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Factors that Negatively Affect Memory Function

While people take care to monitor blood sugar problems and provide joint support as they
age, most dont consider memory loss to be an active problem until it is too late. They
often dont realize that the memory loss that their elder loved ones experienced or are
experiencing began at a much younger age. Rather than a sprint, such memory loss is a
marathon, beginning with so-called senior moments in youth and adulthood, and
extending to full memory loss in the later stages of Alzheimers and Dementia. If you
have ever walked into a room and forgotten what you wanted to get, misplaced your keys
or glasses, or forgotten an acquaintances name, than you have experienced mild memory
loss and understand how frustrating it can be when your memory fails you.

Here are several major factors that affect memory function:

Issues with Myelin: Myelin is the white matter that protects your nerves. It is a
sheet of fat, or lipid, that has higher cholesterol content than any other brain
matter. This cholesterol allows myelin to tightly wrap around axons and speed
messages through the brain. When your brain develops, this lipid is developed
within the brain at higher concentrations to protect the wires in your brain.
Once toxin proteins begin to be formed at older ages, they attack these lipid
layers, exposing the wiring in your brain and slowing or halting the speed that
messages pass through your brain. Myelin naturally deteriorates as you get older,
and your brain manufactures fewer neurotransmitters, or chemicals used to
produce short and long-term memories, meaning memory loss occurs. Nutrients
can help strengthen your myelin as you age, and three in particular have been
proven to help: Acetyl L-Carnitine, an amino acid that boosts the production of
energy, Alpha-GPC, which acts as a neurotransmitter, and bacopa monnieri,
which contains memory chemicals.
Exposure to Lead: While lead has been taken out of paint, crystal and dishes
today, it used to be commonly found in products that people came into contact
with on a daily basis. This past lead exposure can lead to significant decrease of
cognitive function, and the ability to form and retain memories. There are
components and nutrients that can help reverse some of these effects if taken
faithfully, but it is important to minimize exposure to lead and other neurotoxins
as much as possible at every age, regardless of past exposure. Other similar
neurotoxins include pesticides, arsenic, mercury and aluminum.
Natural Slowing: Your memory functions and brain power naturally slow with
age. These effects are due simply to age, and not anything you have done. Studies
have found that older adults brains work about 200 milliseconds slower than
young adults, which is all it takes to slow focus and memory functions. While
you cant avoid this happening, you can do something to help reverse the effects,
including taking the proper supplements and brain sharpening nutrients,
participating in memory strengthening tests and exorcises, and keeping yourself
sharp with puzzles like Sudoku and cross-word puzzles.

Please see Advanced Bionutritionals information on memory-destroying triggers to find
out more about how you can improve your memory function as you age. It is important to
create a routine of supplements, nutrients and brain strengthening exercises, as soon as
possible, to help reverse the effects of aging on your brain.

Company Bio

Advanced Bionutritionals is a complex line of nutraceuticals, and the nutrients and
supplements developed are scientifically proven to help people maintain healthy lifestyles
and brain function long into their old age. Fresh, quality ingredients are used for every
supplement, and researchers are constantly working to secure better ingredients and to
provide people with the means to secure a safe, healthy, functioning life as long as


Brain and memory function naturally declines as you age, due to deteriorating myelin
sheaths in your brain, lead and other neurotoxin exposure at any age, and natural wear
and tear. You can combat this mental decline with supplements, special memory-boosting
nutrients and exercises designed to increase brain functionality.

1. Rowen, Robert (2014-4-6), 3 Hidden Memory-Destroying Triggers No One
Told You About, Advanced Bionutritionals
2. B.S. Schwartz, W.F. Stewart, K.I. Bolla, D. Simon, K. Bandeen-Roche, B.
Gordon, J.M. Links, A.C. Todd, (2014-4-6), Past Adult Lead Exposure is
Associated with Longitudinal Decline in Cognitive Function,
3. Page, Dan (4-6-2014), MRI Analysis Shows Brain Connections That
Develop Last Decline First; Technology Opens Door for Study of Case,
Treatment of Alzheimers, UCLA Newsroom.

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