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Repblica Bolivariana de Venezuela

Universidad Nacional Experimental Politcnica

Antonio Jos de Sucre
Departamento de Formacin General
Seccin de Ingls
Ingls III

Students name: Medina, Jusmary Exp: 2009203227
Sayago, Keyler Exp: 2010200069
Section: 01 Date: 29/04/14

I Paraphrasing
Title of Book: control system engineering.
Sub-Title: A History Of Control Systems.

Liquid-Level Control
The Greeks began engineering feedback systems around 300 BC. A water
cIod invented by Ktesibios operated by having water trickle mw a measuring
container at a constant rate. The level of water in the measuring container could be
used to tell time. For water to trickle at a constant rate, the supply tank had to be
kept at a constant level. This was accomplished using a float valve similar to the
water level control in todays flush toilets.

Este prrafo habla concretamente de los controles lquidos de nivel. Estos
son usados desde los inicios y el proceso tiene como una de tantas aplicaciones
medir el tiempo, es decir dar la hora. Lo hace de manera de goteo con una
velocidad constante. Y esto se logr utilizando una vlvula de flotador similar a la
que controla el nivel de llenado de un tanque de inodoro.

II Parcial Interpretation
Steam Pressure and Temperature Controls
Regulation of steam pressure began around 1681 with Denis Papins invention of
the safety valve. The concept was further elaborated on by weighting the valve top.
If the upward pressure from the boiler exceeded the weight, steam was released,
and the pressure decreased. If it did not exceed the weight, the valve did not open,
and the pressure inside the boiler increased. Thus, the weight on the valve top set
the internal pressure of the boiler.
Also in the 17th century, Cornelis Drebbel in Holland invented a purely mechanical
temperature control system for hatching eggs. The device used a vial of alcohol
land mercury with a floater inserted in it. The floater was connected to a damper
that controlled a flame A portion of the vial was inserted into the incubator to
sen.se the heat generated by the tire. As the heat increased, the alcohol and
mercury expanded. Raising the floater, closing the damper, and reducing the
flame. Lower temperature caused (he float to descend, opening the damper and
increasing the flame.

1.- Presin y temperatura del vapor Controles
1.1.- Regulacin de la presin de vapor (1-6)
1.2.- Sistema de control de temperatura (7-9)
1.3.- Uso del flotador con el control de temperatura (9-14)

III Mutual Image Formation

Este flotador es el mecanismo principal para el reloj por el conteo de gotas
utilizadas hace miles de aos atrs en el inicio de los sistemas de control.

La siguiente imagen refleja uno de los desarrollos por parte de los
ingenieros dedicados al rea de controles. En el siguiente proceso controlan el
tiempo de incubacin de los huevos para que estos se mantengan en perfecto

IV interpretive htpothesis
En qu ao se invent la vlvula de seguridad?
En qu siglo se invent el sistema de control de temperatura?
En qu ayuda el flotador en el control del proceso de la temperatura?

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