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This report aims at analyzing and reporting on the marketing strategies of Dabur India Ltd (DIL) for the brands Dabur Chyawanprash. Pioneering role that it has played in the e olution of the !ategories it has had a presen!e in. Dabur Chyawanprash is the leader in the Chyawanprash !ategory and en"oys a market share of #$ per !ent. In %&s Dabur pioneered the !on!ept of branded Chyawanprash and sin!e has in ested hea ily in produ!t de elopment' !lini!al studies and !onsumer awareness. The produ!t is essentially a health supplement.

This report is not aiming at the o erall marketing mi( or the marketing strategy of Dabur India Ltd' but is an attempt to analyse the marketing mi( of Dabur Chyawanprash.

The report also enlists

arious re!ommendations based on )C* *rowth +hare ,atri(

analysis' +-.T /nalysis et!. This analysis has been done on the basis of the information gathered from the !ompany website and other online resour!es and books and arti!les.


. er its $0& years of e(isten!e' the Dabur brand has stood for goodness through a natural lifestyle. /n umbrella name for a ariety of produ!ts' ranging from hair !are to honey' Dabur has !onsistently ranked among India1s top brands. Its brands are built on the foundation of trust that a Dabur offering will ne er !ause one harm. The trust le els that this brand en"oys are phenomenally high. -hile 2ies and Trout may ask 3-hat does Dabur stand for4shampoo or digesti e tablets56 The answer is fairly simple' it stands for India1s fourth largest fast mo ing !onsumer goods !ompany that both !onsumers and trade respe!t and trust une7ui o!ally' and whi!h has an annual turno er of o er 2s $% billion. The !ompany has kept an eye on new generations of !ustomers with a range of produ!ts that !ater to a modern lifestyle' while managing not to alienate earlier generations of loyal !ustomers. Dabur is an in estor friendly brand as its finan!ial performan!e shows. There is an abundan!e of information for its in estors and prospe!ti e information in!luding a daily update on the share pri!e (something that ery few Indian brands do). There1s a great sense of responsibility for in estors1 funds on iew. This is a dire!t e(tension of Dabur1s philosophy of taking !are of its !onstituents and it adds to the sense of trust for the brand o erall.

Dabur India Limited has marked its presen!e with some ery signifi!ant a!hie ements and today !ommands a market leadership status. .ur story of su!!ess is based on dedi!ation to nature' !orporate and pro!ess hygiene' dynami! leadership and !ommitment to our partners and stakeholders. The results of our poli!ies and initiati es speak for themsel es.

Leading !onsumer goods !ompany in India with a turnover of 2s. 089:.$$ Crore (;<&=)

9 ma"or strategi! business units (+)>) ? Consumer Care Division (CCD)' Consumer Hea t! Division (C@D) and Internationa "usiness Division (I)D)

9 +ubsidiary *roup !ompanies ? Da#ur Internationa ' Fem Care P!arma and ne$u and 8 step down subsidiariesA Da#ur Ne%a Pvt Lt& (Bepal)' Da#ur E'(%t Lt& (Cgypt)' Asian Consumer Care )"an' a&es!* ' Asian Consumer Care )Pa+istan*' A,ri-an Consumer Care (Bigeria). Nature e LLC (2as /l Dhaimah? >/C)' /ei+,ie & Internationa (>/C) and 0a1u ine In-2 (>+/).

$E u tra3mo&ern manu,a-turin' units spread around the globe. Produ!ts marketed in o er 45 -ountries2 -ide and deep market penetration with 65 C7F a'ents' more than 6555 &istri#utors and o er 829 mi ion retail outlets all o er India.


:99; :9<4 Ear ( :<55s :<:< :<85 :<=4 :<>8 :<>< :<94 :<<8 :<<= :<<; :<<6 :<<4 :<<> :<<9 8555 855= 8556 8556 8554

)irth of Dabur +etting up a manufa!turing plant /yur edi! medi!ines Cstablishment of resear!h laboratories C(pands further Dabur India (Dr. +.D. )urman) P t. Ltd. +hift to Delhi +ahibabad fa!tory F Dabur 2esear!h ;oundation Publi! Limited Company Goint enture with /grolimen of +pain Can!er treatment Publi! issues Goint Hentures 9 separate di isions ;oods Di ision F Pro"e!t +T/2+ Professionals to manage the Company Turno er of 2s.$'&&& !rores Dabur demerges Pharma )usiness Dabur a7uires )alsara Dabur announ!es )onus after $0 years Dabur !rosses I0 )in market Cap' adopts >+ *//P /ppro es ;CC)F*D2F/D2 up to I0&&

8554 855> 855> 855> million Celebrating $& years of 2eal ;oray into organised retail Dabur ;oods ,erged -ith Dabur India

8559 /!7uires ;em Care Pharma


Dabur 2ed Toothpaste "oins J)illion 2upee )randJ !lub




The story of Dabur began with a small' but isionary endea our by Dr. +. D. )urman' a physi!ian tu!ked away in )engal. @is mission was to pro ide effe!ti e and affordable !ure for ordinary people in far?flung illages. -ith missionary zeal and fer our' Dr. )urman undertook the task of preparing natural !ures for the killer diseases of those days' like !holera' malaria and plague.

The mission !ontinues... +oon the news of his medi!ines tra eled' and he !ame to be known as the trusted JDaktarJ or Do!tor who !ame up with effe!ti e !ures. /nd that is how his enture Dabur got its name ? deri ed from the De anagri rendition of Daktar )urman. Dr. )urman set up Dabur in $88: to produ!e and dispense /yur edi! medi!ines. 2ea!hing out to a wide mass of people who had no a!!ess to proper treatment. Dr. +. D. )urmanJs !ommitment and !easeless efforts resulted in the !ompany growing from a fledgling medi!ine manufa!turer in a small Cal!utta house' to a household name that at on!e e okes trust and reliability.

@De&i-ate& to t!e !ea t! an& $e #ein' o, ever( !ouse!o &@

This is our !ompany. -e a!!ept personal responsibility' and a!!ountability to meet business needs.

-e all are leaders in our area of responsibility' with a deep !ommitment to deli er results. -e are determined to be the best at doing what matters most.

People are our most important asset. -e add alue through result dri en training' and we en!ourage K reward e(!ellen!e.

-e ha e superior understanding of !onsumer needs and de elop produ!ts to fulfill them better.

-e work together on the prin!iple of mutual trust K transparen!y in a boundary?less organization. -e are intelle!tually honest in ad o!ating proposals' in!luding re!ognizing risks.

Continuous inno ation in produ!ts K pro!esses is the basis of our su!!ess.

-e are !ommitted to the a!hie ement of business su!!ess with integrity. -e are honest with !onsumers' with business partners and with ea!h other.

Mi estones to su--ess
Dabur India Ltd. made its beginnings with a small pharma!y' but has !ontinued to learn and grow to a !ommanding status in the industry. The Company has gone a long way in popularising and making easily a ailable a whole range of produ!ts based on the traditional s!ien!e of /yur eda. /nd it has set ery high standards in de eloping produ!ts and pro!esses that meet stringent 7uality norms. /s it grows e en further' Dabur will !ontinue to mark up on ma"or milestones along the way' setting the road for others to follow. :99; 3 Esta# is!e& #( Dr2 S A "urman at Ao +ata :9<4 3 First %ro&u-tion unit esta# is!e& at Bar!ia 1919 - First R&D unit established Ear ( :<55s 3 Pro&u-tion o, A(urve&i- me&i-ines Dabur identifies nature?based /yur edi! medi!ines as its area of spe!ialisation. It is the ,irst Com%an( to pro ide health !are through s-ienti,i-a ( teste& an& automate&

%ro&u-tion of formulations based on our traditional s!ien!e. :<=5 3 Automation an& u%'ra&ation o, A(urve&i- %ro&u-ts manu,a-turin' initiate& 1936 - Dabur (Dr. S K Burman) Pvt. td. !n"#r$#rated :<;5 3 Persona -are t!rou'! A(urve&a Dabur introdu!es Indian !onsumers to %ersona -are t!rou'! A(urve&a. with the aun-! o, Da#ur Am a Hair Oi 2 +o popular is the produ!t that it be!omes the largest selling hair oil brand in India.

:<;< 3 Laun-!e& Da#ur C!(a$an%ras! in tin %a-+ -idening the popularity and usage of traditional /yur edi! produ!ts !ontinues. The an!ient restorati e C!(a$an%ras! is aun-!e& in pa!kaged form' and be!omes the ,irst #ran&e& C!(a$an%ras! in India. :<6> 3 Com%uterisation o, o%erations initiate& :<>5 3 Entere& Ora Care 7 Di'estives se'ment /ddressing rural markets where homemade oral !are is more popular than multinational brands' Dabur introdu!es La Dant ManCan. -ith this a !on eniently pa!kaged herbal toothpowder is made a ailable at affordable !osts to the masses. :<>8 3 S!i,ts #ase to De !i ,rom Ca -utta :<>9 3 Laun-!es HaCmo a ta# et Dabur !ontinues to make inno ati e produ!ts based on traditional formulations that !an pro ide holisti! !are in our daily life. /n /yur edi! medi!ine used as a digesti e aid is branded and laun!hed as the popular HaCmo a ta# et2 :<>< 3 Da#ur Resear-! Foun&ation set u% :<>< 3 Commer-ia %ro&u-tion starts at Sa!i#a#a&. t!e most mo&ern !er#a me&i-ines % ant at t!at time :<9; 3 Da#ur -om% etes :55 (ears

:<99 3 Laun-!es %!arma-euti-a me&i-ines :<9< 3 Care $it! ,un The /yur edi! digesti e formulation is !on erted into a !hildrenJs fun produ!t with the aun-! o, HaCmo a Can&(2 In an inno ati e mo e' a !urati e produ!t is !on erted to a !onfe!tionary item for wider usage. :<<; 3 Comes out $it! ,irst %u# i- issue :<<; 3 Enters on-o o'( se'ment

:<<; 3 Lea&ers!i% in !ea t! -are Dabur establishes its leadership in health !are as one of only two !ompanies worldwide to laun!h the anti3-an-er &ru' IntaDe )Pa- itaDe *2 Dabur 2esear!h ;oundation de elops an e!o?friendly pro!ess to e(tra!t the drug from its plant sour!e :<<4 3 Enters ,oo&s #usiness $it! t!e aun-! o, Rea Fruit 0ui-e :<<4 3 Rea # itE+rie' Dabur !aptures the imagination of young Indian !onsumers with the laun!h of Rea Fruit 0ui-es ? a new !on!ept in the Indian foods market. The first lo!al brand of $&&L pure natural fruit "ui!es made to international standards' Rea #e-omes t!e ,astest 'ro$in' an& ar'est se in' #ran& in the !ountry. 199% - Burman &amil' hands #ver mana(ement #& the "#m$an' t# $r#&essi#nals 8555 3 T!e :.555 -rore mar+ Dabur establishes its market leadership status by staging a turnover o, Rs2:.555 -rores2 /!ross a span of o er a $&& years' Dabur has grown from a small beginning based on traditional health !are. To a !ommanding position amongst an august league of large !orporate businesses. )**1 - Su$er s$e"ialt' dru(s

With the setting up of Dabur Oncology's sterile cytotoxic facility, the Company gains entry into the highly s$e"ialised area #& "an"er thera$'. The state-of-the-art plant and laboratory in the U ha!e appro!al from the "C# of U $ They follo% FD+ (uidelines for production of drugs specifically for &uropean and #merican mar'ets$ )**) - Dabur re"#rd sales #& Rs 1163.19 "r#re #n a net $r#&it #& Rs 6,., "r#re

)**3 - Dabur demer(es Pharma"euti"als business Dabur India appro ed the demerger of its pharma!euti!als business from the ;,C* business into a separate !ompany as part of plans to pro ider greater fo!us to both the businesses. -ith this' Dabur India now largely !omprises of the ;,C* business that in!lude personal !are produ!ts' health!are produ!ts and /yur edi! +pe!ialities' while the Pharma!euti!als business would in!lude /llopathi!' .n!ology formulations and )ulk Drugs. Dabur .n!ology Pl!' a subsidiary of Dabur India' would also be part of the Pharma!euti!al business. Maintainin' ' o#a stan&ar&s /s a refle!tion of its !onstant efforts at a!hie ing superior 7uality standards' Dabur be!ame the ,irst A(urve&i- %ro&u-ts -om%an( to get ISO <558 -erti,i-ation2 S-ien-e ,or nature 2einfor!ing its !ommitment to nature and its !onser ation' Dabur Bepal' a subsidiary of Dabur India' has set up ,u ( automate& 'reen!ouses in Ne%a 2 This s!ientifi! landmark helps to produ!e saplings of rare medi!inal plants that are under threat of e(tin!tion due to e!ologi!al degradation. )**- - Dabur a.uires Balsara

/s part of its inorgani! growth strategy' Dabur India a!7uires )alsaraJs @ygiene and @ome produ!ts businesses' a leading pro ider of .ral Care and @ousehold Care produ!ts in the Indian market' in a 2s $:9?!rore all?!ash deal. )**- - Dabur ann#un"es b#nus a&ter 1) 'ears Dabur India announ!ed issue of $A$ )onus share to the shareholders of the !ompany' i.e. one share for e ery one share held. The )oard also proposed an in!rease in the authorized share !apital of the !ompany from e(isting 2s %& !rore to 2s $0% !rore. )**6 - Dabur "r#sses /) bin mar0et "a$1 ad#$ts 2S 3++P. Dabur India !rosses the I0?billion mark in market !apitalisation. The !ompany also adopted >+ *//P in line with its !ommitment to follow global best pra!ti!es and adopt highest standards of transparen!y and go ernan!e. )**6 - +$$r#ves F44B53DR5+DR u$ t# /)** milli#n ,o ing forward on the inorgani! growth path' Dabur India de!ides to raise up to I0&& million from the international market through )onds' ;CC)s' *D2' /D2' MIPs or any other se!urities.The !apital raised will be used to fund DaburJs aggressi e growth ambitions and a!7uisition plans in India and abroad. )**6 - 4elebratin( 1* 'ears #& Real Dabur ;oods un eiled the new pa!kaging and design for 2eal at the !ompletion of $& years of the brand. The new refined modern look depi!ts the natural goodness of the "ui!e from freshly plu!ked fruits. )**6 - F#ra' int# #r(anised retail Dabur India announ!ed its foray into the organised retail business through a wholly? owned subsidiary' @K) +tores Ltd. Dabur will in est 2s $:& !rores by 0&$& to establish its presen!e in the retail market in India with a !hain of stores on the @ealth K )eauty

format. )**% - +".uires Fem 4are Pharma Dabur (ndia ac)uires *em Care +harma, a leading player in the %omen's s'in care mar'et$ ,esides an entry into the high-gro%th s'in care mar'et %ith an established brand name *&", this transaction also offers Dabur a strong platform to enter ne%er product categories and mar'ets$ )**9 - Dabur Red 7##th$aste 8#ins 9Billi#n Ru$ee Brands9 "lub Dabur -ed Toothpaste becomes the Dabur's ninth ,illion -upee brand$ Dabur -ed Toothpaste crosses the billion rupee turno!er mar' %ithin fi!e years of its launch$

Dabur has an illustrious Board of Directors who are committed to take the company onto newer levels of human endeavour in the service of mankind. The Board comprises of:
Chairman ViceChairma n

Dr$ #nand ,urman

"r$ #mit ,urman

Whole Time Directors

"r$ +$D$ .arang

"r$ /unil Duggal

"r$ +radip ,urman

Non Whole Time Promoters, Directors

"r$ "ohit ,urman

Suni Du''a C!ie, EDe-utive O,,i-er Da#ur In&ia Limite& Suni Du''a took o er as the Chief C(e!uti e .ffi!er of Dabur India Limited in Gune 0&&0' holding reins of the organisation he "oined in $==%.

,r Duggal started his !areer as a management trainee in -im!o Limited in $=8$ after getting his Cngineering Degree (Cle!tri!al K Cle!troni!s) from )IT+' Pilani' and )usiness ,anagement from II,' Cal!utta. @is stint at -im!o !ontinued till $==:' with a break in between when he "oined )ennett Coleman K Co. Ltd for a short period. In $==:' he mo ed to Pepsi ;oods as *,' +ales .peration. (n 1001 he came into the Dabur family, as 2eneral "anager 3/ales 4 "ar'eting5, of the *amily +roducts Di!ision %ith products li'e Dabur #mla, 6al Dant "an7an and 8ati'a in his portfolio$ This Di!ision spearheaded the spectacular gro%th recorded

by Dabur in this period$ 8ati'a %as also launched during this period and is no% the Company's second biggest brand$

With his dynamic spirit and leadership abilities, he soon became 8ice-+resident and /,U-9ead of the *amily +roducts Di!ision$ (n :uly ;<<< "r$ Duggal %as appointed Director /ales and "ar'eting of Dabur (ndia 6imited$ #nd in ;<<;, he became the C&O of the Company - a professional %ith !aluable experience to steer the company ahead in its gro%th plans$

+panning a !areer of o er 0& years' +unil Duggal has tra elled widely a!ross India and handled di erse portfolios that ha e helped him understand the dynami!s of ;,C* businesses and market trends. @e is well di ersities and ersed in the intri!a!ies of IndiaJs regional !onsumer needs.

Mr Du''a li es in Delhi with his wife and one !hild . -hene er he gets a break from his offi!ial responsibilities' ,r. Duggal likes to spend time at home with his family and an o!!asional round of golf.

@. *ood !orporate go ernan!e and transparen!y in a!tions of the management is key to a strong bond of trust with the Company1s stakeholders. Dabur understands the importan!e of good go ernan!e and has !onstantly a oided an arbitrary de!ision?making pro!ess. .ur initiati es towards this end in!ludeA

Professionalisation of the board Lean and a!ti e )oard(redu!ed from $# to $& members) Less number of promoters on the )oard ,ore professionals and independent Dire!tors for better management *o erned through )oard !ommittees for /udit' 2emuneration' +hareholder *rie an!es' Compensation and Bominations

,eets all Corporate *o ernan!e Code re7uirements of +C)I

($ -hen our ;ounder Dr. +. D. )urman first established Dabur' he had a ision that saw beyond the profit moti e. In his words' N-hat is that life worth whi!h !annot bring !omfort to others.N This ideal of a humane and e7uitable so!iety led to initiati es taken to gi e ba!k some part of what Dabur has gained from the !ommunity. .ur ma"or initiati es in the +o!ial se!tor in!ludeA &stablishment of the /ustainable De!elopment /ociety, or Sundesh, in 100= - a non-profit organisation to promote research and %elfare acti!ities in rural areas> +romoting health and hygiene amongst the underpri!iledged through the Chunni 6al "edical Trust> and Organising the +lant for 6ife programme for s"h##l"hildren - to create en!ironmental a%areness amongst young minds$ :ur "#mmitment t# ;nvir#nment An-ient $is&om o, -onservation *rom times immemorial, (ndian sages and men of %isdom ha!e understood and appreciated the !alue of nature and its conser!ation$ Our ancestors recognised that if %e grabbed from nature beyond %hat %as healthy, it %ould lead to all round degradation, and e!en the extinction of humanity$ That is %hy nature %as sanctified and %orshipped in the form of gods and goddesses$ Dabur u$h#lds the traditi#n Today' we at Dabur also alue natureJs bounty. -ithout the fruits of nature' the ision of Dabur would ne er ha e been fulfilled. /nd that is the reason for our unfailing !ommitment to e!ologi!al !onser ation and regeneration. -e would like to follow the prin!iples of our an!ient te(ts' whi!h sayA

@De!i me &a&ami te@ 3 @(ou 'ive me. an& I 'ive (ou@2 Ba"0 t# <ature -are herbs and medicinal plants are our most !aluable resource, from %hich all our products are deri!ed$ Due to o!erexploitation of these resources and unsustainable practices, these plants and herbs are fast reaching the point of extinction$ (n !ie% of this critical situation, Dabur has initiated some significant programmes for ecological regeneration and protection of endangered plant species$ Plants &#r i&e We ha!e set up the ?+lants for 6ife? pro7ect in the mountainous regions of the 9imalayas$ Under the pro7ect, a high-tech greenhouse facility has been set up for de!eloping saplings of rare and endangered medicinal plants$ *ully computercontrolled and monitored, this greenhouse maintains the highly critical

en!ironmental parameters re)uired for their sur!i!al$ We are also de!eloping )uality saplings of more than ;< herbs, @ of them endangered, through micro propagation$ In addition' satellite nurseries spread a!ross mountain illages and !ontra!t !ulti ation of medi!inal herbs helps in maintaining the e!ologi!al balan!e. These measures ha e also helped pro ide lo!al !ulti ators the s!ientifi! knowledge for har esting herbs and a steady sour!e of in!ome. +o that they are not for!ed to e(ploit the en ironment to earn a li elihood. ivin( a 3reen =erita(e These are significant steps that can contribute to a better %orld for coming generations$ To %hom %e %ould li'e to be)ueath a %orld not bereft of nature$ ,ut full of flo%ering and fruit bearing trees, animals, birds and humans li!ing in good health and complete harmony$


Cor%orate O,,i-e Daushambi *haziabad ? 0&$&$& >ttar Pradesh' India Te F O=$ (&$0&) 9=80&&& (9& Lines) O=$ (&$0&) 9&&$&&& (9& Lines)

Daushambi Corporate .ffi!e

Re'istere& O,,i-e

8F9' Bew

/saf Delhi

/li P $$&

2oad' &&0

Te A O=$ (&$$) 090%9:88


DaburJs mission of popularising a natural lifestyle trans!ends national boundaries. Today there is global awareness of alternati e medi!ine' nature?based and holisti! lifestyles and an interest in herbal produ!ts. Dabur has been in the forefront of popularising this alternati e way of life' marketing its produ!ts in more than %& !ountries all o er the world. Our %ro&u-ts /or & /i&e -e ha e spread oursel es wide and deep to be in !lose tou!h with our o erseas !onsumers. .ffi!es and representati es in Euro%e' Ameri-a and A,ri-a Q / spe!ial herbal health !are and personal !are range su!!essfully selling in markets of the Mi&& e East' Far East and se eral Euro%ean -ountries. Inroads into Curopean and /meri!an markets that ha e good potential due to resurgen!e of the #a-+3to3nature movement. C(port of A-tive P!arma-euti-a In're&ients (/PIs)' manufa!tured under stri!t international 7uality ben!hmarks' to Euro%e' Latin Ameri-a' A,ri-a' and other Asian -ountries. C(port of food and te(tile grade natural gums' e(tra!ted from traditional plant sour!es.

Partners!i%s an& Pro&u-tion Strate'i- %artners!i%s with leading multinational food and health !are !ompanies to introdu!e inno ations in produ!ts and ser i!es. ,anufa!turing fa!ilities spread a!ross 9 o erseas lo!ations to optimise produ!tion by utilising lo!al resour!es and the most mo&ern te-!no o'( a ailable.

Foo&s Hea t! Care "a#( Care Dabur Lal Tail Dabur )aby .li e .il Dabur Ganma *hunti 2eal 2eal /!ti @ommade Lemoneez Capsi!o

Hea t! Su%% ements Di'estives @a"mola Candy ;un0 @a"mola <umsti!k @a"mola ,ast ,asala /nardana @a"mola @a"mola Candy Dabur Chyawanprash Dabur *lu!ose D

Pudin @ara (Li7uid and Pearls) Pudin @ara *

Dabur @ingoli

Natura Cures +hila"it *old +hankha Pushpi Dabur )alm +arbyna +trong Bature Care +at Isabgol +hila"it 2ing 2ing It!h Care )a!kaid

Persona Care Hair Care Oi /mla @air .il /mla Lite @air .il Hatika @air .il /nmol +arson /mla

Hair Care S!am%oo /nmol +ilky )la!k +hampoo

Hatika @enna Conditioning +hampoo Hatika /ntiDandruff +hampoo

/nmol Batural +hine +hampoo Ora Care S+in Care *ulabari Hatika ;airness ;a!e Pa!k Dabur 2ed *el Dabur 2ed Toothpaste )abool Toothpaste Dabur Lal Dant ,an"an Dabur )ina!a Toothbrush

A(urve&i- S%e-ia ities /yur eda /yur eda Hikas

Dabur /mongst Top Three ,ost 2espe!ted ;,C* Companies

Dabur 2eal )ags *old In 2eaderJs Digest Trusted )rand /wards Dabur ;igures In Top *reat Pla!e To -ork 0&&# List

@a"mola has been ranked 9:th in India1s $&& ,ost Haluable )rands list

@a"mola' one of the strongest brands in DaburJs portfolio' has been listed among the Top $8 I!oni! )rands in India that ha e stood the test of time

Three Dabur brands ?? @a"mola' Dabur/mla and Hatika ?? ha e debuted in theC!onomi! Times )rand C7uityJs ,ost Trusted )rands 0&&8 list. )esides' Dabur

@a"mola mo es up $$ spots to take the 9:th position among IndiaJs Top $&& ,ost Haluable )rands of 0&&8' released by :Ps and IC,2

Dabur India CC. ,r. +unil Duggal was named )est Corporate Leader of 0&&8 at the )KC Leadership and C(!ellen!e /wards

Dabur India Ltd was ranked the )usiness Leader in the ;,C* ? Personal Care Category at the BDTH Profit )usiness Leadership /ward 0&&8

Dabur India Ltd has been listed among the +uper $&& of India In!' prepared by

)usiness India

1. ED%ortin' 1. Holume 2. Cost of produ!tion 3. Produ!tion bottlene!ks 4. Politi!al 5. .ther better options 2. Li-ensin' 7 Fran-!isin' 3. Contra-t Manu,a-turin' 1. retains the responsibility of marketing 2. .ne of the easy ways 4. Mana'ement Contra-tin' 1. pro ide management know how 2. without in!urring the risk or benefit of ownership 5. Turn+e( Contra-ts 1. fa!ility fully e7uipped' ready to be used to buyer 2. buyer1s personnel trained by seller 6. /!o ( o$ne& Manu,a-turin' ,a-i ities 1. !ompanies with long term K substantial interest 7. Assem# ( O%erations 1. !ross between e(porting K o ersees manufa!turing 2. best whenA?

$) labour is !heap in foreign market or 0)assembly operations are labour intensi e

8. 0oint Ventures 1. !ollaboration for more than a transitory period 9. Mer'ers 7 A-1uisitions 1. instant a!!ess to markets K distribution networks 2. a!!ess to intelle!tual property 10. Strate'i- A ian-e 1. CgA m! donalds K !oke


Is to make a !hoi!e regarding the !ourses of a!tion to be adopted Primarily a task of senior management @elps in realising mission K a!hie e ob"e!ti es Cn iromental Threats K .pportunities Company +trengths K -eaknesses


1. The Intuiti e?Cmotional /pproa!h 2. The 2ational?/nalyti!al /pproa!h 3. / +atisfi!ing /pproa!h 4. Politi!al?)eha ioral /pproa!h


1. Criteria for de!ision making 2. 2ationality in De!ision ,aking 3. Creati ity in De!ision ,aking 4. Hariability in De!ision ,aking 5. Person related fa!tors in De!ision ,aking 6. Indi idual ersus group De!ision ,aking


STRENBTHS +trong presen!e in well defined /EAANESS +easonal Demand( like !hyawanprash in winter and Hatika not in winter) /yur eda as Low Penetration(Chyawanprash) @igh pri!e(Hatika) Limited differentiation (Hatika) >nbranded players a!!ount for the 0F9 of the total market(Hatika)

ni!hes( like alue added @air .il and /yur eda spe!ialities) Core knowledge of

!ompetiti e ad antage +trong )rand Image Produ!t De elopment +trength +trong Distribution Betwork C(tensi e +upply Chain IT Initiati es 2 K D P a key strength

OPPORTUNITIES >ntapped ,arket(Chyawanprash) ,arket De elopment

THREATS C(isting Competition( like @imani' baidyanath and Randu for Dabur

Inno ation In!reasing in!ome le el of the middle !lass Creating pattern additional !onsumption C(port opportunities.

Chyawanprash and ,ari!o'Deo Darpin' @LL and )a"a" for Hatika @air .il) Bew Cntrants Threat from substitutes (like

)ryll!ream for Hatika hair oil)


The Indian ;,C* se!tor is the ,ourt! ar'est se-tor in t!e e-onom( with a total market size in e(!ess of >+I $9.$ billion. It has a strong ,BC presen!e and is !hara!terised by a well?established distribution network' intense !ompetition between the organised and unorganised segments and low operational !ost. / ailability of key raw materials' !heaper labour !osts and presen!e a!ross the entire ad antage. The ;,C* market is set to treble from >+I $$.# billion in 0&&9 to >+I 99.: billion in 0&$%. Penetration le el as well as per !apita !onsumption in most produ!t !ategories like alue !hain gi es India a !ompetiti e

"ams' toothpaste' skin !are' hair wash et! in India is low indi!ating the untapped market potential. )urgeoning Indian population' parti!ularly the middle !lass and the rural segments' presents an opportunity to makers of branded produ!ts to !on ert !onsumers to branded produ!ts. *rowth is also likely to !ome from !onsumer JupgradingJ in the matured produ!t !ategories. -ith 0&& million people e(pe!ted to shift to pro!essed and pa!kaged food by 0&$&' India needs around >+I 08 billion of in estment in the food?pro!essing industry. India is one of the largest emerging markets' with a population of o er one billion. India is one of the largest e!onomies in the world in terms of pur!hasing power and has a strong middle !lass base of 9&& million./round E& per !ent of the total households in India ($88 million) resides in the rural areas. The total number of rural households are e(pe!ted to rise from $9% million in 0&&$?&0 to $%9 million in 0&&=?$&. This presents the largest potential market in the world. The annual size of the rural ;,C* market was estimated at around >+I $&.% billion in 0&&$?&0. -ith growing in!omes at both the rural and the urban le el' the market potential is e(pe!ted to e(pand further.

Rura an& ur#an %otentia

Rura 3ur#an %ro,i e
>rban Population 0&&$?&0 (mn household) Population 0&&=?$& (mn household) L Distribution (0&&$?&0) ,arket (TownsFHillages) >ni erse of .utlets (mn) %9 #= 08 9'E#8 $ 2ural $9% $%9 E0 #0E'&&& 9.9

+our!eA +tatisti!al .utline of India (0&&8?&=)' BC/C2

/n a erage Indian spends around :& per !ent of his in!ome on gro!ery and 8 per !ent on personal !are produ!ts. The large share of fast mo ing !onsumer goods (;,C*) in total indi idual spending along with the large population base is another fa!tor that makes India one of the largest ;,C* markets


,anufa!turing Plant Clearing and forwarding agent (different regions) +to!kist / 2etailers 2etailers 2etailers +to!kist ) 2etailers +to!kist C 2etailers 2etailers

The abo e diagram it shows !hannel of distribution of dabur foods' here first the produ!ts are manufa!tured and from ,anufa!turing plants the pa!ked goods are supplied to Clearing /nd ;orwarding /gents(CK;/) and from here the goods are then further supplied to number of +to!kiest or Distributors' from here goods rea!hes to large number of 2etailers and it is the duty of +to!kiest to take orders from retailers and then supply the goods to them' this work is generally done by sto!kiest salesman through ready sto!k or by taking orders first and then pla!ing the order. ;rom here the goods finally rea!hes to Customers. Customer pur!hases the produ!t from retailers. This was the basi! Channel of Distribution used by Dabur ;oods' now I will throw light on ea!h !hannel of distribution of Dabur ;oods.

Su%% ( C!ain Mana'ementF

+upply !hain management starts before physi!al distributionA it in ol es pro!uring the right inputs (raw materials' !omponents and !apital e7uipment)' !on erting them into finished produ!ts and dispat!hing them to the final destinations. The supply !hain perspe!ti e !an help identify superior suppliers and distributors and help them impro e produ!ti ity' whi!h ultimately brings down the !ompany1s !osts. / broader iew sees a !ompany at the !enter of a value network that in!ludes its suppliers' its immediate !ustomers and their end !ustomers. The value network in!ludes alued relations with others su!h as uni ersity resear!hers' go ernment appro al agen!ies

and so on.

MANUFACTURINB PLANTF Dabur ;oods has Bumber of produ!ts in its produ!t line but its main area of interest or the produ!t on whi!h they !on!entrate the most is 2eal Gui!e K Coolers. Dabur has its manufa!turing plant at Bepal and at Gaipur where "ui!e is manufa!tured and tested.


*etting the raw material and pa!kaging material re7uirement from the produ!tion unit in !harge

Constant updates on the pro!urement of materials and transport details

Produ!tion details and ingredient !ontent information from the different personnel and !oordinating this a!ti ity


/ppro al and !oordination of the supply of pa!kaging material to the produ!tion unit


;rom manufa!turing plant the sto!k is transported or supplied to !learing and forwarding agents2

Clearing and ;orwarding /gents is a third party and Dabur gi es !ontra!t to them' so !ompany has nothing to do in building the relationship with them.

@ere CK;/ keep or sto!k the goods with them. They !harge dabur for sto!king the good and e en dabur don1t mind doing so as it is a measure of !ost !utting as well as there is no need for gowdowns and maintenan!e.

;or *hazizbad' ,eerut' Delhi BC2 there is one CK;/ whish is situated in ,ohan Bagar' here all goods whi!h dabur foods hare kept here.

+to!kiest store the produ!ts in their godowns' CK;/ supplies the goods to them as per their order. +to!kiest has some sales men working under him' they are known as sto!kiest sales man. Their work is to pla!e the produ!ts in the market and take order from retailers and then supply goods to them. +ales man either take ready sto!k with them or they first take orders and then supply goods later on. There is a beat whi!h is a s!hedule route of sales man' means sales man has to daily !o er the route as mention in the beat. ,er!handising' making produ!ts isible' pasting posters' putting banners' and

seeing that goods are properly pla!ed in the retail outlets is also the duty of sto!kiest

sales man. Companies1 sales offi!er keeps a !he!k on the sto!kiest and monthly

report is also prepared whi!h is further analyzed by /+, K R+,. In Boida Dabur has $ sto!kist' and in *haziabad $

2etailers are ba!kbone of the !ompany as they are the one who !an take the produ!t on new heights or !an bring it down to toes. +to!kiest supplies goods to retailers and tries Persuading retailers to gi e the brand spe!ial displays (using mer!handising tools) to get affe!ti e brand presen!e' and arranging it in more noti!eable manner. Classifi!ation of outlets in different type of markets is different a!!ording to their sales olume.


C ass
/ ) C

Avera'e Mont! ( "usiness

/bo e $&'&&& %'&&&?$&'&&& >pto %'&&&

,argin of retailers is always higher than sto!kiest. 2etailers are the one who ha e dire!t !onta!t with the !ustomers.

Dabur ;oods has a distribution network that !o ers $E% towns and E% thousand retail outlets making its produ!t a ailable to the !onsumers a!ross the !ountry at ease.


The retail market !an be !lassified on the basis of magnitude of retail.


Lesser no. of outlets' and C(tensi e outlets


Large no. of retail outlets in !hunk


Through their superior information 'logisti!al systems and buying power deli er good ser i!e and immense olumes of produ!ts at attra!ti e pri!es.


@a ing more than one key outlet all a!ross with a single !ontrol unit and !entral pur!hasing strategy


Ta%%in' t!e $or & mar+etsA Dabur India' under its new brand ar!hite!ture' has ,ive %o$er #ran&s under its portfolio with distin!t offerings 4 Vati+a' a herbal beauty brand with produ!ts like Hatika +hampoo' @air oil and ;airness ;a!e pa!kQ Dabur' the natural health!are brand with produ!ts like C!(a$an%ras! and Pudin @araQ HaCmo a' the tasty digesti e brand with @a"mola !andy' ;un0 and /nardana ChurnaQ Rea whi!h offers fruit be erages and has produ!ts like 2eal ;ruit "ui!es' LemoneezQ and the re!ently laun!hed Anmo whi!h is a !ross !ategory alue?for?money brand. Dabur has de!ided to take two of its fi e power brands 4 Dabur and Hatika 4 ' o#a through its Dubai?based arm Dabur India. /nd the )ig ) and 2ani ,ukher"ee will help the !ompany get a toehold in the $or &Gs !er#a !air oi . s!am%oos an& !air -reams mar+et . The 2s $'090?!rore ;,C* ma"or has also de!ided to gi e a new impetus to its internationa ,oo& su%% ement #ran&. Nature;u. by now laun!hing it in the burgeoning *ulf market. It is !urrently being sold only in >D and C>. 3-e ha e drawn an aggressi e plan to laun!h Dabur and Hatika globally' starting from the ,iddle Cast ' *CC and +//2C !ountries. -e e(pe!t our market share to double within two years in the $& !ountries we will fo!us on initially'11 said ,r /r ind Dumar' CC.' Dabur International. The $& top?of?mind markets for Dabur right now are >/C' +audi /rabia' Duwait' )ahrain' .man' )angladesh' Pakistan' Cgypt and Bigeria. To de elop Dabur International as its ma"or o erseas hub to ser i!e all markets e(!ept

2ussia' the !ompany is settin' u% a ne$ % ant whi!h is e(pe!ted to be ready in a year. Dabur International already has a plant in Gabel /li to both pa!kage produ!ts sour!ed from India and produ!es some lo!al ariants. Dabur India has been selling its produ!t in Dubai and *CC !ountries sin!e $==0 through a fran!hise 4 2edro!k Limited. The !ompany had a!7uired this fran!hise last year at in estments of about >+D fi e million. Bro$in' mar+et s!areA -hile there is no doubt that Dabur now has a presen!e in se eral produ!t !ategories ranging from hair !are to oral !are to home !are to health supplements to "ui!es and e en soaps' it is also true that in some of these segments its market share is ery low and trails the market leader by a huge margin. ;or instan!e' Dabur only has a #L market share in shampoos against @LL1s %9L' and a $0L share in the oral !are segment against Colgate1s :#L. Company offi!ials belie e that low market share means that there are substantial growth opportunities e en if these !ategories do not grow. 3.ur market shares are low in some segments. This gi es us opportunity to penetrate these !ategories'11 says ,r Barang. Drivers o, 'ro$t!A ;or the future' Dabur has identified ,oo&s. !ome -are %ro&u-ts. s+in -are an& OTC !ea t! -are %ro&u-ts as its growth engines. The !ompany plans to ramp up its home !are business and in the food !ategory it is looking at e(panding its @ommade range of !ooking pastes and purees. In the skin !are segment' the !ompany laun!hed the Dabur /nmol !old !ream last year and its Hatika honey and saffron soap is !urrently under test laun!h.

ED%ansion in sout! In&iaF Dabur is looking at e(panding its business in south India' whi!h !urrently a!!ounts for around $%L of its total sales.

The key !ompetitor1s of Dabur in the Chyawanprash segment are )aidyanath' Randu and @imani' whi!h together with Dabur ha e about 8%L of IndiaJs domesti! market. Da#ur is IndiaJs largest /yur edi! medi!ine supplier and the fourth largest produ!er of ;,C*. It was established in $88:' and had grown to a business le el in 0&&9 of about #%& million dollars per year' though only a fra!tion of that is in ol ed with /yur edi! medi!ine. Dabur Chyawanprash (herbal honey) has a market share of #$L. -e ha e tried to analyse the !ompetition for Dabur in the Chyawanprash segment as followsA

Sri "ai&(anat! A(urve&i- "!a$an Lt&2 ()aidyanath for short) was founded in $=$E in Cal!utta' and spe!ializes in /yur edi! medi!ines' though it has re!ently e(panded into the

;,C* se!tor with !osmeti! and hair !are produ!tsQ one of its international produ!ts is +hikakai (soap pod) +hampoo.Its Chyawanprash has a market share of $&L.

Han&u P!arma-euti-a /or+s was in!orporated in )ombay in $=$=' named after an $8 th? !entury /yur edi!. The !ompany fo!uses primarily on /yur edi! produ!ts (in $=9&' pharma!euti!als were added' but the pharma!euti!al di ision was separated off about 9& years later).

T!e Himani Brou%' founded in $=E:' pro ides a di erse range of produ!ts' doing $$& million dollars of business annually' though only a portion is in ol ed with /yur edi! produ!ts' through its @imani lineQ the !ompany is mainly in ol ed with toiletries and !osmeti!s' but also pro ides Chyawanprash and other health produ!ts.Its market share is $0L.



In the past' the sheer &iversit( o, Da#ur?s %ro&u-t %ort,o io has made an e aluation of the !ompanyJs prospe!ts 7uite diffi!ult. DaburJs FMCB #usiness !ontributes o er E& per !ent of Dabur IndiaJs !urrent re enues. -ithin the ;,C* business' Dabur India fo!usses on three key produ!t groups 4 family produ!ts' health!are and ;,C* e(ports. The family produ!ts portfolio boasts of 7uite a few market leading brands 4 Dabur /mla and Hatika hair oils' Hatika shampoo' Dabur @oney' and Dabur Lal Dant ,an"an. Dabur India also has well?re!ognised brand names and an established distribution set?up in the !ea t!-are #usiness with brands su!h as Dabur Chyawanprash' @a"mola' Pudin @ara and Dabur Lal Tail. *i en DaburJs a!knowledged strengths in a(urve&i- health!are' the s!ope for e(pansion in ea!h of these produ!t baskets is !onsiderable. Though in t!e re-ent (ears' the 'ro$t! ,rom Da#ur?s FMCB %ort,o io !as #een se&ate. due to sluggish rural demand and intense !ompetition from a host of regional brands and !ounterfeit produ!ts. @owe er DaburJs operating profit margins ha e been more or less !onstant o er this period.



Dabur Chyawanprash is the market leader in the Chyawanprash segment. It !omes under the !ategory of health supplements. The segments that it !onsiders are growing kids' !ompetiti e youth' e er busy housewi es and the aged. For t!e 'ro$in' +i&sA In todayJs !ompetiti e en ironment' the !hildren are under high pressure to e(!el. For t!e -om%etitive (out!A ,odern life keeps the youth busy and demands them to be a!ti e and effi!ient. For ever3#us( !ouse$ivesA The JhomemakerJ needs to be fit in order to shoulder all responsibilities. For t!e a'e&A .ld age weakens a person physi!ally and mentally. /fter segmenting the population into these !ategories it aims to keep them fit and healthy.


Traditionally' !hyawanprash was supposed to be a health supplement for the aged and kids. Dabur Chyawanprash (DCP) is now targeting a&u ts. !ouse$ives. (out! an& +i&s .This it is trying to a!hie e through its promotion a!ti ities by making Amita#! "a--!an an& Vive+ O#eroi do the endorsement a!t. /mitabh has been pro"e!ted as a user of Chyawanprash attempting to establish the rele an!e of DCP amongst the adults in today1s demanding lifestyle. Hi ek' who represents an urban ambitious non?user with a mindset that Chyawanprash is not for him' meets his moment of truth when outperformed by a young Chyawanprash user' thus rea!hing out to kids. @is final !on ersion from a non?user to a Chyawanprash user !onne!ts with the <outh. These two ads !ompliment ea!h other and !onne!t ery well with the targeted !onsumers


@An&ar se stron'IA Dabur !hyawanprash has the tag line @An&ar se stron'I )y using a natural language instead of s!ientifi! language it is able to !onne!t with the !onsumers and is able to a!hie e a better positioning in the minds of the Indian health !ons!ious !onsumer. / !ategory like Chyawanprash for instan!e needs to understand that in employing the !ategory language it loses any !han!e of e(pressing its own benefit distin!ti ely.

Ho isti- Hea t! #ene,it o, A(urve&aA Dabur Chyawanprash !e %s in stimulating immune system' relie ing stress' impro ing stamina' fighting aging through anti?o(idant property'

impro ing lung fun!tion' fighting respiratory infe!tions K building resistan!e to disease. The brand !on eys this health !ons!ious holisti! produ!t. iew of the

"ran& TrustF . er $&& years of Dabur1s e(perien!e in /yur eda ensures sele!tion' pro!essing and 7uality !ontrol of right herbs along with s!ientifi! and !lini!al studies P makes DCP a trustworthy offering for !onsumers. Consumers iew DCP as a produ!t by a trusted brand and therefore do not need to think twi!e before making a pur!hasing de!ision.


Dabur Chyawanprash is the market leader in the !hyawanprash segment and has a!hie ed this with its inno ati e produ!t offering' pri!ing strategy' easy a ailability and promotion !ampaigns. In the marketing mi( of Dabur' we shall be dis!ussing the : Ps of marketing mi( with respe!t to Dabur Chyawanprash. The mi( shall be analyzed as followedA Produ!t Pri!e Pla!e Promotion

Produ!t Produ!t Hariety Muality Design ;eatures )rand Bames +er i!es

Pri!e List Pri!e Dis!ount ;inan!ing +!hemes Credit Terms

Promotion /d ertising K Promotion Publi! 2elations +ponsorships Internet ,arketing

Pla!e Channels Lo!ation In entory


Dabur Chyawanprash is t!e ea&er in t!e C!(a$an%ras! -ate'or( and en"oys a market share of #$ per !ent. In %&s Dabur pioneered the !on!ept of branded Chyawanprash and sin!e has in ested hea ily in produ!t de elopment' !lini!al studies and !onsumer awareness. The produ!t is essentially a health supplement. Dnown as the Je iDir o, i,eI' Chyawanprash has (!lini!ally) pro en benefits in maintaining smooth body fun!tioning. The %rin-i%a in're&ient /mla (Indian *ooseberry) a!ts as an anti?o(idant and immuno?stimulant. Dabur Chyawanprash !e %s in stimulating immune system' relie ing stress' impro ing stamina' fighting aging through anti?o(idant property' impro ing lung fun!tion' fighting respiratory infe!tions K building resistan!e to disease. It is these properties that make Dabur Chyawanprash a preferred !hoi!e for its users. In're&ients o, Da#ur C!(a$an%ras! Hishwast /mla' /shwagandha' @areetaki' Dashmul' *hrit and se eral

other herbs and herbal e(tra!ts.

+pe!ial Hishwast fortified with additional health benefi!ial herbs like Deshar' /karkara et!.


n The figure abo e shows the e olution of the pa!kaging of Dabur Chyawanprash. Dabur !ontinuously inno ates the pa!kage and branding of its !hayawanprash. It laun!hed Dabur Chyawanprash first in $=:= in a tin pa!k and it was the first branded Chyawanprash in India. Later Dabur !ame out with its new pa!ket of Chyawanprash with Amita#! "a-!-!an as their brand ambassador. It also re!ei ed J"ran& Re aun-! o, t!e Year Jaward from I,/.

Avai a# e inF Dabur Chyawanprash is a ailable in three sizes to !ater to the needs of different types of people. $. .ne kilogram pa!k 0. %&& gram pa!k 9. 0%& gram pa!k


The pri!ing of Dabur !hyawanprash is ery !ompetiti e. Dabur !hyawanprash uses se!ond degree pri!e dis!rimination i.e more the 7uantity' lower the pri!e. $kg %&&gms 0%&gms 2s.$=%.&& 2s.$$&.&& 2s. #0.&&

PRICEKLUALITY MATRIX Pri!e S Mual ity T Lu(ury @igh +egment Ideal Penetration





Premiere .ffering

,id dle

. erpri!ed

/ erage

2eal )argain

,ake +ale Low 2un

The and

>nhappy Customers

Cheap *oods

Dabur has a ery wide distribution of its produ!ts through $.# million retail outlets and %& C K ; agents all o er India who distribute produ!ts to the retailers. / distribution of C K ; agents and manufa!turing lo!ations is gi en below.

Dabur1s distribution network e(tends beyond India in the following !ountries as wellA Distri#ution Net$or+

Central' Borth K +outh /meri!a /ustralia /sia

,iddle Cast Borth K +outh /fri!a

Cast K -est Curope

The main form of promotional a!ti ities of Dabur !hyawanprash is !on!entrated towards ad ertising and it has neglible sales promotional a!ti ities. A&vertisin' Bothing !an happen without establishing the brand1s heritage emphasizing te!hnologi!al prowess' e(plaining benefits and building bonds with prospe!ti e buyers. /ds are ne!essary be!ause the images are still mouldable and fluid and the !onsumer1s sophisti!ation le el is low. Dabur !hyawanprash is ad ertised on %rint media as well as on te evision. The !ompany has laun!hed two ads' one ea!h with Amita#! an& Vive+' in national ele!troni! media followed by a series of print media !ampaign dire!ted towards !reating awareness to edu!ate people about the holisti! benefits of Chyawanprash.The ads ha e been !reated by ,!Cann Cri!sson and the !ompany would be spending !lose to 2s $& !rore in promotional !ampaign this year. The ads would also be translated in )engali. These ad ertisements are supposed to target the old and the younger generation respe!ti ely The!ompany has laun!hed a new ad with ,.+. Dhoni who is leader of Indian !ri!ket team

3strategy is the determination of the basi! long?term purpose and ob"e!ti es of an enterprise and the adoption of !ourses of a!tion and allo!ation of resour!es ne!essary for !arrying out these goals.6 In simplified terms' a strategy is the means to a!hie e ob"e!ti es.

Di,,erent eve s o, strate'(

The study of fun!tions and responsibilities of senior management related to organizational problems Deals with the determination of the future !ourse of a!tion In ol es a !hoi!e of purpose K defining what needs to be done in order to mould the !hara!ter K identity of the org. !on!erned with mobilisation of resour!es

SM is the dynamic process of formulation implementation evaluation and control

of strategies to realise the organizations strategic intent.


1. ;un!tion of top le el management 2. ;ar rea!hing effe!ts 3. 2e7uire large amount of resour!es 4. It is a dynami! pro!ess 5. ;uture oriented 6. +tresses on effe!ti eness


1. In!rease organizational effe!ti eness 2. Clarify the dire!tion of a!ti ities 3. @elp in a!hie ing !ompetiti e ad antage 4. @elp in realising strategi! intent 5. Impro e future prospe!ts 6. @elp in in!reasing the produ!ti ity 7. Impro es !ommuni!ation K !oordination


1. La!k of a!!ura!y 2. Costly pro!ess 3. La!k of fle(ibility 4. Constantly !hanging en ironment 5. limitations in e(e!ution of plans

6. Internal resistan!e


/s the purpose of the pro"e!t report is to analyze the !onsumable produ!ts su!!essfully laun!hed in the last three years.

Type of 2esear!h Design >sed in Pro"e!tA DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH DESIBNF

In this resear!h report of study the marketing strategy of Dabur !hyawanprash. I am using DC+C2IPTIHC 2esear!h design.

Des!ripti e resear!h studies are those studies whi!h are !on!erned with des!ribing the !hara!teristi!s of a parti!ular indi idual' or of a group' studies !on!erned with spe!ifi! predi!tions' with narrations of the fa!t and !hara!teristi!s !on!erning indi idual' group or situations are e(amples of des!ripti e resear!h studies.

In this resear!h report study of ,arketing strategy of Dabur Chyawanrash in dabur India l.td' I use non probability sampling i.e.Q Con enien!e sampling. I !hoose my sample a!!ording to my !on enien!e and whi!h are rele ant to my resear!h pro"e!t.


There are two sour!es through whi!h data is !olle!ted.

Primar( DataF3 Primary data is !olle!ted through obser ation and Muestionnaire. Se-on&ar( DataF 3 )ooks' reports were used as a sour!e of se!ondary data. DATA COLLECTION METHOD

"( O#servationA ? This method implies the !olle!tion of information by way of in estigators own obser ation without inter iewing the respondent.

2esear!h Instrument


/rea of 2esear!h

BC2 Delhi

Types of Data Colle!ted

Primary Data +e!ondary Data

;or Dabur Chyawanprash SAMPAL SIHE $. +ample size for !ustomers were $%& in number and the uni erse !omprised of all the !onsumers within the geographi!al region of *haziabad and Boida. 0. +ample size for retailers were :& in number and the uni erse !omprised of all the !onsumers within the geographi!al region of *haziabad and Boida. Bo other field work was employed to gather the information. The 7uestionnaire was distributed to the respondents and the data was !olle!ted through primary and se!ondary sour!es. The statisti!al te!hni7ue su!h a Pi?!hart and per!entages were used in analyzing and interpreting the data.


;ollowing are the ma"or ob"e!ti e of studyA?

1. To study the ,arketing +trategy of Dabur ;oods. 2. To study the problems fa!ed by Dabur. 3. To analysis the market share of dabur.

)rand Dabur )aidyanath @imani Randu Per!entage response $&& E& :& #&


Ana (sisF the awareness le el of dabur is $&&L' baidyanath E&L' himani :&L and zandu #&L.

). "ran& Dabur )aidyanath @imani Randu

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 ZANDU

PREFERRED "RAND Per-enta'e res%onse #& $: $0 $&





Ana (sisF the preferred brand per!entage of dabur is #&L' baidyanath $:L' himani $:L and zandu $&L.

3. SATISFACTION LEVEL "ran& Dabur )aidyanath @imani Randu Ratin' o, satis,a-tion % : : 9

Ana (sisF in the satisfa!tion le el dabur has the % rating' baidyanath has the : rating' himan has : rating and zandu has 9 rating among the market.

4. REASONS FOR SELECTINB A PARTICULAR "RAND Reasons @elth )rand loyalty Taste Pri!e Per-enta'e res%onse #% 0& % $&

Ana (sisF #%L people sele!t a parti!ular brand for reasons of health' 0&L for brand loyalty' %L for taste' $&L for pri!e.

5. HO/ DID YOU COME TO ANO/ A"OUT THIS "RANDM Me&ium T Internet -om Print Per-enta'e 8& & 9& %&

Ana (sisF 8&N response sear!hed by t ' &L with internet' 9&L with -.,' %&L with print.

42 UNAVAILA"ILITY OF PREFERRED "RAND Con&ition Pur!hase another brand -ait )uy substitute -hate er offered by retailer Per-enta'e 0% :& $% 0&



Ana (sisF in the !ondition of una ailability of preferred brand 0%L !ustomer pur!hase another brand' :&L !ustomer wait for parti!ular brand and $%L !ustomer buy substitute produ!ts and 0&L !ustomer a!!ept the offer gi en by retailer.

7. PREFERRED PACA SIHE Pa-+ siEe $kg %&&g 0%&g Per-enta'e 9& %& 0&

Ana (sisF %&&g pa!k size is most preferred pa!k size with %&L.

A The awareness le el of dabur is $&&L' baidyanath E&L' himani :&L and zandu #&L.

The preferred brand per!entage of dabur is #&L' baidyanath $:L' himani $:L and zandu $&L.

In the satisfa!tion le el dabur has the % rating' baidyanath has the : rating' himan has : rating and zandu has 9 rating among the market.

#%L people sele!t a parti!ular brand for reasons of health' 0&L for brand loyalty' %L for taste' $&L for pri!e.


8&N response sear!hed by t ' &L with internet' 9&L with wom' %&L with print. In the !ondition of una ailability of preferred brand 0%L !ustomer pur!hase another brand' :&L !ustomer wait for parti!ular brand and $%L !ustomer buy substitute produ!ts and 0&L !ustomer a!!ept the offer gi en by retailer.

%&&g pa!k size is most preferred pa!k size with %&L.

The C!(a$an%ras! Industry is yet to !apture the be erage market in full swing. Pa!ked C!(a$an%ras! followed by Amla' Ashwagandha' Hareetaki' Dashmul' *hrit and se eral .ther herbs and herbal e(tra!ts. The market. The !onsumer1s patrioti! lo e for tea and !offee is unfared. C!(a$an%ras! are yet to establish their supplement use in the a erage household here in lies the great opportunities. -ithin the market' it is safe to !on!lude that dabur has hit off ratherwell with the masses. Dabur has !learly lost it head start ad antage and thereby a!7uiring "ust 9%L of the market share while others en"oy rest of the market share. This !ould be well attributed to dabur su!!essful /T/ (/ ailability' Taste and /ffordability) marketing module' the attributes most rated by the !onsumers. La!k of publi!ity has

hampered the growth progress of the brand so aggressi e ad ertising is needed to promote C!(a$an%ras!. The brands su!h as that of C!(a$an%ras! by Haidyanath' C!(a$an%ras! with its Usona!handi' U,inute? made1 and also >+ food giantssDel ,onte are ready to hit the C!(a$an%ras! market ery soon. /s the strategies of the !ompanies keeps on !hanging' be it in C!(a$an%ras! industry' a !ompany has to !reate per!eptions and !o er them into realities. It is an e(pensi e

proposition re7uiring huge e(penditure on ad ertising' sponsorships and media. Thus' the ideal !ompany will be the one whi!h !ombines the high end te!hnology with !onsumer insight. /s $#L of the e(!ise duty is e(empted on food produ!ts in this budget' ,any food !ompanies in!luding Dabur got benefited from it. .n the analysis of sur ey it was found that

target ,arket of C!(a$an%ras! want 7uality benefit rather then Pri!e benefit' so it is better to stress on 7uality rather than on de!reasing pri!e to in!rease sales and profit.


1. It was highly e(pensi e and time !onsuming.

2. The resear!h is !arried out on !ustomers' dealers wholesaler retailers et!. who are human beings. @uman beings ha e a tenden!y to beha e artifi!ially when they know that they are being obser ed.

3. +ub"e!ti ity is the main limitation of the study. It is ery diffi!ult to erify the resear!h results.

4. The pro"e!ts generally took longer time. The time by whi!h the resear!h results are presented market situation !an undergo a !hange.


There are 0 key fa!tors' whi!h will !ontribute to in!reasing demand for Chyawanprash K Chyawanprash produ!tA $. C(pose !onsumers to as many uses of Chyawanprash K Chyawanprash produ!t as possible. 0. Cater to preferen!es regarding Chyawanprash !ontainer size K different arieties present in the market pla!e 9. :. Laun!h a!ti e sales promotion s!hemes /d ertise in more !ontemporary manner and during the prime time when iewer ship is ma(imum %. C(ert sales push by tying up with the retailers' so that they may promote the produ!t K in!rease isibility of the produ!t by way of greater shelf spa!e #. E. 8. =. The Produ!ts should show strong asso!iation with health immunity. Company should laun!h it in arious fla ours so that people ha e more !hoi!e. +ales promotion s!hemes like 3pri!e off or e(tra /mount6 !an be gi en. ,ore s!hemes like U+easonal +!hemes1 !an be gi en to the retailers.

$&. ,ore and more displays like window hiring !an be gi en for the retails outlelts as it has been said that 3"itna Dikhega >tna )ikega6. $$. The !ompany should make the produ!t in small sa!het. +o that market penetration !an be in!reased.



Philip Dotler K De in Lane Deller 3,arketing ,anagementA Twelfth Cdition6 C.2. Dothari 32esear!h ,ethodologyA ,ethods and Te!hni7ues ;irst Cdition $=8%.6 ;lippo Cdwin).' Personnel ,anagement' Cdition si(th' Tata ,! *raw @ills' $=8:' p.g. 00%?09&

*upta' C.).' ,arketing ,anagement' Cdition ;ifth (2eprint)'+ultan Chand and +ons' Bew Delhi 0&&#' P.*. %.9?%.$&

Dr. ,ukesh Dhunna' 3,arketing ,anagementA ;irst Cdition 0&&%.6


www.dabur.!om www.tutor0u.net www.brand!hannel.!om www.blonnet.!om www.superbrandsindia.!om


Dear 2espondent' Thanks for sparing few minutes to fill this 7uestionnaire' whi!h will help us to study the !onsumer per!eption for !hawanprash.

/ny information pro ided by you will stri!tly be used for /!ademi! Purpose.

:2 /!i-! #ran&s o, C!a$an%ras! are (ou a$are o,M Randu @imani )aidyanath Dabur

82 /!i-! #ran& o, C!a$an%ras! &o (ou useM Randu @imani )aidyanath Dabur

=2 /!ere $ou & (ou rate (our #ran& on a s-a e o, : O 6 )6 #ein' !i'!est*M $ 0

9 :

;2 /!at are t!e %rimar( reasons ,or $!i-! (ou use t!is %arti-u ar #ran&M @ealth )rand Loyalty Taste Pri!e

62 Ho$ &i& (ou 'et to !ear a#out t!is #ran&M TH Internet -ord of ,outh Print

42 I, (our #ran& is not avai a# e (ou $ou &22M Pur!hase another brand -ait for it to be a ailable *o for a substitute )uy what is offered by the retailer

>2 /!i-! %a-+ siEe &o (ou %re,erM $ kg %&& gm

0%& gm

92 On $!at %arameters &o (ou -!oose t!is %a-+ siEeM / ailability Pri!e ;amily size +torage

<2 Ho$ o,ten &o (ou #u(M .n!e a month .n!e in two months .n!e in si( months

:52 Are (ou satis,ie& $it! (our #ran&M <es Bo

Persona In,ormationF3

A'eF Lo-ationF In-ome )%er mont!*F ($) 2s. $'&&& P 2s. $&'&&& (0) 2s. $&'&&& P 2s. 9&'&&&

(9) 2s. 9&'&&& P 2s. %&'&&& (:) /bo e 2s. %&'&&&


Dear 2espondent' Thanks for sparing few minutes to fill this 7uestionnaire' whi!h will help us to study the !onsumer per!eption for the Chyawanprash !ategory that we ha e !hosen to study.

/ny information pro ided by you will purely and stri!tly be used for /!ademi! Purpose only.

:2 /!i-! #ran&s o, C!(a$an%ras! &o (ou sto-+M Randu @imani )aidyanath Dabur

82 Out o, t!ese $!i-! are t!e most %re,erre&M Randu @imani )aidyanath Dabur

=2 A--or&in' to (ou $!at are t!e reasons ,or -ustomersG %re,eren-esM )rand loyalty Pri!e / ailability Bo reason

;2 /!at is t!e %ro,i e o, (our t(%i-a -onsumerM ,iddle in!ome Low in!ome @igh in!ome

62 /!at s-!emes are (ou o,,ere& #( t!e -om%aniesM Pri!e dis!ounts )uy one get one free .thers

42 /!at s-!emes &oes a -onsumer %re,er mostM Pri!e dis!ounts )uy one get one free .thers

>2 A--or&in' to (ou. &oes in3store a&vertisin' !ave an a,,e-t on t!e -onsumersG %re,eren-eM <es Bo

92 Does a -!an'e in %ri-e a,,e-t t!eir %re,eren-esM <es B.B

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