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Certified Cocoa

Programming Professional
Certified Cocoa Programming Professional

C CC Certified ertified ertified ertified Cocoa Programming Cocoa Programming Cocoa Programming Cocoa Programming Professional Professional Professional Professional
Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1143
Vskills certification for Cocoa Programming Professional assesses the candidate as per the
companys need for application development for OS X operating system !he certification
tests the candidates on vario"s areas in o#$ect-oriented programming %ith o#$ective-c&
cocoa fo"ndation kit& graphical "ser interfaces& %indo%s& vie%s& controls& c"stom vie%s&
event handling& models& data f"nctionality& rich-te't handling& printing and locali(ation

)hy sho"ld one take this certification* )hy sho"ld one take this certification* )hy sho"ld one take this certification* )hy sho"ld one take this certification*
!his Co"rse is intended for professionals and grad"ates %anting to e'cel in their chosen
areas +t is also %ell s"ited for those %ho are already %orking and %o"ld like to take
certification for f"rther career progression

,arning Vskills Cocoa Programming Professional Certification can help candidate
differentiate in today-s competitive $o# market& #roaden their employment opport"nities #y
displaying their advanced skills& and res"lt in higher earning potential

)ho %ill #enefit from taking this certification* )ho %ill #enefit from taking this certification* )ho %ill #enefit from taking this certification* )ho %ill #enefit from taking this certification*
.o# seekers looking to find employment in soft%are development departments of vario"s
companies& st"dents generally %anting to improve their skill set and make their CV
stronger and e'isting employees looking for a #etter role can prove their employers the
val"e of their skills thro"gh this certification
!est /etails !est /etails !est /etails !est /etails
/"ration0 /"ration0 /"ration0 /"ration0 12 min"tes
3o of 4"estions0 3o of 4"estions0 3o of 4"estions0 3o of 4"estions0 52
6a'im"m marks0 6a'im"m marks0 6a'im"m marks0 6a'im"m marks0 52& Passing marks0 75 8529:
!here is no negative marking in this mod"le
;ee Str"ct"re ;ee Str"ct"re ;ee Str"ct"re ;ee Str"ct"re
<s 3&222=- 8+ncl"des all ta'es:
Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills Companies that hire Vskills
Cocoa Programming Professionals are in great demand Companies speciali(ing in OS X
application development or s"pport are constantly hiring skilled cocoa
programming professional Vario"s p"#lic and private companies also need cocoa
programming professional for their soft%are development departments

Certified Cocoa Programming Professional

!a#le of Contents !a#le of Contents !a#le of Contents !a#le of Contents

1 1 1 1 +ntrod"ction to Cocoa +ntrod"ction to Cocoa +ntrod"ction to Cocoa +ntrod"ction to Cocoa
1.1 The Mac OS X Programming Environment
1.2 Cocoa Defined
1.3 The Cocoa Frameworks
1.4 Languages
1.5 The Foundation Framework
1.6 The Application Kit Framework

7 7 7 7 Cocoa /evelopment !ools Cocoa /evelopment !ools Cocoa /evelopment !ools Cocoa /evelopment !ools
2.1 Installing the Developer Tools
2.2 Interface Builder
2.3 Other Tools

3 3 3 3 O#$ect O#$ect O#$ect O#$ect- -- -Oriented Programming %ith O#$ective Oriented Programming %ith O#$ective Oriented Programming %ith O#$ective Oriented Programming %ith O#$ective- -- -C CC C
3.1 Introducing Objects
3.2 Creating and Using Objects
3.3 Methods and Messages
3.4 Objective-C-Defined Types
3.5 Creating New Classes
3.6 Overriding Methods
3.7 Other Concepts

4 4 4 4 !he Cocoa ;o"ndation >it !he Cocoa ;o"ndation >it !he Cocoa ;o"ndation >it !he Cocoa ;o"ndation >it
4.1 Strings
4.2 Collections
4.3 Memory Management

5 5 5 5 ?raphical @ser +nterfaces ?raphical @ser +nterfaces ?raphical @ser +nterfaces ?raphical @ser +nterfaces
5.1 Graphical User Interfaces in Cocoa
5.2 Designing Applications Using MVC
5.3 Create the Currency Converter Project
5.4 Create the Interface
5.5 Define the Classes
5.6 Connect the Model, Controller, and View
5.7 Implement the Classes
5.8 Build and Run

1 1 1 1 )indo%s& Vie%s& and Controls )indo%s& Vie%s& and Controls )indo%s& Vie%s& and Controls )indo%s& Vie%s& and Controls
6.1 Windows and the Window System
6.2 The View Hierarchy
6.3 Coordinate Systems
6.4 Controls, Cells, and Formatters
Certified Cocoa Programming Professional

6.5 Targets and Actions

A A A A C"stom Vie%s C"stom Vie%s C"stom Vie%s C"stom Vie%s
7.1 Custom View Creation Steps
7.2 Create a Custom View
7.3 Drawing into a View: Behind the Scenes
7.4 Draw Strings into a View
7.5 Draw Paths into a View

B B B B ,vent Candling ,vent Candling ,vent Candling ,vent Candling
8.1 Events
8.2 Dot View Application
8.3 Event Delegation
8.4 Notifications

D D D D 6odels and /ata ;"nctionality 6odels and /ata ;"nctionality 6odels and /ata ;"nctionality 6odels and /ata ;"nctionality
9.1 Protocols
9.2 Key-Value Coding
9.3 Table Views
9.4 Table View Example
9.5 Saving Data: Coding and Archiving
9.6 Using Formatters
9.7 Sorting Tables

12 12 12 12 6"ltiple /oc"ment Erchitect"re 6"ltiple /oc"ment Erchitect"re 6"ltiple /oc"ment Erchitect"re 6"ltiple /oc"ment Erchitect"re
10.1 Architectural Overview
10.2 Building a Document-Based Application

11 11 11 11 <ich <ich <ich <ich- -- -!e't Candling !e't Candling !e't Candling !e't Candling
11.1 Cocoa's Text System
11.2 Creating a Rich-Text Editor
11.3 Enabling the Font Menu
11.4 Text Storage and Attributed Text
11.5 Enabling the Text Menu
11.6 Handling Embedded Images

17 17 17 17 Printing Printing Printing Printing
12.1 Printing a View
12.2 Using Print Operations
12.3 Setting Margins

13 13 13 13 F"ndles and <eso"rces F"ndles and <eso"rces F"ndles and <eso"rces F"ndles and <eso"rces
13.1 Peeking Inside Bundles
13.2 Using Bundles

Certified Cocoa Programming Professional

14 14 14 14 Gocali(ation Gocali(ation Gocali(ation Gocali(ation
14.1 Mac OS X Language Preferences
14.2 Localizing Resources
14.3 Localizing Nib Files
14.4 Localizing Strings

15 15 15 15 /efa"lts and Preferences /efa"lts and Preferences /efa"lts and Preferences /efa"lts and Preferences
15.1 How Preferences Work
15.2 Using Defaults
15.3 Command-Line Preferences Access
15.4 Using Unique Application Identifiers

11 11 11 11 Eccessory )indo%s Eccessory )indo%s Eccessory )indo%s Eccessory )indo%s
16.1 The Role of File's Owner
16.2 Making an Info Window

1A 1A 1A 1A ;inishing !o"ches ;inishing !o"ches ;inishing !o"ches ;inishing !o"ches
17.1 Tidying Up the User Interface
17.2 Providing an Icon
17.3 Providing Help
17.4 Customizing the About Box
17.5 Tweaking Compiler Settings
17.6 Packaging for Distribution
17.7 Closure

Certified Cocoa Programming Professional

Sample H"estions Sample H"estions Sample H"estions Sample H"estions
1 1 1 1 )hat is Cocoa* )hat is Cocoa* )hat is Cocoa* )hat is Cocoa*
E Ginker
F Compiler
C Set of EP+s
/ 3one of the a#ove

7 77 7 )hich programming lang"age %as the original lang"age in %hich )hich programming lang"age %as the original lang"age in %hich )hich programming lang"age %as the original lang"age in %hich )hich programming lang"age %as the original lang"age in %hich 3eX!S!,P 3eX!S!,P 3eX!S!,P 3eX!S!,P
%as developed %as developed %as developed %as developed* ** *
E Cocoa
F O#$ective-C
C .ava
/ 3one of the a#ove

3 33 3 )hat is the name of Cocoa-s string class )hat is the name of Cocoa-s string class )hat is the name of Cocoa-s string class )hat is the name of Cocoa-s string class* ** *
E String
F 3SString
C 3String
/ 3one of the a#ove

4 44 4 )hich operating system entity )hich operating system entity )hich operating system entity )hich operating system entity or service processes inp"t for so"rces s"ch or service processes inp"t for so"rces s"ch or service processes inp"t for so"rces s"ch or service processes inp"t for so"rces s"ch as as as as
mo"se mo"se mo"se mo"se* ** *
E !asks
F 3otification
C <"n Goop
/ 3one of the a#ove

5 55 5 )hich "ser interface element sho"ld #e "sed to display important information )hich "ser interface element sho"ld #e "sed to display important information )hich "ser interface element sho"ld #e "sed to display important information )hich "ser interface element sho"ld #e "sed to display important information
like error messages like error messages like error messages like error messages* ** *
E )indo%
F Panel
C Vie%
/ 3one of the a#ove

Answers: 1 (C), 2 (B), 3 (B), 4 (C), 5 (B)

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