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Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media

Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
&ollow us on Twitter:
@ctrlsearch and
The hashtag for this
presentation is
(ocial Media for
Healthcare: )igital
Marketing *

+logging since ,,,
Managing online reputations for companies and
indi-iduals since !**$.
Marketing . &undraising o-er /M for -arious
nonprofit clients for the past % years
0uthor of The 1ild 1oman2s 3uide to
&undraising4 called one of the top * nonprofit
books of !** by +eth 5anter.
0uthor of %") 6eputation 7ngine4 forthcoming
book on online reputation management in (ummer
+logger at
About the Presenter
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$

Today we will learn:
. (ocial media channels you M8(T be on
!. 0nd social media channels you can safely ignore
%. Metrics: 1hat to measure and why
9. How to create a listening dashboard for your business or yourself
5. Top tips for creating shareable content for a healthcare business
$. How to get more people doing what you want them to do on your
website :aka con-ersions;
#. How <=T to let social media take o-er your life: )oing it all in 5
minutes a day
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$

How to keep track of where we are:
>ou will know where we are from our outline in the bottom left corner:
+lue: ?ntro
3reen: 6esearch
>ellow: Metrics
=range: @ut it together

Marketing Aoncepts:
Marketing B +uilding 6elationships.
@eople find you by 0AA?)7<T.
Touch another 5C before they are an 0cDuaintance
Touch people 5C before they are an 0ssociate
Touch another 5C before they are an 0ctor4
Touch another 5C before they are an 0d-ocate4
Touch another 5C before they are an 0lly.
(Concept from Making Your Contacts Count by Anne Baber and Lynne
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$

1ith marketing4 you can touch
people offline
How can you scale this and
make this cost"effecti-eE
8se your offline strategies to
bring people from accident to
acDuaintance4 and then draw
them in with personalized online
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$

Social media channels you
MUST be on
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$

(Chart from Exact
Target and Cotweet)
Social media channels you
MUST be on
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$

Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
Social media channels you
MUST be on

Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
Social media channels you
can safely inore
3aming platforms
3oogle plus

!hat are some key measurements to keep in mind for
Social media"

<umber of followers but also Duality of followers4 and
Duality of engagement with followers4 and increase o-er
time of Duality followers who retweet4 mention4 take action.
<ot hits. Fisits. 8niDues. @ages.
Aon-ersions. 1hat do con-ersions mean to youE
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
Metrics: !hat to measure and why

Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
Metrics: !hat to measure and why

Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
Metrics: !hat to measure and why

Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
Metrics: !hat to measure and why

Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
Metrics: !hat to measure and why

3oogle 0nalytics
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
Metrics: !hat to measure and why

1ebalizer (tats
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
Metrics: !hat to measure and why

#uildin your dashboard metric checklist
G &or your website: 8niDues4 Fisits4 @ages4 Aon-ersions
G &or your newsletter: =pens4 Alicks4 Aon-ersions
G &or Twitter: How you2re growing4 engagement4 reach with retweets .
influencer connections4 e-ent attendees
G &or &acebook: ' of fans4 con-ersions4 HlikesI4 e-ent attendees
G &or Jinkedin: ' of group members4 ' of people who come to your
e-ents because of learning about it on your group4
con-ersions/memberships4 potential reach -ia cross"posting to other
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
Metrics: !hat to measure and why

$ree Tools
Http://Twit(prout.com: (imple graphs for Twitter engagement
Http://tweetpsych.com More twitter stats around your mood or psychology
http://tweetreach.com Twitter stats on how fast you2re growing.
Http://analytics.google.com 8se 3oogle analytics to track -isitors to your
site but also clicks
Paid Tools
http://edgerankchecker.com: &or &acebook
Http://sproutsocial.com: &or Twitter and Jinkedin :free trial;
Http://aweber.com (ee how many people opened your email4 clicked.
(ome tools to build your dashboard and help you measure how well you engage
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
How to create a listenin dashboard
for your business or yourself

#uildin your dashboard
G &or your website: 3oogle 0nalytics
G &or your newsletter: 0weber
G &or Twitter: Twit(prout . Tweet6each or (prout(ocial
G &or &acebook: 7dge6ank
G &or Jinkedin: Manual tabulation of data or (prout(ocial
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
How to create a listenin dashboard for
your business or yourself

>ou can be a researcher
>ou can be a reporter
>ou can be a role model
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
Top tips for creatin shareable
content for your healthcare business

G )id you make a list of rele-ant podcasts and connect with the
G )id you make a blog and comment on other blogs !C a nightE
G )id you create a mailing list and pro-ide consistent free -alueE
G )id you create a personal Twitter account and pro-ide -alueE
G )id you inter-iew someone big/medium"size in your fieldE
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
Top tips for creatin shareable
content for your healthcare business

How to et more people doin what you
want them to do on your website %aka
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$

Start buildin a contact list of people who
&isit your site
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
How to et more people doin what you
want them to do on your website %aka

#uildin a contact list of people who &isit your site checklist
G 0weber opt"in/con-ersion form
G TwitterAounter widget
G 0dd email opt"in to donation form
G 1ebsite sur-ey which asks people for their emails
G (ur-ey attached to your twitter4 auto"dm
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
How to et more people doin what you
want them to do on your website %aka

Scalin up from offline to online:
To auto"thank donors and push out your message4
schedule updates using Hootsuite for Twitter4
Jinkedin4 and &acebook.
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$
(oin it all in )* minutes a day

Step ): (ur-ey your email list. 1here are they most acti-eE :&lickr4
>outube4 &acebook4 Jinkedin4 TwitterE;
Step +: 3o where they are. Areate accounts. &riend and follow and
thank them there.
Step ,: )on2t gi-e yourself too many rules4 +8T )= Make sure that if
you work with populations who need to remain anonymous that you
make policies to protect those people.
Step -: 0llow yourself to stretch yourself. =-ereCtend4 and then retract.
&igure out which channels work best for stewardship4 culti-ation4 and
dri-ing people back to your website to take action.
Step *: 0dd your most popular social media channels to your website.
Jinkedin groups4 &acebook4 Twitter4 &lickr4 >outube are popular ones.
(oin it all in )* minutes a day

0ny further DuestionsE
(omething you want co-ered in more depthE
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$

Want more knowledge?
!e ha&e put toether a certification and trainin around social
media for healthcare and pharmaceutical professionals.
!hether you/re lookin to uprade your marketin skills
0r lookin to be more competiti&e for that ne1t 2ob
!hether you/re lookin to et more patients
0r simply enhance your company or clinic/s presence online to et
more reconition3 patients3 and money3 we will teach you3 step by
step3 how to et the results you want.
!e will help you et more reconition for
what you do3 more skills and strateies
for connectin with other Healthcare
Professionals3 patients and Pharma

Your Upcoming Webinars

4ach webinar is 56 minutes lon3
includes bonus materials3 and costs
7)5*. 0r you may et a certification in
social media marketin for healthcare
professionals3 and take all 8 webinars in
our certification series for 7)3+553 for a
sa&ins of 7,66.
Social Media for Healthcare Overview: Essentials and legal concerns
Mega-Conversions for yor !e"site: How to design and manage yor online
commnity for "etter re#tation management and #rofit
$ominating Twitter: How to engage #eo#le and "ild a massive following in %& days
$ominating 'in(edin: How to engage #eo#le and "ild trst in %& days
)logging for Healthcare: How to create a sccessfl "log* even if yo+re not a writer,
-ccentate the .ositive, How to ma(e a Healthcare 'istening $ash"oard
/ic(ly Creating 0elationshi#s online: How to engage #eo#le* mar(et yor "siness
and "ild trst in 12 mintes a day
-wesome Healthcare mar(eting #olicies: .tting it all together

Thank you for coming todayL
Sin up for webinars:
$eedback on this webinar:
Aonnect: http://twitter.com/ctrlsearch
7mail me: info@treyzsocialmedia.com
Aall: 5!"#$%"5$
Mazarine Treyz Marketing yourself or your business with social media
Http://wildwomanfundraising.com http://treyzsocialmedia.com
@ctrlsearch on Twitter info@treyzsocialmedia.com 5!"#$%"5$

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