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Salt Lake Community College

Class: Elements of Effective Communication

Professor: Keith Radley
Submitted on: May 1st, 2014
Submitted by: Brandon Prince

Informative Oral Presentation: Corrected Outline
Specific Goal: My audience will learn about the solar energy and the ways it is affecting
the energy industry.
Pattern of Organization: I have chosen the topical pattern of organization because I
wanted to separate my speech about solar energy into some logical themes surrounding
what is currently taking place in the energy industry right now.
Audience Analysis: I will explain to my audience how the energy industry is changing
and how it will affect both our personal lives and our environment in a positive way.
They will learn about why Solar Energy will be a benefit to them as well as how it has
become affordable to everyday people.
Occasion Analysis: I am informing a group of my classmates on a subject that will be
informative for them as they learn about solar energy.
Speech Title: Solar Energy, the Way of the Future.
I. HOOK: Its 1993 and someone offers you a locked in gasoline price. $1.33 per
II. INDICATE EXPERTISE:I am moving to California to sell solar energy.
III. THESIS: I will help you all understand solar energy and its benefits!
IV. PREVIEW: Main Points
1. How does it work?
2. How will it save the public money?
3. How will it benefit the environment?
Transition: (To begin, I want to explain how solar energy works)
I. First Main Point: Solar energy works efficiently
1. Solar panels take the energy from the sun and convert the energy into
electricity. This electricity can then be used in your home to power your
lights and appliances.
2. Sunlight converted to Direct Current (DC) energy
3. DC energy is carried into the inverter where it is converted to alternative
current (AC) electricity, which powers your home.
4. Net meters direct the power flow of your utilities, during the day you
energy all comes from the sun; at night you pull energy off the grid.
Transition: (Now, that you know how it works, how does it help you?)
II. Second Main Point: It will save consumers money
1. Problem with buying or leasing the equipment.
2. Monopolization of energy companies.
3. Tier levels of energy.
4. Yearly inflation.
5. The Grid System
Transition: (Now that you know how it works and how it can save you money, lets talk
about the environmental benefits.)
III. Third Main Point: It will benefit the environment.
1. A solar panel produces renewable energy.
2. CO2 emissions will be cut.
3. 100 Trees in warranty time period.
4. The sun over produces by 5,000X
Conclusion: I hope that you have all learned more about solar energy today as well as
the energy industry that you and I create.
Today I have helped you understand 1. How Solar Energy works 2. How it will benefit
you financially and 3. How it will benefit the environment.
I hope that you all catch the vision of how very beneficial this technology as you have
will be to us and to our earth and its health. My name is Brandon Prince. This is solar
energy. This is the way of the future!

Work Cited:
"Saving Money with Solar." Home Solar Power Systems & Installation. N.p., n.d. Web. 07
May 2014.
"Suncrest Solar | Saving Both Your Pocketbook and the Environment through Clean
Solar Power." Suncrest Solar. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 May 2014.
Dhar, By Michael. "How Do Solar Panels Work?" LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 16
Dec. 2013. Web. 07 May 2014.

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