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Rep Dominique Lightsey

@Han-There is no pre-med major at UCLA, only the pre-med track. With regards to medical school
acceptances, you will need to refer to the Geffen School of Medicine for that information as we are
representative of the Undergraduate Admission office.
Rep Erin Burgos
Han- check out this link for more information!https://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/PreMed.pdf
Candice Clifford
Hi my name is Candice Clifford. UCLA is pretty much my top choice right now. How impacted are the
English and performing arts programs?
Rep Erin Burgos
Candice- Applying as an English major to UCLA is fairly easy, as the English department is within
the College of Letters and Sciences. However, our performing arts department, thus the College of
Theatre, Film, and Television, is a specialty school that requires a supplemental application and that
process is more competitive.
Sean McCauley
Hi my name is Sean, where is the best place to park for Bruin Day on Saturday?
Candice Clifford
Figured for the performing arts program. Another question, I am a high school student in an early
college academy. I've got about 50 units I plan to transfer with. Will UCLA accept all my units or just
those in my selected major?
Candice Clifford
Figured for the performing arts program. Another question, I am a high school student in an early
college academy. I've got about 50 units I plan to transfer with. Will UCLA accept all my units or just
those in my selected major?
Sean McCauley
Hi my name is Sean, where is the best place to park for Bruin Day on Saturday?
Rep Erin Burgos
Sean- I would park in Structure 4 or 7.
Felicia Edwards
Hi my name is Felicia and im a junior in highschool and I would just like to know is college life great
Sean McCauley
To get to those structures, how would I get there off the 405? Exit Wilshire, left of Westwood?
Rep Erin Burgos
Candace- It depends on your major. All your units, if they are college units, will be counted in some
way. However, in terms of passing out of a class or placing in a higher level in regard to units, you
have to consult your major department. If you have a lot of units, you could come in as sophomore
Rep Erin Burgos
Felicia- Yes! I absolutely love this school :)
Rep Erin Burgos
Sean- Yes you can exit on Wilshire. 221 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA is the exact GPS
direction address for Parking Structure 4
Candice Clifford
Thank you Erin! I was planning to do so :)
Sean McCauley
Thank you. I'm looking forward to the visit so I can finalize my decision where to attend college in the
Brian Armenta
Hello im wondering what's the cost of tution?
Rep Erin Burgos
Brain- Are you an in-state or out of state student?
albert leach
I know UCLA is very selective for OOS, but how many out of state financial aid awards are given in
Phillp Valencia
What are some requirements in order to attend UCLA?
Brian Armenta
out of state
albert leach
How would you compare UCLA vs UC: san diego or davis campuses
Rep Erin Burgos
Albert- There is no set "number" of financial aid awards given out. If you apply for the FAFSA, the
government will award you a certain amount of money. As far as UCLA, we look at every student
individually to develop a financial aid package for them. Whether it be grants, loans, merit based or
need based scholarships, work study, etc. we try out hardest to accommodate each student!
Rep Erin Burgos
Phillip- Check out this link!http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/adm_fr/fracadrq.htm
Rep Erin Burgos
Brian- It is about $34,000 per year.https://www.admissions.ucla.edu/prospect/budget.htm
Rep Erin Burgos
Albert- All are great choices for college, but I would say that the biggest differences are UCLA is in a
larger city and has a bigger student population than those other UCs.
albert leach
Could you say how important the SAT 2 subject test are in the application?
Rep Erin Burgos
Albert- The SAT II are no longer required for admissions. However, if you are applying as an
engineering major the Math 2 and another subject test in the sciences are strongly recommended.
Phillp Valencia
Thank you!
albert leach
I know the general rule of thumb is that every student needs to challenge themselves, however is
there a general number of how many AP Classes the admission department is looking for and grade
in those?
Rep Erin Burgos
Albert- Nope! We look at all of our applicants holistically so there is no set number that we screen
Khadijah Akeem
Do you guys take IB Diplomas into consideration?
Rep Erin Burgos
Khadijah- We do accept most IB scores of 5 or higher for college credit. Check out this link for more
specific information on whatever department you are applying
into! http://www.admission.ucla.edu/Prospect/IBCredit.htm
Khadijah Akeem
Ok thanks and more more question. Do you guys have a MSA?
Rep Erin Burgos
Khadijah- Muslim Students Association? Yes! http://www.msabruins.com
albert leach
Erin, I know that every school says they take a holistic approach, but are there some aspects of the
application that are more important? SAT scores, GPA, Essays etc.
Rep Erin Burgos
Albert- Actually a lot of schools don't use this approach! But we have three equal components in our
application- Academics (Test Scores + High School GPA), Extracurriculars, and Personal Statement
(we have 2 essays).
Joseph Ekpo
I'm currently a senior in high school and I was wondering if it was too late to apply? I'm a
California resident (Los Angeles) and I live 6 minutes from UCLA. I could drive my application
there and have it done within a few hours/1-2 days. How likely is this to happen? I spoke to
the Rugby coach Scott Stewart but he couldn't give me an answer.
Joy Nicholas
What is the percentage of out-of-state students accepted to UCLA?
Elizabeth Arias
Do you have a business program?
albert leach
Thank you very much for the time and answers today.
Rep Erin Burgos
Joseph- Unfortunately, it is too late. Our decisions came out a few weeks ago and the admitted
freshman class has already been selected. I'm sorry!
Rep Dominique Lightsey
@Joseph: Yes, the deadline to apply to nUCLA was November 30th. We are no longer accepting
applications at this time.
Joseph Ekpo
Ok, thank you.
Rep Erin Burgos
Joy- There is no set number we admit. But I can tell you that 12% of our current student population
is from out of state.
Rep Erin Burgos
Elizabeth- We have a business- economics undergraduate degree and a graduate business school
called the Anderson School of Management.
Amy Sakazaki
Are AP credits transferable? How does this work?
Joy Nicholas
Okay, thank you
Rep Erin Burgos
Amy- Yes if you receive a passing score of a 3 or higher, they count for credit. However, there is a
chance you can use your AP credits to transfer out of a course completely or move up in class
course sequence, depending on your major!
Amy Sakazaki
Ok thank you!
Alison Pehl
what is the average gpa of accepted transfer students?
Mary Hovanesyan
Hi, i wanted to know if your school guarantees that students will graduate their undergraduate
degree in 4 years
Kiara Joseph
Do you guys have majors for someone who wants a career in journalism?
Shelley Spiegel
If your weighted GPA is on the low side (3.0) but your SATS are high 2000 plus and you have a
family medical issue (terminal illness) do you take that into consideration for admissions or is it a
long shot?
Rep Erin Burgos
Mary- We do not guarantee all students will graduate in 4 years but it is 100% do-able for all
students to.
Rep Dominique Lightsey
@Kiara- We have English and Comm. Studies.
Rep Erin Burgos
Kiara- English would probably be the closest major we have to Journalism. Here is a list of our
Mary Hovanesyan
How long does the average amount of year it takes for your students to graduate
Rep Erin Burgos
Shelley- Yes we review your application looking at you as a whole!
Rep Erin Burgos
Mary- The average is 4 years and 1 quarter.
Shelley Spiegel
Okay good- thank you!
Kiara Joseph
Is a student less likely to get in because they are not residents of California?
Mary Hovanesyan
ok thank you, and if I was interested in your women's basketball program, who should I contact for
Rep Erin Burgos
Kiara- Not at all! Most of ours students are CA residents, but there are many out of state students
here as well.
Shelley Spiegel
Also does anyone care about archery as a skill for admissions purposes?
Rep Erin Burgos
Mary- Here is the Recruiting Questionaire for Womens
Rep Erin Burgos
Shelley- Archery would probably be considered an extracurricular.
Shelley Spiegel
Yes, thanks.
Rep Erin Burgos
Alison- The average transfer GPA is 3.72.
Shelley Spiegel
So, if a student has a low GPA, but takes all APs vs a student with no APs at all but a high GPA,
how do you access that please?
Rep Erin Burgos
Shelley- It really depends on the individual, as every case is different. There isn't really a general
rule of thumb with that. I would just advise taking as many challenging classes and taking advantage
of as many AP classes as you can handle!
Shelley Spiegel
They are handleable but the homework load is ridiculously high (IMHO) and we are discussing the
possibility of early college and transfer, where the load is much lighter, more time for better grades
but less exciting academically. Any thoughts?
Noor Chaudhry
Hello! I have a question, if a student has a 3.90 GPA, high test scores, but doesn't have a large
number of extracurricular activities, does it decrease your chances of getting into a UC?
Rep Erin Burgos
Noor- We look at you holistically, so if you are lacking in one area but make up for it in another, we
take that into account.
Rep Erin Burgos
Shelley- I'm not sure I understand your question Could you please clarify?
Noor Chaudhry
What is the average GPA and test scores for freshman addmitted into UCLA (undergraduate)?
albert leach
How does admissions handle different high school grading scales? Does admission convert all
grades to the same scale?
Rep Erin Burgos
Noor- 4.4 weighted and 3.93 unweighted.
Rep Chelsea Gradoville
Hi everyone! My name is Chelsea and I am a 4th year civil and environmental engineering student at
UCLA! I am also a tour guide and am happy to help with any of your questions. Go Bruins! :)
Rep Dominique Lightsey
@Noor: SAT-between 1830-2250 and ACT- between 26-32.
Rep Erin Burgos
Albert- We use our own GPA grading scale that combines your A-G requirements since we know
different high schools calculate GPA differently.
Shelley Spiegel
For example, my kid is in a rigourous program. Will graduate with many APs (10-13), so all APS for
the next 2 years,. There is much travel time and AP courses typically have an enormous workload
(homework). He enjoys the high level and is engaged, but grades are mediocre due to the workload.
He could attend CC and apply as a transfer as he will likely get much better grades (As), because he
has found that they are much less rigourous. So, the question is from an admission standpoint, is it
more likely that he would be admitted to UCLA with better grades as a transfer student or mediocre
grades from a rigourous HS program (almost all APs)? I hope that is clearer? Thank you.
angie alvarado
hello my name is angie alvarado what is necessary to get accepted into UCLA?
Rep Dominique Lightsey
@Shelley: We cannot predict the likelihood of your son's admission in either circumstance as we
have a holistic review process that takes many variables into consideration to determine our
admission decisions.
Noor Chaudhry
I want to go for a biology major, but I am confused which AP courses I should take in high school.
What if I take an AP class but it doesn't quite deal with the my major, will this have a negative impact
on my admission chances?
Rep Dominique Lightsey
@Shelley: For more information about how we select our freshman class, please visit this
Rep Chelsea Gradoville
@Angie - UCLA is looking for holistic students. We are looking at your GPA and test scores,
academic performanc, extracurricular activities, leadership experience, and your personal essays.
Rep Erin Burgos
Noor- It doesn't matter! I am a Nursing major and in high school I took a variety of AP classes.
Shelley Spiegel
Of course I understand that. I was just wondering about your view of admissions through one
avenue or the other in terms of rigor. Do you view them the same in terms of admissions (community
college vs. rigourous APs at HS)?
Ana Chavira-Gallegos
Hi, my name is Ana, I was wondering if UCLA accepts ap scores of 3?
Rep Erin Burgos
Ana- A 3 is a passing score, yes so you will receive college credit.
Rep Chelsea Gradoville
@Ana - Here is a page with additional information on what type of credit you will
receive. https://www.admission.ucla.edu/Prospect/APCredit.htm
angie alvarado
Ok thank you very much
Noor Chaudhry
Thank you! I want to become a neurologist, and I was really confused about AP courses. But this
really helps.
Ana Chavira-Gallegos
What scholarships do you offer?
Noor Chaudhry
Thank you for answering my questions. Have a great day.
Velma Smith
With community college credits as high school will it be counted as a transfer student?
Rep Chelsea Gradoville
@Ana - There are many different scholarships available to UCLA students. This link details
scholarships further: http://www.fao.ucla.edu/uclascholarships/
Velma Smith
Shelley Spiegel
Alright. Thank you.
Rep Dominique Lightsey
@Shelley: The freshman review process differs from the transfer review process in that,
contextually, the students have different requirements they are expected to meet. For instance, AP
courses are not required for admission at the FR level but they are recommended. At the transfer
level, major prep courses , junior level standing and so on are of the most importance. These
students are not reviewed in the same way if that answers your question.
Rep Chelsea Gradoville
@Velma - Could you clarify your question?
Velma Smith
As a high school student taking college credits, when I apply to the school will it be as transfer
student or just as regular student applying?
Rep Erin Burgos
Velma- As a freshman if you are planning on coming to UCLA after you finish. If you are going to
community college/another university, then you would be a transfer student.
Rep Dominique Lightsey
@Velma: If you apply to college right after graduating from high school, you will still be considered a
Freshman, even if you have taken some college courses.
Rep Dominique Lightsey
Ana Chavira-Gallegos
Are freshmen allowed to live outside of campus?
Velma Smith
Thank you!
Rep Chelsea Gradoville
@Ana - Freshmen are allowed to live off campus but about 95% of UCLA Freshman choose to live
on campus their first year
Ana Chavira-Gallegos
Thanks, what about cars? Can a freshman keep their car?
Rep Erin Burgos
Ana- Yes you can bring a car. You just have to apply for parking!
Ana Chavira-Gallegos
What kind of financial aid does UCLA offer?
Andony Olibrice
what are the requirements to transfer to ucla?
Rep Chelsea Gradoville
@Ana - Financial aid can come in the form of scholarships, grants, loans, and/or work study. Here is
a link that details some of that information further:http://www.fao.ucla.edu/fao_information_types.htm
Ana Chavira-Gallegos
And what does tuition look like for a non-resident.
Rep Chelsea Gradoville
@Ana - This link details tuition, fees, and other costs for non-
Rep Chelsea Gradoville
@Amdony - The requirements for transfer admissions can be found
Rep Chelsea Gradoville
@Andony - If you have any specific questions, let me know!
Ana Chavira-Gallegos
What's the teacher to student ratio?
Rep Erin Burgos
Ana- The average teacher to student ration your first two years is 1:56 and goes down to
approximately 1:27 your junior and senior years!
Rep Erin Burgos
*ratio not ration
Ana Chavira-Gallegos
Thank you

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