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1) A properly constructed FPD is superior to a RPD. The reason for

this is that, the FPD does not move in function.
2) Main consideration in desinin a cast partial denture seems to
!e related to stress on supportin tissues and also its dissipation
and distri!ution. "iomechanical principles are helpful to
understand and plan out different desins of RPD.
#) A remova!le partial denture in the mouth can perform the action
of 2 simple machines, the $ever and the inclined plane.
%) $ever is a riid !ar supported at some point alon its lenth. &f
the lever rests aainst its support and a 'eiht is applied at
another point, rotation or movement 'ill occur around the
() Partially edentulous situations can !e !roadly divided into 2
types. Tooth supported and distal e)tension !ase. *lass & $ever
situation is applica!le to distal e)tension type.
+) The all tooth supported partial denture is rarely su!,ected to
stresses, !ecause leverae type of forces are not involved and
there are no fulcrums around 'hich the partial denture may
rotate, inclined plane forces are also not a factor here.
Forces acting on partial denture
Distal e)tension !ase partial denture rotates in # cranial planes
!ecause of differences in support characteristics of the a!utment teeth
and soft tissue coverin the residual ride.
Factors influencing magnitude of stresses transmitted to
abutment teet
1. Length of span
$oner the edentulous span, loner 'ill !e the denture !ase and
reater 'ill !e the force transmitted to the a!utment teeth.
2. Quantity of supporting ridge
"one - $are, 'ell formed rides 'ith parallel sides help to sta!ili.e the
denture aainst lateral forces.
/oft tissue mucosa - /oft, fla!!y, displacea!le tissue contri!utes little to
the vertical support of denture and nothin to lateral sta!ility allo'in
e)cessive movement 'ith resultant transmission of stresses to ad,acent
a!utment tooth.
3. Qualities of clasp
More the fle)i!ility $ess stress transmission to a!utment
teeth !ut increased lateral and vertical stress transmission to residual
ride. /o a decision has to !e made 'hether the ride or the a!utment
tooth re0uires most protection.
4. Clasp design:
Retentive arm should !e desined so that it is passive 'hen
completely seated. A clasp should !e desined so that durin
placement or removal, the reciprocal arm contacts the tooth !efore the
retentive 1P passes over the reatest2!ule. This 'ill neutrali.e the
stress to 'hich the a!utment tooth is su!,ected to.
5. Length of clasp
Fle)i!ility increases 'ith increase in lenth of clasp dou!lin
the lenth 'ill increase fle)i!ility !y ( times.
6. Material used in clasp construction
*lasp of *r2*o e)erts reater stress than of old !ecause of its
more riidity, 3eepin all other factors e0ual. /o use smaller diameter
of *r2*o to accomplish the same purpose.
7. !ut"ent tooth surface
/urface of old cro'n 4 restoration offers more frictional
resistance to clasp arm movement than does the enamel surfaces of a
tooth. /o reater stress is e)erted on a tooth restored 'ith old than on
a tooth 'ith intact enamel.
#. $cclusal %ar"ony
i. Role of opposin occlusion
&f there is *D opposin, less stress transmitted to RPD. &f
natural teeth are present, heavy stresses transmitted to RPD.
ii. Paste of denture !ase aent 'hich load is applied
5..- &f load is applied at far end of distal e)tension !ase,
stresses 'ill !e more due to more movement.
!ontrolling stress b" design considerations
i& Ma'or Connector
&n mandi!ular arch, linual plate ma,or connector 'ith rests can
aid in distri!ution of functional stresses to remainin teeth. &t also
contri!ute to cross arch sta!ili.ation.
&n ma)illary arch, use of !road palatal coverae can distri!ute
stress over a lare area. For this, it must !e riid and must receive
vertical support2throuh rests from several teeth.
ii& Minor Connector
&t offers hori.ontal sta!ility to P.D. aainst lateral forces on the
prosthesis. Throuh contact of minor connector tooth a!utment, the
prosthesis receives sta!ili.ation aainst lateral stresses.
iii& (irect retention
For *lass &&& situations, 0uadrilateral distri!ution of clasp
assem!ly is easy to accomplish and is considered ideal especially 'hen
modification area e)ists.
Tripod claspin is used primarily for *lass && modified arches. &f
modification space is not present one clasp on the dentulous side of the
arch should !e positioned as far anteriorly as possi!le and other as far
posteriorly as possi!le. 6nfortunately for *lass & sinle retentive clasp
on each side of the arch is possi!le, so indirect retention is very crucial
iv) )ests-
&t helps force transmission parallel to lon a)is of tooth, floor of
the preparation must form less than 789 'ith the perpendicular line
dripped do'n the lon a)is of the tooth, if it is reater than 789,
inclined plane action is setup and stress is manified.
&ts preparation should !e saucer shaped 'ithout sharp anles or
ledes. Rest must !e free to move 'ithin the rest seat to release
stresses that 'ould other'ise !e transferred to the tooth, this should !e
similar to the action of !all and soc3et ,oint.
*& +ndirect )etention
&t resists rotational movement around the fulcrum line. &t should
!e located as anteriorly as possi!le in case of *lass & and && situations.
&t must !e positioned in a definite rest seat to transmit forces throuh
lon a)is of a!utment tooth.
*i& (enture !ase
&f it is !roader, 'ell adapted, it can resist displacin stresses
more efficiently due to optimum advantae of factors of adhesion and
*ii& $cclusion
5liminatin teeth contact in eccentric e)cursions decreases
Reduction in si.e of occlusal ta!le also reduces inadvertent

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