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Hunan Common Fulure(Composle manhole cover manulaclurer)

Tel008673!82285586 Fax008673!82288296

GPP Manhol e Cover
Appl cal on Temperalure &
Serv ce L le nlormal on

Cur laclory are specalznq n producnq composle maleral manhole cover.
lhe maleral s GPP. shorled lor Glass Penlorced Plaslc

! GPP Manhol e Cover Maler al Qual ly
Cur GPP producls are made ol
) unsaluraled polyesler resn(UP) (so lype resn. vnyl esler
) qlass lber (Eqlass 2400 Tex)
) ouarlz
v) corundum
v) anloxdanl
v) lrmnq aqenl
v) promoler
v) UV addlve
x) elhylenepropylenedenemonomer
x) Cr!3
x) olher auxlary malerals

2 Appl cal on Temperalure Scope
The malerals used lo manulaclure lhe manhole covers are
mporlanl. lhal s why we only use oually malerals. The man
maleral lhal conlrbules lo lhe producl applcalon lemperalure s
lhe non saluraled polyesler resn. l belonqs lo lhe lhermosellnq
resn. lhe perlormance aller ls soldlcalon s as lollows

Lonqludnal slrenqlh 250800Mpa
Compressve slrenqlh 300600Mpa
Slrelch modulus 2535Gpa
Break elonqalon ralo !.3!0.0
Bendnq slrenqlh 700!400Mpa
Curvnq module 2535Gpa
Possonralo 0.35
Pelalve densly !.!!!.!5
Walerabsorplvly (24h) !030mq
Volume resslvly ! (!0!2!0!4) cm

unsaluraled polyesler resn lor lhe renlorced plaslcs uses lhe
mosl unversal resn. qeneral applcalon lemperalure n 40 '
80 '. l lhere s any specal reouesl. we may nlroduce a specal
lunclon slruclure lo cause ls lemperalure lo be lower or hqher.
When lhe lemperalure approaches 40 '. resn brllleness wll
occur. When lemperalure surpasses 80 ' lor a lonq perod ol lme
(specal heal resslanl resn lo be an exceplon) has lhe possblly
lo become soll or deqrades. Therelore. our producls applcalon
lemperalure s n lhe prncple scope ol 40 ' 80 '.

3 The Serv ce L le

) From lhe resn heal resslance vew. our producls under lhe
normal lemperalure uses. ls servce lle may amounl lo above
lor 50 years.

) The GPP manhole cover uses lamnalon compound crall on
lhe surlace layer belween 58mm. where l ons lhe anloxdanl
lo bear lhe marous resn and l s llled by lhe aqqreqale ol
ouarlz. corundum and anllrclon malerals (lhs knd ol
maleral s uses lor lhe make qrndnq wheel). The surlace ol
lhe manhole cover wll nol have any allrlon because lhe
desqned 58mm provde wear resslnq level exlrapolalon. l s
possble lo use above lor 30 years.

) The compound maleral ol lhe manhole covers make sure lhal l
could wlhsland more lhan 2 mllon lalque shocks. Cllcal
lesls and expermenls have shown lhal cracks wll nol occur.
qvnq l an exlremely lonq servce lle.

v) l some places where summer lemperalure s hqher al 43'
and lhe road surlace lemperalure reaches as hqh as 5060 '.
our Polymalrx manhole does nol show any problem on lhe heal
resslance aller more lhan 3 years ol exposure.

v) To ncrease lhe nlensly ol lhe producl. soldlcalon crall
processnq s used aller normal soldlcalon process s done.

v) Allhouqh lhe resn has oned wlh anloxdanl whch wll delay
lhe producl lrom yellow slan. aller a lonq perod ol lme some
yellow slan wll slll appear. l s a normal condlon and does
nol allecl lhe producl. Cur suqqeslon s lo use color ol nalural
slone maleral where only mnor color chanqe wll occur.

v) Load ablly A!5(can load !.5lon) B!25 (can load !2.5lon)

C250(can load 25lon) O400(can load 40lon)

Accordnq lo EN!24

A!5 Areas whch can only be used by pedeslrans and pedal cyclsls
B!25 Foolways.pedeslran areas and comparable areas.car parknq
C250 For qully lops nslalled n lhe area ol kerbsde channels ol
roads whch when measured lrom lhe kerb edqe.exlend a
maxmum ol 0.5m nlo lhe carraqeway and a maxmum ol 0.2m
nlo lhe loolway.
O400 arraqeways ol roads ncludnq pedeslran slreels.hard
shoulders and parknq areas.lor all lypes ol road vehcles.

Cur Company nlormal on

Hunan Common Fulure specalzes n producnq and supplynq
composle maleral(FPPiGPP) manhole cover. ranqralnq .lreeqralnq.
llower pol. lence and so on. Cur producls are slrclly produced accordnq
lo lhe BS EN!24 and have oblaned varous knds ol cerllcales. Unll now.
our compellve producls nol only had qood markel n home. bul also
exporled lo many counlres such as Malaysa. Thaland. Velnam. Unled
Arab Emrales. Cman. Bulqara. kuwal. Qalar. nda. Greece. Span and so

Cur compos le maler al s manhol e covers are su labl e lor a
huqe ranqe ol appl cal ons lhal ncl ude
!. Underqround Eleclrcal nslallalons Oraw pls. lrallc lqhls. slreel
lqhlnq. Fber oplc cable ducls elc.
2.Telecommuncalon Conneclon chambers . Waler. Gas. Pelrochemcal

Advanlaqe ol our compos le manhol e cover
!. No recycle value ls popularly wll conlrbule lhe manhole coverslolen
problem lhorouqhly.
2. Hqh load capacly ls hqh load capacly exceeds lhe duclle ron
manhole cover.
3. Free desqn l can be desqned ndvdually n lerms ol users' demands.
4. Good decoralve ellecl l can be desqned n varous colors and pallerns
wlh arlslc ellecl ol relel.
5. Lonq servce lle There s no any crack n lhe expermenl ol 2.000.000
lalque shocks.
6. Well sealed l can be used lo hermelcally. and elleclvely prevenl lhose
posonous qases leaknq oul lrom cesspool.
7. No any anqle There s nelher anqle nor rebound when cars pass by.
8. Good wear and corroson resslance l has qood wear and corroson
resslance and l wll be never rusled.

Cur producls have obla ned var ous k nds ol cerl l cales.
ncl ud nq
!. Palenl cerllcales lor new appled producls Palenl Number
ZL0!257!74.! & ZL 02277033X ssued by Chna Nalonal Knowledqe
Properly Pqhl Bureau
2. Gold Medal al 2003's Honq Konq nlernalonal Palenl Technoloqy Far
3. Qually Syslem Cerllcale ssued by Chna Nalonal mp. & Exp.
Commodles nspeclon Corp.
4. Cerllcale ol Pecommended Producls ssued by Chna Nalonal
Conslruclon Assocalon ol Buldnq Enqneernq

The Enq neer nq Tesls our producls passed. ncl ud nq
!. Tesl Peporl ssued by Nalonal Cenler For Qually Supervson and Tesl
ol Buldnq Enqneernq
2. Tesl Cerllcale ssued by ABU OHAB reqon

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