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Officially, no attacks on Luxembourg-based

NATO or U.S. sites figure in the 1984-1986

Bommeleer files, however, three incidents merit
1. In the early 1980 a most peculiar episode
happens at the U.S. Warehouse Service Agency
(WSA) storage site in Bettembourg/Dudelange.
One day, a young Luxembourg soldier is ordered
by his superior to chauffeur four U.S. Marines to
the WSA facilities in Bettembourg/Dudelange,
where they proceed to take pictures of the
surrounding area. They are kind of friendly,
chatting about a mission involving parachuting
colleagues over northern Luxembourg . Days
later, a security guard apprehends two Americans
as they attempt to penetrate the secure perimeter
of the facility. Bad luck, their electronic equipment
(walkie-talkies) did not work, so they could not be
informed by their look-outs about the (non-
military) guard making his rounds. He proceeds to
detain the individuals. They are later picked up by
members of the Luxembourg army and
disappear no file no prosecution. If it was a
security test conducted with some organization
in-the-know, then obviously somebody forgot to provide some instructions to the guard on
2. A more tragic event happens in the night of May 12-13, 1984, when a Belgian Army barrack
at Vielsalm, about ten miles north of the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, is attacked, leaving a
Belgian soldier seriously injured. Weapons stolen there are later found in stashes of weapons
of Belgian Cellules Communistes Combattantes and also of French Action Directe terrorists. In
September of 1985, a witness comes forward and reports that the attack on the barracks in
Vielsalm was part of an exercise conducted by the Belgian and Luxembourg armies, U.S.
Special Forces and others in the frame of the Oesling 84 joint maneuver .. the first
(official) bombing in Luxembourg, attributed to the Bommeleer, occurs two weeks later, on
May 30, 1984.
3. In February of 1985 a suspect is arrested near the NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency
(NAMSA ) site in Capellen. The Luxembourg News No. 180 of March 8, 1985, reports:
Suspicions that the Yugoslav subject, arrested near the NATO supply centre at Capellen
two weeks ago, may have been involved in the theft of explosives from three Luxembourg
quarries or in the planning of a possible terrorist attack on the NATO installation, have still
not been confirmed or denied by the authorities.
Despite visits from a Belgian anti-terrorist squad and the judicial police from France, and a
guarded silence on the part of the Luxembourg authorities, it seems most likely, judging
from information from other sources, that the suspect is no more than a common criminal
known to police both in Belgium and West Germany.

Fausto Gardini Excerpt from: Luxembourg Under Fire an e-book, available on amazon.com

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