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Product Stewardship
Masterbatches Division
Rolf Gasser
Polymeric Sub-Materials
Rolf Gasser, Product Stewardship, Masterbatches Division (Copyright Clariant. ll rights reserved.!
Table of contents
Slide "
Clariant M# $uic% &verview 'MDS related
(hat is a Masterbatch)Concentrate
*+e,ptions applied for sub-,aterials as per Rec. ./.
0ro, Create 1ips - Materials
*+e,ptions applied for sub-,aterials as per latest review of Rec. ../
*+a,ple of ther,oplastic sub-,aterial
Co,plaint ,issing nor,
2or,3 Definition Gap for sub-,aterials
Rolf Gasser, Product Stewardship, Masterbatches Division (Copyright Clariant. ll rights reserved.!
Clariant MB Quick Overview
IMDS related
Slide 4
Clariant #5 Masterbatches started 'MDS in "..4 as one global coordination
centre in hrensburg, Ger,any
*stablishing proven procedures and gaining e+cellent %nowledge
Since then ,ore than /"... data sets operated ( new entries, new versions !
ppr. 66 7 of these entries represent sub-,aterials e8ual ,asterbatches of
different %ind.
0ew pre-coloured co,pounds ready-to-use
0irst in supply chain
Slide 4
Rolf Gasser, Product Stewardship, Masterbatches Division (Copyright Clariant. ll rights reserved.!
What is a Masterbatch/Concentrate
Slide 9
:ighly concentrated colourants and)or additive syste,s encapsulated in a poly,eric ,atri+.
;oading of active ingredients ( non-poly,eric ! up to <= 7.
2o che,ical reaction according to a > b ? c
ll co,ponents still present but bounded and for,ed into eg. granules according to
a > b ? ab
Masterbatches are used at low concentrations to achieve specific properties in plastic
articles. M# are typically added up to " 7 into final article
1ypical application as - Colourants
- &-Stabilisers
- 0oa,ing agents
- ntistati% agents
- @0la,e retardantsA
Slide 9
Rolf Gasser, Product Stewardship, Masterbatches Division (Copyright Clariant. ll rights reserved.!
Exemptions applied for sub-materials
as per Rec. 010
Slide =
&ther ,aterials (sub,aterials! under plastics ,aterials usually are ,asterbatches or concentrates
(basic poly,ers with colorants)pig,ents, fla,e retardants, etc.!, ,ost of the, are nor,ally used in
,aterials in a,ounts of / to =7. 1he substances contained in these types of sub,aterial thereby are
typically diluted to a level of ..= to 47 in the final ,aterial. 'f a plastics ,aterial consists of sub-
,aterials any restrictions on the declaration as described in 'MDS ../ shall only apply to the final
,aterial co,position. Restrictions on the declaration as described in 'MDS../ do not apply to
sub,aterial datasheets (e.g.there is no restriction on the a,ount of the generic ter, BcolorantsC in a
,asterbatch datasheet!. ;i,its for the declaration of basic substances fro, the declarable substance
list do apply also to sub,aterials.
1he plastics ,aterial na,e shall be chosen fro, the 'S& /.94-/. Preferably the sy,bol fro, 'S& /.94-
/ should be used as a na,e. sub,aterial na,e shall be descriptive (e.g. D,asterbatchC! in such a way
that it cannot be confused with a ,aterial.
Slide =
Rolf Gasser, Product Stewardship, Masterbatches Division (Copyright Clariant. ll rights reserved.!
From Create Tips - Materials
Slide E
Slide E
Rolf Gasser, Product Stewardship, Masterbatches Division (Copyright Clariant. ll rights reserved.!
Exemptions applied for sub-materials
as per latest review of Rec. 001
Slide <
'n 1her,oplastics, it is possible to have sub-,aterials. 1hese sub-,aterials are
usually ,asterbatches or concentrates (basic poly,ers with colorants)pig,ents,
fla,e retardants, etc.!. Sub-,aterials are nor,ally used in ,aterials in a,ounts
of / to =7. Conse8uently, the substances contained in these types of sub-
,aterials are typically diluted in the top-level ,aterial to a level of ..= to 47. 'f a
ther,oplastic ,aterial consists of sub-,aterials, any restrictions concerning the
substance ranges and su, of wildcards and confidential substances do not apply
to the sub-,aterials, but are calculated with regard to the top,ost ,aterial level
(cf. 'MDS ../, Rule =./. and fig. <, p. "9!.
&nly left3 Su, of confidentials substances ,ay e+ceed /. 7
(hat about nor,s, standard and sy,bol F
Slide <
Rolf Gasser, Product Stewardship, Masterbatches Division (Copyright Clariant. ll rights reserved.!
Norm: Definition Gap for sub-materials
Slide G
Masterbatches are typically classified as =./b unfilled ther,oplastic, not perfect
but suits best.
Slide G
Rolf Gasser, Product Stewardship, Masterbatches Division (Copyright Clariant. ll rights reserved.!
Example of thermoplastic sub-material
Slide 6
Slide 6
Rolf Gasser, Product Stewardship, Masterbatches Division (Copyright Clariant. ll rights reserved.!
Complaint missing norm
Slide /.
Slide /.
Rolf Gasser, Product Stewardship, Masterbatches Division (Copyright Clariant. ll rights reserved.!
Slide //
'. Revision and co,pletion of Rec. ../ or Rec. ../a
''. ppointing wor%ing group to rephrase related chapters
'''. Su,,arising any e+e,ption in one resp. chapter avoiding too ,any cross-
'H. Publishing by ,eans of 2ewsletter
H. 0$s
Slide //
Product Stewardship
Masterbatches Division
Rolf Gasser
Thank you for your
kind attention !
Product Stewardship
Masterbatches Division
Rolf Gasser
Back up
Polymeric Sub-Materials
Rolf Gasser, Product Stewardship, Masterbatches Division (Copyright Clariant. ll rights reserved.!
Faurecia, I
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Slide /9
Rolf Gasser, Product Stewardship, Masterbatches Division (Copyright Clariant. ll rights reserved.!
Faurecia, II
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