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20G'250V SO Consumption W. AG Hz. 8
External/internal (1 dB. line

Signaldistortionless than 1% at OdBmsignal level.


Speech modeRd)11d8.Ringing mode Z)32kohm Loop resistance Backgroundnoise Registerrecall Ringing detector Timed break of externalline t=100 ms + 20 ms. Threshold level Ur)25V, frequency20-55 Hz. 125mA. DOresistance R(350 ohm.Max.linecurrent





Speech mode Rd> 15d8. Cable resistance Input system Ringing voltage R<50 ohm, i.e.max. cable lengthapprox.300m fnput voftage 1trt, consitantcurrent 2G.25mA.

ur = 48VAC,I 2,t,50H2.

Internaldialtone Engagedtone Blockingtone Waitingtone Ringingtone tone Gonfirmation 1 sec. (OK-tone)

: InternationalDistribution

Boks t..o 213, (02) 1s00 84 N3rlfiliJrf.
Developedand manufacturedby Producl Finders Int., A/S Rissr




INSTALLATION OF BR,IFOII AND ERIPOI II Find a goodlocationcloseto the lines,and mount the ERIFOX the wall. on Connect the ertensionlines, usingsingle pair cables. Connect a) and b) the wire to eachertensionterminalvhich you vill find under the lid. Each ertensionis marked9,2,3 -- 5. please observethat no.9 is the main station,and no. 2 is the programmingstation.Theselines should not be placedoutsideyour premises. Checkthe wiring carefully. I),oor phone. If a door phoneis used,always connectthis to ert. no. 6. Telefar. lf a telefar is usedin auto mode,connect this to ert. no. 5 Door. If a door bell or door lock is connected, pleaseseethe wiring diagrams below.The electricalconnections locatedunder the lid. are Testing the ertensions. the plug into the mainsouilet. and connect Put (No.2 musralvays be a Tone(DTMF) the telephone sers. signalling set). Testall ertensions dialing.A dial-toneis heardin every telephone by set. Connect rhe erchange line(s)to the ERIFoX 0l). I ERIFOX TERMIATION BOARD LOCATED UNDER LID THE

ERIFOX AND ERIFOX I II The PADXERIFOX shouldbe installed closeto the PSTN line outlets and closeto the mainsoutlet. pleasefollow the instructionscarefully. The erchangelines shouldalways be protectedwith ertra surge protectiondevicesif the vires out of houseare aboveground level. PLEASE NOTTERMINATE EXTENSION DO THE LINESIF THEPOWER INDICATOR LIT. DONOTINSTALL THEEI(CHANGE IS LINESBEFORE THE EXTENSIONS READY ARE ANDTESTED.

Interface to the PSTN Buildingentry. Simpleor multiple pair cables

4 vrire twisted cable pair maxlengrh t[|m.

pair Single cobte, Eeh length maxJ00m

The marn Line? Line 3 statlon ( DINF) no.9

Line 4

Line S/ Line 6/ Telefax Dmrphorre

porr Srngle cable


lf you choosenot to connectextension rinesto ail six exchange ouilets, you must let the exchange 1fnow" which linesare not in use. i: I_hi: 9ol" simptyby tiftingthe hanoseton the m aint elephone diallin z * n o and t l. {: n is the numberof the outlet(s) connected not to an extension. lf Voulaterdecideto use theseouflets, you cancel the abovemessage choosinq by ;hi.n f unctions tete[nonei ;;i;i;;;. tne bee rabtepage g. 3

txTtNstoN 9,2-6 LINES


connected bothto a telephone equipment Telephone is l i n ea n d to th e ma i n sel ectri ci ty parti cul arl y duri ngthunderstorms. s u s c e p ti b lto d a m a g e e takecareto pull out the mains Youshouldtherefore p stormsi n order e l e c tri c i ty l u gd u ri n gthunder shouldstrikenear by. damageif lightning to prevent Yo us h o u l da l s op u l lo ut the mai nspl ug d u ri n gl o n ga b s e n c e s. The guarantee doesnot coverdamagecaused b y l i g h tn i n g . INTERNALCALLS Liftthe handset - you hear the internaldialtone. Dialt he num berof t he phoneyou wantt o call (2-6or9) - you get a connectionor hear the engaged signal. EXTERNAL CALLS Liftthe handset - you hear the internaldialtone. Dial"0" - you hear the regular dialtone. Dialt he num ber . ANSWERINGEXTERNALCALLS Liftthe handset - you are immediatelyconnectedto the caller. All t elephones connect edo t he e>lchange t r eceive t he r inging ( signal. Exceptor phones hat havehad f t t he r inging signal"t ur ned f ",se below. ) of The f ir stt o lif tt he handset akest he call. t It is not possible listenin on the conversation to from the otherextensions.



signalling The programming station.no. 2 must alx/aysbe a DTlvtF telephoneset vith ' and tr buttons. to The mein stttion no. 9 should alvays be corresponding the type of the public Erchange to. you are connected This is because erchangeline I is directly conneitedto the main station during por/er failure. lf the Public acceplpulsesignallingonly, the set must be a pulse dialing type' Erchange refer to the start-up procedurefor detailedinformation. Please to The other sets 3-6 can be any type, tone or pulse.lt is recommended use acceptpulseonly. pulsesignallingtypes if the Public Erchange -l- is used as Wheneverusing pulse signallingtelephonesets,the button Wheneverthe R-button is to registerrecall to 8et access the servioes. dial -l- instead. requiredfor someservice, ' In this casesomefeaturesrequiring and n is lost' when usingDTMF telephonesets,it is required to have a reEisterrecall to (-R-button)giving a timed break for gettingaccess the services.


'e rt\*-

EXTERNAL CALL WAITING.TRANSFER OR RETRIEVE When you havean external call,you may "park" it whileyou m akean int er nal call. Youmay transfer external the call to the other extension, you may retrieve or t he connect ion your self . - key Pressthe - you hear "R" internaldialtone. the Dialt he ext ension num ber - you may conduct the internalconversation.

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Dmr p belt




DOOR BELL Youmay connectthe door bellto the telephone exchange, that when somebodyrings so will the door bell,the telephones givethreeshort ringingsignals(excepttelephones that have had the ringingsignal"turnedoff"). Telephones engagedin internalor external conversations not ring. will DOORTELEPHONE

lf you lose track of which functionsyou haveselected you have the option of resettingthe exchangeto the way it was at deliveryand then start over ag-ain. D i a l7 t c 7 7 # . :

lf you lift the handsetand wait too long beforeyou pressthe first key to selectfunctions, you will hear the blockingtone. Replacethe handsetand try again.

The main telephone must alwaysfillthe requirements of any telephone connected the publictelephone to network.For this reasonit is not permitted to imposerestrictions the main telephone. on

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Extensionnumber6 may be used as a door telephone. When you hearthe door bell signal,dial 6 from one of the extensions, and you'll be connectedwith visitorat the entrancedoor. HOW TO SELEGT THE DOOR TELEPHO NE FUNCTI O N: Liftthe main telephone's handsetand dial:7 * - Youhave told the exchange that you want to choose a function. Dial 8fi 6 - Extension no. 6 has been defined as a door telephone DOOR OPENER

Upon powerfailure only main telephone function. will It is then directlyconnectedto the public network. (Do not dial 0 to get the externaldialtone.) When power returns,all the selectedfunctionswill still be presentin the exchange.

s t*


lf yoq are connectedto a digitalpublicexchangeyou also have accessto its functions. Notethat functionsrequiringuse of the R-key demandthat you dial R + 1 if connectedto a PABX.

The door telephone can be expanded alsoto include an electricaldoor opener,a lock which can be unlockedby meansof an electricalsignal. HOW TO USE AN ELECTRICAL DO O RO PENER Youhearthe door bellsignal - lift the handset and dial 6. Conversation established is with the personringing the door bell. Pressthe R-key. - the visitor can open the door. For more information about door telephones and door openers,pleasecontactour distributor.





dial-tone. durin&installation: Problems il{issing Feeding. Checkthe feedingvoltageto the telephoneset by listeningfor the side-tone. This is easily beard as you make a noisein the microphone. If the feedingis 0K, make sure no other instruments are off hook. to Program. The line may be proSrammed out-of use.DialT '7 7 * ,andproceed minSinstructions. the program If the feedingis oot 0K,there is a short circuit or a break in the loop. Wiring: Make a internal call to the line not vorking. If you receivea busytone, there is a short-circuit.If you receiveringing tone,there is a open circuit. that rise after sometime in use. Problems II Erchange. You may suspectthat erchangeline 2 on your ERIFOX is not vorking. Try to set up tvo outgoingcalls at the sametime. If you receivebusy-tone,seethe programminginstructionsabove,step B. Ertension. You may erperiencethat someservice,like the ringing signal, to restrictedacress erternal callsetc.is not available.This is normally by set-up. caused programming to Pleaseproceed user'sguidechapter { for changingthe functions. Waitingfor dial-tone. where tvo erteosiongeneratea nev call at the same ln somecases time, one must wait for the internal dial-tone.Normally the dialing is rcady vithin 2-3 seconds, whenever using DTMFtelephonesets but the towardsPublicErchanges requiringpulsesignals, dial-toneis not free until 6 sec.after the last digit entry. If you do not receivethe please dial-tone, wait a fev seconds, try again. and



604333t I

an the Thismanual describe programming useof the pabr's instructions, ERIFOX and ERIFOX Forfull user II. I please referto the USER'S GUIDE.

Fault descriotion is The PABX dead. Nothiogvorks Nodial-rcne oo ooeertosioo. Missing rin gin g signal. Ringingsignalto statioono, 9 only. perform Cannot outgoiagcalls. IRIFOX does respond not to pro3ramninB instr,

nossiblefault Pover-failure. or Short-circuit open circuit. Programmiag. Turnedoff by programming Turaedoff by progranning The lioe is restricted ia use. Yrong type of tclephone setin use, vrong lioe.

Action. Chectthe nains coonection. If 0K. sendfor repair Cbectthe viring. Programmiog. If ao solution,seadfor repair. Sethe user'sguidechaptcr {. Dial' ' fron statioooo.2. Serhe programminginstructions above, stpC. Sethe user'sguidechapter{. Chect the telephooeset. UseDTI{Ftelephoneset ooly. Programmingstationis n0.2. II and The PABX'sIRIFOX and ERIFOX are deveioped maoufactlred by: I

ERIFOX marketedby: is





is The ERIFOX now ready installed.Plug the power cord to the mainsoutlet, and the and indicatorlocatedunder the lid will light up. Put the lid back on its place, tighten the screws. Before you ctn strrt using the P.ABI. it is oecesstry to progren the acceptDTMFsignals, the type of erchenge liner in use. If tbe PublicErchange to ERIFOX mustbe proSrammed perform the ri8ht type of dialing. The procedure as follows : is Disconnect erchangeline(s),and plug the DTMFtelephoneset ioto the lioe(s). the accept the DTMF Make a call attempt. tf the call is successful, Public Erchange signals. this caseit is necessary programa nev codeas statedbelov.(A). In to If the call attempt is not vorking, proceedto step (B).

GUIDE.NEV feetures. USER'S 3 two internal + one erternal. Conference. A 3-party conference possible, is internal party. As this call is Set up a erternal call. Dial -R- 7 n, n being the second answered, conference established. the is ERIFOI II only. 0peretor mode. By programmingoperator mode,all the incomingerternal calls vill be receivedoo statioo no. 9. (operator).The callscan be transferred as before. the If the transferred call is not ansvered vithin 20 sec., call is reverted to no. 9. to Eeadliag two cells. In any mode,it is possible handletwo calls,as one is on bold while talking to the other. You can svitch betveen the tvo erternal lines by dialingthe R-buttoo, and -0-. The line you servecan be transferred or terminated. Wheneverputting the handset on hmk, the parked call will signal for recoanection. If farlint is programmed, ert. oo. 5 is linked to erchangeLine2. Ferliat. Incomingcalls on line 2 vill be signatledoo ert. 5 only. InominS calls oo line t vill not be signalledon ert. 5. This makesthe ert. 5 ideal for automatictelefar use. The telefar must be oonnectedto ert. 5. You c?n useerchangeline 2 for outgoing line 2 is simply to dial 5. callsfrom any station.The procedurefor selecting

PN,OGN,AMMING. 2 set. is All programming performedfrom station to.2. using a DTMFtelephone the A) Programming type of erchangelines. dial : 7 ' 0 0 * acept DTMF. Lift the handset, The PublicErchange acceptpulseonly. Defaultvalue: 7 ' 0 I s The PublicErchange the B) Programming erchangeline status.EntFOI II only. or If you vant to run the ERIFOX vith only one line connected, with line 2 as a Il direcl ferlint, proceedasfollows: Lift the handset, dial : 7' I 0 * Line 2 is switchedoff. value: 7' | | * Default Lire 2is svitchedon. 7' | 2s Lne 2 is directly liaked to ert. 5, farlink. userguide. ThefeatureFAXLINK specified part 5, special in is C) Programming running mode.ERIFOI II only. In normalmode.all the ertensions have the samefeaturesand functions. In operatorr.rods. only the main instrument no. 9 will receiveincomingcalls. The ERIFOX is pre-programmed normel mode. tf you vaot to changeto II to operatormode,the procedureis as follows: Lift the handset, dial : 7' 9 | I mode. Operator Defaultvalue: 7' 9 0r Normalmode. the D) Prog,rammin8 ertensions. You canchange functionson every ertension2-6 by selecting the function codes. the Please refer to the user'sguide chapter { for selecting functions. E) hogramming the call restriction digits. vill control the first digit dialed to Wheneverthe call restrictionis used.the PABX the erchange line(s). Please refer to the user'sguidechapter4 , 4.

SEORT.FOR,f, USER, UANUAL Symbols: Lift baodset a Ringingsignal f Dial another ert. n Internal calls Erternalcalls Receiving internal calls erternal calls Receiving Hternal call pick-up Enquirycall Enquiry call to superior pabr Calltransfer Calltransfer before ansr/er Vait for outgoingline Turn tbe ringin8 sigaaloff Turn the rin8ing signal off Conference the Operatin8 door phone 0peratingthe door lock Outgoingcall to line 2, farlink A A

Replace handset r Erternal @nvers. q, r Dial a digit

Dial R-burton O Internal convers. <( Dial-tone oo

r r s

; ,


(DTMF) oo << oo cll<(. oo . rll . . 0 Busytone O A ' 0 (DTMF) r t A ' I (DTMF) r a A ((+{o oo tooe.. @7 n Ringing .6(< I(s) A (<(6) a -5- newdial-tone 1.r'2,--etc. I r A

A 00 A -0. A rll(( @ @ ln n

n -0((

(( Ringing tone.. new dial-tonerl,r2, --etc.


o o

(DTMF)indicate that tbe serviceis availableonly usiaSa DTMFtelephooeset. If an impulsingtelephoneset is used,the digit - I - is usedinstead of the R-button.

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