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Developmental Milestones Height and weight nearly double.

Able to run, and walk up & down stairs Language Development Milestones Joins 2-3 words in sentences and constantly asks questions Cognitive Milestones Likes to draw. Is learning to skip and hop Moral reasoning/Self-regulation: Begins to show more sensitivity to others intentions in moral judgment; responds with empathy-based guilt to wrongdoing. Atypical development signs A sign of atypical development would be stuttering, tics, poor language development, dyslexia Strategy to influence learning and development

Parents are thought to be a childs first teacher and can considerably influence his childs learning. In early childhood education programs focus on learning through play, based on the philosophy of Piaget. Children learn more efficiently and retain more knowledge through playbased activities like dramatic play, art, and make believe, so parents should strive to create a home environment conducive to play-based learning.
As children work with blocks, engage in dramatic play, manipulate sand and water, use table toys, explore the library, participate in music and movement activities, explore art materials, cook, use computers, and play outdoors, they learn concepts and skills in literacy, math, science, social studies, the arts, and technology. Preschoolers benefit from delay of gratification strategies like teaching them to transform the stimulus in ways that de-emphasize its arousing qualities- an approach that helps children shift attention and inhibit emotional reactivity. As self-control improves, parents gradually increase the range of rules they expect toddlers to follow, from safety and respect for property and people to family routines, manners, and simple chores. Social influences: Sensitive caregiving promotes healthy self-development. Preschoolers develop an inner self of private thoughts and imaginings, which contribute vitally to perspective taking (Berk, 2010). Cultural influences:

Relationship between moral reasoning and behavior strengthens; resistance to temptation improves. Peer-group atmosphere can contribute to aggression or hostility, characteristics more common in poverty-stricken neighborhoods with stressors like poor quality schools, limited recreational and employment opportunities, and high adult criminality. Ethnic and political prejudices can magnify the potential for angry, combative responses; in inner city ghettos and in war-torn areas of the world children live in the midst of constant danger, chaos, and deprivation. NOTE: Three- to 5-year-olds are at the stage of initiative. They like to have choices, to come up with ideas for using materials and for play. Thus, we use an environmental approach and design each interest area as a laboratory for exploring, trying out and sharing ideas, and creating representations.

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