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Salt Lake Community College

My Culture, My Change

Mack Donoghue
Professor Woodhouse

The United States is considered to be great nation to live in. The land of the free or so
it is called. Although, our society in the 21st century has made serious progressive strides, it still
sheds characteristics of separation, discrimination, and racism. If I could change anything in our
society and culture in the United States, I would focus on the important topics of religious
separation, gender/sexual discrimination, and racial segregation.
Religious Separation:
Religion to date has seemed to always create quarrels in our society. From the beginning
of time, we have witnessed that religion plays a major part in societal separation. The Crusades,
American Revolution, US Civil War, WWI, WWII, although not solely based on religion, had
major religious significants. It would be appropriate to believe that no matter what someones
religious affiliation may be, every person should have the freedom to identify with whatever
beliefs they choose. It can be reputed that this is not the case. This is problematic in the US.
Individuals who affiliate with certain religions believe their religion is the ultimate true
religion. Because of this, an immediate prejudice is created upon those who have different
beliefs. According to the American Cilvil Liberties Union, Religious freedom in America
means that we all have a right to our religious beliefs, but this does not give us the right to use
our religion to discriminate against and impose those beliefs on others who do not share
Gender/Sexual Discrimination:
Discrimination of gender and sexual identity is critical topic in the 21st century. The
acceptance people identities is making ground, but is not completely acknowledged. I personally
believe that the identity of a person is hugely significant for their own personal identity. It should
not be limited to male and female. This discrimination needs to be significantly recognized for

society to overcome and accept the difference in people. It is important to define the differences
between gender, transgender and sexuality. In our society there is a educational gap in
understanding the multiple differences. This creates an ignorance without even understanding the
facts. Agender, bigender, gender nonconforming, FTM, MTF, intersex, pangender, etc. are only
of the few terms that a person can identify. I think most would be unaware of this. The term
transgender is a term that includes all the individuals who have genders not assigned with
traditional assigned sex. Sex is the biology and configuration of chromosomes, hormones, and
internal and external anatomy. The two-sex system of man and women is inadequate for
understanding the characteristics of all people.
After further research into the subject of gender identity, I located an article about the
popular used Facebook. Facebook for the past 10 years has limited people to only identifying as
either male or female. As of 2014, Facebook has added 51 new gender options. Facebook stated,
Most of us never question or think much about our gender, but its an
essential part of our identity. And given the endlessly diverse way people
experience their gender, their bodies, and their masculinity or femininity,
its a wonder there are so few words to describe it. Except there are
actually dozen of gender terms, and Facebook is now offering its users
numerous options to present their gender identity to their Facebook friends
in the same way they do in the real world (or a different way- because,
hey, and its your gender identity and you can do what you

With social media being a influential part of peoples need for online existence, this is a major
stepping stone for people to identify. It is tremendous influence for Facebook to publicly accept
the difference in personal identities. We should only hope this is an ever growing trend for
gender identity.
The anti-discrimination law in the U.S. protects the rights of people to be equality treated.
It backs the equality of individuals regardless of sex, age, races, ethnicity, nationality, sexual
orientation, gender identity, and religious and political views. Although the law states that it is
non-biased about gender identity and sexual orientation, it is apparent this is not completely
correct. According to the American Psychological Association, most anti-discrimination laws in
the U.S. do not protect transgender people. Most transgender people are subject to discrimination
in most aspects of life. A survey conducted by the APA sampled roughly 6,500 transgender
people. It reported, that transgender people experience high levels of discrimination in
employment, housing, health care, education, legal, and family
discrimination.(http://www.apa.org/topics/lgbt/transgender.aspx?item=2#) Going even further,
according to the Nation Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, a report released in 2011 showed
that the murder rate of people who identify with transgender, lesbian, gay or bisexual is at its
highest. If the anti-discrimination laws in the U.S. are established to protect discrimination,
where is the protection?

Racial Segregation:
The matter of racial segregation is a subject that dates back in our American history. Up
until the passing of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, racial segregation was prevalent in
communities across the country. It was heavily prevalent in the southern states with the

ownership of slaves. Blacks attended different schools, used different bathrooms and were not
allowed in public areas with whites. The Act of 1964 banned racial discrimination and
segregation in voting, education and the use of public facilities. Although we have made
significant progress in racial equality, there still seems to be a racial gap in our current era.
Minorities are still earning less wages than others which creates segregated demographic
areas and poverty lines. Opportunity becomes unavailable for those who cannot afford education
to acquire decent paying occupations. In many cases, this problem is carried on to children which
doesn't break the cycle. Todays housing trends shed light on important information regarding
separation of races in America. USA released an article in April 2014 titled The Equality still
elusive 50 years after Civil Rights Act covering aspects of the segregation that still exists in the
21st century. Even though the black middle class has grown, helped in largely part by
government employment, where millions of African Americans found jobs in federal, state, and
local levels, the increased competition in our economy has negated much of the gains that
otherwise would have been felt from reducing workplace discrimination. In almost every
category of our economy, blacks have made gains, but not enough. Black unemployment remains
twice the level of white unemployment, nearing where it was in 1972. Furthering, the Fair
Housing Act of 1968 has failed to raise black home ownership rates. USA Today states, nearly
six in ten African Americans still live in segregated neighborhoods
The question remains, have we made significant progress in racial segregation?
It is not only African Americans that are discriminated by their race. It is prevalent that
people fear what is different. After September 11, most Muslim people in the USA were viewed
as terrorists. Does this seem right? Absolutely not. Racism is still widely prevalent in the U.S.

The roots of white supremacy has segregated our country from the time of our founding fathers
wrote the constitution. The United States made substantial gains on changing racism but it has
not made the progress to the point where race simply does not matter.
To conclude, The United States promotes personal growth and opportunity. People come
from all over the world to live in America. It is a nation that can provide an excellent quality of
living. But is it just for some? Discrimination and serration based on gender, race, and religion
drives a society that is segregated. If specific changes could be made in our culture, it would be
the overall equality and rights of all people. Ultimately, the land of the free should allow
people to be who they wish to be.

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