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Gabriela Linares

Journal #2

There are many things to discuss in this journal regarding the film, Faith and Doubt and Ground Zero
and Reverend Betsee Parkers interview. Because of this, this journal entry may be a bit more sporadic
than usual.
The film was very interesting and captivating to say the least. I have actually seen a few
interviews and films based on the events of 9/11 but this one was especially different. It was not only in
the focus of religion and its effects on 9/11 (or visa-versa) but the interviews were conducted differently
and the responses were unlike many I have heard before. Many of the interviewees made me think a
little differently, whether or not I agreed with their conclusions. For instance, the photographers
concept of an out-of-this-world force taking over the people who jumped from the top of the Twin
Towerstowers. At first thought, I would think that they were completely shocked by what was
happening and went a little crazy (maybe wrong choice of words) and so saw no other way out but to
jump. It made me think of the movie Titanic, when the ship is sinking and people are jumping off into
the freezing water. Maybe they thought they could get to the life boats. Maybe they would rather
freeze than be crushed by crowds or drown. Either way, it seemed like an action that wasnt thought of
carefullywith little forethought; much like my first reaction to the tower jumpers. But the photographer
thought of it as much more a so much of a conscious decision. To him that it was more like a force
telling them to take control of their death. They knew no one would be able to get through the level
obliterated by the plane. They knew no ladders would reach that high and no helicopter could come so
close. So rather than burn, they took control, mustered had the most faith anyone could muster, and
jumped. Its incredible to think of. Im sure there is no way of understanding that force. An yet,, but it
must have happened exactly so.
Another part that struck me in both the film and the interview was the religious divide and unity
brought about by the attacks on 9/11. I dont think you can argue against the fact that an
interpretation of religion caused those planes to go into the towers. I think I believe that religion is the
only force to cause something so impacting on a society. But the ability for some people to realize this,
and think beyond it is amazing. It was evident when the many religious leaders joined each other at
Yankee stadium to pray for the victims. Despite what their respective books of God told them, (that
they shouldnt pray together) they understood that this was no longer the time to be divided by religion.
Similarly with Rev. Parkers multi-faith team they did not fight over what prayers and practices should
be used. The point was to bless the bodies and help whoever they could. It did not matter which
religion they used to do so. While some citizens of New York were harassing taxi drivers, Rev. Parkers
multi-faith team was working together to squash the divide in religions. While one of the Christian
leaders who prayed at Yankee stadium was being accused of heresy because he was giving the idea that
all religions are equal. Because thats not the kind of thinking that put them in that position in the first
place, right?
(Maybe the statement is skewed slightly. Maybe religion isnt what drove those planes into the
towers, maybe the divide in religions did. )
Another idea that struck me was one womens concept in the film that a lot of planning and
strategy went into the attacks on 9/11. That kind of destruction took so much energy and time. Yet, it
took virtually no time for people to help each other out the towers, single file, barely any fuss. It took
no time for one coworker to pull another through the wall. It took no time for firefighters and police to
decide to make their way over to the towers and up those steps. It took virtually no time for those two
people to grab each others hands and accept their faith together as they jumped out of the top levels.
It took virtually no time for Rev. Parker and many of her multi-faith team to make their way over to
Ground Zero. It took virtually no time for any of that love and faith. Thats something remarkable.

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