti44Us laws and
then to testi4y in court to 4acts that will help win plainti44Us action.
The whole li!elihood o4 law en4orcement o44icers depends on doing the plainti44Us will.
;. This court was created by the plainti44. +peci4ically, it is an administrati!e unit o4 the legislature and is
only a court in name and not in 4unction. It carries
out the will o4 its creator, the plainti44. There4ore, the court itsel4 has been 4ettered
to the plainti44 and is not an impartial tribunal.
It is clear in the FV;M 2regon +upreme 7ourt decision o4 +tate eD rel ,ernmark !. *opkins I8F1 2r 0:MJ
that the ?udicial power o4 the lower courts is under the arm o4 the legislature, instead o4 being a separate
branch o4 go!ernment:
+ince amended /rt .II authoriTed the legislature to abolish or remake the county
court, and the legislati!e assembly, in embracing that power, retained only the
name o4 the body, but changed it 4rom a court to an administrati!e unit we belie!e that the conclusion is
warranted that so 4ar as /rt O., +ection 8, is concerned, the legislature created the county court o4 7ass
county. P Iemphasis addedJ
+tate eD rel 6adden !. 7raw4ord I8@: 2r M8J eDplains 4urther the wide powers
the legislature now has o!er the courts:
*ence, under +ection F o4 /rt .II, as amended in FVF@, the +upreme 7ourt is
the only court created by the constitution itsel4; all other courts are to be created by legislati!e act.
I4 an appeal is made to the courtUs decision, it is handled by the appeals court
that was also created by the plainti44. I2$+ 8.;F@J Thus, the plainti44 makes the laws,
employs the police to en4orce the laws, and 4inally ad?udicates the laws in the plainti44Us
own courts. Is there any chance 4or a 4air, impartial trial when
the ?udges, prosecutors, public de4enders, ?ury and witnesses are not ?ust
paid by the plainti44 P they are the plainti44!
0. Public Aaw V:P8M@, V0 +T/T. F8FF, FVM8, a44irms that the Bible is the ,ord
o4 -od and recogniTes our need to study and apply the teachings o4 the *oly
+criptures. The Bible declares that 3esus 7hrist is the highest authority:
Then 3esus came to them and said, E/ll authority in hea!en and on earth has
been gi!en to me.E 6atthew 8M:FM 3esus 7hrist instructs us:
,hy do you look at the speck o4 sawdust in your brotherUs eye and pay no
attention to the plank in your own eye *ow can you say to your brother UAet me
take the speck out o4 your eye,U when all the time there is a plank in your own eye &ou hypocrite, 4irst take
the plank out o4 your own eye, and then you will
see clearly to remo!e the speck 4rom your brotherUs eye.E 6atthew ::1P;
This EcourtE is attempting to take the speck out o4 the missionaryUs eye, while
ignoring the plank in its own eye. This EcourtE is blind because o4 its many structural de4ects and cannot
possibly see to remo!e any de4ects 4rom the accused.
/s 3esus instructs us, EI4 any one o4 you is without sin let him be the 4irst to throw a stoneE I3ohn M::J.
The court must 4irst correct its own de4ects be4ore attempting to correct the de4ects o4 the 7hurch
missionary. I4 the court is unable to resol!e its own de4iciencies, then it cannot possibly see clearly to
correct any de4iciencies o4 the 7hurch.
I ha!e some Guestions 4or the court record that the 7hurch has answered. Please
correct the 7hurch i4 the answers are in error:
%. ,hat constitutes a 4air trial
F. /n adeGuate hearing and an impartial tribunal, 4ree 4rom any interest, bias, or pre?udice. The $eno,
7.7./.5.&., 0F C.8d V00, V0M.
8. / 4air and impartial ?ury and a learned and upright ?udge to instruct ?ury and
pass upon legal Guestions, and an atmosphere o4 calm in which witnesses can deli!er their testimony
without 4ear and intimidation, . . . and in which truth may be recei!ed and gi!en credence without 4ear o4
!iolence, Cloyd !. +tate F00 6iss. F;, F9M +o. 880, 818.
1. /n orderly trial be4ore an impartial ?ury, and ?udge whose neutrality is indi44erent to e!ery 4actor in trial
but that o4 administering ?ustice. +tate eD rel. Brown !. Dewell, F1F Cla. ;00, F:V +o. 0V;, 0VM, FF; /.A.$.
Bias or pre?udice either inherent in the structure o4 the trial system or as imposed by eDternal e!ents will
deny oneUs right to a 4air trial. / 4air trial in a 4air tribunal is a basic reGuirement o4 due process.
7onsidering human nature, neither party to a dispute can be trusted to render ?udgment ?ustly. / third party
can do so only i4 he is unbiased and 4ully appraised o4 the 4acts.
,ho created this court But The +tate. ,ho is the plainti44 in this action but T*) +T/T)
,ho pays the ?udge, district attorney, public de4ender, witnesses, ?ury and sta44 B(T 6) ,here is the
impartial third party whose neutrality is indi44erent to e!ery 4actor in the trial eDcept that o4 administering
law against me, 52T ?ustice 4or me or society
There is none. *ow can plainti44 legally try its own cases 2nly i4 plainti44 acts as lord o!er the accused
witch is a human rights !iolation a 4orm o4 sla!ery, a crime against humaniaty or please pro!ide proo4 the
accused has, #52,I5-A& /5D ,IAAI5-A& .olunteered to be sub?ect to a 4oreign ?urisdiction court. I4
not, It is my duty to report this crime as a crime would be committed by me not reporting this crime as my
duty to all.
Cor the record; This 7hurchUs lord is not T*) +T/T), I do not work 4or T*) +T/T). I work 4or 6y Aord,
the #ing o4 kings and Aord o4 lords.
6y religious belie4s do not consent to allowing a human being to be tried in a secular tribunal EownedE by
the plainti44. 5or does this missionary member, submit or claim to be a part o4 the state or under its
super!ision o4 a 4oreign entity in any way. E5o man can ser!e two mastersE I6atthew 0:89J. (pon what
authority does this court use state !ehicle statutes to ?udge a missionary o4 their personal )mbassy,
tra!eling under the ?urisdiction o4 the #ingdom o4 *ea!en in witch no mortal rules This 6issionary has
not knowingly consented to ha!ing his -odPgi!en rights or duties to tra!el 4rom place to place eDercising
rights to be ?udged by an administrati!e tribunal o4 the legislature. I6atthew 8M:FMP8@J I am not aware that
the +tate has super!isory authority o!er 3esus 7hrist or my church. I4 the state insists on trying the 7hurch
missionary, I reGuire, 4or my clients protection a court that is not beholden to the legislature, a court that is
part o4 a separate ?udicial branch and 4ree to hear 7onstitutional issues related to separation o4 7hurch and
state. I reGuire a 4air trial, due process, eGual protection, impartial public ?ury and court with the assistance
o4 e44ecti!e, unbiased counsel. (ntil these basic reGuirements o4 due process are met, 6y missionary is not
ready to proceed without your answers and it is costing me time, money and li4e. 7onsider all this changed
to my clients who retain me as protection 4rom you. To ensure a 4air trial, The state agrees to retain me with
an up 4ront KF@,@@@ retainer 4ee and a running bill o4 KF,M@@ a day, and help seek damages 4or my client
su44erings. To assure *25)+T ?ustice is done. ,ithin F@ days, I will eDpect a disco!ery and retainer 4ee.
This billing will start then. I ,IAA Testi4y to damages done in the name o4 the law, by T*) +T/T). /AA
people B)*I5D 4ictional co!ers, agents in the name o4 the state 4or T*) +T/T) against /AA the state, B&
predator dri!en laws 4or pro4it, ,ithout a !ictim, but all who pay 4or this. &ou made my client your !ictim
doing this...&ou stepped out o4 your oath o4 o44ice and are personally liable 4or your actions. I wish my
client immediately submit this ;8 page honesty a44ida!it into court record personally, by 4riend, or by
aggressor that holds them with proo4 o4 ser!ice, court stamps and public record,L mailed to me 4or our
records, 6y client has no say beyond the agreed upon contract. Please send all disco!ery, court record,
motions, and a44ida!its to
)d 7urtis
V89 ;th.+t s.
Cargo, 5orth Dakota ;MF@1
This eDact dra4t is a!ailable 4ree in PDC http :// phpromoweeblycom .weebly .com / 4or each and e!ery
o44icial, in e!ery capacity that is paid by T*) +T/T) or entity other than speci4ic human being who stands
!ictim on record. I wish ).)$&T*I5- in this 4ile disco!ery mailed to )d 7urtis in F@ days. This is court
eDhibit o4 samples o4 disco!eryUs, motions, brie4s, reGuests and rebuttals entered into record here, I learned
to use my spy grid to record on ser!ers e!erywhere as the courts I 4aced do not listen. In 8@ days, a website
will be a!ailable to all. This is not 4rom a court !iew but 4rom a !ictim. I look out 4or the best interest o4 my
client 4rom lessons learned. I seek no 4ight with 4ull disclosure up 4ront ,ho should I ha!e to I4 you need
more time, I wish it recorded in court record, 4or court eDhibit and de4ense. ,e will ad?ust this with your
names actions, reactions and remedy http/00www.scri$.co%0oc01123456170AFFIDAVIT8OF8
It isnUt right 4or men to ?udge their own cause, ,e will seek a public ?ury by promoting you , you are the
aggressor o4 your own actions, not T*) +T/T) . Ignorance o4 the law will not eDcuse any person, either
ci!illy or criminally 4or the actions they knowingly take that makes a !ictim. Is T*/T 52T A/, I+
T*/T I+ 3(+TI7) to change this to +(IT courts needs, wants and reGuirements ,IAA 72+T
625)&.IC not disputed,in writing in F@ days, Ciduciary will consider this matter done. I4 ,e will need to
proceed until remedy and ?ustice is ser!ed and bills paid we will. I4 this does not end, websites, promotions
and emails o4 this ,IAA commence. /s 4iduciary, I do not trust courts, ignorant ?uries or o44icials, &our
ignorance is considered cured. &ou pursue with malice
25 $)72$D; ,e ,I+* /AA D27(6)5T+ $)72$D)D /5D 25 $)72$D &2( */.) I5 &2($
CIA)+ B2T* client /5D +T/T), C2$ +T(D&.
Today, ,) ,IAA DI+72.)$ ,*2 &2( /$). I li!e in one o4 the most corrupt state, in the most
dangerous countries that has e!er eDisted, this is 4act. ,e are B& C/$, The most brainwashed, poisoned,
robbed, numbed down, regulated, indebted and ensla!ed people this planet has e!er seen, some one did did
this.. ,) /$) this worlds most dangerous terrorists and &2( or the (5 will be helping straiten us out 4or
the good o4 the world, ,hen this system ends.. Their will be public trials and with our massi!e spy grid, we
will seek to be recorded on a lot o4 ser!ers the longer this action takes. (+) T*I+ I5C2 4or your personal
wants and needs 4or bringing back honor to you!
I ha!e a right to bill 4or my time and duty to seek tort damages in ci!il, human and 7onstitutional rights
!iolations in criminal court. I ha!e a right to eGual protections under the law. &ou in!ited my client into this
and I am in demand o4 e!erything you plan on using against my client to meet my contractual obligations
o4 B2T* our contracts.
CI$+T $)%()+T C2$ / BIAA 2C P/$TI7(A/$+ DI$)7T)D T2 /AA)-)D 7omplainantUs FP ;,@@@
protected behind and under co!er o4 the agency, The 7IT&, T*) +T/T),T*) 72(5T$& ; E$eGuest 4or a
Bill o4 ParticularsE
I5T)$$2-/T2$I)+ 4or me and client asked
F. /m I entitled to a 4air hearing
8. ,ho has the burden o4 proo4 or burden o4 pro!iding a
preponderance o4 e!idence
1. /m I presumed innocent o4 e!ery element o4 this alleged crime or alleged action at hand
9. /m I supposed to be in4ormed o4 the nature and cause o4 the charges and proceedings against me
;. Is there e!idence o4 a complaining party
0. Did I !iolate someoneUs legal rights
:. I4 yes, then please speci4y which rights !iolated.
I 4eel that my client cannot get a 4air trial in these proceedings unless I know e!erything.
iJ = ,e are all entitled to a 4air and honest trial, ,IAA my client $)7)I.) 25)>
iiJ =7an you please answer , who is the in?ured party in this case>
iiiJ = ,ho might &ou and the 3udge represent, >
F. Please pro!ide a copy o4 the contract, signed by both parties binding me and the +tate in an agreement.
/ unilateral agreement is not acceptable.
8. Please pro!ide me with a Bill, with the words XbillQ and X!alueQ upon the 4ace o4 it,
signed by a member o4 the +tate .
1. Please pro!ide proo4 o4 claim that you know what a E PersonE is legally speaking.
9. Please pro!ide proo4 o4 claim that I am a Person or aXPassengerQ and not a Clesh
and Blood li!ing sentient 6an with unalienable rights.
;. Please pro!ide proo4 o4 claim that there is any real money backed by anything o4
!alue with which to pay this alleged debt.
Please note that you addressed your 5otice to X6$ )D,/$D D. 7($TI+ which is a legal entity, a 4iction,
a trade name. Please certi4y whether or not you or /5& 3udge is acting as trustee 4or this person, 2$ 6&
7AI)5T Cor and on the record I am the representati!e 4or the legal entity 2C 6& 7AI)5T
/44iant is simply a Creeman Ai!ing on the Aand and I o44er my hand in Peace to the court. who has harmed
noPone, your actions ha!e harmed my client. I reser!e all o4 $ights and ,ai!e none o4 them. I4 you 4orce
4iduciary into making a special appearance to settle the matter; an eDpense o4 KV@@ per day 4or eDpert
witness testimony will apply.
/44iant will happily accept any claims made against him upon proo4 o4 claim that you ha!e any authority
o!er him. It is my understanding that; all men are created eGually under one 7reator, and, ,e are sharing
this eDistence together under -od, and, ,e ha!e been gi!en the ability to make decisions 4or oursel!es.
+tatutes ha!e the 4orce o4 law under mutual consent o4 the -o!erned, under 4ull disclosure. The
-o!ernment is a $epresentati!e Body and, $epresentation can only come 4rom consent, and, It is my $ight
not to consent to said representation, and, To deny me my $ight is in Breach o4 the Aaw, and those guilty
will be 4ully liable and punishable within 7ommon Aaw. These are not my clients claims but the 4iduciaryUs
There4ore be it now known to any and all concerned and a44ected parties, that I,)d 7urtis, a CreemanPonP
thePAand do hereby state clearly speci4ically and uneGui!ocally my intent to peace4ully and law4ully eDist
4ree o4 all statutory obligations restrictions and maintain all rights at law to trade, eDchange or barter time
with my client in working 4or the best interest o4 all parties in the goals o4 ending these contracts.
I claim the right to practice my spiritual belie4s, without scrutiny or inGuiry lest it be 4rom the le!el o4 Aaw,
NI claim the right 52T to apply 4or licenses, permits or to seek permission to do any actions that are
already Aaw4ul,
NI claim the right 52T to pay into any system which I 4eel does not bene4it me,
NI claim the right to protect mysel4 and my lo!ed ones against any unPAaw4ul intrusions, and the $ight to
use Corce under the Aaw, only in protection 4rom armed or dangerous aggressors.
NI claim the right to culti!ate any plant, +moke, drink, ingest, any substance being 4ully responsible 4or my
actions NI claim the right to be 4ree,
NI will only appear in court when there is a man or woman claiming I ha!e in4ringed upon one o4 their -od
gi!en rights or 4reedoms, and I claim the $ight to a ?ury o4 my peers and due process,
NThe 4ailure to de4ine between the 5atural man and the +tate created Ciction is nothing short o4 4raud, the4t,
breach o4 trust and 4orced sla!ery, a heinous criminal acti!ity o4 the most odious 4orm.
NI claim the right to be ignorant o4 legal procedures as I do not understand them.
NI claim that these actions are not outside my communitiesU standards and will in 4act support said
community in our desire 4or truth and maDimum 4reedom.
NI claim that anyone who inter4eres with my law4ul acti!ities a4ter ha!ing been ser!ed notice o4 this claim
and who 4ails to properly dispute or make law4ul counterclaim is breaking the law ' cannot claim good
4aith or color o4 right and that such transgressions will be dealt with in a properly con!ened court de ?ure.
NI claim that the courts in the $epublic o4 the (+/ are deP4acto and are in 4act in the pro4itable business o4
conducting, witnessing and 4acilitating the transactions o4 security interests and
I 4urthermore claim that they reGuire the consent o4 both parties prior to pro!iding any such ser!ices. I
learned the people I 4aced cared not o4 me and learning to go public is T*) 7($).
NI claim all transactions o4 security interests reGuire the consent o4 both parties and I do hereby deny
consent to any transaction o4 a security interest issuing under any /ct 4or as herein stated as a CreemanPonP
thePAand I am not sub?ect to any statue, code or /ct contrary. I think and prey that my client is saying the
same thing,
NI state that it is my duty to 7laim such rights, to protect them and ensure they eDist 4or 4uture generations.
Their is only 8 sides o4 a 4ence.
NCurthermore I claim the right to use a notary to secure payment o4 the a4orementioned 4ee schedule. 2n
our books, / collection agency is being trained 4or this upon collapse o4 this script. But not all this do me
and my client agree, It is ?ust me.
/44ected parties wishing to dispute the claims made herein or make their own counterclaims must respond
appropriately within T)5 IF@J days o4 ser!ice o4 notice o4 this action. $esponses must be under 2ath, and
in writing upon 4ull commercial liability and penalty o4 per?ury. 6aybe an a44ida!it I do not speak 4or
client but prey they think E&)+, ,*/T *) +/ID!E as you read this.
/44iant reGuests the Prosecuting /ttorney to supply /AA answers to this 4iduciaries Guestions 4or disco!ery
and needs.
This in4ormation is reGuested to assist in de4ending against charges brought by the 7ounty o4 7/++, Cor
T*) +T/T) 2C 52$T* D/#2T/, /5D /AA T*) 2CCI7I/A+ T*/T *ID) then T/#) 6& P/& T2
P$2T)7T and de4end the natural rights o4 the people who li!e on the lands.
2b?ections to all or any portion o4 an interrogatory shall be set 4orth with speci4icity su44icient to allow the
alleged party propounding these interrogatories to understand the eDact scope o4 and reason 4or the
ob?ection. ,here an ob?ection relates to only a portion o4 the in4ormation reGuested in an interrogatory, all
other in4ormation not within the scope o4 said ob?ection shall be pro!ided. Aegal terms used in these
Interrogatories which are not speci4ically described below shall ha!e the meaning pro!ided in the statute,
regulation, ordinance or other legal authority 4rom which term is deri!ed, i4 any, or in my edition o4 BlackQs
Aaw Dictionary. /ny other word or term used in these Interrogatories which is not speci4ically de4ined
below shall ha!e its ordinary and customary meaning and usage. I am not a lawyer, I do not speak your law,
I am human I do not understand the nature and cause o4 the charges, proceedings, goals, ?urisdictions,
3ustice 4orced my client into.

$espondents in this matter 4actually are:
F.J Cor the record and in 4ew words, /AA 2CCI7)$+ o4 this court.
&ou /re all /gents and actors o4 these actions,bonded as reGuired by +tatutes o4 =/n /ct 7oncerning the 244icial
Bonds o4 244icials I ha!e heard o4 a seditious conspiracy to o!erthrow my law4ul -o!ernment and
wonder, who would 4raudulently act in both pro4essional and personal capacities within this 72(5T&,and
+T/T), as one o4 the people a regular citiTen o4 state, de4ined in /rticle II 7onstitution o4 5orth Dakota,
speci4ically not wel4are enumerated; in propria persona, sui ?uris, li!ing on the Aand within the boundaries
o4 7ass county, in 5orth Dakota, one o4 the united states o4 /merica by an act o4 7ongress at V +tat. 9;8;
with eDpress and eDplicit reser!ation 4or all (nalienable, .ested 5atural, Inherent,human, ci!il and
common Aaw $ights, account abilities and responsibilities whether enumerated or not in the 7onstitution
4or the state o4 5orth Dakota. +26) 25) is committing massi!e criminal acts and/or omissions in this
matter such as the 7ass 7ounty District /ttorney Ia public ser!antJ 4or all his acts and/or omissions in this
matter, claimed to be a resident therein, and thereby comes under this courts ?urisdiction.
8.J T*) 72(5T& 2C 7/++, I+ an incorporation or unde4ined 4iction whom was present in the 72(5T& 2C
7/++, +T/T) 2C 52$T* D/#2T/, and was acting in both its pro4essional and personal capacities 4or
all its acts and/or omissions in this matter, and was resident therein, Ias a public ser!antJ and thereby comes
under this courts ?urisdiction.
1.J The P)2PA) 2C T*) +T/T) 2C 52$T* D/#2T/, was an incorporation or unde4ined 4iction whom was
present in the 72(5T& 2C 7/++, +T/T) 2C 52$T* D/#2T/, and was acting in both its pro4essional
and personal capacities 4or all its acts and/or omissions in this matter, Ias a public ser!antJ and was resident
therein, and thereby comes under this courts ?urisdiction.
9.J 3ohn and 3ane Does F through ;,@@@ PA(+ were ?oinder parties to this matter by acts and/or
omissions, and either natural born, 4ictitious, or corporate entities, corporations, organiTations, state agents,
state actors, state or 4ederal or third party agencies, not bonded as reGuired by the +tatute o4 52$T*
D/#2T/ passed Cebruary 8M, FM;@, =/n /ct 7oncerning the 244icial Bonds o4 244icials,> and were acting
in both their personal and pro4essional capacities in this matter Ias public ser!antIsJ, and were resident or
had business within the 72(5T& 2C 7/++, +T/T) 2C 52$T* D/#T2/ in this matter, and thereby
come under this courts ?urisdiction.
;.J /ll respondents are the alleged real party in interest, but are in 4act, unde4ined and unknown entities acting
under pretence and o!ert 4raud under color o4 law and under color o4 authority who ha!e su44ered no
damage whatsoe!er.
0.J &our petitioner has been 4actually dri!en into indigence due to the continued, illegal and unlaw4ul acts and/or
omissions by respondents in this matter. Petitioner has been unlaw4ully incarcerated, kidnapped by public
o44icials, 4alsely arrested without warrant, un?ustly imprisoned, and maliciously prosecuted without due
process o4 law, o!er his will and against his consent and has been constantly unlaw4ully restrained o4 his
liberty 4rom that point onward, and without your petitioner ha!ing it within his power to con4ront his
accuserQs at law4ul trial, and without being law4ully in4ormed o4 the nature and cause o4 the accusation
against him, the !enue, the ?urisdiction and the real party o4 interest; was 4alsely and maliciously and
unlaw4ully 4orced into a tribunal which was only held to 4ind my guilt 4or no crime at law, in a court
without ?urisdiction; without probable cause; and prior to the alleged hearing and without e!idence
presented at law4ul trial.
M.J 5o law4ul warrant did issue or was presented at any time to your petitioner by respondents in accordance with
the concise rule o4 law, and as mandated by their oath o4 o44ice. 5o supporting a44ida!its, rebuttals,
!eri4ications, or subscription. no grand ?ury indictment as mandated by the concise rule o4 law was e!er
used to bring me to trial,in o!ert contra!ention to the rule o4 law, and o!er my continued ob?ections and
against my consent. 5o Guali4ying signature o4 /ppellant/Petitioner is upon any !alid or law4ul instrument
and/or claim held by respondentQs in this matter.

%()+TI25+ P$)+)5T)D

The 4ollowing Guestions are rele!ant to the issue as to the law4ulness o4 the con!iction 4rom which
petitioner seeks relie4 and reparations in the instant case:
F.J *as the 5orth Dakota Aegislature unlaw4ully acGuiesced or assisted in the sub?ection o4 the so!ereignty o4 the
right4ul citiTens o4 5orth Dakota to the municipal power o4 the (nited +tates 7ongress I4ound in /rt. I,
+ec. M, 7l. F:, (.+. 7onst.J directly be its legislation, or indirectly through agencies created 4or that
purpose, which ultimately led to the unlaw4ul acts and/or omissions o4 respondents in this matter, and the
resultant 4raudulent con!iction 4rom which your petitioner hereby seeks relie4
8.J 7an the respondentQs in this matter, through the 72(5T& 2C 7/++, by their !arious unlaw4ul acts and/or
omissions in this matter and unclean hands, base these 4raudulent acts and/or omissions based on published
Penal 7ode Y 8:@ =Cailure to Pro!ide> and/or Y F00IaJI9J =7ontempt o4 7ourt> using their positions o4
power under color o4 law, and color o4 authority to use the courts o4 the 72(5T& 2C 7/++, as an
organiTed crime syndicate in which to usurp your petitionerQs natural born, common law, constitutional
and/or ci!il rights
1.J 7an the respondentQs in this matter, through the 72(5T& 2C 7/++, by their !arious unlaw4ul acts and/or
omissions in this matter and unclean hands, o!ercome the obligation o4 contract
9.J 7an the respondentQs in this matter, through the 72(5T& 2C 7/++, by their !arious unlaw4ul acts and/or
omissions in this matter and unclean hands, o!ercome the obligation o4 contract between 7hild and Cather
or a44iant and state 4orce a44iant to de4end li4e, liberty and property and secured rights and liberty that: =/ll
men are by nature 4ree and independent and ha!e certain inalienable rights, among which are those o4
)532&I5- and de4ending li4e and liberty; acGuiring, possessing, and protecting property; and pursing and
obtaining sa4ety, happiness and 3ustice
;.J 7an the respondentQs in this matter, use an unconscionable contract, !itiated by 4raud by way o4 inducement,
coersion and in 4raud; null and !oid in ab initio, as a 4oundational basis to use published Penal 7odes under
color o4 law, under color o4 authority as a basis to usurp your petitionerQs natural born, *uman, common
law, constitutional and/or ci!il rights
0.J 7an the respondentQs in this matter, use the socialist doctrine Iand/or Ceminist DoctrineJ =In the Best Interests o4
the 7hild> as a supporting basis in which to usurp and contro!ert the concise rule o4 law, to the detriment o4
your petitioner; as enumerated by the 7onstitution 4or the state o4 52$T* D/#2T/, and/or the
7onstitution 4or the united +tates

M.J *as the +T/T) 2C 52$T* D/#2T/ and/or respondents in this matter !iolated the concise rule o4 law and this
petitionerQs natural born, common law, human, constitutional, and/or ci!il rights by derogating the concise
rule o4 law to obtain Cederal ,el4are remuneration scams and/or schemes
V.J 7an the +T/T) 2C 52$T* D/#2T/ and/or respondentQs in this matter prosecute a matter in the courts o4
52$T* D/#2T/ without law4ul ?urisdiction
F@.J *as your petitionerQs 4oundational constitutional right to ha!e a law4ul Bill o4 Particulars answered as a matter
o4 substanti!e due process o4 law in order to in4orm me o4 the nature and cause o4 the accusation been
derogated by respondentQs in this matter by their insolent acts and/or omissions clothed under color o4
authority, under color o4 law in direct !iolation o4 the concise rule o4 law
FF.J *as respondentQs the law4ul authority to establish a 7laim o4 /ction based upon their own unlaw4ul acts and/or
omissions in o!ert arrogance to the rule o4 law as mandated by their oaths o4 o44ice and the concise rule o4
law as mandated by the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates IF:M:PF:VFJ, and the 7onstitution 4or the state o4
5orth Dakota, and the 7onstitution o4 /merica

F1.J *as the respondentQs in this matter the right to manu4acture crime against your petitioner in direct
!iolation to their oath o4 o44ice, and in o!ert and conspired !iolation to the concise rule o4 law as de4ined
and mandated by the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates IF:M:PF:VFJ, and the 7onstitution 4or the state o4
5orth Dakota,
*as the respondentQs in this matter the right to unlaw4ully arrest this petitioner in direct !iolation to
their oath o4 o44ice, and in o!ert and conspired !iolation to the concise rule o4 law as de4ined and mandated
by the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates IF:M:PF:VFJ, and the 7onstitution 4or the state o4 52$T*
F;.J *as the respondentQs in this matter the right to maliciously prosecute your petitioner in direct !iolation to
their oath o4 o44ice, and in o!ert and conspired !iolation to the concise rule o4 law as de4ined and mandated
by the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates IF:M:PF:VFJ, and the 7onstitution 4or the state o4 52$T*
F0.J *as the respondentQs in this matter the right to 4alsely imprison your petitioner in direct !iolation to their
oath o4 o44ice, and in o!ert and conspired !iolation to the concise rule o4 law as de4ined and mandated by
the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates IF:M:PF:VFJ, and
F:.J *as the respondentQs the enumerated authority to prosecute an action without grand ?ury indictment against
your petitioner in direct insolence and arrogance to the respondentQs oath o4 o44ice, and in direct !iolation to
the concise rule o4 law as enumerated and mandated by the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates IF:M:PF:VFJ,
FM.J *a!e the respondentQs the enumerated authority under the concise rule o4 law as mandated by the 7onstitution
o4 the (nited +tates IF:M:PF:VFJ to arrest your petitioner without a law4ul warrant ,ithout probable
cause 5ot supported by a44ida!its ,ith no -o!ernorQs ,arrant In direct contra!ention to their oathQs o4
o44ice and the a4orementioned concise rule o4 law
8@.J *as the so!ereignty o4 the petitioner been encroached upon, abrogated, or derogated in 4a!or o4 legislati!e
powers eDercised in eDcess o4 the law4ul enumerated limits o4 the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates IF:M:P
F:VFJ, and the 7onstitution 4or the state o4 52$T* D/#2T/ under 4orce o4 arms using cohesion,4orce
and do it all in 4raud
6otion to disGuali4y arresting o44icer The 244icer had no reason to 4ear /44iant
who /t the time o4 arrest, ga!e police no reason to 4ear 4or their sa4ety. / search o4 was made subseGuent
to arrest where no weapons were 4ound; hands were cu44ed with no e44ort to resist; neither did /44iant o44er
any !erbal threat o4 physical abuse, resistance or retaliation. ,hen directed to the police car, /44iant
complied without physical resistance. This has cost /44iant great damages, including ?ob and ability to work
to support /44iant. who will be 4orced to pursue ?ustice I4 this issue can not be settled $I-*T 52,, Today.
Their were 52 I5T)$.)5I5- 7I$7(6+T/57)+ T2 7/(+) /5& (5 5)7)++IT/$& D)A/&
B$I5-I5- 6) B)C2$) / 3(D-).
There was no 4lood, storm, riot, or any other inter!ening circumstance to necessitate the o44icerUs
immediate attention, which would ?usti4y a delay in bringing /44iant be4ore a magistrate. Time is more
!aluable than my money and to steal it 4or cage pro4its then ?ust waste it hurt me deeply. /44iant did not
obser!e the o44icer, through the use o4 police radio , cell phone, or computer make any attempt to locate a
magistrate 4or the purpose o4 securing ?urisdiction to continue to hold /44iant. In endea!oring to take the
arrested person be4ore the magistrate, the o44icer must eDpend all the e44ort that a highly cautious person
would employ in the same circumstances.RC5M;S $obinson !. Ao!ell, 81M +.,.8d 8V9 ITeD. 7i!. /pp.
-al!estonFV;FJ, writ re4used n.r.e.
D(T& T2 T/#) B)C2$) 6/-I+T$/T) ,IT*2(T 2(T 5)7)++/$& D)A/&
/rticles o4 7ode o4 7riminal Procedure directs the arresting o44icer to take the
person arrested, with or without a warrant to the nearest magistrate.
/rt. F9.@0. 6ust take o44ender be4ore magistrate E)Dcept as pro!ided by +ubsection IbJ, in each case
enumerated in this 7ode, the person making the arrest or the person ha!ing custody o4 the person arrested
shall take the person arrested or ha!e him taken without unnecessary delay, but not later than 9M hours a4ter
the person is arrested, be4ore the magistrate who may ha!e ordered the arrest, be4ore some magistrate o4 the
county where the arrest was made without an order, or, i4 necessary to pro!ide more eDpeditiously to the
person arrested the warnings described by /rticle F;. F: o4 this 7ode, be4ore a magistrate in a county
bordering the county in which the arrest was made. The magistrate shall immediately per4orm the duties
described in /rticle F;.F: o4 this 7ode.E
,ithout considering the law4ulness o4 the warrant less, !ictim less arrest, 4or the purpose o4 ?urisdiction,
this particular argument will only consider the actions subseGuent to arrest. The immediate issue addresses
the duty o4 the arresting o44icer to take the accused be4ore a magistrate to secure ?urisdiction such that the
+tate may right4ully continue to restrict /44iant o4 his li4e and liberty.
R8MS 6aDimum protection o4 indi!idual rights could be assured by reGuiring a magistrateUs re!iew o4 the
4actual ?usti4ication prior to any arrest, but such a reGuirement would constitute an intolerable handicap 4or
law en4orcement. Thus, while the 7ourt has eDpressed a pre4erence 4or the use o4 arrest warrants when
4easible, Beck !. 2hio, at V0; ,ong +un !. (nited +tates, 1:F (.+. 9:F, 9:VP9M8 IFV01J, it has ne!er
in!alidated an arrest supported by probable cause solely because the o44icers 4ailed to secure a warrant. +ee
#er !. 7ali4ornia, 1:9 (.+. 81 IFV01J; Draper !. (nited +tates, 1;M (.+. 1@: IFV;VJ; Trupiano !. (nited
+tates, 119 (.+. 0VV, :@; IFV9MJ.
R8VS (nder this practical compromise, a policemanUs onPthePscene must make an assessment o4 probable
cause ' pro!ide legal ?usti4ication 4or arresting a person suspected o4 crime, with untainted e!idence and
4or a brie4 period o4 detention to take the administrati!e steps incident to arrest. 2nce the suspect is in
custody, howe!er, the reasons that ?usti4y dispensing with the magistrateUs neutral ?udgment e!aporate.
There no longer is any danger that the suspect will escape or commit 4urther crimes while the police submit
their e!idence to a magistrate. /nd, while the +tateUs reasons 4or taking summary action subside, the
suspectUs need 4or a neutral determination o4 probable cause increases signi4icantly.
The conseGuences o4 prolonged detention may be more serious than the inter4erence occasioned by arrest.
Pretrial con4inement did imperil the suspectUs ?ob, interrupt his source o4 income, and impair his 4amily
relationships. +ee $. -old4arb, $ansom 18PVF IFV0;J; A. #atT,
3ustice Is the 7rime ;FP08 IFV:8. )!en pretrial release may be accompanied by burdensome conditions that
e44ect a signi4icant restraint o4 liberty.
+ee, e. g., FM (. +. 7. 1F90 IaJI8, I;J.
,hen the stakes are this high, the detached ?udgment o4 a neutral magistrate is essential i4 the Courth
/mendment is to 4urnish meaning4ul protection 4rom un4ounded inter4erence with liberty. /ccordingly, we
hold that the Courth /mendment reGuires a ?udicial determination o4 probable cause as a prereGuisite to
eDtended restraint o4 liberty 4ollowing arrest. -)$+T)II !. P(-* )T /A, V; +. 7t. M;9, 98@ (.+. F@1, 91
A. )d. 8d ;9, FV:;.+7T,9@0@8 T*) P2I5T I+ T*) P2I5T.
The arresting o44icer 4ailed to take /44iant directly to the nearest magistrate.
,hile certain delays can be eDpected in certain circumstances, simple 4ailure to seek the
authority en!isioned by -erstien ! Pugh abo!e, may not be construed as a proDimate cause o4 reasonable
delay. The seminal case on this /44iant under +tate Aaw. see *eath ! Boyd, F9F TeD. ;0V; F:; +.,.8d 8F9;
FV91 TeD. A)OI+ 1:@.
E6oreo!er, i4 *eathUs arrest had been authoriTed by the statutes, his subseGuent
detention as pleaded pro!ed would make a case o4 4alse imprisonment against Boyd. The undisputed 4acts
are that a4ter his arrest *eath rode with the sheri44 to the 4ormerUs car, which he then entered and dro!e
se!eral miles to the courthouse, 4ollowed by Boyd. There he was detained in BoydUs o44ice 4rom one to
three hours, while Boyd was seeking ad!ice by telephone as to what to do, in the 4ace o4 a plain statutory
command as to what must be done in all cases o4 arrest without warrant. /rt. 8F:, 7.7.P., FV8;, pro!ides,
EIn each case enumerated in this chapter, the person making the arrest shall immediately take the person
arrested Z Z be4ore the nearest magistrate where the arrest was made without an order.E +ubstantially the
same reGuirement appears in /rt. 18;, 7.7.P., FV8;, and /rt. 9M:, P.7., FV8;. Presumably, there was a
magistrate in 6ertTon, the county seat. &et Boyd o44ers no reason why he did not take *eath be4ore that
o44icial. 5either in his pleadings nor in his testimony does he suggest that a magistrate was not reasonably
a!ailable, although the arrest and detention all occurred between M oUclock in the morning and noon thus
DisGuali4y /rresting 244icer . I4 he had taken *eath to that o44icial, he could ha!e gotten the in4ormation
and assistance he was seeking by telephone. *e was under no obligation to seek ad!ice or aid 4rom
3ohnson. *e was under a positi!e duty immediately to seek a magistrate. That such 4ailure, uneDcused,
makes a case o4 4alse imprisonment, as a matter o4 law, is held by all the authorities. 5ewby !. -unn et al,
:9 TeDas, 9;;, F8 +.,. 0:; 6cBeath !. 7ampbell, F8 +.,. I8dJ FFM; /lamo Downs, Inc., et RZZZF9S al !.
Briggs I7i!. /pp.J, F@0 +.,. I8dJ :11 Ier. dism.J; BoD !. Cluitt I7i!. /pp.J, 9: +.,. I8dJ FF@:; 6addoD !.
*udgeons I7i!. /pp.J, :8 +.,. 9F9 Ier. re4.J; RZZ8FMS #arner et al !. +tump I7i!. /pp.J, 19 +.,. 0;0; Petty
!. 6organ et al I7i!. /pp.J, FF0 +.,. F9F; Bishop !. Aucy et al I7i!. /pp.J ;@ +.,. F@8V; 1; 7.3.+., p. ;90,
sec. 1F.E *eath ! Boyd, F9F TeD. ;0V; F:; +.,.8d 8F9; FV91 TeD. A)OI+ 1:@
The arresting o44icer in this case made no due diligent e44ort to locate a magistrate. To help 4ree the
captured person. E/lthough the 4ailure to take the plainti44 be4ore a magistrate would ha!e been eDcused i4
good grounds had eDisted 4or the belie4 that a magistrate was not a!ailable, such was not the case since the
o44icers made no attempt to determine whether the magistrate was or would make himsel4 a!ailable. E
$oberts ! Bohac, ;:9 C8d F818
Irrespecti!e o4 any other states, TeDas has speci4ic legislation concerning this
reGuirement to take the accused be4ore a magistrate and real law is uni4orm and applies to all e!ery where.
5ot only must the arresting o44icer eDhaust the a!ailable magistrates in the county, the consideration o4 the
a!ailability o4 a magistrate must be eDtended to include e!ery surrounding county I /rticle F9.@0
The record o44ers, as the go!ernmentUs only ?usti4ication, e!idence that the magistrate, who issued the
warrants, ad!ised o4 his una!ailability a4ter the early e!ening o4 Criday, +eptember M, FVMV. There are three
other magistrates in the District. The record is bere4t o4 any e!idence as to their a!ailability. Aikewise, the
record is bere4t o4 any e!idence as to the a!ailability o4 any o4 the district 3udges. n; /bsent e!idence o4
other than the
una!ailability o4 the duty magistrate Ithe propriety o4 which is not here GuestionedJ, there is no basis to 4ind
that the delay 4or the entire period 4rom the arrest to presentment was necessary. To be sure, it was a
weekend. The court was closed.
But those 4acts do not entitle the go!ernment to presume the absence o4 an obligation to try to arrange the
appearance o4 the arrested be4ore one o4 the other possible ?udicial o44icers.The law remains a 4orce in li4e
e!en outside usual business hours and all ?udicial o44icers ha!e the obligation to respond to the needs o4
parties as they are mandated by the law. /44iant to their reasonable nonP?udicial acti!ities, all ?udicial
o44icers stand ready to 4ul4ill that obligation. *ere, the go!ernment has not shown the una!ailability o4 all
the possible ?udicial o44icers. The obligation o4 complying with the law lies with the go!ernment, which
thus has the burden o4 pro!ing that an arrestee was brought be4ore a ?udicial o44icer without unnecessary
delay. Its proo4 o4 the una!ailability o4 one ?udicial o44icer does not pro!e that the delay to the neDt regular
business hours, some siDty to siDtyP 4i!e hours later, did not constitute unnecessary delay i4 it does not
eDhaust the possibility o4 an appearance be4ore one o4 the other ?udicial o44icers in the district. +ee (nited
+tates !. 7olon, M1; RZ8FS C.8d 8:, 1@P1F I8d 7ir. FVM:J. (IIT)D +T/T)+ !. 62$-/I, et al. FVV@ (.+.
Dist. A)OI+ 08@0
The arresting o44icer, acting in accordance with established police policy, took
/44iant directly to ?ail ha!ing made no e44ort to locate a magistrate 4or the purposes stipulated by /rticle
F9.@0 and the 4ederal reGuirement articulated by -erstien ! Pugh supra. *a!ing so acted, the arresting
o44icer became a criminal actor ab initio and there4ore is disGuali4ied as a credible witness in the instant
/$$)+TI5- 2CCI7)$ /+ T$)++P/++2$ /-$)++2$
It is the speci4ic allegation that the moment the arresting started the engine on the patrol car, put it in gear
and headed toward the ?ail instead o4 toward the nearest magistrate, the crime was complete. Crom that
point onward, all the time /44iant was held in custody was in !iolation o4 law and an act o4 #idnapping.
Y 8@.@1. #ID5/PPI5-. TeDas Penal 7ode
/ person commits an o44ense i4 he intentionally or knowingly abducts another person.
IFJ ,hen their is no !ictims o4 this action
I8J ,hen the site was contaminated by others be4ore the o44icers in!ol!ed arri!ed
I1J ,hen due process is will4ully ignored and it makes me a !ictim in a 7onspiracy to depri!e my rights is
an a44irmati!e de4ense to prosecution under this section that: the abduction was not coupled with intent to
use or to threaten to use deadly 4orce; the actor was a relati!e o4 the person abducted; and the actorUs sole
intent was to assume law4ul control o4 the !ictim. /n o44ense under this section is a 4elony o4 the third
It is the 4urther contention o4 !ictim that, as the alleged act o4 kidnapping was
committed in 4urtherance o4 an ongoing criminal conspiracy to eDtort 4unds 4rom /44iant in the 4orm o4
4ines and 4ees collected in !iolation o4 the due course o4 the laws o4 the +tate and I 4eel conspiracy is across
this country.
The alleged schemes included 4elony acts to the detriment o4 /44iant , including assault and battery, the act
o4 kidnapping is more speci4ically de4ined as
8@.@9. /--$/./T)D #ID5/PPI 5-.
/ person commits an o44ense i4 he intentionally or knowingly abducts another person with the intent to:
IFJ hold him 4or ransom or reward;
I8J I8J use him as a shield or hostage;
I1J 4acilitate the commission o4 a 4elony while armed
I9J the 4light a4ter the attempt or commission o4 a 4elony;
I;J in4lict bodily in?ury on him or !iolate or abuse him seDually;
I0J terroriTe him or a third person; or to o44icially oppress this !ictim.
I:J inter4ere with the per4ormance o4 any go!ernmental or political 4unction.
/ person commits an o44ense i4 the person intentionally or knowingly abducts another person and uses or
eDhibits a deadly weapon during the commission o4 the o44ence. )Dcept as pro!ided by +ubsection IdJ, an
o44ense under this section is a 4elony o4 the 4irst degree. /t the punishment stage o4 a trial, the /44iant may
raise the issue as to whether he !oluntarily released the !ictim in a sa4e place. I4 the /44iant pro!es the issue
in the a44irmati!e by a preponderance o4 the e!idence, the o44ence is a 4elony o4 the second degree is
/ll who participated with the arresting o44ice in the con4inement o4 /44iant are likewise trespassers on the
law and !iolators o4 7onstitutional pro!isions, and there4ore, cannot claim to be acting 4or the public good
or under any ?urisdiction as no ?urisdiction allows 4or criminal acts to be committed under color o4 any
o44icial authority.
(nder the doctrine o4 trespass ab initio, where a party eDceeds an authority gi!en by law, They ha!e
stepped out o4 their oath o4 o44ice protectors and become transgressors o4 law.. ,hen they claim to know
the law, the party loses the bene4it o4 the ?usti4ication and is considered a trespasser ab initio, although to a
certain eDtent the party 4ollowed the authority gi!en. The law will then operate retrospecti!ely to de4eat all
acts done under the color o4 law4ul authority. /merican 6ortg. 7orp. !. ,yman 9F +.,.8d 8:@
Thus, a person who enters on real property law4ully pursuant to a conditional or restricted consent and
remains a4ter his or her right to possession terminates and demand is made 4or his or her remo!al becomes
a trespasser 4rom the beginning, and the law will then operate retrospecti!ely to de4eat all acts done by him
under color o4 law4ul authority. ,illiams !. -arnett, 0@M +.,.8d :V9 ITeD. 7i!. /pp. ,aco FVM@J.
The rule applies to the acts o4 sheri44s and other o44icers, as well as to the conduct o4 pri!ate indi!iduals.
/merican 6ortg. 7orp. !. ,yman
The court will 4ind a !eri4ied criminal a44ida!it I4 this is pursued alleging the act o4 /gra!ated #idnapping
and terrorisim by the arresting o44icer. ,hile the act is more commonly re4erred to as E4alse imprisonmentE
there is no such statute, the proper citation is kidnapping.
Curther, my bill will continue until this matter is 4ully settled and names cleared as the act was aggra!ated
by the 4act that the arresting o44icer was displaying a deadly weapon at the time eliminating any possibility
o4 resistance by /44iant o4 the criminal act and the act was committed in order to 4acilitate the subseGuent
commission o4 the 4elony act o4 Tampering ,ith a -o!ernment Document, /rticles o4 Penal 7ode by the
?ailer and magistrate I I will supply 4ull eDplanation i4 needed 4or a 4ee o4 KF;@J.
P$2+)7(T2$I/A P($P2+) C2$ D)5&I5- TI6)A& )O/6I5I- T$/IA+
+ub?ecting /44iant to unnecessary and humiliating procedures when a probable cause
hearing could render them unnecessary ser!es the prosecutorUs interest. By 4acilitating coerci!e practices
during booking, the ?ail psychologically so4tens up the accused 4or Ethe
dealE by lea!ing them emotionally, mentally and physically eDhausted, coerced, and intimidated. The
necessity o4 this will become apparent when we get to the prosecutorial practice o4 secreting the records
4rom the clerk o4 the court below.
/ clean hands policy renders any /merican court without ?urisdiction
It must be construed the 4acts o4 the cause, /44iant was sub?ected to imprisonment
a4ter arrest as a matter o4 policy and not necessity. There4ore, the act wherein /44iant was abducted at
constructi!e gunpoint by the arresting o44icer and taken straight to ?ail instead o4 some magistrate is an act
o4 /ggra!ated #idnapping as de4ined by P7 /rticle 8@.@9 .
In as much as the rights o4 /44iant were !iolated as a matter o4 policy, /44iant asserts, the arresting agency,
by not seeking the proper authority became a trespasser ab inito as with all others who participated in the
con4inement o4 /44iant, and the court is thereby le4t without ?urisdiction or cause o4 action in the instant
cause, a clear conspiracy.
,here se!eral people acted together in pursuit o4 unlaw4ul acts, each one is in this conspiracy and will be
held liable 4or collateral damages and crimes, e!en though unplanned and unintended, i4 those crimes are
4oreseeable, ordinary and probable conseGuences o4 preparation or eDecution o4 the unlaw4ul act. 7urtis !.
+tate I7r./pp. FV:MJ ;:1 +.,.8d 8FV. 7riminal Aaw ;VI9J
Dri!ing is not 7areer unless done commercially, It e44ects me in the most pro4ound o4 ways, It stops me
4rom seeking employment, the right to happiness or to e!en eDist.
2n showing that all persons arrested by the agency are taken directly to ?ail and no due
diligent e44ort is made by the arresting o44icer to locate a magistrate, it must be construed the practices are
participated in by more than one person. It must 4urther be construed those in!ol!ed had to interact with
one another in an e44ort to standardiTe and coPordinate the procedures practiced. It must thereby be
construed all participants conspired with one another toward the 4urtherance o4 the abo!e indicated
conspiratorial relationship.
TeDas Penal 7ode Y F;.@8. 7$I6I /A 725+PI$/7&.
/ person commits criminal conspiracy i4, with intent that a 4elony be committed:
IFJ he agrees with one or more persons that they or one or more o4 them engage in conduct that would
constitute the o44ense; and I8J he or one or more o4 them per4orms an o!ert act in pursuance o4 the
agreement. I1J /n agreement constituting a conspiracy may be in4erred 4rom acts o4 the parties.
I9J It is no de4ense to prosecution 4or criminal conspiracy that: I;J one or more o4 the co conspirators is not
criminally responsible 4or the ob?ect 244ense;
I0J one or more o4 the co conspirators has been acGuitted, so long as two or more
co conspirators ha!e not been acGuitted;
I:J one or more o4 the co conspirators has not been prosecuted or con!icted, has
been con!icted o4 a di44erent o44ense, or is immune 4rom prosecution;
IMJ the actor belongs to a class o4 persons that by de4inition o4 the ob?ect o44ense
is legally incapable o4 committing the ob?ect o44ense in an indi!idual capacity;
IVJ the ob?ect o44ense was actually committed.
/n o44ense under this section is one category lower than the most serious 4elony that is the ob?ect o4 the
conspiracy, and i4 the most serious 4elony that is the ob?ect o4 the conspiracy is a state ?ail 4elony, the
o44ense is a 7lass / misdemeanors.
In the e!ent /44iant has been sub?ected to a depri!ation o4 rights, and tort damages subseGuent to a criminal
conspiracy by those o44icials responsible 4or the arrest and subseGuent depri!ation o4 liberty o4 /44iant , all
are disGuali4ied, declared not credible persons, and rendered without ?urisdiction to act in the instant cause.
De4endant mo!es the court to declare arresting o44icer not a credible witness conseGuent to the criminal acts
perpetrated against De4endant subseGuent to arrest.
De4endant 4urther mo!es the court to strike the criminal accusation and statement o4
probable cause presented by 244icer as unreliable.
De4endant 4urther mo!es the court to dismiss the instant allegation with pre?udice.
T*) 62TI25+ T2 DI+6I++
6y client, ha!ing been 4orced under threat, duress, and coercion, only to protect /ggrie!ed De4endantUs
interests, without any appearance o4 an ad!erse party, where the 3udge was not an impartial party, but also
prosecution, which is a con4lict o4 interests and gi!es rise to !iolation o4 due process rights o4 the alleged
de4endant, who is now aggrie!ed because o4 such impartiality, and as such this court has lost immunity and
any preconcei!ed ?urisdiction.
Curther in!estigation shows that there was no probable cause 4or the arrest and seiTure at the time o4 such
arrest and seiTure. There was no disturbance o4 the peace, 4elony, or warrant 4or such action, leading to
another cause o4 action against the Plainti44 and 244icer 4or harassment and obtaining a signature under
threat, duress and coercion.
In the interest o4 ?ustice and to preclude 4urther in?ury to the 7itiTens and /ggrie!ed De4endant:
62TI25 [ F
/ggrie!ed De4endant hereby motions the court to dismiss 4or 4ailure to establish probable cause within 9M
hours, or to issue a E5otice o4 In4ractionE, Io44icer issued a E52TI7) T2 /PP)/$EJ, there4ore the court
has no ?urisdiction in the matter.
62TI25 [ 8
/ggrie!ed De4endant hereby motions the court to dismiss 4or 4ailure to establish probable cause 4or the
tra44ic stop, and a contested hearing within ninety days under the 7onstitution o4 the (ntied +tates there4ore
any ?urisdiction is lost in the matter.
62TI25 [ 1
/ggrie!ed De4endant hereby motions the court to dismiss 4or lack o4 prosecution at hearing. Prosecution
4ailed to in!oke ?urisdiction, where4ore this court has lost any alleged ?urisdiction and has denied an
ad!ersarial proceeding amounting to lack o4 due process.
62TI25 [ 9
/ggrie!ed De4endant hereby motions the court to suppress all e!idence unlaw4ully
obtained by the tra44ic stop EarrestE by the arresting o44icer who comes with unclean
The 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates 4orbids that a standing army may be
maintained in peace time. +uch constitutional abuse o4 ,/$ P2,)$+, i4 not rebutted
by some superior law, will be e!idence o4 such wil4ul intent to in?ure the rights o4 peace4ul 7itiTens.
62TI25 [ ;
6y client comes into this court under the /merican Clag o4 Peace, and municipality has no eDpress
authority to use marital war powers upon this 7itiTen without law4ul declaration. This 7itiTen also declares
that the !enue is improper, in that the alleged in4raction did not occur upon any municipal property and as
such must be dismissed.
62TI25 [ 0
/ggrie!ed De4endant hereby motions the court to dismiss the charge 4or 4ailure to eDplain the nature and
cause o4 the accusation, thereby lea!ing the De4endant in ignorance and without aid o4 knowledge to
prepare a knowledgeable de4ence, and
amounts to denial o4 due process without answering my bill o4 particulars submitted or co!ering these
Guestions, basic Guestions asked o4 this court.
F. I+ 6& 7AI)5T, /m I entitled to a 4air hearing
8. ,ho has the burden o4 proo4 or burden o4 pro!iding a preponderance o4 e!idence
1. /m I presumed innocent o4 e!ery element o4 this alleged crime or alleged action at
9. /m I supposed to be in4ormed o4 the nature and cause o4 the charges and proceedings against me
;. Is there e!idence o4 a complaining party
0. Did I !iolate someoneUs legal rights
:. I4 yes, then please speci4y which rights I !iolated.
Is this a 7i!il or criminal matter and will I see a !ictim or contract I signed
62TI25 T2 DI+6I++ I5DI7T6)5T 25 T*) -$2(5D+ T*/T 5I5T* /5D T)5T*
/6)5D6)5T+ T2 T*) (5IT)D +T/T)+ 725+TIT(TI25 P$2*IBIT P(5I+*6)5T 2C 7$I6)+
,IT*2(T .I7TI6+.
/+ / .I2A/TI25 2C T*) $I-*T+ $)T/I5)D B& ,) T*) P)2PA),
T2 B) C$)) C$26 7$I6I5/A P$2+)7(TI25 C2$ P2++)++I5- / +(B+T/57) */.I5-
$)A/TI.)A& */$6A)++ )CC)7T+ 25 T*) (+)$, 2T*)$ P)$+25+ 2$ +27I)T& B(T /
726)+ 52, the accused, -reatly aggrie!ed by counsel, This court and this prosecution Us the4t o4 my
time and resources and mo!es this DI+ *onourable 7ourt to dismiss the indictment against me on the
grounds that their is no !ictim to eDamine, con4ront or de4end mysel4 4rom. the 5inth /mendment reGuires
this 7ourt to declare 8F (.+.7. YM9FIaJIFJ, as it applies to mari?uana, paraphernalia, 2$ 2T*)$
+(B+T/57) unconstitutional on its 4ace, and as applied, constitutes a denial and disparagement o4 rights
retained by the people which the go!ernment has no authority under the Tenth /mendment to In4ringe. The
right to 4ace and cross eDamine his !ictim Is rendering me a sla!e o4 the state. I state the 4ollowing grounds
4or this motion.
I 4 charged with drug paraphernalia and mari?uana in a threePcount indictment.
7ount F alleges that the accused to possess drug paraphernalia The historical 4oundation and legislati!e
history o4 the 5inth and Tenth /mendments, as well as rules o4 statutory
interpretation, support the proposition that they were included in the 7onstitution to a44ord substanti!e
protection 4or (n enumerated rights which are retained by the people
3udicial application o4 the 5inth /mendment since its enactment pro!ides precedent 4or a substanti!e
interpretation. +ee, e.g., -riswold !. 7onnecticut,
The standard to be applied in determining whether the acti!ity or beha!ior constituting !ictim less crimes
are protected by the 5inth and Tenth /mendments should be whether the act or beha!ior to be regulated
causes harm to persons other than the indi!idual engaging in this alleged crime..
+ince the latest scienti4ic e!idence establishes that mari?uana is a relati!ely harmless drug ha!ing no
detrimental e44ects on the indi!idual users or society, B(T what is created by itUs regulations, gangs,
burglaries, and !iolence in!ol!ed in protecting pro4its this illicit substance brings in. 2r unlike prescription
drugs, cigarettes, whiskey or a kni4e. Items that are killing thousands o4 people with cold blooded e44iciency
to keep crime pro4itable. yet the right to possess / harmless substance, regardless o4 oneUs intent, is a direct
attack on the rights retained by the people under the 5inth and Tenth /mendments.
I 6/I5T/I5 / *(6/5 $I-*T+ .I2A/TI25 I+ B)I5- 7266ITT)D 25 6& P)$+25 /+ T*I+
7*/$-) PA/7)+ A/, 2.)$ 6), T*) I5DI.ID(/A /5D I+ 52T (+)D C2$ 6& P)$+25/A
2$ T*) P(BAI7 P$2T)7TI25 B(T C2$ P$2CIT /5D 725T$2A.
T*I+ I+ / BA/T/5T $.).7.2. $/7#)T))$I5-, / P&$/6ID +7*)6) T2 D)P$I.) 6& 7AI)5T
2C 6& $I-*T+, 6& 625)& /5D 2($ TI6).
These actions are 7ausing client irreparable mental, emotional and physical damage and I 4eel you are
considering us as less than human and are seeking to destroy in whole or part, 6y class o4 people you deem
un desirable and according to the (5 international treaty, -enocide. This is the seeds o4 -enocide. / gra!e
warning sign that I 4eel has destroyed countless li!es in this en4orcement o4 and persecution o4 actions
designed to manu4acture !ictims, crime and debt. The legal system is the only ones who pro4it 4rom this
and we are 4orced to pay people who deny us eGual protection and due process.
52TI7) /5D 726PA/I5T B$)/7* 2C 2/T*
EThe people are the 6asters o4 both 7ongress and 7ourts, 52T to o!erthrow the 7onstitution, but to
o!erthrow the men who per!ert itE /braham Aincoln
I++()D T2: T*) +T/T) 2C 52$T* D/#2T/
Public +er!ants
C$26:)D 7($TI+ .eteran ne!er relie!ed o4 this duty
/n /merican 7i!ilian, / !ictim,+tate 7itiTen and 7itiTen o4 the /merican $epublic
I do solemnly swear Ior a44irmJ that I will support and de4end the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates against
all enemies, 4oreign and domestic; that I take this obligation 4reely, without any mental reser!ation or
purpose o4 e!asion, and that I will well and truth4ully discharge the duties o4 the o44ice on which I am about
to enter. +o help me -od.
#52, C2$ T*) $)72$D, This document )CC)7TI.) upon receipt, ser!es notice o4 mal4easance to
any public, eDecuti!e, legislati!e or ?udicial representati!e o4 ,e the People concerning a primary
reGuirement o4 public o44ice, Breach o4: their +worn 2ath to +upport and De4end 2ur 7onstitutionRsS o4 the
(nited +tates 2$ any /merican o4 ,e the People; Breaching their .oluntary 7ontractRsS and 6andatory
DutyRiesS o4 +upport and De4end. The act o4 promoting, en4orcing, legislating, or ?udging anything contrary
to the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates EThe +upreme Aaw o4 the AandE /5D/2$ any +tate 7onstitution in
our 726P2(5D $)P(BAI7 \+tate ' Cederal 7onstitutions, ECederalist ;FE] is an /ct o4 Insurrection
!iolating a reGuirement o4 public o44ice, immediately suspending all authority granted by the people,
punishable by impeachment, recall or remo!al and charges. /dditionally, noti4ication to a ?udge identi4ies a
Breach o4 -ood Beha!ior. This document $eGuires -rand 3ury $e!iew o4 the -o!ernment or any other
entity thereo4. Cederalist Papers M1 Paragraph F0 7l. 8. In 5orth Dakota, Their is no -rand ?ury in
!iolation to our Cederal 7onstitution.
,ebsterUs )nc. (nabr. Dictionary ^ FVMV de4ines:
I. Insurrection EanyE act or instance o4...open resistance to established authority.
II. -ood beha!ior F. 7onduct con4ormable to /AA law and ?ustice.
8. Proper 4ul4illment o4 the duties o4 o44ice, especially, a public o44ice.
/ll law contrary to 2ur 7onstitutionRsS the established authorityRiesS ha!e no merit and are 52T
en4orceable. ,e the peopleUs unalienable rights are beyond the encroachment o4 mortal man and cannot be
!iolated by mere acts o4 go!ernment.
I. I4 you, as a public ser!ant ha!e done anything to cause issuance o4 this noti4ication and complaint, then
realiTe the good 4aith under which it was issued, the +upreme Aaw o4 the Aand, 2ur (. +. 7onstitution.
/rticle II, +ection 9. $emo!al 4rom 244ice.
II. I4 without proo4 o4 commission, you pose to act in any o44icial public, eDecuti!e, or ?udicial capacity
and ha!e 52T taken an oath to support 2ur 7onstitution in !iolation /rticle .I cl.1, or mo!e in B$)/7*
o4 same, then anyone so charged could be creating a public nuisance. / Aist identi4ied Breaches o4 2ath,
7onstitutional Transgressions or -eneral 6al4easance 25 $)72$D. T$)/+25, 7$I6)+ /-/I5+T
*(6/5IT&, /7T+ 2C -)527ID), )OT2$T(5), 2CCI7I/A 2PP$)++I25,6/++I.) *(6/5
$I-*T+ .I2A/TI25+ , 725+PI$/7&, #ID5/PPI5-, P)$CID& C$/(D (P25 T*) 72($T /5D
+)DITI25. /re war crimes, Cor the good o4 all, must be aggressi!ely pursued. )D 7($TI+ and client
$espect4ully +ubmitted, E,ith Aiberty and 3ustice 4or /llE,
,ithout Pre?udice (77 FP8@:; FPF@1
725+T$(7TI.) 52TI7): /s we belie!e that 7riminal /cts ha!e taken place, I ha!e reser!ed the
Cundamental $ight to Be *eard, as Cree +peech in a 7ourt o4 $ecord to an impartial ?ury o4 my peers a
$)D$)++ o4 -$I)./57)+. Title 8M (+7 reGuires a record to be kept o4 hearings. Destroying the record
Ia 4elonyJ or re4usal to keep oath is a !iolation o4 law initiating an automatic re!ersal or mistrial.
Prohibiting the de4endant 4rom testi4ying or challenging his accusers is Destroying the record by prohibiti!e
con!ersion. +uppression o4 Truth is C$/(D, there4ore the 7riminal 2bstruction o4 3ustice, attempting to
2btain a Calse .erdict by biasing the impartial ?ury, denying a C(AA C/I$ *)/$I5- is a
DI+*252($/BA) D)C/(AT ' 3ury tampering.
There4ore, attempting to ad?udge, legislate, en4orce 2$ +)T any E7rimeE, alleged 2$D)$+ without
*25)+T& presented by both sides to an impartial ?ury are )OP$)++A& P$2*IBIT)D, by but not limited
to, the EBills o4 /ttainder 7lauseE Ras Titles o4 5obility, Bills o4 Pains and Penalties, ECinesE, Bills o4
7redit, in !iolation o4 the 2ath o4 244ice, Breaching -ood Beha!ior, as )Dtortion, Blackmail and Bribery,
7riminal /cts !oliti!e o4 $.I.7.2, the *obbs /ct; Title FM Y 89F, 89F 7olorable Aaw; $eid !. 7o!ert 1;9
(+ F; (.+. !. Throckmorton VM (.+. 0F pg. 0; and Cederalist Papers M1 Paragraph F0 7l. 8 Cederalist
Papers M1 *amilton Paragraph F0 7l. 8 ,ill4ul abuses o4 a public authority, to the oppression o4 the
sub?ect, and e!ery species o4 o44icial )Dtortion, are o44enses against the go!ernment, 4or which the persons
who commit them may be indicted and punished according to the circumstances o4 the case. T*)+) /$)
7/PTI2A 2CC)57)+.
Cederalist Papers M1 *amilton Paragraph F: 7l. 8 The +trongest argument in its 4a!or RTrial by 3uryS is
that it is security against corruption.
Cederalist Papers :M *amilton Paragraph : 7l. 9. The 3udiciary, on the contrary, has no in4luence o!er the
sword or no direction either o4 the strength or wealth o4 society and can take 5o acti!e resolution whate!er.
(.+. !. Throckmorton VM (.+. 0F pg. 0; Craud !itiates the consent o4 the most solemn contracts,
documents and e!en ?udgments.
62TI25 [ :
The /ggrie!ed De4endant 4urther motions the court to dismiss 4or statutory authoriTation o4 o44icer to issue
a E52TI7) T2 /PP)/$E, or pro!ide such statute that authoriTes such 4orm to be issued by a member o4
the eDecuti!e branch. /ggrie!ed De4endant ob?ects to the martial law war powers summary ?udgment o4
this court and lack o4 due process and I reser!e all my rights under the common law including the right to
appeal, without cost and do not !oluntarily wai!e any rights to bill 4or my time and seek damages 4or
7onstitutional, human or ci!il rights !iolations in the amount o4 KF@,@@@@ per !iolation su44ered. 6otion
to disGuali4y o44icials and dismiss all allegations
5ow comes /44iant hereina4ter re4erred to as De4endant and mo!es the court to disGuali4y the arresting
o44icer, court clerk, prosecuting attorney, and presiding ?udge 4or cause shown.
De4endant mo!es the court to dismiss /AA allegations made by the instant cause as said allegations and
subseGuent prosecution constitutes an onPgoing criminal conspiracy against De4endant et al intended to
eDtort monies 4rom De4endant in !iolation o4 the due course o4 the laws o4 the +tate. +aid conspiracy
includes acts on the part o4 the presiding ?udge committed in concert and collusion with the prosecuting
attorney intended to deny De4endant in the due course o4 the laws toward: coercing De4endant into entering
into a decepti!e contract, sub?ecting De4endant to unnecessary incon!enience by 4orcing De4endant to
submit to multiple appearances held 4or no legal purpose other than to harass De4endant, demonstrated bias
on the part o4 the courts intended to undermine the con4idence o4 De4endant in the possibility o4 a 4air
hearing by the abuse o4 process wherein De4endant is 4orced to attend hearings 4or no legal purpose but
rather, 4or the purpose o4 sub?ecting De4endant to abusi!e treatment by prosecuting attorney, and sub?ecting
De4endant to a deliberate conni!ance by the court to present the prosecuting attorney as a ?udicial o44icer at
a hearing wherein prosecutor presides o!er a hearing to which De4endant has been summoned by court
process and is a simulation o4 a legal process not proper under law but intended to lend the prestige o4 the
court to the improper threats and coercion o4 the prosecutor in order to eDtort an improper plea bargain
4rom De4endant., held 4or ransom. +tatement o4 4acts
De4endant recei!ed a summons 4rom 244icer, ordering De4endant to appear at the 7ounty 7ourt 4or the
stated purpose o4 being brought be4ore a magistrate.
De4endant appeared and entered a plea or 4or the purpose o4 meeting with the prosecuting attorney wherein
De4endant was insulted, bullied, and coerced by prosecutor in order to deny De4endant in a 4air hearing
be4ore a neutral court. Crom eDperience, 6y public protector told me, =I ,IAA Take the plea or *) will
help con!ict me>. It is on the ?ail phone but the phones do not work this way, 4or me.
Improper citation
By the citation issued by the arresting o44icer, De4endant was coerced into entering a plea to the court. /s
no law eDists which places a duty on any person accused o4 a crime to enter a plea, said order is beyond the
power o4 the court to demand. /ny plea entered at said time may not be said to ha!e been entered into
with complete disclosure and 4ree o4 coercion and bring 4raud upon the court. /llegation o4 coercion
It is not the contention o4 De4endant that the notice to appear is illegal by its nature as said agreement is
clearly authoriTed by law. It is the contention o4 De4endant that when said contract was o44ered to the
accused at the time o4 arrest, said o44er o4 contract must comport with standing law and be o44ered 4ree o4
coercion and with 4ull disclosure. The coercion inherent in the o44er o4 a contract by an arresting o44icer is
accepted by De4endant as reasonable under the circumstances o4 the possibility o4 physical arrest and said
coercion is not the matter brought to issue by the instant motion be4ore the court. De4endant brings to issue
the inherent misrepresentation o4 authority contained in the o44ered contract supported by 4act. The courts
o4 TeDas ha!e consistently adhered to the common law doctrine o4 duress as well as a more modern
doctrine o4 duress o4 property. 6c-owen !. Bush, I ha!e pages o4 re4erence i4 needed. The 7onstitutional
authority 4or the licensing and taDing o4 P$I./T) automobiles and dri!ers does 52T eDist, and today is
largely based on early legal wordPgames played by lawyers in the state legislatures acting in !iolation o4 the
constitutional mandate o4 the Eseparation o4 powers.E The Emotor !ehicleE statutes were designed and
written to purposely con4use 4ree ci!ilian tra!el on the public roads with the taDable pro4ession o4 Edri!ingE
PP the hauling o4 passengers or 4reight 4or pro4it. The motor !ehicle statue code is a hodgepodge o4 sel4P
contradicting,6achia!ellian, and calculatedly incomprehensible rules and regulations. The administration
o4 this network o4 nonsense reGuires huge armies o4 go!ernment employees, chosen 4or their innate
indi44erence to other people, and rigorously trained to work at cross purposes with the millions o4 be4uddled
and 4rightened people who labor and su44er in what is le4t o4 the pri!ate sector. It was and still is 4olly to put
people with these loony ideas in charge o4 our li!es and our destinies. /nd it is degrading to meekly submit
to the torture they put us through as they wrest away our 4ortunes and our 4reedoms. )ach o4 the states
Department o4 6otor .ehicles is closer to the 5aTi -estapo than most o4 us ha!e the courage to admit. The
use o4 the police 4or intimidation and armed threats to e!oke stark 4ear in the populace is a deliberate
strategy. In 4act, dri!ersU licenses are only thinly disguised police ID cards. Do you 4orget how to dri!e
when mo!ing across town, or into another state Then why isnUt the dri!er license you got in another state
the year you graduated 4rom high school still as EgoodE as the high school diploma you earned that same
year The answer o4 course, is that the go!ernment through the police, must always know your current
address so that they can control you.. By signing, &ou sign a room 4ull o4 4raud laws that allows you to be
hunted 4or 4un and pro4it &our 4ood 4or a greedy, hungry system with one. /5& 725T$/7T 6/D) I5
C$/(D I+ .2ID /5& 7ontract misleading on its 4ace, en4orced by 4orce, and not 4ully agreed on is !oid,
in honesty and law.
The contract is so structured as to gi!e the appearance o4 authority to demand a plea 4rom De4endant
wherein there is no such authority under law. *ad such a contract been o44ered 4ree o4 coercion, it is
dubious as to rather the contract would be !alid considering that it had the e44ect o4 enticing De4endant to
unknowingly wai!e a right to not enter a plea, howe!er, ha!ing been entered into at the constructi!e point
o4 a gun, (nder the threat o4 you can go to a cage, there can be no !alidity to the reGuirement o4 a plea
accepted under such circumstances. / +pecial plea wai!ed by capitulation arises.
I4 De4endant abides by the contract and makes appearance at the court and enters a plea, the right to
entering a special appearance is e44ecti!ely wai!ed. /s will be alleged below, the citations commonly
prepared by arresting o44icers are insu44icient on their 4ace. I4 De4endant is tricked into entering a plea, the
plea acts to accept the authority o4 the court and wai!es the right to appear be4ore a magistrate as stipulated
in the promise to appear. ,ai!er o4 a right may not be construed as !oluntary i4 said wai!er is secured by
trickery or deception by others en4orcing it.
Y1F.@F.TeDas Penal 7ode
IFJ De4initions In this chapter:
EDeceptionE means: creating or con4irming by words or conduct a 4alse impression o4 law or 4act that is
likely to a44ect the ?udgment o4 another in the transaction, and that the actor does not belie!e to be true;
7onspiratorial collusion on part o4 court o44icers
It is the contention o4 De4endant that the reGuirement o4 entering a plea was included in the plea o44er, in
order to circum!ent laws which would reGuire some magistrate to hold a proper eDamination into the
su44iciency o4 the allegation made against De4endant. This practice acts to ser!e the personal interest and
con!enience o4 the magistrate while denying De4endant in the due course o4 the laws. Improper argument
against right to an eDamination hearing. /t this point it is to be eDpected that the prosecuting attorney will
argue that there is no right to an eDamining trail in the case o4 an allegation o4 a !iolation o4 a law de4ined
as a misdemeanors. De4endant will stipulate to that there is no such reGuirement, howe!er, by making such
an argument in the instant cause, the prosecutor would de4raud the court. The instant assertion does not go
the right o4 an eDamining trial on the making o4 an allegation; it goes to the right o4 an eDamining trial at
the point that the liberty o4 the citiTen is restricted. It is well established that, any time a citiTen is restricted
at liberty, an eDamining trial always attaches.
Y;91.@@;. Promise to /ppear; $elease
To secure release, the person arrested must make a written promise to appear in court by signing the written
notice prepared by the arresting o44icer. The signature may be obtained on a duplicate 4orm or on an
electronic de!ice capable o4 creating a copy o4 the signed notice. The arresting o44icer shall retain the paper
or electronic original o4 the notice and deli!er the copy o4 the notice to the person arrested. The o44icer shall
then promptly release the person 4rom custody.
/ny argument that the accused was not arrested must be put to rest by the abo!e as no citation can be
issued until such time as the accused had been arrested as indicated by the abo!e statute authoriTing the
preparation o4 the Epromise to appear.E
Y;91.@@0. Time and Place o4 /ppearance
The time speci4ied in the notice to appear must be at least F@ days a4ter the date o4 arrest unless the person
arrested demands an earlier hearing .
The place speci4ied in the notice to appear must be be4ore a magistrate ha!ing ?urisdiction o4 the o44ense
who is in the municipality or county in which the o44ense is alleged to ha!e been committed.
It is clear 4rom a reading o4 the abo!e statute that the promise is to appear be4ore some magistrate Eha!ing
?urisdiction 4or the o44ense.E (nder normal arrest procedures, the arresting o44icer would be reGuired to
bring the accused be4ore a magistrate 4or some magistrate by /rticle F9.@0 7odes o4 7riminal Procedure:
/rt. F9.@0. 6ust Take 244ender Be4ore 6agistrate
)Dcept as pro!ided by +ubsection IbJ, in each case enumerated in this 7ode, the person making the arrest
shall take the person arrested or ha!e him taken without unnecessary delay be4ore the magistrate who may
ha!e ordered the arrest, be4ore some magistrate o4 the county where the arrest was made without an order,
or, i4 necessary to pro!ide more eDpeditiously to the person arrested the warnings described by /rticle
F;.F: o4 this 7ode, be4ore a magistrate in a county bordering the county in which the arrest was made. The
magistrate shall immediately per4orm the duties described in /rticle F;.F: o4 this 7ode.
/ peace o44icer who is charging a person, including a child, with committing an o44ense that is a 7lass 7
misdemeanorUs, other than an o44ense under +ection 9V.@8, Penal 7ode, may, instead o4 taking the person
be4ore a magistrate, issue a citation to the person that contains written notice o4 the time and place the
person must appear be4ore a magistrate, the name and address o4 the person charged, and the o44ense
In the instant cause, Y;91.@@;. TeDas Transportation 7ode allows the o44icer the option o4 4ul4illing the
reGuirement by allowing the person to bring him/hersel4 be4ore the magistrate. ,hen the person had
brought him/hersel4 be4ore the magistrate, the magistrate must per4orm an eDamining trial as prescribed by
7hapter F0 TeDas 7ode o4 7riminal Procedure.
/rt. 8.FF. )Damining 7ourt
,hen the magistrate sits 4or the purpose o4 inGuiring into a criminal accusation against any person, this is
called an eDamining court.
6agistrates were put in place to accord ?ust this protection and prosecutor would, by making the abo!e
re4erenced argument, mislead the court into denying De4endant in the most basic right a proper eDamination
into the su44iciency o4 an allegation be4ore being held to answer to an allegation. The reGuirement is in
place, but the magistrate would not see De4endant when De4endant made proper appearance. De4endant
was denied opportunity to enter e!idence which would show that the cause should not proceed and was,
thereby, denied in his right to be 4ree 4rom an improper or unnecessary prosecution.
7lerk impersonated magistrate
,hen De4endant appeared as promised at the court, the clerk o4 the court, in impersonation o4 a ?udicial
o44icer, con!ened a hearing and took De4endantUs plea.
Y1:.FF Impersonating Public +er!ant R8PF@ years L K@PF@,@@@S
/ person commits an o44ense i4 he:
impersonates a public ser!ant with intent to induce another to submit to his pretended o44icial authority or
to rely on his pretended o44icial acts; or
knowingly purports to eDercise any 4unction o4 a public ser!ant or o4 a public o44ice, including that o4 a
?udge and court, and the position or o44ice through with he purports to eDercise a 4unction o4 a public
ser!ant or public o44ice has no law4ul eDistence under the constitution or laws o4 this state or o4 the (nited
IbJ /n o44ense under this section is a 4elony o4 the third degree.
In the instant cause, the clerk o4 the court impersonated the magistrate and used said implied authority to
deny De4endant in the right to a proper eDamination into the su44iciency o4 the allegations made against
De4endant. 7itation 4ails to adeGuately noti4y de4endant By the instant cause, De4endant has been charged
with some natural language act. The citation does not stipulate some particular statute so that De4endant my
be adeGuately ad!ised o4 the charge against same. /rresting o44icers made no e44ort to properly charge the
accused in tra44ic matters as it is ne!er intended that the accused e!er ha!e the opportunity to challenge the
allegation. By denying citiTens a proper eDamining trial, o44icers are at liberty to make any allegation they
please without consideration o4 ?udicial o!ersight !iolating, separation o4 powers.
This is a common practice as it is ne!er intended that De4endant ha!e the opportunity at de4ense as e!ery
step on 4rom the point o4 the citation being issued is so contri!ed so as to eDert undue pressures on
De4endant that a plea bargain will be achie!ed with no Guestion o4 the propriety o4 the procedures e!er
being raised.
7itation !iolates speci4ic law
The citation and promise to appear order De4endant to appear at the court on or be4ore the date stated on the
citation. Because o4 the !ery nature o4 the conditions o4 the promise to appear it is clear the court has no
intention o4 holding a proper hearing when De4endant complies with the conditions o4 the promise. In the
4irst instance, the court will not ha!e a proper charging instrument a!ailable to it that is necessary to in!est
the court with ?urisdiction.
In the second instance, e!en were there a proper charging instrument be4ore the court, it would be necessary
to enter e!idence into the court record to support the citation.
In an eDamining trial, the truth o4 the accusation may not be based on the accusation alone; such
conclusion, i4 !alid, would render the eDamining trial a useless thing, a mere rePenactment o4 the earlier
determination o4 whether an arrest warrant should issue. )D parte -arcia, ;9: +.,.8d 8:F ITeD. 7rim. /pp.
FV::J. $ather, the state must show that there is a reason to belie!e that an indictment will be pre4erred 4or
some !iolation o4 the law. )D parte 6artin, FFV TeD. 7rim. F9F, 9; +.,.8d V0; IFV18J. Thus, the state has
the burden o4 pro!ing that there is probable cause to belie!e the accused committed the o44ense charged
against him or her. +tate eD rel. *olmes !. +alinas, :M9 +.,.8d 98F ITeD. 7rim. /pp. FVV@J. /s the accuser
is not eDpected to be present, it must be construed the court intended to deny De4endant in a proper hearing
and allow the clerk to impersonate a ?udicial o44icer in order to deny De4endant in the due course o4 the
laws o4 the +tate.
$ights denied toward administrati!e con!enience
The right to an eDamining trial is undeniably reGuired by clear and long established 4ederal reGuirements.
By attempting to trick De4endant into entering a plea be4ore the clerk as i4 such a practice were in keeping
with the due course o4 the laws, the accused is induced to wai!e the right to an eDamining trial on arrest and
the court, in an e44ort to ser!e the administrati!e con!enience o4 the magistrate, has acted to de4raud
De4endant by the simulation o4 a legal process.
Y18.9M +imulating Aegal Process
R@PF year L K@P9,@@@ 2$ FM@ daysP8 years L K@PF@,@@@S
/ person commits an o44ense i4 the person recklessly causes to be deli!ered to another any document that
simulates a summons, complaint, ?udgment, or other court process with the intent to: induce payment o4 a
claim 4rom another person; or cause another to:
submit to the putati!e authority o4 the document; or
take any action or re4rain 4rom taking any action in response to the document, in compliance with the
document, or on the basis o4 the document.
Proo4 that the document was mailed to any person with the intent that it be 4orwarded to the intended
recipient is a su44icient showing that the document was deli!ered.
It is not a de4ense to prosecution under this section that the simulating document:
states that it is not legal process; or
purports to ha!e been issued or authoriTed by a person or entity who did not ha!e law4ul authority to issue
or authoriTe the document.
I4 it is shown on the trial o4 an o44ense under this section that the simulating document was 4iled with,
presented to, or deli!ered to a clerk o4 a court or an employee o4 a clerk o4 a court created or established
under the constitution or laws o4 this state, there is a rebut table presumption that the document was
deli!ered with the intent described by +ubsection IaJ.)Dcept as pro!ided by +ubsection I4J, an o44ense
under this section is a 7lass / misdemeanors.
I4 it is shown on the trial o4 an o44ense under this section that the de4endant has pre!iously been con!icted
o4 a !iolation o4 this section, the o44ense is a state ?ail 4elony.
The citation issued by the complaining o44icer has the e44ect o4 arrest Isee Transportation 7ode ;91.@@;
supraJ, in that the De4endant has been restricted at liberty and thereby, at 4irst appearance be4ore the court,
has a right to an eDamining trial to protect the liberty interest o4 the De4endant. By the improper
reGuirement o4 an agreement to enter a plea, and the subseGuent enticement to enter said plea be4ore the
court clerk, the court attempts to circum!ent said protection long considered essential to the 4air and orderly
administration o4 ?ustice.
/buse o4 process
/4ter appearing be4ore the court and a4ter ha!ing been tricked into entering a plea, De4endant was
summoned to a hearing 4or the alleged purpose o4 identi4ying himsel4 and entering a plea, howe!er,
De4endant had already appeared be4ore the court in accordance with the agreement entered into upon
signing the citation issued by the arresting o44ice. The court, under the guise o4 authority granted by /rticle
8M.@F TeDas 7ode o4 7riminal Procedure, alleged to act under itUs o44icial authority in order to 4orce
De4endant to take a day o44 work and tra!el to the court so that the court to ha!e De4endant do what
De4endant had already done. I4 the original appearance be4ore the court wherein De4endant identi4ied
himsel4 and entered a plea was not an arraignment, then the original appearance, to which De4endant was
summoned by way o4 the EPromise to /ppear,E was not a legal hearing. I4 the original appearance was a
legal hearing, an arraignment had already been held. 2rdering redundant hearings 4or the purpose o4
establishing that which had already been established can only be considered harassment and an abuse o4
process by the ?udge by summoning De4endant to a redundant hearing.
Deliberate harassment o4 de4endant
It is the contention and allegation o4 De4endant that the second arraignment hearing was 4or the purpose o4
harassment o4 De4endant ordered solely because De4endant did not enter a guilty plea. In order to a!oid the
cost and incon!enience o4 holding a 4air trial, the court engages in harassment tactics in order to greatly
increase the burden on the accused so as to coerce a plea bargain.
Prosecutor impersonating ?udge
De4endant was summoned to a subseGuent hearing wherein no hearing was held. The prosecuting attorney
held what appeared to be a hearing with no ?udge present. /t said hearing, the prosecuting attorney
attempted to coerce a plea bargain with De4endant. ,hen De4endant attempted to assert rights, De4endant
was sub?ected to abusi!e and threatening treatment by prosecutor.
+peci4ic allegations o4 wrongPdoing
The arresting o44icer, on coercing De4endant to enter into a misleading contract acted with intent that
De4endant be denied in his most basic right to an eDamining trial in !iolation o4 +ection 1V.@1 TeDas Penal
7ode and +ection 18.9M TeDas Penal 7ode.
The court clerk, by purporting to hold an arraignment hearing impersonated a ?udicial o44icer and caused
De4endant to be 4orced to return 4or a second arraignment hearing in !iolation o4 +ection 1V.@1 TeDas
Penal 7ode and +ection 18.9M TeDas Penal 7ode.
Presiding 3udge e44ected abuse o4 process by summoning De4endant to a hearing held by prosecuting
attorney wherein De4endant was threatened and berated by prosecutor in order to coerce an improper plea
bargain 4rom De4endant, in !iolation o4 +ection 1V.@1 TeDas Penal 7ode and +ection 18.9M TeDas Penal
Prosecuting attorney, in impersonation o4 a ?udicial o44icer, held a hearing to which De4endant was
summoned by process, with no ?udicial o44icer present 4or the purpose o4 eDtorting an improper plea bargain
4rom De4endant in !iolation o4 +ections 1:.FF and 1V.@1 TeDas Penal 7ode.
,here se!eral people act together in pursuit o4 unlaw4ul act, each one is liable 4or collateral crimes, e!en
though unplanned and unintended, i4 those crimes are 4oreseeable, ordinary and probable conseGuences o4
preparation or eDecution o4 the unlaw4ul act. 7urtis !. +tate I7r./pp. FV:MJ ;:1 +.,.8d 8FV. 7riminal Aaw
/rresting o44icer, court clerk, prosecuting attorney, and presiding ?udge all acted in concert and collusion
toward denying De4endant in the due course o4 the laws o4 the +tate o4 TeDas in !iolation o4 +ection F;.@8
TeDas Penal 7ode.
The purpose o4 this impressi!ely per!asi!e reGuirement o4 criminal procedure is plain. / democratic
society, in which respect 4or the dignity o4 all men is central, naturally guards against the misuse o4 the law
en4orcement process. _eal in tracking down crime is not in itsel4 an assurance o4 soberness o4 ?udgment.
Disinterestedness in law en4orcement does not alone pre!ent disregard o4 cherished liberties. )Dperience
has there4ore counseled that sa4eguards must be pro!ided against the dangers o4 the o!erTealous as well as
the despotic. The aw4ul instruments o4 the criminal law cannot be entrusted to a single 4unctionary. The
complicated process o4 criminal ?ustice is there4ore di!ided into di44erent parts, responsibility 4or which is
separately !ested in the !arious participants upon whom the criminal law relies 4or its !indication. (.+ !
6c5abb, 1FM (.+. 118,191 Z; 01 +. 7t. 0@M, ZZ;M: A. )d. MFV, ZZZ; FV91 (.+.
Presiding ?udge disGuali4ied
The presiding ?udge in the instant cause, ha!ing been accused o4 the abo!e indi!idual criminal acts and the
act o4 conspiring with others toward the depri!ation o4 the rights o4 the accused may not be considered 4ree
4rom bias in the instant cause. They are pro4essionals who T/#) pay to know the law.
(nder the doctrine o4 trespass ab initio, where a party eDceeds an authority gi!en by law, the party loses the
bene4it o4 the ?usti4ication and is considered a trespasser ab initio, although to a certain eDtent the party
4ollowed the authority gi!en. The law will then operate retrospecti!ely to de4eat all acts done under the
color o4 law4ul authority. /merican 6ortg. 7orp. !. ,yman 9F +.,.8d 8:@ ITeD. 7i!. /pp. /ustin FV1F
Thus, a person who enters on real property law4ully pursuant to a conditional or restricted consent and
remains a4ter his or her right to possession terminates and demand is made 4or his or her remo!al becomes
a trespasser 4rom the beginning, and the law will then operate retrospecti!ely to de4eat all acts done by him
under color o4 law4ul authority. ,illiams !. -arnett, 0@M +.,.8d :V9 ITeD. 7i!. /pp. ,aco FVM@J.
The rule applies to the acts o4 sheri44s and other o44icers, as well as to the conduct o4 pri!ate indi!iduals.
/merican 6ortg. 7orp. !. ,yman
7riminal conspiracy
The arresting o44icer, court clerk, prosecuting attorney, and presiding ?udge ha!e all acted in concert and
collusion with one another in order to perpetrate a 4raud on persons accused o4 crimes under the
Transportation 7ode. 2r other /B7 agency list acting in concert toward the perpetration o4 multiple
schemes which ha!e the e44ect i4 disen4ranchising the public o4 the due course o4 the laws, it must
reasonable be construed they ha!e conspired toward the indicated outcome.
F;.@8. TeDas Penal 7ode 7riminal 7onspiracy
/ person commits criminal conspiracy i4, with intent that a 4elony be committed:
he agrees with one or more persons that they or one or more o4 them engage in conduct that would
constitute the o44ense; and
he or one or more o4 them per4orms an o!ert act in pursuance o4 the agreement.
/n agreement constituting a conspiracy may be in4erred 4rom acts o4 the parties.
It is no de4ense to prosecution 4or criminal conspiracy that:
one or more o4 the coPconspirators is not criminally responsible 4or the ob?ect o44ense;
one or more o4 the coPconspirators has been acGuitted, so long as two or more coPconspirators ha!e not
been acGuitted;
one or more o4 the coPconspirators has not been prosecuted or con!icted, has been con!icted o4 a di44erent
o44ense, or is immune 4rom prosecution;
the actor belongs to a class o4 persons that by de4inition o4 the ob?ect o44ense is legally incapable o4
committing the ob?ect o44ense in an indi!idual capacity; or
the ob?ect o44ense was actually committed.
/n o44ense under this section is one category lower than the most serious 4elony that is the ob?ect o4 the
conspiracy, and i4 the most serious 4elony that is the ob?ect o4 the conspiracy is a state ?ail 4elony, the
o44ense is a 7lass / misdemeanor. 5o claim o4 accident or ignorance
It may not be construed any o4 the actors were somehow ignorant o4 the reGuirements o4 the law. )llis !.
(nited +tates, as 4ollows: EI4 a man intentionally adopts certain conduct in certain circumstances known to
him, and that conduct is 4orbidden by the law under those circumstances, he intentionally breaks the law in
the only sense in which the law e!er considers intent. E*e who is threatened by a sane, rational , new point
o4 !iew. can hardly ?udge the 4uture. *e knew not what he did. 24 course, will4ul conduct cannot make
de4inite that which is unde4ined. Ignorance only needs curing one time. ,ill4ul !iolators o4 constitutional
reGuirements, will attack which ha!e been de4ined, certainly are in no position to say that they had no
adeGuate ad!ance notice that they would be !isited with punishment. ,hen this game ends and the acts
will4ully done on record, in open de4iance to 4acts, logic or law ' in reckless disregard o4 any *uman,
7i!il, 5atural, or constitutional reGuirement which has been made speci4ic and de4inite. ,hen they are
con!icted 4or so acting, they are not punished 4or !iolating an unknowable something but the law o4 all
De4endant mo!es the court to disGuali4y itsel4 until the resolution o4 the criminal allegations now prepared
and ready 4or presentation to a ?ury, 5orth Dakota does not ha!e a grand ?ury, a court o4 redress, or an
educated ?ury system that understands these issues o4 corruptions. I 6/D) +($) /AA )6PA2&)D
*)$) #5),. They did not hear us.
2lmstead ! (.+., 88: (.+. 9M;, IFV8MJ which states, =Decency, security and liberty alike demand that
go!ernment o44icials shall be sub?ected to the same rules o4 conduct that are commands to the citiTen. In a
go!ernment o4 laws, eDistence o4 the go!ernment will be imperiled i4 it 4ails to obser!e the law
scrupulously. 2ur go!ernment is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. Cor good or ill, it teaches the whole
people by its eDample. 7rime is contagious. I4 the go!ernment becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt
4or the law; it in!ites e!ery man to become a law unto himsel4; it in!ites anarchy. To declare that in the
administration o4 the criminal law the end ?usti4ies the means ` would bring terrible retribution. /gainst
that pernicious doctrine this court should resolutely set its 4ace.
II. +T/T)6)5T 2C C/7T+
/772(5T 7A2+)D
7losing balance due: K@.@@
+incerely, )D 7($TI+ /5D 7AI)5T #52,
/44iant hereby and herein accept your oath o4 o44ice as your open and binding o44er o4 contract to 4orm a
4irm and binding, pri!ate, bilateral contract between you and me in which you agree to per4orm all o4 your
promises and uphold all o4 my rights.
Curther, I hereby and herein claim my right to common law ?urisdiction and
re4use statutory ?urisdiction. The 4oregoing E5otice o4 /cceptance o4 the 2ath o4 244iceE is an instrument in
commerce and is made eDplicitly under reser!e and without recourse. Cailure to respond to this o44er o4
contract within three business days o4 receipt establishes your unconditional acceptance o4 the 4oregoing
and your promise to uphold all o4 rights..eri4ication: I declare under penalty o4 per?ury under the laws o4
the (nited +tates o4 /merica that the 4oregoing is true and correct. )Decuted at armUs length, under duress,
with the intent to protect the public need to report this crime (nder whistle blowers laws and protections.
/-$))6)5T T2 $)7)I.) C)D)$/A $)+)$.) 52T)+ T)5D)$)D /+ P/&6)5T +.7. 10P1P0@9
IFJI8J C2$ B/IA 2$ /PP)AA/T) B25D
/44iant , the undersigned ?udicial o44icers, being duly authoriTed by law to collect money;4or 7ourt costs,
B/IA, and/or /PP)AA/T) B25D+, which shall be collected in the law4ul money o4 account o4 the (nited
+tates only, am aware that money is de4ined in:
$7, M9.@9.@0@ =6oney,> =moneys> a IFV0F De4initionJ
=6oney> or =moneys> shall be held to mean gold and sil!er coin, gold and sil!er certi4icates. treasury
notes, (nited +tates notes, and bank notes.> $7, M9.@9.@0@ =6oney,> =moneys.> a IFVVM De4initionJ
==6oney> or =moneys> shall be held to mean coin or paper money issued by the (nited +tates
I know or should know that the (nited +tates go!ernment does not issue paper money. I know or should
know that the Cederal $eser!e issues paper money, and loans it to the (nited +tates -o!ernment thereby
making it impossible to pay!!!
=Due process o4 law does not mean a statute passed 4or the purpose o4 working a wrong.> D)55I+ !.
62+)+., FM ,ash. ;1:, at ;V; ICebruary F;, FMVMJ
=But the legislature speci4ically disclaimed any intention to change the meaning o4 any statute. /nd
bringing 4raud upon the court and trespass to law.
The compilers o4 the 7ode were not empowered by 7ongress to amend eDisting law, and
doubtless had no thought o4 doing so ...> ,arner !. -oltra, 8V1 (.+. F;;, F0F, :V A. )d. 8;9, ;; +. 7t. 90. .
..T*) /7T B)C2$) (+ D2)+ 52T P($P2$T T2 /6)5D / +)7TI25 2C /5 /7T,
25A& / +)7TI25 2C / 726PIA/TI25 )5TITA)D =$).I+)D 72D) 2C ,/+*I5-T25,>
,*I7* I+ 52T T*) A/,. +(7* /5 /7T P($P2$TI5- T2 /6)5D 25A& / +)7TI25 2C T*)
P$I6/ C/7I) 726PIA/TI25 2C C$/(D and A)/.)+ T*) A/, (57*/5-)D. )n Banc.>
P/$2+/ !. T/726/, ;:,n.I8dJ 9@V, 9FF, 9F8, 9F1, 9F;, 98F IDec.88, FV0@J
$7, MV.1@.:89 DelinGuency and sale in general impro!ement and di!isional districts a $edemption in
coin to treasurer a To whom credited =$edemption must be made in gold or sil!er coin, as pro!ided 4or the
collection o4 state and county taDes ...>
The power o4 the state to declare a legal tender is limited to gold and sil!er coin. /ll =law4ul money> o4 the
(nited +tates is not a legal tender 4or pri!ate obligations by the laws o4 the (nited +tates; .
The legal tender and gold contract decisions,taken in connection with the recent case o4
,oodru44 !. +tate o4 6ississippi, F08 (.+. 8VF IF0 +up. 7t. M8@J, are controlling
here.> D)55I+ !. 62+)+., FM ,ash. ;1:P0@F ICebruary F;,FMVMJ. /nd;
Bank 5ote is de4ined as =/ promissory note issued by a bank or banker authoriTed to do so. payable to
bearer a, demand. /nd intended to circulate as money.> Blacks Aaw Dictionary I+iDth )ditionJ There4ore, it
4ollows that RCederal $eser!eS =5otes are not payments.> Don ). ,illiams 7o. !s. 7omm. Int. $e!., ;FA.
)d. 8d 9M IFV::J. /nd;
The indi!idual cannot be compelled to use X4ederal money,
Qnor 4ederal negotiable instruments, Cederal 5otes I+wanson !. Culine, 89M C. +upp. 109J the 4ederal
reser!e being a pri!ate corporation IAewis !. (.+., 0M@ C.8d F81M at F89FJ which is engaged in commercial
acti!ity by law o4 merchants I(77 :8FPFPF@1J /nd;
I am aware that it is a !iolation o4 law to demand and/or collect any tender eDcept the law4ul moneys o4
account o4 the (nited +tates which is speci4ied at /rticle I, +ection M. Paragraph ;, and /rticle I, +ection
F@. paragraph F, o4 the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates o4 /merica,which is the supreme law o4 the land
and mandatory 4or a 4irm and binding contract upon this honorable court pursuant to article I,section 81 and
article .I, sectionQs 9 ' ;o4 the 7onstitution and that law4ul money meeting these constitutional
reGuirements has not been a!ailable to the general public since about FV09.
I know/or should know that Cederal $eser!e 5otes are de4ined as =2BAI-/TI25+ 2C T*) (5IT)D
+T/T)+> at section M o4 Title FM (.+.7. which are not taDable by
the +tate pursuant to 1F (.+.7 1F89 and are not the =law4ul money o4 the (nited +tates>,
as the term applies in the code and Cederal $eser!e 5otes are not speci4ically described in the code,
because it makes 52 promise to pay =money> to the bearer on demand as reGuired by article 1 o4 the
(ni4orm 7ommercial 7ode and there4ore does 52T e!en rise to the le!el o4 a note. Curther
tender is de4ined as:I(77J +outh 7arolina +tatutes, 7hapter 10, 7hapter 1, Part 0 Discharge, or +ection
10P1P0@9 P Tender o4 payment.=+)7TI25 10P1P0@9. Tender o4 payment. /ny party making tender o4 4ull
payment to a holder when or a4ter it is due is discharged to the eDtent o4 all subseGuent liability 4or interest,
costs and attorneyUs 4ees. 6y time de4ending mysel4 with no contract or !ictim is K;@@ per hour and
KF@,@@@ per rights !iolations I encounter or su44er.
I8J The holders re4usal o4 such tender wholly discharges any party who has a right o4
recourse against the party making the tender.
>/ 7ity employee, whether clerk o4 court 6unicipal/District/+uperior 7ourt ?udge or any /dministrati!e
Aaw 7lerk o4 this 7ounty, must admit that you are a Coreign /gent as de4ined and described at 88 (+7
0FF, and that you ha!e sought to de4raud me, with a seditious conspiracy to o!erthrow my law4ul
go!ernment and bring 4raud to the people o4 this county. *a!e you personally 4iled with the /ttorney
-eneral a true and complete registration statement 4or your oath o4 o44ice and supplements thereto as
reGuired by subsections IaJ and IbJ o4 88 (+7 0F8 I do now, by authority o4 this court o4 record in
mal4easance, mis4easance, nonP4easance and per?ury o4 my rights and duties as a human and by article
.I,sectionQs 9 ' ;
2ath o4 244ice contract to the +tate 7onstitution ' Cederal 7onstitution,
I am now 4orced to make ,ritten complaint to protect me and my neighbors 4rom ?oining this conspiracy o4
silence, I did report crime. I ask &ou return this with wet ink signatures o4 all names on record that the
/44iant is liable to make payment or tender in Cederal $eser!e 5otes in the amount speci4ied. regarding this
action/7ause ,hen will arrest warrant be issued by this county or state 4or my arrest
$e4usal to sign this demand is a re4usal to accept my debt payment tendered, and there4ore I ha!e
discharged the demanded /mount listed below Pursuant to the authority o4 +7 10P1P0@9I8J by re4using to
sign acknowledgment o4 receipt o4 this 57 =10P1P0@9IFJ tender o4 payment.4or the >Aaw )n4orcement
/gency shall present prima 4acia proo4 o4 a legitimate claim or account settles in 4ull and closes in ten days
upon receipt hereo4.creditor
DI+*252($/BA) D)C/(AT.
By attempting to ad?udge, legislate, en4orce 2$ +)T any 4ee without proo4 o4 any 7rime,alleged 2$D)$+
without The Truth, The ,hole Truth and 5othing but the Truth presented, ,IT* *25)+T&, by both
sides, to an impartial ?ury are )OP$)++A& P$2*IBIT)D, by but not limited to, the EBills o4 /ttainder
7lauseE Ras Titles o4 5obility, Bills o4 Pains and Penalties, ECinesE, Bills o4 7reditS in !iolation o4 the 2ath
o4 244ice, Breaching -ood Beha!ior, as )Dtortion, Blackmail and Bribery, 7riminal /cts !olition o4
$.I.7.2, 6onopoly laws, pyramid schemes, the *obbs and +herman antitrust /cts; Title FM Y 89F,
89F7olorable Aaw; ,ill4ul abuses o4 a public authority, to the oppression o4 the sub?ect, and e!ery species
o4 o44icial )Dtortion, are o44ense s against the go!ernment, 4or which the persons who commit them may be
indicted and punished according to the +upreme law o4 the land. I, T*) E/lleged /ccusedE, gi!e this my
E5otice o4 Desire to Pay all Cines, Cees, 7osts, ' Penalties ' .oid 3udgment E to ET*) +T/T)E, Through
the 7lerk o4 the 7ounty district court but it would cause a criminal act and cause much duress. Due to the
7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates o4 /merica, /rticle F, Y F@, 7lause F, which mandates, E5o state shall . . .
make any Thing but gold ' sil!er coin a Tender in Payment o4 DebtsE, said clause remains (5$)P)/A)D
to date, ',
Due to the T77rP 91.@8 Payable in money, which states, E/ll recogniTable, bail bonds, ' undertakings o4
any kind, whereby a party become bound to pay money to the +tate, ' all 4ines ' 4or4eitures o4 a pecuniary
character, shall be collected in the law4ul money o4 the (ntied +tates onlyE, ' Due to F8 (+7 Y F;8, which
states, E ` the terms Elaw4ul moneyE ' the Elaw4ul money o4 the (nited +tatesE shall be construed to mean
gold ' sil!er coin o4 the (nited +tates `E ' Due to F8 (+7 Y 9FF, which states, E` Cederal reser!e
notes, to be issued at the discretion o4 the Cederal $eser!e Board ` 4or the purpose o4 making ad!ances to
the Cederal reser!e banks through the Cederal reser!e agents as hereina4ter set 4orth ' 4or no other purpose,
are hereby authoriTed. The said notes shall be obligations o4 the (nited +tates ` They shall be redeemed
in law4ul money on demand at the Treasury Dept. o4 the (nited +tates, in the city o4 ,ashington, District o4
7olumbia, or at an Cederal $eser!e bank`E '
Due to FM (+7 Y M, which states, EThe term Eobligation or other security o4 the (nited +tatesE includes, all
bonds, certi4icates o4 indebtedness, national bank currency, Cederal $eser!e notes, ` ' other
representati!es o4 !alue, o4 whate!er denomination, issued under any /ct o4 7ongressE '
Due to 1F (+7 Y ;FF8, which states, E`The +ec. o4 the Treasury may mint ' issue only the 4ollowing
coins: ` I:J a ;@ dollar gold coin that is 18.: millimeters in diameter, weighs 11.V1F grams, ' contains F
troy oT. o4 4ine gold `E '
Due to 9M stat. 8, I6arch @V, FV11J ' 9M +tat. FF1, I3une @;, FV11J all gold coin was remo!ed 4rom
common circulation, at par, at the banks in these united +tates o4 /merica, said statutes remain
(5$)P)/A)D to date ',
Due to 7lark !. +tate 1 7r. $ 11M IFM::J E/ promissory note cannot be accepted 4or payment o4 a 4ineE,
/dditionally, the said alleged debtIsJ ' / or ?udgmentIsJ is/are !oid by reason o4 the 4act the plainti44 4ailed
to state a claim upon which relie4 can be granted.
I am constrained by the law 4rom paying these 4ineIsJ and 4ees` because there is no Elaw4ul moneyE to be
properly ' law4ully accepted in the discharge o4 this ItheseJ alleged debtIsJ, and or ?udgmentIsJ.

,atch; Police +tate 9 The $ise o4 C)6/. It +*2,+ The camps are 4or Coreign agents, It is time to look
up, not down at us 4or sharing this with you.
I mean no disrespect but when you know, &2( #52,, I see &2( /AA as either use4ul idiots or the most
e!il people to e!er walk this planet. 7*22+) ,*2..
Today, I li!e in one o4 the most corrupt counties o4 the most corrupts o4 states, in the most dangerous
countries that has e!er eDisted, I see, ,e are B& C/$, The most brainwashed, poisoned, robbed, numbed
down, regulated, indebted and ensla!ed people this planet has e!er seen. ,) /$) this worlds terrorists. I
*2P), because you were ignorant. The 4act is &ou T22# my clients earnings, remained silent to
-o!ernment actions and are a paid pro4essional, These are the only actions that has e!er !iolated my rights,
4reedoms or threatened my sa4ety. People like &2( DID T*I+, you did not stop the ones who did. ,ithout
my consent while we paid you to ser!e and protect (+ 4rom the !ery actions this action has committed on
me and millions o4 others, thousands o4 times, in countless ways, ).)$& D/&. 6ost 244icers o4 the court
seem to do things that add no bene4it to my li4e but keep my mind bust de4ending 4rom the predator kind,
hunting me 4or sport and pro4it. I can not help but to see your whole concepts o4 economics, earnings,
education, health care or the goals o4 law and ?ustice as almost F@@W backwards and up side down. ,e
wish to turn you right. The world I see is no where near the path you are on. The proo4 4or all is; this
world.. I seek to lea!e 525) 2C IT to our kids. 2ne o4 us is the problem &2($ ,IAC(A I-52$/57).
2$ 6& thinking, honestly. I see 8 di44erent mind mentalities, &ours has hurt me and 2nce you #52,, you
I see the massi!e damages your system has created with deliberate actions that scatters accountability
respectability and responsibility to the winds so no one can be blamed and e!eryone can hide behind a
4iction called T*) +T/T) . The curtain is 4alling like the ,I_/$D o4 2__ but with an ignorant, destroyed
and !ery angry world, what will happen when it happens and you ha!e no where to hide 5one o4 the
people who made histories greatest tyrants and mass murderers saw the e!il they were doing. I4 /5& 25)
in their gang had e!en a sli!er o4 common sense, human decency, honor, or respect 4or their neighbor, they
would ha!e stood. I4 you understood what power really is, &ou would see yoursel4 ,ith $eal the stu44.
Power is what it takes to own and control your own li4e, It is a 4ull time ?ob. +)) the P2A) sticking in your
own eye %(IT trying to cut the sli!er in in my clients with a chain saw. I see reality the one this world is
52T I5...&)T
-o!ernment I+ a craTy thing when you can see with open eyes.
&ou take my money, buy canes, Breaks my legs, sell me a cane at a he4ty pro4it. Then proclaim to all, i4 it
was not 4or -2.., *) would not be able to walk!
In a ci!iliTed society e!eryone must 4ollow ' obey the law, including public ser!ants that are bound by
oath, a44irmation ' bond to uphold the laws o4 the (nited +tates ' the +tate . I cannot concur with the
mythology that Cederal $eser!es 5otes are money when the law states otherwise. It is plain ' clear, as a
matter o4 law, as stated abo!e, that Cederal $eser!e 5otes, checks ' or money orders, are debt obligations
' not within the de4inition o4 those things allowed by law by this state or to be recei!ed by this
6(5I7IP/A 72($T o4 the 7IT& 2C C/$-2 +tate 24 52$T* D/#2T/
5otice: Pursuant to TP7, Title M, Y 10.@V IaJ E` o44ers ` agrees ` any bene4it ` that he knows the
public ser!ant is prohibited by law 4rom accepting. IbJ 7lass E/E 6isdemeanorUs.E Pursuant to TP7, Title
M, Y 10.@M /ny and all threats to incarcerate ImeJ 4or ECailure to PayE will be deemed to be an attempt to
solicit an honorarium, a criminal act. Aike eDtort , de4raud per4idy or T$)/+25
/dditional 5ote: Pursuant to 7$/5) !s. +T/T) 2C T)O/+ case no. M1PF0;@; the (.+. 7ourt o4 /ppeals,
Ci4th 7ircuit held: E,e a44irm the trial courts 4indings that the Dallas 7ounty system o4 issuing
misdemeanorUs capias !iolated both TeDas law ' the (nited +tates 7onstitution`.E 7ontinuing to !iolate
a4ter ;th 7ircuit 5otice, can be construed as a pattern o4 criminal beha!ior under $I72, with intent P se!ere
criminal ' ci!il penalties are a!ailable to end This conspiracy but I do not ha!e a $)/+25/BA),
P$(D)5T or desire E5otice o4 Desire to Pay all Cines, Cees, 7osts, Penalties or .oid 3udgment. . I only
see and care 4or T*) P2I5T, &2( ,IAA un chain your sla!es and make them whole. / peoples wealthP
based monetary system, is gi!ing, Then T/#I5- the entire pot. T*) P2I5T I+, *ow much !alue did you
add to this world &ou claim to be my leaders but Their is 52 way we will not be at war. (ntil you lea!e.
&ou should do it be4ore we throw you out, ,ho needs neighbor s that lie, cheat, steal and destroy I D2
52T +(PP2$T T)$$2$I+6, and as pro!en, This -o!ernment 4iction here I+ the only damage I ha!e
e!er su44ered It would !iolate the law and T*) P2I5T o4 both law and ?ustice.
62TI25 To DisGuali4y /ll 3udges and Cor 7hange o4 .enue To a (nited +tates court o4 7onstitutional
authority and respect.
I 6o!e to disGuali4y /AA 7ircuit 7ourt ?udges and 4or a change o4 !enue to another 7ircuit 7ourt because
o4 my political !iews and political history on record in !arious states that create una!oidable bias against
me. This is the only way to ha!e a 4air trial and preser!e my 7AI)5T+ rights and 4reedoms, as the law is
In closing, 52TI7) 2C *uman right treaty !iolations
To: The clerk o4 court, Please pass this to the go!ernor and to the secretary o4 +tate,
5ot T*) +T/T) a religious association. whereas I ha!e eDhausted all my domestic remedies within T*)
+T/T). I now gi!e you notice I 6(+T 7*/$-) The county o4 ,IT* human rights !iolations. Cor each
and e!ery o44icialUs re4usal to uphold the constitution. Please in4orm your sheri44 you ha!e disgraced ,
!iolated, and 4ailed to keep your word or uphold the law o4 the land and the legislators ha!e 4ailed to
remo!e you 4rom o44ice 4or 4ailure to up hold the law. The county 7ommissioners and the county ?udges
4ailed to uphold the law, The +heri44s, 6arshals, Police, or military do not collect their pay in gold or sil!er
thus !iolating their oaths. The right to due process by law and 4or the good o4 society in general, It is time
4or you to lea!e me alone. I would be a criminal i4 I aided a gang o4 criminals terrorists that has taken my
Aiberty my property and ha!e damaged me mentally, physically, educationally, economically, religiously,
and permanently. 6y property, 6y time, and my security has been used, stolen and destroyed. &ou ha!e
used abused, oppressed, kidnapped and !iolated me with no care, concern, or thought o4 what your actions
did to a lot o4 li!es. Their is no protection, no redress, compensation, 5o Bill o4 $ights, eDpectation o4
?ustice, or doubt o4 your moti!es. &our F: million / P2I5T laws are T*) A/,. &2( do not mandate a
constitutional court o4 due process law or a court be a!ailable to any one but at your leisure as their is pro4it
in these cages you built 4or us to be sa4e.. /ll courts shall be open, and all person or reputation, shall ha!e
remedy by due course o4 law. 2r their is to be no laws impairing the obligation o4 contracts, +la!ery,
Treason, or law means anything any gun can grab. Their is 5o debtors prisons, ,e will be heard, 5o tidal
o4 nobility, or a cent o4 real wealth in any bank. ,e eat poisoned 4oods, water, and air. The world hates us
because we are 4ree and the list is endless o4 how upside down we ha!e really become. ,*& did e!eryone
stand when a guy in a black dress walked in ).)$&25), but I ,*2 +T22D, stood, ,hile e!eryone
sat To add insult to in?ury, they all called them E*252($/BA)E./nd &2($ *252$ E,hat part o4
shall not be in4ringedE 7on4uses you There shall be established in each county in this +tate a 7ounty
7ourt, which shall be a court o4 record in each county, with Guali4ied 7ounty +heri44, who shall be well
in4ormed in the law o4 the +tate and bound by oath. +o what is the need with all these people Taking my
earnings to protect and de4end my rights Then taking them whene!er they want Tricks like /ll rights
reser!ed, without pre?udiced , the 725+TIT(TI25, A/, or D(T& when all these people are taking my
time, my wealth,and security to protect me 4rom who I +)) the hundreds o4 scams and schemes to keep
(+ de4ending 4rom the F: million / P2I5T+,you use, 4orcing us into De4ending C$26 your actions. I
+)) &2(, T*) P2I5T; 24 li4e, o4 4reedom, Aaw, 3ustice, wealth, The knowledge o4 -ood or e!il, law4ul
or criminal, hea!en or hell is not in any o4 you with your system training s ,hat gi!es /5&25), in, /5&
,/&, e!en the right to think they ha!e a right to treat another 4ellow human this way ,hat e!er, you think
you 4iD, you destroy, by design. I possess 5),, solid ground that this read will show the post in your eye.
,ill we hunt you down and punish you as 52T ignorant barbarian but 4or your actions &2( ha!e done
,IT* / 6/AI7) that clearly re!eals the 4law in your reasoning a mile deep and 8 miles wide.
/ right is not gi!en or taken 4rom anyone that li!es in actual reality without a crime and that is proo4 that
this court is dangerous and in on a world wide seditious conspiracy to o!erthrow 6& -2.)$56)5T.
That i4 I did to you, T*) )O/7T +/6) ,/&, I would be prison. /5& thought to e!en think that you
ha!e a right when bound by contract is !iolated, the right to 4orce your belie4s on me with a swat team
working 4or some o4 the most dangerous people this planet has e!er 4aced is no longer done in ignorance..
C)) +7*)D(A):
/. Ten IF@J troy ounces o4 .VVV pure gold Ior its eGui!alentJ per !iolation o4 any o4 my
unalienable rights under any and all circumstances. Included in these rights hereby claimed are my right to
make use o4 roads, buses, train, and air stations; the right to engage in trade and habitation peace4ully.
B. 2ne IFJ troy ounce o4 .VVV pure gold Ior its eGui!alentJ per hour at a rate doubling e!ery 89
hours 4or any o4 my time consumed in detention, imprisonment, or attempts by an
employees/public o44icers/magistrates/?udges/agents/citiTens to establish ?urisdiction o!er
mysel4 or my 4amily or my guests without my eDpress written consent.
7. 2ne IFJ troy ounce o4 .VVV pure gold Ior its eGui!alentJ per hour 4or any o4 my time
consumed while being FJ detained by any man/woman acting under color o4 law; 8J stopped by any statuteP
en4orcing o44icer 4rom any legal department and/or corporation.
Aet it be clear that a people is not a person; a person is not a people. True so!ereignty in
/merica and within all 4ree nations on )arth lies with the li!ing and breathing people who ha!e all rights
endowed by our 7reator, -od. 7itiTens are sub?ects o4 the Cederal, +tate, and Aocal municipal go!ernment
corporations. 7itiTens ha!e consented to eDchange their unalienable rights 4or pri!ileges and immunity. Aet
it be clear, there4ore, that I do not delegate my rights nor do I consent to be treated as a 7itiTen. Curther, I
am not, nor is anyone in my Camily, an /nimal. 2r EPerson in your statues and codes. Aet it be clear that I
am not a person/citiTen/employee/o44icer and/or sub?ect o4 any corporation, which may be operating under
color o4 law. Aet it be clear, there4ore, that I hereby declare that I am one o4 the people, the competent and
so!ereign power that controls all
go!ernments. Aet it be clear that I am endowed by my creator, -od, with unalienable rights as !ested by
-od in the people within these united states o4 /merica.
This is a law4ul paper to be en4orced by the people and 4or the people on the land commonly known as
/merica, in any court within a state known as 5orth Dakota and in any court within this union known as
the united states o4 /merica.The +upreme 7ourt has stated, V8 (+ ;;F: (+ ! 7ruikshank, =The people o4
the (nited +tates resident within any +tate are sub?ect to two -o!ernments: one +tate, and the other
5ational; but there need be no con4lict between the two. The powers which one possesses, the other does
not. They are established 4or di44erent purposes, and ha!e separate ?urisdictions. Together they make one
whole, and 4urnish the people o4 the (nited +tates with a complete go!ernment,
ample 4or the protection o4 all their rights at home and abroad. True, it may sometimes happen that a person
is amenable to both ?urisdictions 4or one and the same act...It is the natural conseGuence o4 a citiTenship
which owes allegiance to two so!ereignties, and claims protection 4rom both. The citiTen cannot complain,
because he has !oluntarily submitted himsel4 to such a 4orm o4 go!ernment.> ,e ne!er knowingly,
willingly, or with any disclosure submitted to anything. *ow can 4raud, backed by 4orce be law
52TI7) 2C C)) +7*)D(A) C2$ P$2T)7TI25 C$26 72$P2$/T) /B(+), C/A+) /$$)+T,
.I7TI6A)++ 7*/$-)+, /5D BIAA+ 2C /TT/I5D)$
Aet it be clear that the preceding statements do not pertain to me alone, a people. I am not a =people o4 the
(nited +tates,> which is a corporation, nor am I a legal or corporate person as described abo!e. Aet it be
clear that I do not consent to this 4orm o4 de 4acto corporate go!ernment, and that I am not submitting
mysel4 !oluntarily to it.
2n the contrary, I am a people as recogniTed in /mericaQs 4ounding documents, including the 6agna 7arta,
The /rticles o4 7on4ederation, the Declaration o4 Independence, and the original 7onstitution 4or the united
states o4 /merica.
I am putting it in this /CCID/.IT 2C *25)+T& To cure the ignorance o4 ,*& T*I+ I+ 5))D)D
*)$). 2ur sla!ery, Is a war crime. 2nce you know the truth, you choose who and what you really are, that
goes 4or e!eryone. Because most do not know, ,e are the most brainwashed, robbed, regulated, poisoned,
dumb ed down, bankrupted, ensla!ed and destroyed people in the history o4 the entire human race. Is why
we are. ,e contracted because ,) ,IAA 52T A)/.) T*I+ T2 2($ #ID+. 3ust read the declaration o4
independence, them people had it good. .
/CCID/.IT 2C *25)+T& P(BAI7 $)72$D. I )d 7urtis, / law4ully, legally contracted
4iduciary 4or the person who submitted this to you, now in distress. ,e come in peace and the same
mission as you. To ser!e and protect our neighbors. 6y client contracted with me 4reely.
Ciduciary 4or the accused.
=(5D)$ P)5/ATI)+ 2C P)$3($&>.
(nder -odQs laws there is no contract between me and the (+. The 72($T 2C T*) 7IT& nor any
working 4or the Cederal, +tate, or 7ity 7orporation. There4ore now ha!ing ?oiner under the same 4lag and
-od in a 4irmPbinding contract. I demand you uphold your end o4 the contract as laid down by our 7reator
in *is *oly ,ord and declare in the organic 7onstitutionIsJ and subseGuent +tate 7harterIsJ with all other
2aths and /44irmations notwithstanding, including any registration with the +ecretary o4 +tate as being a
Coreign /gent. There4ore you are now liable 4or the protection o4 all my so!ereign reser!ed rights in the
common law and commerce, which are inalienable, unalienable, and imprescriptibly rights. /bsent the
abo!e stated contract, I do not know who you are nor do I understand the intent o4 your document nor can I
make a legal determination about what you are asking. /bsent the abo!e stated contract you and I ha!e, I
do not recogniTe you, 4or you ha!e 4ailed to identi4y yoursel4 as one with delegated regulatory authority
o!er me or made your o44er under the penalty o4 per?ury, ,ithout the abo!e worded contract, you must be a
Third Party Coreign Debt 7ollector, and you are hereby Cired in your attempt to represent me or client. I
D2 52T +P)/# -2.)$56)5T. I did not gi!e you permission to make a legal determination against
me. +o, I do not belie!e there is any legal or law4ul signi4icance to your correspondence, whatsoe!er. I do
not belie!e there is a legal duty or law4ul duty to do anything you ha!e stated or said in your action,
whether it is to 4ile some sort o4 4orm, pay some 4ine, or pay some taD, or gi!e up something. &our
correspondence is beyond me 4or you act as one/many that has authority 52 to. Please mail your
document. ,ithout obtaining my permission and do not 4ail to sign your o44er in ink stating your authority
or sign under the penalty o4 per?ury.
/bsent your adherence to the abo!e 7ontract, I do not recogniTe you or understand what your intent
is in your document or action. ,ithin the 1 day 7ontract Aaw,4irst, under the abo!e contract, show me the
law and intent that reGuires a li!ing soul and so!ereign and /merican, to do whate!er it is you are trying to
do. I make this redra4t o4 your o44er back to you under contract law and the penalty o4 per?ury, 1 days and
we ha!e the abo!e contract, : days you ha!e de4aulted, F@ days, I ha!e a +ummary 3udgment. I ha!e also
accepted the +T/T)6)5T 2C )A)7T)D//PP2I5T)D 2CCI7)$/ 2ath o4 244ice o4 the 7orporate
+tate , 6ayor o4 the 7ity o4
52TI7) 2C 525 P$)+P25+) +)
Be it known to all interested parties that there has not been any timely response to /CCID/.IT 2C
7lient and )D 7($TI+ by )d 7urtis; such response to ha!e been made to:
c/o 5otary /cceptance I5otary nameJ a 5otary Public
I wish ).)$&T*I5- in this 4ile 4or disco!ery in F@ days mailed to
6ail to : )d 7urtis
V89 ;th street +.
Cargo, 5.D. ,/55/B)*)$D < 2(TA22# .726 I will supply 0L gigs o4 study with an
email dismissing this. In the best interest o4 my client. I put this together as a show o4 o!er whelming 4orce
I hope you will 4ully understand what massi!e damage ignorance has created to this world. I wish you the
best and hope this knowledge cured you. I ask 4or you to dismiss this. +end me a tip i4 this slap in the 4ace
woke you up, or 4or 8@ bucks, I can send this to 8; thousand contacts! I ha!e 0 gigs o4 library collected
o!er the years all on line and 4ree, ,rite me and I will send you in the right direction and undo the wrongs,
you did. &2( are in the per4ect place to change the world be4ore the (5 T$22P+ come and ..well,. They
can not arrest a 4iction. T*) +T/T) co!er will not protect you 4rom your actions.
a44ida!it o4 honesty 52 C)/$! gi!e this to /AA !ictims;2C T*) 72($T I5 72($T 25
7an I be heard on this court record yes or no T/A# A2(D 6/#) T*)6!
\/lways wait 4or them to answer on record] #nowledge" 52 C)/$
Is this an article 1 constitutional court o4 due process yes or no
EIs this a ci!il or criminal court I am being prosecuted inE i4
7$I6I5/A 72$T: I wish to con4ront my accuser and call my !ictim to the stand, I do not recall any o4
this crime I ha!e committed
7I.IA 72($T: I wish to eDamine this contract this court claims I knowingly and willingly signed with
anyone that would gi!e this court law4ul ?urisdiction to pursue these charges &ou are being paid to protect
and de4end my rights, ,*& /6 I *)$) people in this court ha!e no eDcuse,you know the law. I ask this
court one more time, produce a !ictim or contract that I ha!e !iolated. I do not work 4or T*) +T/T) and
am under no contract that gi!es this court ?urisdiction or proo4 o4 claim on my time I am here under threat
o4 arrest and duress.
62$) ./A(/BA) /5D 5))D)D T*/5 2B/6/7/$), gi!e this to e!eryone you know!!
C$)) C(AA A)-/A P$2T)7TI25 C2$ /AA *(6/5+ 25 .I7TI6A)++ 7$I6) +P$))+! T*)
25A& #52,A)D-) A/, T22A &2( ,IAA ).)$ 5))D! T*) *25)+T& /CCID/.IT, simply
P$I5T, +T(D&, +I-5 /5D &2($ T$I--)$)D C2$ B/TTA), C2$ 7/$ /5D *26), 2$ 72($T
D2 52T A)/.) ,IT*2(T IT more tools 4or 4un and pro4it -et the honesty a44ida!it into all in your
court! T*) +T/T) . .+ T$(T*, T*) A/, ' 3(+TI7) C2$ /AA. T*)& C2$7)D (+ T2 6/#)
2($ 7*2I7), 6/#) &2($+. Please key in +ilent weapons 4or Guiet wars, ,e D2 meet the de4inition,
.I7TI6+ 2C; -)527ID), T$)/+25, 7$I6)+ /-/I5+T *(6/5IT&, B$)/7* 2C 725T$/7T,
725+PI$/7&, T)$$2$I+6, T2 5/6) / C), P$2./BA) 7*/$-)+. I ha!e proo4 in my 4iles I
collected o!er the years. ,/$ 7$I6)+ /$) C2$).)$.T*I+ I+ +)$I2(+ ..+IA)57) is not an option.
,e li!e in 4ear, +T/5DI5- 25 T*) A/, ,) P/& C2$ Cor crimes against a 4iction o4 T*) +T/T)
They want us in ?ail until we gi!e, we want the same.IT I+ I5 6& B22#. please read 2ur story and stand,
Download http :// www .scribd .com /doc /M0;9@8:0/ 5ew Pbut P2ld P#nowledge my 4ree book ' study this,
It applies to all. )!ery action has a reaction.
T*)& */.) I-52$)D ).)$&T*I5- /5D 7*/$-)D, (+ C2$ T)AAI5- T*)6, T*I+
/CCID/.IT 25 AI5) http :// www .scribd .com /doc /8818;;@;1/ /CCID/.IT P2C P*25)+T& 2n my site:
http :// the4aD .webs .com / )!erything that was done be4ore the 4all o4 the 5aTiUs was legal and right, until
?ustice returned, These people took and oath and 2($ P/&. ,) do not support terrorism, D2 &2( I ha!e
5).)$ met a more dangerous and destructi!e bunch. T*)& /$) 2($ 25A& C)/$ *)$); It was not
done in ignorance, I T2AD T*)6, T*)& 7*2+). watch; https :// www .youtube .com /watch
! " 46Im V IA!h7(
T*)+) .ID)2+ ,IAA T/#) &2( T2 &2($ P)$+25/A 5), ,2$AD 2$D)$!
https :// www .youtube .com /watch ! " e.P/)oi5 @H w
The psychopath, &ou will ne!er know (5TIA &2( learn to see them.
https :// www .youtube .com /watch ! " % 9 /#kC V: 4c)
,as &our 2ath +incere
https :// www .youtube .com /watch ! " IkI#D#t$%u&
The Declaration o4 5atural $ights
https :// www .youtube .com /watch ! " ) 1 dG 0 he ; eG%
T($5I5- P2I5T C2$ *(6/5IT& !!! It is D25)!!!
This one is &2(
https :// www .youtube .com /watch ! " p# 8 ,3d ; bOCg
The -reatest +peech )!er 6ade P 7harlie 7haplin
T*) +T/T) o4 5orth Dakota all deser!e it, their deliberate indi44erence +T2A) e!erything 4rom us. They
are terrorists in e!ery sense o4 the word. To start cleaning up this country, +T/$T *)$). Treason against
the United States of America
Violation of Your Sworn OATH of Office
You. as a Public Official, who has Sworn an Oath of Office, to Defend, Protect, and Presere the
!onstitution for the united States of America against all enemies, both "oreign and Domestic, as
well as its !iti#ens, and to Honor it as the Su$reme %aw of the %and& defined b' %aw as one
owing Allegiance to the United States of America in 'our $osition of Public Trust.
Your failure to honor 'our Sworn Oath (documented b' the within named Plaintiff) fulfills the
re*uirements of an Act of Treason as cited in the United States !onstitution, to wit+ ,in le'ing war
against them -the States and ,.e the Peo$le,/, or, in adhering to their enemies, giing them aid
and comfort.,T01ASO2, b' law, is $unishable b' the Death Penalt'.
Thus, an' iolation one3s Oath of Office, b' those Sworn and $aid to Honor the !onstitution for
the united States of America, is an oert act of treason against ,.e the Peo$le.,
Such acts are in contem$t of the law, affecting other Public Serants who ma' 3go along 4 to get
along,3 leading to the loss of confidence in 5oernment and eentual corru$tion in 5oernment. 6f
lawlessness continues un4re$orted and un4$unished, t'rann' becomes 7ing and 5oernment the
8aster. 6f enough citi#ens, $atriots, and !hristians understand this traditional loe for %ife, %ibert',
and the $ursuit of Ha$$iness, traditional in America 4 this will not ha$$en. You. (the Accused, are
now $ut on notice b' this letter, that 'our act(s) of Treason are now $art of the Public 0ecord and
war crimes are foreer.
This letter is deliered to 'ou, the Accused, showing that there is a legal file being $re$ared for
'our $rosecution. The res$onsibilit' to document 'our Act(s) of Treason rests with the Plaintiff.
The Plaintiff has a legal obligation to ma7e 'our Act(s) of Treason 7nown to 5oernment Officials.
(9: US! Section ;) and the moral res$onsibilit' to $ost this 2otice in $ublic $laces near 'our
$lace of business, or in the areas of 'our residence, as a Public Serice. All local media will, also,
in this $rocess, be full' informed.
"or 'our information, this letter will be entered as a !ourt 1<hibit, in addition to other eidence, to
document 'our Act(s) of Treason against ,.e the Peo$le,, when formal charges and $roceedings
are filed against 'ou. An Act of Treason against one indiidual, b' another 4 is an act against all. 6
was wrong thin7ing these $eo$le would sto$ and thin7 what the' were doing.
T2 +T/$T I think an educated society will end crime, These people think it would hurt their game, (nder
power o4 *(6/5 honesty, I /6 D)6/5DI5- T*) /$$)+T+ 2C;
Police 7hie4 #eith /. Ternes kternes < cityo44argo .com
3udge +72TT -$ICCI5 +-ri44eth < ndcourts .go!
+*)$ICC P/(A A/5)&, laneyp < casscountynd .go!
+tates attorney BI$7* B($DI7# burdickb < casscountynd .go!
)ither the (5 T$22P+ or &2( need to 4iD it. These are war crimes. &2( /AA are only in power until
this money system 4alls. IT ,as set up to 4loat the scum to the top on e!ery le!el and way, To build hea!en
or hell. 52, I+ T*) TI6) ).)$& 25) ,*2 7/$)+ IT I+ TI6) T2 A22# (P ' +))! &2( are
the most B$/I5,/+*)D, $2BB)D, $)-(A/T)D /5D )5+A/.)D people to e!er walk this planet.
Please watch; https :// www .youtube .com /watch ! "01 T_ 0 I@ %i2 M &2($ 2/T* I+ &2($ ,2$D. ,ho
respects traitors ,*2 would help the people who did it to us all but other criminals ,here will you
stand when this 4alls Prison, -ra!e, -allows or ,IT* (+
/ crime takes a !ictim 4or ).)$&25)U+ protection. ,hen law is 4or all, )Gually, ,*)$) ,IAA &2(
B) http://www.law4ulpath.com/re4/o!k8kPscan.pd4
2P)$/TI25 ./6PI$) #IAA)$ I+ 5))D)D B& /AA I5 T*) A/, )5C2$7)6)5T I5D(+T$&
+ee the reading room o4 the Aaw4ul path site and help educate. ,e know who &2( are. T*/T I+ ,*&
,) 725T/7T)D &2(. T2 -)T &2($ C$)) D$2P B2O, I will share more studies.
https :// db .tt /6Oc7!g64
The P$I./7& /7T 2C FV:9 IPublic Aaw V1P;:VJ, empowers citiTens to reGuire 4ull, written disclosure
4rom a go!ernment o44icials who seeks in4ormation. 7itiTens also ha!e the right, not to testi4y against
themsel!es. Thus, when Ethe go!ernmentE comes I ha!e the right to ha!e answers. Public Aaw V1P;:V is to
pro!ide certain sa4eguards 4or an indi!idual against in!asion o4 personal pri!acy EThe 4ollowing Guestions
are based upon that act and are necessary 4or this indi!idual to make a reasonable determination concerning
di!ulgence o4 in4ormation to this agency. 5ame o4 /AA public ser!ants in!ol!ed in this cause:
Please add all the 5/6)+ and email contacts answers on a separate piece o4 paper as sworn testimony 4or
disco!ery, :
in go!ernment reGuesting that this in!estigation be made
Is this in!estigation EgeneralE or is it EspecialE
Personal 5ame /nd o4 department o4 go!ernment, bureau, or agency by which public ser!ant is employed:
244ice mailing address:
,ill public ser!ant uphold the 7onstitution o4 the (nited +tates o4 /merica &es HHHHHH 5o
,IAA public ser!ant 4urnish proo4 o4 personal identity &es HHHHHH 5o HHHHHH
4urnish a copy o4 the law or regulation which authoriTes this in!estigation &es HHHHHH 5o
,ill the public ser!ant read aloud that portion o4 the law authoriTing the Guestions he will ask &es HHHHHH
/re the citiTenUs answers !oluntary 2r 6andatory &es HHHHHH 5o HHHHHHHHHHHH
/re the Guestions to be asked based upon a speci4ic law or regulation HHHHHH
or are they being used as a disco!ery process &es HHHHHH 5o HHHHHHHHHHHH
,hat other uses may be made o4 this in4ormation
,hat other agencies may ha!e access to this in4ormation ,hat will be the e44ect upon me i4 I
should choose to not answer any part o4 these Guestions
/s a contracted 4iduciary o4 the person who this was designed to protect, I ask e!ery chain o4 e!ent o44icer
o4 this action to 4ully identi4y themsel!es 4or my personal record o4 e!ents this material eDplains. please
mail answers to )d 7urtis V89 ;th.st. +. Cargo, 5.D, /n historic e!ent will be taking place and we wish to
be *25)+T
It would be a crime not 4ully identi4ying yoursel4 on public record or us not reporting the crimes presented
here 4or the good o4 the public.
Please accept this written reGuest 4or a certi4ied copy o4 your personal 2ath o4 244ice and copy o4 your
+urety Bond, which is reGuired o4 any public o44icial. &ou ha!e three days to pro!ide these documents or
you are in de4ault.
)d 7urtis V89 ;th street +. Cargo, 5.D.
Please make copy 4or e!ery chain o4 e!ent o44icer on this.
I 5))D to get this 4iDed and mass emailed out! I sent this through
http :// www .gorillacontact .com /pricing .php . I4 you help, this war will be o!er sooner. I collected
o!er 8@@ million contacts but 52 625)&, 6y car, business, career, Camily and li4e ha!e been destroyed
because no one knows this stu44 I will send i4 you contact me, I will send the in4o 4or credits to my account
and gi!e 0 gigs o4 study material to start your public library! 25A& T*) )D(7/T)D /$) C$)),
e!eryone is a threat to all until educated. They can not do it in the light, +*I5) B$I-*T!!! I will 52T
lea!e this to our kids, will you

Cor K8@ bucks, I can send 8; thousand emails to help your cause and educate your 4riends and
neighbors. I4 you send me your local area codes, I can gather the list and promote 4or you! &our 4iDed
4reedom add!
P $ 2 2 C 2 C + ) $ . I7 )
+igned; +ui 3uris, Belligerent 7laimant
I HHHHHHHHHHHHH, / legal citiTen o4 the (nited +tates do hereby declare my legal and right4ul indi!idual
so!ereignty 4rom any -o!ernment and itQs agencies that are in tyranny. 52TI7) T2 P$I57IP/A I+
52TI7) T2 /-)5T; 52TI7) T2 /-)5T I+ 52TI7) T2 P$I57IP/A

Be4ore me, HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, a 5otary Public, on this day personally appeared
identi4ication to be the indi!idual or li!ing soul whose name is subscribed to the 4oregoing instrument and
acknowledged to me that he/she eDecuted the same 4or the purposes and consideration therein eDpressed.
-i!en under my hand and seal o4 o44ice on this HHHHHH day o4 HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, 8@HH.
I+eal o4 244iceJ

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