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Define Psychology (3 broad areas), Psychiatry, Pseudo-psychology (6Q to think critically). Psychology: psy mind, logos studies.

es. A broad field with many specialties that fall within 3 board areas, but fundamentally a science of mental processes & behaviour. What are the 3 board areas of psychology? [EAT]: Experimental, Applied, Teachers o o o Exp Psychologist: do research & teach Teachers of psy: teach Applied Psychologist: I/O, Educational, Sports, Environmental, Clinical & counselling, rehabilitation, forensic

Psychiatry: medical speciality that deal with mental disorder exclusively Pseudo-psychology: psychology in media.therefore need to think critically 6 Q to ask when confronting new claims: [SEEFBP]: Source, Extreme, Evidence (A), Fallacy, Bias (CEE; how to control), Perspective o o Anecdotal evidence: 1 hand experience of ppl(s)- 1 hand acct that describe the experience of ppl(s), which may erroneously be assumed to be scientific evidence Confirmation bias: the tendency to seek out evidence that supports my beliefs/ point of view and ignore evidence that contradicts my beliefs/ POV. e.g. Gwen has posted a questionnaire on MySpace asking her friends to support her idea of cell phones in the classroom. She ignores anyone opposing her beliefs, which is an example of Emotional bias: tendency to make judgments based on feelings and attitudes rather than on rational analysis of a situation. Peril of Pseudo-psychology: Ppl who used lobotomy, surgical procedure which disconnects the frontal lobes from the rest of the brain, had the desire to cure people with severe mental illnesses is an eg of . Emotional bias that promoted blind faith instead of clear-eyed scrutiny. Expectancy bias: tendency of researcher to allow his expectation to affect the outcome of a study How to control expectancy bias? Placebo: Sugar pill, contain sugar but not real drug Double-blind study: the researcher & participants do not know the IV
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6 main Perspective of Psychology Sources Rene Des.car.tes Sources of our actions Brain, nervous system, hormones (endocrine system), Genetics Biological psy Neuroscience & Evolutionary psy Introspection: The process of reporting on ones own conscious mental processes [BMT] e.g. Belief, PIE (perception, interpretation, expectation), Memories, Thoughts



Wilhem Wundt: S (mental processbasic structures) William James: F (mental processespurpose & adaptive functions)

Behaviourism: Objective mtd Developmental

John Watson (Early behaviourist) BF Skinner (OC) Mary Ainsworth Jean Piaget Stanley Milgram Philip Zimbardo Sigmund Freud


Personality & ID

Environmental stimuli (stimulus & response but not mental processes) Interaction b/w Nature (heredity) & Nuture (environment) predictable over lifespan. Social situation & culture affect our mental processes & behaviour (watch Stanford Prison Expt) (Psychoanalysis & Psychodynamic psychology: mental disorder & unconscious processes) (Humanistic psy: mental health & human potential) Traits & temperament psy: persistent personality consistent over time and across situation

Abraham Maslow, Carl Roger

Ancient Greeks

How do psychologist develop new knowledge? 4 steps in Scientific mtd: Develop Hypothesis, Collect Obj Data (5 ways), Analyse data, Publish/ criticise/ replicate results 5 ways in collecting obj data [CERTO]: Case studies, Expt, Relationship (Correlational studies), Talk (Survey), Oberservation (Naturalistic observation) o o Case studies: research involving an (or a few) individual Experiment: researcher control all conditions including the independent variable o IV (stimulus condition that is change independently from all other controlled condition), DV (measured outcome of study) o Experimental grp: Participants in expt who are given treatments of interest. Control grp: not given. Participants are used as comparison for experimental group Relationship (Correlational Studies): R/s b/w variables o +ve (), -ve (), zero (no r/s) Talk (Survey): verbal/ written response (a type of descriptive research) Observation (Naturalistic observation): behavioural assessment in a natural environment (a type of descriptive research)

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1. c 2. c 3. a x c 4. b x c 5. d x b 6. b 7. d 8. d x c 9. c 10. c x b 11. d 12. b

Microsteps to study Ch1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mind map: Front pg, Summary, TB Check ur Understanding: 5Q Chapter Review: 10-20 Q Test manual: 145 MCQ, 9 SQ, 12 LQ Anki: definition

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