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Circulatory System

The circulatory system is the process in which blood and lymph are
circulated around the body. It includes the cardiovascular system
(distributes blood) and the lymphatic system (distributes lymph). This
whole process involves the heart, blood, and other nutrients throughout
the body.

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The process transport oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, red blood

cell, white blood cell, and platelets distributed throughout the body.
One of the most common diseases of the circulatory system is
arteriosclerosis, in which the fatty deposits in the arteries. It causes the
walls to stiffen and thicken the walls. The causes are too much fat,
cholesterol and calcium. This can restrict blood flow or in severe cases stop
it all together, resulting in a heart attack or stroke. Hypertension is causes
the heart to overwork. This may lead to heart attack, stroke or kidney
If you want your circulatory system to be healthy, dont smoke or use
tobacco. Smoking and using tobacco products significantly increases your
risk for heart disease. Damage to your heart and circulatory system by the
chemical compounds in tobacco can cause atherosclerosis, which may lead
to heart attack. Minimize your salt (sodium) intake. Too much salt intake
may cause the development of heart disease for people already suffering
from high blood pressure. Get enough rest, sleep, and proper exercise.
The Circulatory System is very important to our body! The
bloodstream circulates around our body, giving the cells just the right
amounts of nutrients and oxygen in order to be healthy. If the blood in our
body didnt circulate around properly, we could even die! So the circulatory
system is very imported for our body!

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hi hi 21/3/14 1:07 PM
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This system interacts with other systems such as the Respiratory

System and the Muscular System. It interacts with the Respiratory System
as the blood passes through the lungs, collecting oxygen to the blood cells.
And for the Muscular System, the heart is a muscle!

In conclusion, the Circulatory System is very important to our body.
We must keep it healthy so it could make the cells healthy and prevent
those horrible diseases associated with the Circulatory System. I never
know that the circulatory system is that imported to your body.

hi hi 21/3/14 1:13 PM
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