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Why We Believe We Should Protect Life

(Exodus 20:13)

I. Introduction.
A. Orientation.

We return this evening

To series Why We Believe,

Particularly, why believe keep Ten Commandments.

Why do we?

Because commandments are holy, righteous and good (Rom. 7:12).

Unthinkable not keep if good.

Unchanging standard of morality from garden to Sermon Mount.

Because in NC, God puts in mind, writes on heart (Heb. 8:10).

OC on stone, not change heart, not able to keep.

In NC, gives Spirit, power to keep.

Because its very definition of love (Matt. 22:36-40; Rom. 13:10).

First four God tells how He wants be loved.

1. Above all.

2. In way He desires.

3. Keep commitments make to Him.

4. Spend one day in seven with Him.

Last six love neighbor as ourselves

Treat others how we want to be treated.

Last looked at fifth: are to honor authority parents/state/church

Authority ordained for our good/protection.

Limited by what right.

They are ministers of the Lord

Are to minister His will,

As they do, should keep

Because good for us.

B. Preview.

Tonight, sixth, You shall not murder.

Well look,

1. At meaning of words.

2. That it extends to more than just the words.

3. Though it forbids one thing, it requires another.

II. Sermon.
A. First, meaning of words: You shall not murder (Ex. 20:13).

Easy enough to understand.

Command doesnt mean not to kill,

But to murder

Murder the taking of life unjustly

When not just cause.

When is it right to kill?

When state executes criminal for capital crime (Rom. 13:4).

When fighting just war

Extension of power of sword.

When defending self, or others from unjust threat to your life.

Its always wrong to murder,

But not always wrong to kill,

Though should always protect life when can.

B. Second, commandment doesnt refer just to words, also to

Thoughts imagination.

Desires anger (Matt. 5:22), murder in heart.

Words Good for nothing, fool (ibid.).

Actions short of murder that injure.

Not just prohibit murder

But things tending to injuring of others.

C. Lets consider finally,

That not just forbid murder,

Also requires opposite:

Protect life.

Protect physical life:

Notice exceptions having to do with killing

All have to do with protecting innocent life.


Capital crimes have to do

With executing those that threaten

Or take innocent life.

Just war with executing

Those who take innocent life on national scale.

Self defense with stopping with lethal force

Those who would take your life unjustly

Or that of others.

But are other applications:

Protecting those

Whose life threatened in other ways,

Such as lack of care.

Good Samaritan great example.

Saw man in need,

Felt compassion

Touched with situation,

Moved to reach out

And actually did so

Cared for his needs

Loved as self,

Which is precisely what Jesus did

In His public ministry.

He continues to do this for you

On a daily basis.

Of course, also applies to protecting life spiritually:

What Samaritan did in physical realm

With regard to help and comfort,

Jesus also did spiritually for you.

You were sick,

Sin dealt mortal wound

Enemy assaulted you

Took all you had spiritually

And left you for dead

As the Jew who fell among the robbers.

Your situation more serious

Because death not end

But beginning of eternal suffering.

But Jesus, like Samaritan, passed by.

Saw you, His enemy,

And felt compassion,

Stopped to care for your needs

Washed the blood of your guilt

By shedding own blood to pay,

Covered your wounds

With the dressing/robes of His righteousness,

He cared for you until well,

Provided all you needed spiritually,

And still provides daily.

Jesus is your example

Of how to keep sixth commandment

He saved your life!

Now wants you do same.

Yes, He tells you in sixth commandment

Not to take life unjustly/murder,

Not to harbor ill will,

Injure others with words,

Desire to hurt/kill in your heart,

Or injure them in any way.

But also wants you to protect life

As He did.

If see someone injured, help them/get them help.

If someone threatened, come to aid/get aid.

If hungry, feed,

If thirsty, give drink,

If naked, clothe,

If lacking shelter, house.

He wants you to look at others

As brothers and sisters.

In certain sense,

Even those outside church.

Were all family,

From same parents,

All distant relatives.

Who doesnt care for family?

There are, of course, exceptions to this:

Bible says if not work, not eat (2 Thes. 3:10)

Not commanded to house, clothe and feed

Those who refuse

To do what can to help selves.

Were not to enable sin.

But are to help those who cant help selves.

But dont forget

Were to help also with their greatest need: salvation.

Are to imitate Jesus in spiritual care.

Bring not only physical bread

But bread of life.

Not only bring water,

But show how where to get spiritual water

Which if drink, never thirst.

Are to shine light in darkness,

Where spiritual death, bring message of life.

Jesus ministered to the body and soul.

He says, Go and do same.

Thats what sixth commandment all about.

This not only honors the One

Who didnt pass us by,

By doing what He would do;

It also loves others

As we would be loved,

Fulfilling the law of love,

And again, making us someone

The Lord can use. Amen.


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