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OrthoWarp ER Release Note, version 2.2.


Release 2.2.3 of OrthoWarp ER (10.12.2004) contains the following:
1. Fixed a problem in the adjustment of the approximate satellite orbit.
The approximation of the orbit failed with certain GPS data sets and
the exterior orientation couldnt be computed. Happened e.g. with some
SPOT5 /HI/Level 1A images.
Release 2.2.2 of OrthoWarp ER contains the following:
1. Added new sensor model for Spot 5 level 1B images. The results
especially in areas of high elevation differences are now much better.
2. Added handling of null values in the DTM.
3. Fixed bug that caused the estimation of the bounding box of the area
to be orthorectified inaccurate.
4. Fixed bug that in some cases made a strange grid onto the
5. Fixed bug that made some slightly inaccurate interpolation from the
DTM. This could in rare cases show up as small vertical or
horizontal discontinuities in the orthoimage.
6. Fixed bug that in some cases caused the orthorectification of Aster
images to crash in Demo mode.
7. Fixed memory bug that was partly fixed in last version
8. Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
Release 2.2.1 of OrthoWarp ER contains the following:
1. Fixed bug which caused marker and text to disappear when moving GCP
in the left Zoom window
2. Fixed bug which caused opening of raw-imagery projects to crash
3. Fixed bug preventing Quickbird2 and Spot5 Dimap imagery from being
imported with separate selection of header- and image file
4. Fixed bug showing wrong file size prior to ortho generation.
5. Fixed bug making it difficult to generate orthos with better than 1 m
6. Modifying the way the artifacts are generated in demo mode in a way
that it is now easier to interpret the results, especially with 16
bit imagery. The artifacts are now in the same range as the image
7. Updating the windows more often during the orthoimage generation in
order to be able to better follow the status while working with other
8. A memory bug occurring when orthorectifying large images was partly
Release 2.2.0 of OrthoWarp ER contains the following:
1. Added support of QuickBird 2 imagery (TIFF format)
2. Added support of Spot 5 imagery (dimap format)
3. Added support of Aster imagery (HDF format)
4. Added support of CCRS format of Spot imagery
5. Added support of Nlaps format of Landsat imagery
6. Modified the licensing system. The new system is not compatible with the old
licenses stored in the protection keys (HASP dongles). Those having
purchased OrthoWarp ER between 1.7.2002 and 1.7.2003 obtain a free license
upgrade. First the form created with Licensing / Make a License Request
Form in the Help menu has to be filled in and sent to
OrthoWarpER.licensing@inpho.de. After that the new license, which is obtained
via e-mail, is imported with Licensing / Import new License from File in
the Help menu. The same procedure can any time be used to extend the license.
7. Made some modifications into the manual
8. Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
Release 2.1.2 of OrthoWarp ER contains the following:
1. Added support ER Mapper 6.3.
2. Added support for Windows XP.
3. Fixed Spot image handling bug.
4. Fixed orthorectification bug occuring with high resolution images
in areas with high elevation differences.
5. Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
Release 2.1.1 of OrthoWarp ER contains the following:
1. Added support for some nonstandard IRS header files.
2. Corrected a situation where ER Mapper files with names close to
original satellite image files names could mix up the file identification.
Release 2.1 of OrthoWarp ER contains the following:
1. Improvements of the satellite sensor model to better handle also higher
level products with the sensor having large pitch and roll
angles. This improvement is significant especially in high resolution
data, such as Ikonos, on areas with high elevation differences.
2. It is now possible to import Ikonos & Landsat 7 multiresolution data
also without original header information. Just make an algorithm or
virtual dataset of all the files and import that into OrthoWarp ER.
This gives the opportunity to have the individual bands ecw-compressed.
But it is still recommended to use the original header and data files.
3. Added support for additional format (HDF and Fast format)
variations and naming conventions (including ACRES) of Landsat 7
4. Added support for variations of level 2A of Spot images
5. Added support for additional variations of Ikonos data
6. Added support for more datums
7. Fixed bugs in gcp-import
8. Upgraded installation software
9. Some minor bug fixes.
Release 2.0.3 of OrthoWarp ER contains the following:
1. Creating orthoimages larger than 2 GB used to crash OrthoWarp. In some cases
it also crashed with smaller images. This is now fixed, orthoimages of
practically any size can be produced.
2. Creating big orthoimages is now up to 50% faster than before.
3. The bug in recognizing some Landsat 7 HDF files is fixed.
4. Added support for handling of corner coordinates for some additional
receiving station formats of Landsat 5. Before this addition rubbish could be
seen on the display below the real data on the some images.
5. A bug that in some cases caused a crash when changing the source image is now
6. ER Mapper 6.2 support.
7. Some minor bug fixes.
Release 2.0.2 of OrthoWarp ER fixes the following bugs:
1. Using satellite imagery imported to ER Mapper *.ers format without
specifying a satellite image header-file, crashed OrthoWarp.
2. Import of DXF file, did not display the DXF-file in certain circumstances.
Release 2.0.1 of OrthoWarp ER has the following new features:
1. ECW support for input, both for the source image and for
the reference image
2. The source and reference image may be an ER Mapper algorithm or
ER Mapper virtual dataset. Thus, algorithms and virtual datasets can
be ortho-rectified, too.
3. Support of Ikonos imagery.
4. Ortho-image creation for selected bands and to any data-type.
5. GCP import (*.ers,*.gcp) and export (ER Mapper .gcp-format)
6. Better handling of datums and projections.
7. Online help
8. Better usage of header information. The metadata attached to the
source image is read in even if the satellite image is pre-rectified.
Using the corner-point information, it is now possible to rectify
images without measuring a single point. Of-course, the metadata
information is not accurate enough for a high quality product.
9. Sensor calibration is included to improve the accuracy.
10.Evaluation mode.
Without the protection adapter the program runs in demo mode. The demo
mode supports all features of the program. However, the produced
ortho-images contain artefacts, and exported observations random
Version 2 of OrthoWarp ER has still the following limitations:
Reference Data
OrthoWarp ER cannot produce ortho images onto the geodetic
Coordinate system. Consequently, the reference data need to
be in a map grid coordinate system.
Workaround: First, use ER Mapper to transform the reference data to
a map grid coordinate system. Second, use OrthoWarp ER for
ortho-rectification. Third, use ER Mapper again to go back to
the geodetic coordinate system.
This is a limitation, which will be corrected to version 2.3, asap.
Data formats
OrthoWarp ER supports direct reading of variety of satellite image data
formats, both for the image data and the metadata. However, there exists
far too many formats to be directly supported.
Workaround: If the image data can be imported as an ER Mapper dataset, one
can use the imported data as the source image. However, the metadata, if not
supported by OrthoWarp ER, will not be used. In this case OrthoWarp ER
will do the ortho-rectification based on your measurements only.
We are willing to directly support more and more data formats, as many as we
Can. If you have a need for a specific data format, and can deliver a test
dataset, please contact our support at orthowarper@inpho.de.
Online Help
The usage of Microsoft Internet Explorer as a browser for the online
manual has a limitation. OrthoWarp-ER uses DDE conversation with an open IE.
IE DDE service does not work properly with URLs with the FILE protocol.
FILE protocol is used to access the help files in your local disc-drive.
The limitation does not allow jumps on tags of a specific html-file.
Thus pressing the help button will always jump to the beginning of the file.
Not to the tag as supposed.
Due to this limitation it is highly recommended to use Netscape Navigator
as the help browser.
For closer look to the limitation/feature of IE check

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