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Matlab Lecture 2

% inline functions f = @(x) sin(x)-cos(x)+exp(-x) f(0) f([0,pi/4,pi/2,3*pi/4,pi]) % m files - scripts who timelinsolve who % m files - functions clear timelinsolvefun(1000) who [x1,x2]=timelinsolvefun2(1000); who % for loops for k=1:5 k end for k=1:2:10 k end mysin(pi) mysin(linspace(-pi,pi,5)) % while loops i=1; while i <= 5 i i=i+1; end x=mynewt(5) x=mynewt(7) % if statements r=randi(100); if isprime(r) disp([num2str(r), is prime]) else disp(r is not prime) factors=factor(r) end rand3 % simple plotting x=linspace(0,2*pi,1000); plot(x,sin(x),x,cos(x),r--,LineWidth,2) help plot xlabel(x) ylabel(sin(x) and cos(x)) title(Trig functions) legend(sin(x),cos(x),Location,SouthWest) shg figure fplot(sin(x),[0,2*pi]) fplot(cos(x),[0,2*pi],k-.) hold on fplot(sin(x),[0,2*pi]) close(1) close all f = @(x) sin(x)-cos(x)+exp(-x) fplot(f,[0,20]) grid hold on fplot(0,[0,20],r) % Root finding and Optimisation fzero(f,4) f(ans) fzero(f,7) [x,fval]=fzero(f,10) [x,fval]=fminbnd(f,4,6) [x,fval]=fminbnd(f,10,12) x=fminbnd(@(x)-f(x),0,4) fmax=f(x) % file g.m function y=g(x) y=sin(x^5)+cos(x^4); fplot(g,[-pi/2,pi/2]) fzero(g,1) [x,gval]=fminbnd(g,-pi/2,pi/2) [x,gval]=fminbnd(g,1,1.5) c=[6 -23 30 -30 24 -7] roots(c)

% file timelinsolve.m % this script times how long it takes to solve a linear system % using backslash and inv n=1000; A=randn(n); b=randn(n,1); tic, x1=A\b; toc tic, x2=inv(A)*b; toc % file timelinsolvefun.m % this function times how long it takes to solve a linear system % using backslash and inv, it takes matrix size as an input function timelinsolvefun(n) A=randn(n); b=randn(n,1); tic, x1=A\b; toc tic, x2=inv(A)*b; toc end % file timelinsolvefun2.m % this function times how long it takes to solve a linear system % using backslash and inv, it takes matrix size as an input and outputs the solutions function [x1,x2]=timelinsolvefun2(n) A=randn(n); b=randn(n,1); tic, x1=A\b; toc tic, x2=inv(A)*b; toc end % file mysin.m % this function approximates sin(x) using the first 21 terms in the power series function sinx=mysin(x) sinx=0*x; for k=0:20 sinx=sinx+(-1)^k*x.^(2*k+1)/factorial(2*k+1); end end % file mynewt.m % this function finds a root of sin(x)-cos(x)+exp(-x) using Newtons method function x=mynewt() f=@(x) sin(x)-cos(x)+exp(-x); fprime=@(x) cos(x)+sin(x)-exp(-x); x=xguess; tol=1e-10; while abs(f(x)) > tol x=x-f(x)/fprime(x) end end % file rand3.m % this script generates 3 random numbers and states a fact about them r=randi(10,1,3) if (r(1) == r(2) & r(2) == r(3)) disp(all the integers are the same) elseif (r(1) == r(2) | r(1) == r(3)) disp(r(1) is the same as one of the other integers) elseif (r(1) > r(2) && r(1)>r(3)) disp(r(1) is the biggest of the integers) else disp(either r(2) or r(3) is the biggest) end

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