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1 Application of Learning Theories T.

Dumais EdtTech 597

Activity, Constructivist and the Situated Learning theories

The three theories I will apply into my teaching practice are, Activity, Constructivist and the
Situated Learning theories. Presently I use an inquiry based teaching method in my social
studies classroom. This is part of the constructivist learning theory, in this process students learn
how and what they need to solve a complex question or series of problems. I want to include
activity and situated learning because the goal of social studies is to create critical thinkers, so
learners think on their feet as opposed to rote recall where the knowledge is lost shortly after
tested. To be active citizens students must be able to learn about history, ideologies and systems
employed to organize society and then apply that knowledge in new situations. The goal also is
to teach students that they can solve any problem by thinking critically and applying their
existing knowledge and problem solving skills to new challenges. Activity learning can be done
through formal debates, mock parliaments or student created news presentations. Inquiry
learning is often supported by a series of support structures or lessons provided by the instructor.
This scaffolding may come in the form of short lectures, or information sessions, provided at
times when students need assistance where this knowledge will be used to solve future problems.
This is very similar to what needs to be done with situated learning, I will look at having my
grade eleven classes come in and working with my grade nine classes when they are writing their
first essay. The goal will be to have my grade nines being in a community of experts as my
grade elevens are fairly proficient at essay writing. This will allow the grade elevens to further
their own critical thinking and application skills.

Activity, Constructivist and the Situated Learning are part of the constructivist school of thought
(Smith & Ragan, 2005, p.19) is based on the idea that people are rational and can construct
knowledge for themselves. Application of these theories in social studies looks to support the
idea that learning can be done through individual inquiry or collaboratively in small groups and
that inquiry is done to solve a problem and constructs meaning as he or she learns. These theories
stress cooperative work and non-traditional exploration methods designed to help students think
on their own. Presently we use Google Drive, Desire2Learn (D2L) padlet and other online
2 Application of Learning Theories T.Dumais EdtTech 597

resources to collaborate and work on issues and problems as a class. The power of these three
learning styles is that they support the idea that learning occurs when one constructs both
mechanisms for learning and his or hers own unique version of knowledge, colored by
background, experiences, and aptitudes (Roblyer & Doering, 2006, p.37).

In conclusion, I look forward to implementing more hands on, real world activities where
students can work collaboratively, and construct meaning for themselves, and I will certainly
look to include some aspects of gamification into my teaching practices.


Roblyer, M. D., & Doering, A. H. (2013). Integrating educational technology into teaching (6th
ed.). Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon Publishers.

Smith, P.L., & Ragan, T. J. (2005). Instructional Design. John Wiley & Sons,

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