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Ref. no: 80.4647.

01 Project title: Support to Sustainable Regional Development

Name of legal entity Country
project value
carried out by
legal entity ()
No of !taff
Name of
Origin of
Name of
member!$ if any
Grontmij | Carl Bro !S "#raine $%&& million 40%00 $ 'uropean
'C% 'uropean
7 ! (008
1( ! (011
)C*+, +)RS
"etailed de!cription of project %ype of !ervice! provided
-.e overall obje/tive o0 t.e proje/t o0 1.i/. t.is /ontra/t 1ill be a part is to upgra2e
regional poli/3 in "#raine b3 e4ten2ing t.e '" RD poli/3
-.e purposes o0 t.is /ontra/t are as 0ollo1s5
a6 -o strengt.en t.e "#rainian aut.orities7 /apa/it3 in poli/3 0ormulation an2 2e/ision8
ma#ing pro/ess 0or sustainable regional 2evelopment%
b6 -o establis. a +ational 0inan/ial instrument 0or regional 2evelopment%
/6 -o assist t.e "#rainian aut.orities in implementing t.e plan o0 a/tivities 0or
sustainable regional 2evelopment 9/:la6.
Result 1 9Coor2ination!implementation in pla/e6
.1 :repare terms o0 re0eren/e 0or -;RD
.( Re/ommen2 upgra2es to legal 0rame1or#
.< -rain sta00 o0 /oor2ination an2 implementing bo2ies
Result ( 9+RDS implemente2 at all levels6
.4 Carr3 out /ompre.ensive S=p anal3sis
.$ Revise +RDS 0or approval b3 -;RD
.6 :repare plan o0 a/tivities 9/:lan6 0or -;RD approval
Result < 9+ational ;un2 in operation6
B.1 Design +;RD 0or approval o0 -;RD
Result 4 9Detaile2 plan o0 operations 0or +;RD6
B.( ssist in ma#ing +;RD e00e/tivel3 operational
B.< rrange /ooperation agreements 1it. relevant 0un2s
Result $ 9)n0rastru/ture proje/ts implemente26
C.1 :repare appli/ation 0or +;RD 0un2ing 9b3 -C)S6
C.( Design s/ope o0 1or#s% in/lu2ing 2esign report
C.< :repare ten2er 2o/uments 0or approval
C.4 Con2u/t ten2er pro/ess
C.$ :rovi2e mont.l3 progress reports
Result 6 9Capa/it3 buil2ing in support o0 +RDS6
C.6 Do -+ 0or regional an2 lo/al a2ministrations
C.7 )mplement training programme an2 training 1or#s.ops
C.8 Dra0t manual o0 pro/e2ures 0or SRD strateg3
C.& Re/ommen2 in2i/ators 0or monitoring a/tion plans
C.10 ssist 1it. at least $ approve2 loan plans
C.11 :rovi2e up2ate2 +RDS
Ref. no: 80.44&(.01 Project title: >'D)B 8 >o/al '/onomi/ Development in t.e Bal#ans 8 Serbia S?' ;a/ilit3 ?anager
Name of legal entity Country
project value
carried out by
legal entity ()
No of !taff
Name of
Origin of
Name of
member!$ if any
Grontmij | Carl Bro !S Serbia 1%7& million 100%00 8 D+)D Dani2a 7 ! (007
7 ! (00&
"etailed de!cription of project %ype of !ervice! provided
-.e 2evelopment obje/tive o0 t.e >'D)B programme is so/iall3 balan/e2 e/onomi/
2evelopment an2 emplo3ment /reation in t.e +i@ava Distri/t in Serbia. B3 t.e en2 o0
t.e programme perio2 t.ere s.oul2 be an in/rease2 gro1t. rate in t.e S?' se/tor.
+et emplo3ment in t.e e/onomi/ programme se/tors s.oul2 be improve2 an2 t.e
s.are o0 population living belo1 povert3 line in t.e targete2 regions re2u/e2
-.e obje/tive o0 t.e S?' ;a/ilit3 ?anager is to assist in i2enti03ing
business organisations% /lusters% Business Development Servi/e
9BDS6 :rovi2ers et/. 0or programme support. ?oreover% t.e S?'
;a/ilit3 ?anager s.all 2esign targete2 assistan/e in 2eveloping an2
implementing proje/ts in a//or2an/e 1it. t.e nee2s o0 t.e
bene0i/iaries 1it.in t.e s/ope o0 t.e programme obje/tives an2
strateg3. -.is is to be a/.ieve2 t.roug.5
A Sub/omponent 1.( B)mprove2 2vo/a/3 o0 Business
Strengt.ening t.e /apa/it3 o0 business organisations to un2erta#e
a2vo/a/3 an2 in0luen/e publi/ poli/ies in 0avour o0 an enabling
business environment% an2 engage in publi/8private 2ialogue on
.o1 to a/.ieve lo/al e/onomi/ 2evelopment in t.e regions,
A Sub/omponent (.1 BCluster 2evelopmentC5
;a/ilitating t.e /reation o0 verti/al an2 .oriDontal lin#age among an2
bet1een enterprises an2 relevant support institutions b3 promoting
/luster 2evelopment,
A Sub/omponent (.( B)mprove2 BDS mar#etC5 )mproving t.e
availabilit3 o0 e00i/ient% up82ate2% targete2 an2 sel08sustainable BDS.
*utputs o0 t.e ConsultantCs ssignment
A *utput one 8 Reports on t.e present situation o0 business
organisations% /luster 2evelopment an2 t.e BDS mar#et5
Con2u/t 2iagnosti/!baseline stu2ies an2 2o/ument5 t.e e4isting
situation 1it. regar2 to t.e /apa/it3% members.ip% strengt.s an2
1ea#nesses o0 business organisations, t.e e4isting situation 1it.
regar2 to verti/al an2 .oriDontal lin#ages bet1een S?'s%
opportunities 0or 2evelopment o0 su/. lin#ages an2 t.eir potential to
rea/. e4port mar#ets, an2 0inall3 an assessment o0 e4isting BDS
A *utput t1o5 Capa/it3 o0 business organisations 2evelope2
Develop an2 implement a programme 0or /apa/it3 buil2ing o0 18(
e4isting general an2 (84 ne1 se/toral business organisations. -.e
/apa/it3 buil2ing interventions s.oul2 assist business organisations
to be/ome 0inan/iall3 in2epen2ent an2 more sustainable% an2 allo1
t.em to i2enti03 barriers 0or business 2evelopment an2 a2vo/ate 0or
appropriate solutions.
A *utput t.ree5 Cluster 2evelopment a/tion plans
ssist /lusters o0 S?' an2 BDS provi2ers in 2eveloping a/tion
plans 0or t.eir 0urt.er /ollaboration. )t is e4pe/te2 t.at 1$ to (0
Cluster 2evelopment plans 9in/lu2ing pilot an2 strategi/
interventions6 1ill be 2evelope2 in Serbia 2uring t.e programme
perio2. =it.in t.e 1or# 1it. /luster 2evelopment a/tion plans t.e
S?' ;a/ilit3 ?anager is e4pe/te2 to assess t.e opportunities 0or
/luster base2 pur/.asing an2 e4port promotion a/tivities in/lu2ing
B(B mat/.ma#ing 1it. potential importers an2 strategi/ /ooperation
1it. BDS provi2ers. ;urt.er gui2e t.e /lusters into a sel08
management p.ase.
A *utput 0our5 Development proje/ts an2 /apa/it3 buil2ing 0or BDS
provi2ers implemente2
ssist BDS provi2ers in 2eveloping servi/es relevant to t.eir S?'
/lients. ($ to <0 2evelopment proje/ts are e4pe/te2 to be
implemente2 in Serbia 2uring t.e programme perio2. -.e
2evelopment proje/ts s.oul2 be lin#e2 to t.e /apa/it3 buil2ing
provi2e2 0or BDS provi2ers an2 s.oul2 a22ress spe/i0i/ nee2s o0
t.e S?' /lients.
-.e 2evelopment proje/ts /oul2% 0or e4ample% in/lu2e5 )S*
/erti0i/ation% '" norms an2 reEuirements% environment% innovation
management% a//ess to e4port mar#ets% training 0or internationall3
a//eptable /erti0i/ation o0 Serbian 1or#ers et/.
-.e S?' ;a/ilit3 ?anager s.all train BDS provi2ers to 1or# more
e00e/tivel3 1it. t.e S?' /lients.
A *utput 0ive5 >essons learne2 0rom t.e support to business
organisations% /luster 2evelopment an2 t.e BDS mar#et
s3stemati/all3 /olle/te2 an2 2isseminate2 to sta#e.ol2ers
'nsure t.at e4perien/es an2 goo2 pra/ti/es 0or S?' 2evelopment
are 2o/umente2 an2 2isseminate2 to ot.er regions in Serbia an2
Sout. 'astern 'urope /overing various organisations involve2 in
)n2ustrial /lusters an2 BDS mar#ets. -.e output 1ill in/lu2e
2evelopment o0 a toolbo4 0or /luster 2evelopment.
Ref. no: 80.<4<$.01 Project title: -ourism Development in +ort. =est Russia
Name of legal entity Country
project value
carried out by
legal entity ()
No of !taff
Name of
Origin of
Name of
member!$ if any
Grontmij | Carl Bro !S Russia (%(0 million 6<%<& 1( 'C Delegation%
'C% -a/is 7 ! (004
7 ! (006
Branan, :o.l
Consulting F
"etailed de!cription of project %ype of !ervice! provided
-e/.ni/al ssistan/e to 2evelop t.e tourism se/tor in +ort. =est Russia.
-.e 1i2er obje/tive o0 t.e proje/t is to 2evelop t.e tourism in2ustr3 o0 +ort.1est
Russia as a #e3 /ontribution to private se/tor 2evelopment an2 e/onomi/ /ooperation
in t.e Balti/ region. -.e spe/i0i/ obje/tives are 916 to 2evelop t.e S?' se/tor in t.e
0iel2 o0 tourism in +ort. =est Russia an2 9(6 to improve t.e /oor2ination an2
/ooperation bet1een t.e regional a/tors involve2 in tourism 2evelopment.
-.e targets to be a/.ieve2 b3 t.e Contra/tor are as 0ollo1s5
1. :repare an2 initiate implementation o0 an integrate2 mar#eting strateg3 0or t.e +ort.
=est Russia%
(. Develop ne1 tourism pro2u/ts to meet t.e nee2s o0 t.e mar#eting strateg3%
<. Develop a tourism portal 0or +ort. =est Russia% 1.i/. meets t.e 2eman2 o0 t.e
mar#eting strateg3 an2 o00ers an on8line boo#ing servi/e an2 /ompre.ensive
4. )mplement a training programme% 1.i/. in/reases t.e /apa/ities o0 regional an2
provin/ial a2ministrators involve2 in tourism% an2 t.e /apa/ities 0or -ourism
)n0ormation Centre management% an2 tourism S?' assistan/e%
$. )mprove t.e business environment 0or tourism S?'s b3 persua2ing regional
aut.orities to liberalise t.e regulator3 0rame1or# an2 b3 establis.ing value2 support
6. Set8up stru/tures an2 s3stems at t.e level o0 +ort. =est Russia t.at are /apable o0
sustaining t.e proje/t7s impa/t in t.e 0uture.
Servi/es are being provi2e2 1it.in 6 /ore tourism 2evelopment
. ?ar#eting /omponent in/lu2ing5
ADevelopment o0 a /ommon mar#eting strateg3 an2 operational
strategi/ plans% i.e. 0or bran2ing% pro2u/t 2evelopment et/.%
A'stablis.ment o0 publi/8private partners.ips% an2
ASupport to S?' 2evelopment an2 promotion.
B. :ro2u/t Development /omponent in/lu2ing5
ARe/ommen2ations 1it. regar2 to pro2u/t port0olio an2 pro2u/t
ARe/ommen2ations on a//ommo2ation reEuirements%
A)nventor3!2atabase o0 .istori/al!/ultural sites%
AGui2elines on promoting visitor 0rien2liness at .eritage sites%
A:romotional material 9maps! bro/.ures6% an2
ACalen2ar o0 /ultural events 9tourist relate26.
C. )nternet :ortal /omponent in/lu2ing5
A:ortal ReEuirements nal3sis an2 Design Spe/i0i/ation%
A-ourism :ortal 0or +ort. =est Russia% in/lu2ing .osting% an2
A>o/alise2 versions o0 t.e portal.
D. -raining /omponent in/lu2ing5
A:reparation o0 strateg3 an2 training plan 0or S?'s an2 -)Cs%
A-raining o0 lo/al trainers% an2
A:reparation o0 sustainabilit3 plan in/lu2ing a 1ebsite 0or trainers.
'. S?' Support /omponent in/lu2ing5
A:reparation o0 i2ea /atalogue on ne1 support nee2s 0or S?'s% an2
A:reparation o0 1ebsite 1it. tools 0or S?'s in tourism.
;. *rganisational Stru/tures /omponent in/lu2ing5
A;easibilit3 stu23 on 0uture organisation stru/ture%
ADetaile2 proposal on re/ommen2e2 institutional stru/ture o0
tourism% an2
AStrateg3 paper on long8term an/.oring o0 stru/ture 1it.
Ref. no: 80.81(1.01 Project title: Rai00eisen Gentralban# +et1or# >easing Companies H S?' ;inan/e ;a/ilit3
Name of legal entity Country
project value
carried out by
legal entity ()
No of !taff
Name of
Origin of
Name of
member!$ if any
Grontmij | Carl Bro !S CDe/.
1%$0 million $7%<< ( Rai00eisen
Ban# 0or
& ! (00<
< ! (006
+e1 ?ar#ets%
-.e +et.erlan2s
"etailed de!cription of project %ype of !ervice! provided
'BRD an2 '" .ave signe2 an agreement to establis. t.e S?' ;inan/e ;a/ilit3 0or t.e
allo/ation o0 '"R 1($ millions in loans to an2 investments in S?'s in :olan2%
Iungar3% CDe/. Republi/% Slovenia% 'stonia% >atvia% >it.uania% Slova#ia% Romania an2
Bulgaria. :art o0 t.e 0un2ing 1as earmar#e2 to provi2e 0or a 7>easing =in2o17 to
support t.e 2evelopment o0 leasing to S?'s% 1it. parti/ipating leasing /ompanies
9:>s6 re/eiving /re2it lines in/orporating a 0inan/ial in/entive 0or transa/ting business
1it. S?'s.
0rame1or# agreement .as been /on/lu2e2 to provi2e resour/es 0or in2ivi2ual
assignments over t.e ne4t 0ives 3ears.
0ter respon2ing to a Call8o00 +oti/e% Grontmij | Carl Bro 1as sele/te2 0rom t.e panel o0
/onsulting 0irms retaine2 un2er 0rame1or# agreement t.roug. a /ompetitive sele/tion
1. - in terms o0 /onsultan/3 servi/es an2 training to Rai00eisen
>easing +et1or# Companies in t.e CDe/. Republi/% :olan2%
Romania% Slova#ia an2 Slovenia.Spe/i0i/ topi/s in/lu2e5
JDesign an2 )mplementation o0 an improve2 leasing s/.eme 0or
small8 an2 mi/ro8leases to servi/e% pro2u/tion an2 agri/ultural
S?'s in t.e $ /ountries
JS?' ?ar#et Revie1 an2 Strateg3
JBusiness plan re/ommen2ations
JDevelopment o0 leasing pro2u/ts to S?'s in t.e servi/e% pro2u/tion
an2 agri/ulture se/tors
JDesign an2 2evelopment o0 C.arts o0 //ounts an2 ;inan/ial an2
//ounting :ro/e2ures
JDesign an2 installation o0 a >easing% ;inan/e ?anagement an2
//ounting So0t1are
JRevise an2 improve >ease *peration :ro/e2ures
JStrengt.en Cre2it ppraisal :ro/e2ures an2 Stan2ar2s a//or2ing
to Basle ( reEuirements
J2vise on Cre2it Department Stru/ture o0 t.e Rai00eisen >easing
J)nstitute /re2it s/oring :ro/e2ures an2 Stan2ar2s /ompliant 1it.
t.e Basle ( reEuirements 0or t.e Rai00eisen >easing )nternational
an2 net1or# /ompanies
J)nstitute appropriate Cre2it ppraisal :ro/e2ures an2 Stan2ar2s
J-raining t.e Rai00eisen >easing +et1or# CompaniesC sta00 in t.e
implementation an2 running o0 t.e revise2 an2 ne1 pro/e2ures%
pro2u/ts% s3stems et/.
(. Representative o0 t.e 'BRD in S?' ;inan/e ;a/ilit3
:roje/tsSpe/i0i/ topi/s in/lu2e5
Ju2iting an2 ?onitoring o0 on8len2ing b3 t.e Rai00eisen Gentral
Ban# an2 t.e +et1or# >easing Companies in t.e $ /ountries
Ju2iting an2 )nvestigating in2ivi2ual propose2 lease 2eals to S?'s
an2 re/ommen2 terms an2 /on2itions to t.e Cre2it Committee o0
t.e +et1or# >easing Companies
Ju2iting an2 ?onitoring t.e a/tivities o0 t.e +et1or# >easing
Companies to ensure /omplian/e 1it. environmental pro/e2ures
an2 pro/ess t.e reEuest 0or 2isbursement o0 0un2s to -.e 'BRD
Ref. no: 80.(&8<.01
Project title: Support to :overt3 Re2u/tion in >eningra2 *blast 9S:R)>*6
Name of legal entity Country
project value
carried out by
legal entity ()
No of !taff
Name of
Origin of
Name of
member!$ if any
Grontmij | Carl Bro !S Russia 7%1& million &%$1 1 >eningra2
D;)D 10 ! (00<
( ! (007
tos, Britis.
"etailed de!cription of project %ype of !ervice! provided
Consultan/3 servi/es to t.e a2ministration o0 >eningra2 *blast. -.e purpose o0 t.e
proje/t is to support >eningra2 *blast in t.e 2esign an2 implementation o0
programmes an2 poli/ies to re2u/e povert3 on a sustainable basis. D;)D .as
/ommitte2 up to L8 million 0or t.is proje/t.
-.e Carl Bro team lea2er 1or#e2 1it. t.e *blast on t.e 0ollo1ing
tas#s 5
1. to provi2e appropriate te/.ni/al assistan/e to strengt.en t.e
/apa/it3 o0 t.e oblast aut.orities to gat.er an2 anal3se povert3 2ata,
(. to strengt.en poli/3 an2 a2ministrataive pro/e2ures to more
e00e/tivel3 2eliver on t.e povert3 re2u/tion obje/tive o0 partners.ip%
in/lu2ing t.e appraisal an2 evaluation o0 poli/3 options an2 1or#ing
1it. sta#e.ol2ers,
<. to buil2 /apa/it3 in t.e oblast an2 sele/te2 muni/ipal aut.orities
to plan% implement an2 evaluate so/ial e4pen2iture,
4. to buil2 /apa/it3 in t.e oblast an2 sele/te2 muni/ipal aut.orities
to 2evelop e00e/tive 0amil380o/use2 so/ial /are mo2els% provi2e .ig.
Eualit3 servi/es an2 evaluate t.eir e00i/ien/3.
$. to improve a//ess o0 poor people to liveli.oo2 opportunities b3
buil2ing sustainable /apa/it3 in t.e oblast an2 sele/te2 muni/ipal
aut.orities to 2esign% implement% monitor an2 evaluate /ross8
se/toral poli/ies an2 programmes 0or 2epresse2 regions.
8 B3 mi28point o0 t.e in/eption p.ase t.e /onsultant pro2u/e2 an
outline 2ra0t :roje/t ?emoran2um.
8 B3 en2 */tober (00< t.e /onsultants .a2 prepare2 an /tion :lan
0or (004 an2 0uture 3ears.
)mplementation a/tion plans 1ill be agee2 on an annual basis b3
D;)D!>eningra2 *blast.
Ref. no: 80.400<.01 Project title: '"8C.ina :oli/3 Dialogues Support ;a/ilit3 8 -e/.ni/al ssistan/e
Name of legal entity Country
project value
carried out by
legal entity ()
No of !taff
Name of
Origin of
Name of
member!$ if any
Grontmij | Carl Bro !S C.ina%
<%87 million <0%00 10 'uropean
'C% 'uropean
1 ! (007
1( ! (010
)nstitute o0 'SD%
C.ina, C.ina
Centre 0or
:oliti/s F
Consulting S.%
Gree/e, )C*+8
German3, +.M.
GR'R S.%
Belgium, S/.ool
o0 0ri/an an2
*riental Stu2ies%
"N, =einberg
)n/entive -ravel
Iouse% Belgium
"etailed de!cription of project %ype of !ervice! provided
-.e overall obje/tive o0 t.e :DS; is to 0a/ilitate an2 support t.e /urrent an2 0uture
implementation o0 t.e :oli/3 Dialogues bet1een '" an2 C.ina.
-.e 'uropean Commission /onsi2ers its :oli/3 Dialogues 1it. t.e C.inese
government as an e00e/tive tool 0or 0urt.er 1i2ening an2 2eepening Sino8'" relations%
0or e4ploring ne1 areas o0 /ommon interest% an2% espe/iall3 in t.e area o0 e/onomi/
re0orm% 0or t.e possible implementation o0 '" mo2els an2 pra/ti/es.
;un2s .ave been allo/ate2 un2er t.e (00$8(006 +ational )n2i/ative :rogramme to set
up t.e :oli/3 Dialogues Support ;a/ilit3 9.ereina0ter :DS;6% a programme 2esigne2 to
/arr3 out spe/i0i/ a/tivities 9su/. as e4/.anges o0 e4pertise% organiDation o0 stu2ies%
1or#s.ops% interns.ips et/.6 0or t.e implementation o0 t.e Dialogues in areas in 1.i/.
t.e 'uropean Commission is engage2 1it. C.ina.
-.e purpose o0 t.is 0rame1or#8li#e /ontra/t is to provi2e t.e 'C an2 C.ina 1it.
-.e Consultant s.all 0a/ilitate t.e implementation o0 t.e :oli/3
Dialogues t.roug. t.e provision o0 t.e 0ollo1ing5
1. :oli/3 e4pertise to /arr3 out poli/3 anal3sis an2 poli/3 revie1
a/tivities an2 to 0a/ilitate .armoniDation o0 poli/ies in t.e se/tors o0
'"8C.ina :oli/3 Dialogues,
(. '4/.ange o0 best pra/ti/es% #no1 .o1% lessons an2 e4pertise in
se/tors o0 '"8C.ina :oli/3 Dialogues,
<. :lat0orm establis.e2 to en.an/e 2ialogue an2 un2erstan2ing on
#e3 issues bet1een C.ina an2 t.e '".
-.e Consultant s.all support an2 assist t.e 'uropean Commission
an2 t.e Government o0 C.ina in t.e overall proje/t implementation
o0 t.e :DS; b3 provi2ing t.e ne/essar3 servi/es to /arr3 out t.e
a/tivities liste2 belo1. -.e a/tivities in/lu2e but are not limite2 to5
a2eEuate% timel3 an2 pro0essionall3 /ompetent -e/.ni/al ssistan/e 9.ereina0ter -6
an2 an/illar3 servi/es 0or t.e implementation o0 t.e '"8C.ina :oli/3 Dialogues% in
or2er to a/.ieve t.e above obje/tive.
-.e proje/t 1ill generate sub8proje/ts in 2i00erent se/tors 2epen2ing on nee2s an2
priorities 0ormulate2 an2 agree2 upon b3 t.e 'uropean Commission an2 C.ineese
1. stu2ies in t.e se/tors o0 :oli/3 Dialogues,
(. organiDation an2 logisti/s 0or5
8 meetings% /on0eren/es% seminar an2 ot.er events t.at ta#e pla/e
1it.in t.e 0rame1or# o0 2ialogues,
8 interns.ips 0or Dialogue partners,
8 e4ten2e2 1or#ing sessions 0or Dialogue :artners,
<. provision o0 e4ternal e4pertise relevant to :oli/3 Dialogues,
4. provision o0 e4pertise in relation to urgent an2 un0oreseen issues
an2 implementation problems relevant to :oli/3 Dialogues.
Ref. no: 80.46(4.01 Project title: -e/.ni/al ssistan/e 0or t.e :roje/t5 Support to So/ial Development
Name of legal entity Country
project value
carried out by
legal entity ()
No of !taff
Name of
Origin of
Name of
member!$ if any
Grontmij | Carl Bro !S 'g3pt 1%80 million $&%00 4 'C Delegation
< ! (008
1 ! (011
BBO Consult
G% German3,
'ntrust D?C%
"etailed de!cription of project %ype of !ervice! provided
-.e overall obje/tive o0 t.e proje/t o0 1.i/. t.is /ontra/t 1ill be a part is as 0ollo1s5
-o /ontribute to povert3 re2u/tion an2 so/io8e/onomi/ 2evelopment t.roug. a/tivities
supporting emplo3ment /reation an2 in/ome generation 0or t.e poor. -.is 1ill
/ontribute to stronger e/onomi/ an2 so/ial /o.esion.
-.e purpose o0 t.is /ontra/t is to support S;D% bot. at Iea2Euarters an2 regional
level% 1it. t.e implementation o0 t.e program. -.e /onsultant 1ill ensure t.at t.e
program 1ill be properl3 2esigne2% stru/ture2 an2 implemente2.
-.e e4pe/te2 results to be a/.ieve2 b3 t.e /onsultant are as
A Supervision% management o0 =or#s 9relate2 Servi/es6 an2 Grant
/ontra/ts an2 pa3ments% implementation o0 0oreseen a/tivities%
reporting an2 preparation o0 1or# plans H program estimates8 are
properl3 manage2 b3 S;D7s :roje/t Coor2ination -eam 9:C-6 an2
S;D7s Regional *00i/es 9R*s6 :roje/t )mplementation "nits 9:)"s6%
0ollo1ing in all /ases '" rules% norms an2 gui2es,
A Design an2 establis. an internal Eualit3 /ontrol an2 monitoring
A n impa/t assessment s3stem is /reate2 in or2er to measure t.e
impa/t o0 a/tivities on target groups, i0 ne/essar3 a baseline stu23
s.oul2 be /on2u/te2,
A -.e ne/essar3 /apa/it3 buil2ing is provi2e2 to S;D% bot. at
Iea2Euarter an2 regional level,
A -.e /apa/it3 o0 t.e lo/al sta#e.ol2ers 9+G*s% CDs%
muni/ipalities% an2 /ommunit3 lea2ers6 to 2e0ine an2 prioritise on
2e0i/ien/ies in
living /on2itions% .ealt.% e2u/ation an2 e/onomi/ an2 /ommunit3
2evelopment appl3ing t.e :arti/ipator3 Rapi2 ppraisal
9:R6 is improve2,
A -.e /apa/it3 o0 lo/al sta#e.ol2ersC an2 R*s to propose solutions
on agree2 2e0i/ien/ies an2 resear/.ing 0or innovative an2 repli/able
solutions is improve2,
A 'nsure visibilit3 o0 t.e program.
Ref. no: 80.40$4.01 Project title: >abour ?ar#et an2 S#ills Development in Naliningra2 an2 :s#ov
Name of legal entity Country
project value
carried out by
legal entity ()
No of !taff
Name of
Origin of
Name of
member!$ if any
Grontmij | Carl Bro !S Russia (%44 million 40%00 (7 D+)D Danis.
?inistr3 o0
;oreign 00airs
10 ! (006
1( ! (010
)nternational B,
"etailed de!cription of project %ype of !ervice! provided
S#ille2 labour is strongl3 nee2e2 in t.e Naliningra2 an2 :s#ov regionsC emerging
e/onomi/ se/tors% but it .as proven 2i00i/ult to in/rease t.e emplo3ment generation.
-.is /alls 0or a ne1 t3pe o0 servi/e s3stem t.at is base2 on so/ial 2ialogue an2
/ollaboration bet1een 2i00erent organisations involve2 in suppl3 9-ra2e "nion6%
2eman2 9'mplo3ers sso/iations6 an2 labour poli/3 0ormulation 9regional
a2ministrations6 t.roug. an improve2 Regional -ripartite Commission 9R-C6.
-.e Regional >a1 on t.e tripartite /ommission regulates t.e man2ate o0 t.e R-C. )n
t.e Naliningra2 an2 :s#ov regions t.e R-Cs 2o not .ave su00i/ient /apa/it3 to 0ul0il
t.eir obje/tives. Sub/omponent (.1 is 2esigne2 to a22ress t.e /apa/it3 2evelopment
nee2s o0 t.e R-C.
-.e Consultant is responsible 0or t.e 0ollo1ing outputs5
A )mprove2 tripartite institutions an2 pro/e2ures in/lu2ing
preparation o0 a Regional /tion :lan 0or 'mplo3ment
A )mprove2 >abour ?ar#et )n0ormation 9>?)6 s3stem in pla/e
A n en.an/e2 s3stem 0or upgra2ing Euali0i/ations an2
prepare2ness among t.e so/ial partners
A *//upational .ealt. an2 sa0et3
A )nstitutional arrangements 0or M'- establis.e2 in /lose
/oor2ination 1it. t.e S?' Sub/omponent
A 2van/e2 training in0rastru/ture respon2ing to labour mar#et
nee2s% pur/.ase2 t.roug. investment training 0un2 an2
at sele/te2 M'- institutes
A Retraining programmes o0 tea/.ers in M'- institutes 9in5
te/.nologies% 1or# an2 servi/e pro/esses% 2i2a/ti/ an2
2evelope2 an2 implemente2 to en.an/e pro0essional servi/es to
A *//upational .ealt. an2 sa0et3 e2u/ation% in/l. I)M!)DS
integrate2 in training an2 re8training programmes
A ;ormalise2 tripartite partners.ip 2evelope2% implemente2 an2
su//ess0ull3 institutionalise2
A ?o2ularise2 /urri/ula 2evelope2 to respon2 to labour mar#et
2eman2s in sele/te2 se/tors
A =or# !servi/es /ompeten/es assesse2 t.roug. appropriate testing
A ?e/.anisms an2 0ee2 ba/# stru/tures 2evelope2 to monitor an2
evaluate t.e Eualit3 an2 impa/t o0 M'- in relation to t.e labour
mar#et reEuirements
A Servi/e 2eliver3 o0 sele/te2 M'- institutes 9resour/e /entres6
/omplies 1it. regional 2eman2s
Ref. no: 80.81&7.08 Project title: Stu23 on t.e mi/ro80inan/e se/tor /apa/it3 buil2ing in Sierra >eone
Name of legal entity Country
project value
carried out by
legal entity ()
No of !taff
Name of
Origin of
Name of
member!$ if any
Grontmij | Carl Bro !S Sierra
0%(0 million 100%00 ( BiDClim 'D;%
10 ! (007
4 ! (008
"etailed de!cription of project %ype of !ervice! provided
-.e C: Business Climate ;a/ilit3 9BiDClim6 is an C:8'" joint initiative 0inan/e2
un2er t.e &t. 'uropean Development ;un2 9'D;6. BiDClim aims at 0ostering a
business enabling environment in C: /ountries or regions b3 improving legislation%
institutional 0rame1or#s an2 0inan/ial measures relating to t.e enabling environment o0
t.e private se/tor an2 b3 t.e re0orm o0 state o1ne2 enterprises.
-.e proje/t 1as initiate2 b3 t.e ?i/ro0inan/e :rogramme o0 t.e +ational Commission
0or So/ial /tion 9+aCS6 t.at 0ile2 a reEuest 0or assistan/e 1it. BiDClim, t.e proje/t is
meant at /ontributing its s.are to povert3 alleviation b3 0ostering t.e 2evelopment o0
t.e mi/ro0inan/e se/tor in Sierra >eone. -.e +aCS ?i/ro0inan/e :rogramme 9?;:6
is primaril3 a te/.ni/al assistan/e an2 training ve.i/le 0or buil2ing a viable% sustainable
an2 gro1ing ?; sub8se/tor.
-.e e4pe/te2 output o0 t.e proje/t 1ill ta#e t.e 0orm o0 a strategi/ 2evelopment plan
9SD:6 t.at 1ill provi2e t.e Government an2 t.e various sta#e.ol2ers 1it. 16 an
assessment o0 t.e prevailing mi/ro80inan/e se/tor t.at mainl3 results 0rom initiatives
laun/.e2 over t.e past 0ive 3ears, (6 an appraisal o0 t.e level o0 e00i/ien/3 o0 t.e mi/ro8
0inan/e institutions 9?;)s6 in meeting t.e 2eman2 an2 <6 re/ommen2ations to 0urt.er
improve H i0 ne/essar3 H t.e regulator3 0rame1or#% to strengt.en t.e private8publi/
2ialogue plat0orms% to suggest orientations 0or 2onorsC 0un2ing% et/.
-.e overall obje/tive o0 t.e proje/t is to /ontribute to povert3 alleviation povert3 b3
0ostering t.e 2evelopment o0 t.e mi/ro0inan/e in Sierra >eone b3 assisting in t.e
2evelopment o0 an up2ate2 strategi/ plan 0or mi/ro0inan/e% provi2ing t.e Government%
t.e ?;) se/tor an2 t.e 2onors 1it. t.e ne/essar3 up2ate2 in0ormation on t.e 2eman2%
t.e suppl3% t.e i2enti0ie2 gaps an2 t.e relevant re/ommen2ations 0or supporting t.e
se/tor over t.e me2ium term.
-.e t1o spe/i0i/ obje/tives o0 t.e assignment are t.e 0ollo1ing5
:.ase 1. "p2ate2 in0ormation an2 assessment on t.e ?; se/tor in Sierra >eone is
Des# top stu23 on t.e mi/ro80inan/e se/tor in Sierra >eone. Base2
on /olle/tion o0 2ata on initiatives% programmes an2 proje/ts
un2erta#en in Sierra >eone an2 in ot.er relevant C: /ountries as
1ell as meeting an2 1or#s.ops 1it. #e3 pla3ers.
Dra0ting gap anal3sis an2 S=*- anal3sis.
Des/ription an2 /riti/al anal3sis o0 t.e legal an2 regulator3
environment an2 /omparison o0 t.ese 1it. 1.at is #no1n to
promote mi/ro0inan/e best pra/ti/es.
Revie1 o0 :'P setup using t.e CG: tool 0or ssessing
?i/ro0inan/e pe4es.
Dra0t strategi/ 2evelopment plan in/lu2ing5
Q n assessment o0 t.e prevailing situation o0 t.e /ountr3Cs mi/ro8
0inan/e se/tor t.at mainl3 results 0rom initiatives laun/.e2 over t.e
past 0ive 3ears.
Q n appraisal o0 t.e level o0 e00i/ien/3% e00e/tiveness an2
sustainabilit3 o0 t.e mi/ro80inan/e institutions in meeting t.e
Q Re/ommen2ations 0or 0urt.er improve t.e regulator3 0rame1or#.
Q Re/ommen2ations to strengt.en t.e private8publi/ 2ialogue
Q Suggest orientation 0or 2onorCs 0un2ing.
:.ase (. -.e strategi/ 2evelopment plan 0or t.e ?; se/tor in Sierra >eone is approve2
b3 t.e sta#e.ol2ers.

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