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Buffalo Online Gambling

Rhonda Sederberg, Marketing Director Danyal Haas, M.I.S Manager Skie Schiernbeck, Controller and Accounts Manager

Competitors 888 Holdings PLC !et"air #rou$ PLC !ingo.co% L&D !'in.Party Digital (ntertain%ent #a%ing Real%s PLC #)C Holding PLC Las )egas "ro% Ho%e.co% (ntertain%ent Inc *+"ord In,est%ents Holdings, Inc Seanie%ac International, Inc S$ortingbet PLC SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA SA

Description of competitors - I a% $ro,iding the to$ - businesses "ro% abo,e regarding the descri$tion o" the co%$etitors. 888 Holdings Public Li%ited Co%$any is one o" the 'orld.s %ost $o$ular online ga%ing. &his co%$any has been at the "ore"ront o" the online ga%ing industry "or o,er a decade, allo'ing both $layers and !/! $artners to en0oy a 'orld1class ga%ing e+$erience. &heir 'ebsites o""er %ore than 0ust online ga%ing. &hey are entertain%ent destinations, $laces 'here $eo$le can en0oy a truly interacti,e e+$erience and be $art o" an online co%%unity that shares co%%on interests. It is sa"e and a secure en,iron%ent. !et"air 'as "ounded in 2333 and $ioneered the "irst success"ul !etting (+change. !et"air o""ers (+change, S$ortsbook and #a%ing $roducts. (ach o" these units o$erates inde$endently and is res$onsible "or the design, build and sale o" their res$ecti,e $roducts. 4e are one o" the largest betting and ga%ing o$erators in the 5. !et"air also has a license in S horse racing 'agering and o'ns a tele,ision broadcasting business based in Cali"ornia and o$erating in that state and 6e' 7ersey. !ingo.co% o""ers a co%$rehensi,e range o" ga%bling $roducts, such as casino ga%es and slots. Most can be tried "or "ree be"ore deciding to $lay "or real %oney. 8or ne'co%ers and $layers 'ho are eager to i%$ro,e their ga%e, !ingo.co% o""ers co%$rehensi,e instructions and our Custo%er Su$$ort is al'ays at hand to o""er any assistance. &hey also o""er a 'ide range o" ga%es and slots, such as !lack0ack, Roulette and )ideo Poker and an abundance o" di""erent kinds o" slot %achines.

ullness of lines

Service rating




Capital strengt$

Price Value

%ours of service 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

Sales Volume


Potential Co%$etitor 888 Holdings !et"air #rou$s !ingo.co% L&D !'in.Party Digital (ntertain%ent #a%ing Real%s PLC #)C Holding PLC Las )egas "ro% Ho%e.co% (ntertain%ent Inc. *+"ord In,est%ents Holdings, Inc Seanie%ac International, Inc S$ortingbet PLC !u""alo *nline #a%bling

29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 29

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&his assign%ent 'as ,ery di""icult due to the "act the ty$e o" business I a% researching is ne'. &o deter%ine $rice ,alues, sales ,olu%es, and a lot o" this in"or%ation is ,ery hard to "ind. My business is going to be ,ery co%$etiti,e i" I 'as to e,er start this kind o" business. '''.bloo%berg.co% '''.888holdings.co% '''.bet"air.co% '''.bingo.co%



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