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Honors Biology 2006-2007

Honors Biology 2006-2007
Copying DNA
! Each cell in an organism has an exact copy of the DNA
that was in the fertilized egg (Mitosis)
! The DNA in the chromosome is copied in a process called
DNA Replication.
! If DNA wasnt copied before cell division, new cells would only have
half the DNA of their parents.
Honors Biology 2006-2007
DNA Replication
! Base pairing allows each strand
to serve as a pattern (template)
for a new strand
! Semi-Conservatice Model
! 2 molecules are formed.
! Each has an original strand and
one new strand.
Honors Biology 2006-2007
lets meet
the team
DNA Replication
! Large team of enzymes coordinates replication:
1. DNA Helicase - unwinds the DNA so that it can be
2. DNA Polymerase(s) - Brings in the nucleotide
building blocks to make the complimentary strand
AND proofreads the nished strands.
3. DNA Ligase - Acts as glue cementing new pieces
of DNA together to form a continuous strand.
Honors Biology 2006-2007
1st step: Unwinding
single-stranded binding proteins
! Unwind & unzip DNA
! helicase enzyme
! unwinds DNA helix
! stabilized by single-stranded binding proteins
! The areas where the double helix separate are called replication forks.
Honors Biology 2006-2007
Replication fork
direction of replication
Honors Biology 2006-2007
! DNA Polymerases bring in new
nucleotides that match up to
template strands
Now, thats a
2nd step - Adding Bases
Honors Biology 2006-2007
Results of DNA Replication
! DNA Replication results in the formation of
2 DNA molecules, each identical to the
original DNA molecule.
! Each new molecule has one strand from the
original DNA molecule and one new strand.
! Semi-conservative!
Honors Biology 2006-2007
Checking for Errors
! Sometimes errors occur when the wrong
nucleotide is added to the new strand.
! Luckily, DNA Polymerase has a
proofreading function.
! DNA Polymerase can backtrack and remove
incorrect nucleotides.
Honors Biology 2006-2007
Fast & accurate!
! It takes E. coli <1 hour to copy
5 million base pairs in its single
! divide to form 2 identical daughter cells
! Human cell copies its 6 billion bases &
divide into daughter cells in only few hours
! remarkably accurate
! only ~1 error per 100 million bases
! ~30 errors per cell cycle

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