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Teacher Candidate: Jennifer Choi School/ District CPS

Grade: 4th Unit/Subject: Math

Lesson Title/ Focus Writing expressions
using an unknown
quantity in a given real
life scenario

I. Lesson Rationale (Why?)
Learning Goals and Focus (What students will be able to do):
Use algebraic nations in real life situations
Common Core State Standards:
CCSS.Math.Content.4.OA.A.2 Multiply or divide to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison,
e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem,
distinguishing multiplicative comparison from additive comparison.

CCSS.Math.Content.4.OA.A.3 Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-
number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders must be interpreted.
Represent these problems using equations with a letter standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the
reasonableness of answers using mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding
Targeted Academic Language Function (e.g. identifying main idea, recording multiple ways to solve
Recognize the unknown as a variable , use variables in expressions/equations in real life situations
Targeted Academic Language Demands (Vocabulary- every day, general subject specific words, and subject
specific word meanings/ Syntax- organizing words and phrases into structures- graphs, sentences, formulae).
Expression, equation

II. Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks (How?)
Time Learning Activities Questions Posed
15 mins

35- 40

Do Now question will read as follows;
Ms. Choi wants to buy a cup of coffee that costs f dollars. She has
$35 to spend. Which expressions describes how much money she
will have after she buys the coffee?
A) 35 + f B) 35 x f C) 35 / f D) 35 - f

Students will be seated in groups of 3-4, grouped specifically so that
there are varying academic achievement levels. At each table there
will be one lap top, and a set of directions. Every table is a different
station numbered 1-6. Every station has a different scenario that has
to do with money.

Teacher will first demonstrate the activity by doing one with the
What word tells you what
operations you should use?
How do you know that is the
correct answer? Why is that
the correct answer but not
this choice?

The activity sheet asks for
expressions and equations.
Go over what the difference

10 mins
whole class.
example: Kumari needs to buy 5 note books from office max. Let
n represent the price of the note books.
students will be asked to come up with an equation that
represents the total cost. (or how much money left over, or how
much is divided equally depends on the scenario)
After the equation is made, the students will use the lap tops to
find the price of the item relevant to the scenario (for the
example, the students will be directed to the office max website to
look up the price for a notebook). When the students have found
the amount for the unknown, the students will answer the
corresponding questions.
Example: how much will Kumari spend? (solving the original
how much will she spend for 6 notebooks? What is the equation?
How much will she spend for 7?
As the students work on their own in their groups, teacher will
facilitate around the classroom.

In the last 10 minutes, students will have a discussion as a whole
to reflect on the activity

Which type of operation used in the scenarios was the easiest to do,
and why? Hardest?
Can you think of your own situation where you are using unknown

Vocabulary wall -
expressions, equations

The students have not been
taught to do operations
with decimals. Since we
will be working with
money, I will allow the
students to use the
provided calculator to
solve the equations.

III. Assessment (How do you know?)
Formative Assessment:
Students can use variables and unknowns in expressions relevant to the activity. Student can solve the
equations and substitute the correct variable or unknown.

IV. Instructional Materials, Resources, and Technology (What)
Chromebooks, activity sheet, calculator, white board, internet access

*this is just ONE of the scenarios that was used in class. There should be more
scenarios with different operations being used*
Kumari needs to buy 5 of the same note books from office max. Let n represent
the price of the note books.
1. What is the expression to show the amount of money spent to buy 5
2. Use the lap top to open up google chrome. Go to www.officemax.com to
search for a note book. This is your value for n.
n =_______________
3. How much will Kumari spend? You may use the calculator.
4. What is the expression to show how much she will spend for 6 notebooks?
Substitute your value for n and solve. You may use the calculator.
5. What is the expression to show how much she will spend for 7 notebooks?
Substitute your value for n and solve. You may use the calculator.
6. Using the same operation as this problem, make up your own scenario using
things you can get from the office depot website. Include the expression and
the answer.

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