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Style template and guidelines for ICTACEM Proceedings

Anyone A. Author1
and Someone S. Author2
Affiliation1, Address, City, Country
Affiliation2, Short Version of a Long Address, City, Country
This document shows the desired format and appearance of a manuscript prepared for the
Proceedings of the CTAC!" 2#1$ nternational Conference on Theoretical, Applied,
Computational and !%perimental "echanics. t is prepared using "icrosoft &"S' (ord. The
"S (ord template used to prepare this document is a)aila*le on the conference we* site at
http+,,www.ictacem2#1$.in,. The font used throughout is Times -ew .oman. f this font is not
a)aila*le, use a similar serif font. -ormal te%t has a font si/e of 1# point
, for which the actual
height of a capital ! is a*out 2.$ mm &0 pt.' and the line1to1line spacing is a*out $.2 mm &single
line spacing'. The font attri*utes for other parts of the document are summari/ed in Ta*le 1 and
are descri*ed in the following sections. -ormal te%t should *e 2ustified to *oth the left and right
margins. The num*er of pages for the e%tended a*stract including 3igures, Ta*les, etc should not
e%ceed 4 pages &to *e strictly followed'.
To *e properly reproduced in the Proceedings, all contents including te%t, figures, ta*les etc.
must *e typed on an A$1si/e paper &5.20 in *y 11.67 in. 8. 21# mm *y 270 mm' with margins
set to #.509 in. on left and right and 1.129 in. top and *ottom. :ood !nglish usage is essential. A
spelling chec;er is helpful for finding misspelled words.
An author may use this template *y su*stituting his,her own te%t in each field or *y deleting all
the te%t and employing the rele)ant style from the style list.
Ta&le 1. 3onts si/es to *e used for )arious types of te%t. All fonts are Times -ew .oman or an e<ui)alent. Ta*le
captions should *e centered a*o)e the ta*le. 3igure captions should *e centered *elow the figure or graph. (hen the
caption is too long to fit on one line, it should *e 2ustified to the right and left margins of the *ody of the te%t.
Article title 16 pt., *old, centered
Author names 12 pt., normal, centered
Affiliations and address 1# pt., normal, centered
Section heading 12 pt., *old, centered &all caps'
Su*section heading 12 pt., *old, left 2ustified
Su*1su*section heading 12 pt., *old, italic, left 2ustified
-ormal te%t 12 pt., normal
3igure and ta*le caption 1# pt., normal
3ootnote te%t 1# pt., normal
Line Spacing 1.# Line
3urther author information+ &Send correspondence to S.S.A'
A.A.A.+ !1mail+ aaa=t*;2.edu, Telephone+ 1 9#9 124 124$
S.S.A.+ !1mail+ ssa=comp.com, Telephone+ >44 &#'1 75 06 9$ 42, Address+ A Very Long Address, City, Country
3ont si/es are usually specified in points, a**re)iated pt, which is a unit of length. 8ne inch ? 02 pt.@ one cm ? 25.$ pt.
Section headings are centered and formatted completely in upper case 111point *old font.
Sections should *e num*ered se<uentially, starting with the first section after the A*stract. The
heading starts with the section num*er, followed *y a period. n "S (ord the author must do
this num*ering.
Paragraphs that immediately follow a section heading are leading paragraphs and should not *e
indented, according to standard pu*lishing style. The same goes for leading paragraphs of
su*sections and su*1su*sections. Su*se<uent paragraphs are standard paragraphs, with 1$1pt. &91
mm' indentation. There is a 91pt. space *etween all paragraphs. n this "S (ord template, this
spacing is accomplished *y including a 91pt. space after each paragraph. -ote that the
indentation of a paragraph may *e a)oided in this "S (ord *y changing it to a leading
1. A. !isen*erg, Guide to Technical Editing, 8%ford Ani)ersity, -ew Bor;, 1772.
2. A. :elman, C. D. Carlin, E. S. Stern, and F. D. .u*in, Bayesian Data Analysis, Chapman and Eall, London,
4. -. "etropolis, A. (. .osen*luth, ". -. .osen*luth, A. E. Teller, and !. Teller, G!<uations of state
calculations *y fast computing machine,H J. Chem. Phys. '1, pp. 1#5011#71, 1794.
$. S. 3. :ull, GFe)elopments in ma%imum1entropy data analysis,H in Maximum Ento!y and Bayesian Methods,
C. S;illing, ed., pp. 94101, Iluwer Academic, Fordrecht, 1757.
9. I. ". Eanson, Gntroduction to Dayesian image analysis,H in Medical "maging# "mage Pocessing, ". E.
Loew, ed., Poc. $P"E 1575, pp. 0161041, 1774.
E,tended A&stracts s-ould not e,ceed T.O pages as per t-e format a/aila&le in
t-e 0e&site.

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