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!"# %" &'() !"*)*'+) ,"-)#'%). /". 0(12 '2+ !'1. 3'.) by }oan Morais
Coyrighl 2011 }oan Morais
ALL RIGHTS RISIRVID. This bookIel is inlended for lhe ersonaI use of lhe reader. No arl
of lhis book may be reroduced, forvarded via emaiI, dislribuled in any rinled or eIeclronic
formal vilhoul vrillen ermission from lhe coyrighl hoIder. To do so is in vioIalion of lhe
coyrighl Iav.

Lua IubIishing
I.O ox 3250
IairfieId, CA 94533

DiscIaimer: The informalion rovided in lhis ubIicalion is lhe resuIl of research and exerience
by }oan Morais. I have lried lo be as recise as ossibIe vilh lhe descrilion of lhe ingredienls
and lhe recies. I do nol make any cIaims regarding any of lhe ingredienls, recies or medicaI
cIaims. These roducls are nol inlended lo diagnose, lreal cure or revenl any disease. I
suggesl each individuaI lo do lheir ovn addilionaI research aboul lhe safely and slorage of each
ingredienl and lhe IDA reguIalions for cosmelics.

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The rose is lhe symboI of Iove, beauly, assion and lhe myslery of Iife.
In ancienl limes, ,"-' 4'5516' aIso knovn as lhe Aolhecary rose vas used by heaIers lo heI
vilh many aiImenls.
I onIy Ianl fragranl roses. Here are a fev roses I have grovn successfuIIy and use lhe elaIs lo
make rosevaler.
Dnub!c Dc!ight is a cream vilh ink rose vilh Iarge elaIs. The elaIs don'l dry a nice coIor.
The scenl is beaulifuI.

Eurnpca has smaII elaIs. Il is highIy fragranl. The elaIs dry a nice dark red.

Hybrid Tca Rnscs in assorled coIors vilh a vonderfuI scenl.

"#$%&'()* +,--.+,-/ 0#12 3#&1'4 9 5556 0#12 3#&1'467#8
Mnst Fragrant Rnscs Irnm 5anta Barbara Rnsc 5ncicty
An exlensive Iisl of fragranl roses al lhis vebsile.
Mnst Fragrant Rnscs Irnm Amcrican Rnsc 5ncicty
A Lisl of lhe Mosl Iragranl Roses + eHov.com hll://vvv.ehov.com/info_8019580_Iisl-
1. Aida Medium Red
2. Calain Harry Slebbings
3. Dee Iink
4. IoIkIore Orange Iend
5. DubIin Medium Red
6. Iragranl CIoud Orange Red
7. Mr. LincoIn Dark Red
8. LimeIighl Lighl YeIIov
9. Miss AII-American eauly Dee Iink
10. Tiffany Iink Iend and RoyaI Highness Lighl Iink

"#$%&'()* +,--.+,-/ 0#12 3#&1'4 : 5556 0#12 3#&1'467#8
Rosevaler has been used since ancienl limes lo creale smoolh and beaulifuI skin and hair. Il is a
veII knovn beauly secrel. Rosevaler is aslringenl. AddilionaI ingredienls can be added lo
rosevaler lo moislurize and soflen lhe skin and hair.
A!mnnd Oi! vilh roses creales a synergy. They have an affinily for each olher and vhen
combined, lhey boosl each olher's roerlies. AImond oiI is one of lhe besl oiIs lo soflen and
nourish skin.
A!nc Vcra Gc! is a greal heaIing agenl and soolhes, soflens and renevs lhe skin.
Vcgctab!c G!yccrin soflens, soolhes and heIs lhe skin lo relain moislure.
1. Facia! Tnncr: Rosevaler is aslringenl and heIs lo lone lhe skin.

2. AItcr 5havc Tnncr & Mnisturizcr: Rosevaler heIs lo soolhe lhe skin afler shaving.
Rosevaler vilh aImond oiI, aIoe vera geI and vegelabIe gIycerin, viII moislurize and soflen lhe
face afler shaving.

3. Facia! Mnisturizcr: Rosevaler vilh aImond oiI, aIoe vera geI and vegelabIe gIycerin, viII
moislurize and soflen lhe face. I ul il on my skin al nighl inslead of a heavy cream. I use il in
lhe morning under my faciaI cream.

4. Hair 5hinc: Rosevaler vilh aImond oiI, aIoe vera geI and vegelabIe gIycerin, adds shine and
moislure lo hair. Sray on vel hair. Rosevaler vilh no ingredienls added is nice lo sray on lhe

5. 5ca!p 5nnthcr and 5uppnrt: Rosevaler vilh aImond oiI, aIoe vera geI and vegelabIe gIycerin,
heIs soolhe an irrilaled scaI and reIaxes and moislurizes lhe scaI.

6. Bndy Mnisturizcr: Rosevaler vilh aImond oiI, aIoe vera geI and vegelabIe gIycerin, is a nice
and Iighl moislurizer for lhe skin. (erfecl for babies, chiIdren and eIders)

"#$%&'()* +,--.+,-/ 0#12 3#&1'4 ; 5556 0#12 3#&1'467#8
This rosevaler is a simIe infusion of roses inlo valer. Il is nol a rose hydrosoI vhich lakes
Ionger lo make and a Iol of rose elaIs are used. This valer can easiIy be made veekIy.
Watch thc vidcn nn YnuTubc hcrc>>>
Ynu Nccd:
2 cus fresh fragranl rose elaIs (eslicide free)
3 cus disliIIed valer or sring valer

Optinna! Nnurishing Ingrcdicnts:
leasoon vegelabIe gIycerin
4 dros aImond oiI
leasoon aIoe vera geI

1. ring lhe disliIIed valer lo a fuII boiI in a slainIess sleeI or gIass ol.
2. Add 2 cus fresh fragranl rose elaIs lo lhe ol of boiIing valer and cover vilh lhe
3. Turn lhe heal off and remove lhe ol from heal.
4. AIIov lhe roses lo slee in lhe valer for aboul 15-30 minules.
5. Use a melaI slrainer lo slrain lhe cooked roses from lhe valer. (An unbIeached coffee
fiIler can be used inside lhe slrainer lo fiIler oul any liny ieces of Ianl maleriaI).
6. OlionaI: Add addilionaI nourishing ingredienls, aImond oiI, aIoe vera geI and
vegelabIe gIycerin. Choose any one or add aII lhree.
7. Iour inlo bollIes.
8. Ca and LabeI.

Slore bollIes in lhe refrigeralor and use vilhin one veek.

"#$%&'()* +,--.+,-/ 0#12 3#&1'4 < 5556 0#12 3#&1'467#8
Organic & NaluraI ody, Hair, & Skin Care Iroducl Making
CIasses, ConsuIlalions, Training ManuaIs
Websile: vvv.}oanMorais.com
ImaiI: info+|oanmorais.com
TeIehone: 1-707-426-9480

Tviller hll://lviller.com/-!/|oanmorais

Iacebook hll://vvv.facebook.com/ages/IairfieId-CA/}oan-Morais-NaluraIs/131290524089

Sign-u for our Bcauty and Wc!!-Bcing 5ccrcts and Tips veekIy emaiI,
vilh DIY Recies, InsiralionaI Ideas and SeciaIs!
And receive lhe IRII eook Hov To Make CaIenduIa IIover OiI for ody Care Iroducls afler
signing u. Sign-u al vvv.}oanMorais.com

Abnut Jnan Mnrais
}oan Morais is a naluraI cosmelic formuIalor and inslruclor. She leaches Iive and onIine courses
on making naluraI and organic roducls for body, hair and skin.
}oan has assisled lhousands in Iearning lhe arl and science of making naluraI roducls and has
laughl al lo sas and comanies. She leaches and consuIls vilh eoIe vorIdvide. Some of
}oan's cIienls have been eslhelicians, cosmeloIogisls, ceIebrilies, sas, make-u arlisls, and
individuaI's crealing lheir ovn roducl Iine. }oan is a cerlified aromalheraisl and herbaIisl.
She slarled her ovn ubIishing comany in 2003 and is lhe aulhor of many hov lo books
incIuding, !"# %" &'() *+",)--."/'0 1'%2+'0 3"%."/- '/4 5+)'6-.
}oan's assion is leaching hoIislic beauly, making crealive and rofessionaI roducls lhal can
lransform inlo a successfuI roducl making business.
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