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Nathaniel K. Newlands
Environment, Research Branch, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Lethbridge Research Centre, 5403-1st Avenue South, P.O. Box 3000, T1H 4B1, Lethbridge, Alberta
Email: newlandsn@agr.gc.ca

ABSTRACT software decision-support tools. These include tools

Decision support software tools and computer simulation and models that aid in land-use and land-use change
models help us to better understand the structure and func- decision-making such as ROTAT[1], DSSAT[2], and
tioning of agricultural ecosystems - how to better manage MEACROS[3], help to improve animal feed quality, nu-
them in a sustainable way. They assist in the synthesis trition (UNEForm[4], VAMPP[5]), and on-farm water use
of interdisciplinary knowledge amongst stake-holders, au- (DAMEA$Y[6]). Concurrently, tools and models have
tomation of meta-analyses, communication and outreach. been coupled together into integrated analytical frame-
In this paper, we showcase the GHGFarm software tool works for broader inter-disciplinary application and to ad-
for estimating and reducing net-greenhouse gas emission dress more complex, inter-connected and distributed prob-
from farms. This software tool provides a capability for lems[7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]. In terms of mitigating and
scientists, policy makers, and agricultural producers to col- reducing greenhouse gases (i.e., carbon dioxide, nitrous ox-
lectively quantify, interpret and compare alternative farm ide and methane), a number of farm emission models have
management scenarios, thereby encouraging the adoption been developed and tested, with a few coupled to farm
of longer-term sustainable farm practices. Farmers can ecosystem models that describe the cycling of nutrients,
characterize their multi-enterprise operations and manage- water and materials helping to explain emission losses and
ment practices in a flexible way. Reduction scenarios their spatial and temporal patterning.
are generated from current scientific knowledge and emis- The advantages these tools offer are most evident at
sion algorithms available (International Panel on Climate a ’system-level’, whereby new knowledge and innovative
Change, IPCC), modified with Canadian-specific emission approaches can be readily made available and applied to a
factors, local practices, topography, and climate conditions. large and diverse user community thereby accelerating the
We discuss the software development approach, highlight- adoption of beneficial, sustainable agricultural practices.
ing past and present challenges within the broader context Given the time, costs and resources required to comprehen-
of empirical software engineering and agricultural exten- sively measure, analyze, integrate scientific data and find-
sion. We identify the need for a better resolved multi-user ings on agricultural systems (hereafter agroecosystems),
stream/flow design, enhancement of the graphical user in- computer tools serve to alleviate costs and make infor-
terface, expanded sensitivity testing and quantification of mation collection, synthesis and simulation of agroecosys-
uncertainty. tems more feasible, consistent and reliable. The models
DNDC (DeNitrification DeComposition[16,17]), FARM-
SCAPE[18], DyNoFlo Dairy[19], and FASSET[20] are just
Agriculture, ecosystems, greenhouse gases, mitigation,
a few examples of models that have been embedded into
software tools. In general, software engineering of scien-
tific models has proceeded to varying extents, depending on
1 Introduction whether the model’s lower-level code/algorithms are pri-
marily shared and applied amongst scientists, or whether
Computers play a prominent role in science, encompass- the user community is more inter-disciplinary and diverse
ing a broad spectrum of applications; from enhancing in- where higher-level graphical interfaces/scientific visualiza-
strumentation control and accelerating data processing, to tion provide additional functionality, greater enhancement
search, archival and communication information technol- of underlying logic or assist with interpretation of results.
ogy, decision-support tools, computer simulation models Despite these broadly recognized advantages, specific
and innovative knowledge engineering to help solve com- user groups still have distinct, complementary perspectives
plex real-world problems. and unique needs; from a agricultural decision/policy mak-
In agriculture, the high power and availability of ers’ perspective, computer tools make science more ac-
computing resources and software development tools cessible by increasing cooperation between stake-holders,
has led to a large number of agricultural models and guiding management decisions and communicating policy

579-044 7
options. Scientists primarily consider these tools help sup- emissions quantification methodology modified to Cana-
port rational inference and decision-making with the aim of dian conditions and farming.
reducing uncertainty, whereas farmers and other producers, The aim of this paper is to showcase the GHGFarm
often as primary end-users, must confront uncertainty and tool and to report on what has been learned for agricul-
risks by considering whether the problem at hand is ade- tural and environmental practitioners engaged in develop-
quately addressed and interpreted using a computer tool. ing mitigation and adaptation tools and sustainable devel-
They ultimately decide whether the tool is sufficiently flex- opment projects. We provide an overview of the software
ible and useful for better resolving a problem, or in the case development approach, highlighting past and present chal-
where a tool contains an embedded model, whether it can lenges within the broader context of empirical software en-
generate reliable inferences, required to generate realistic gineering and agricultural extension.
insights, in search of an optimal decision and solution.
Recently, Meinke et al.[21] undertook a review of 2 Methodology
models to assess their net environmental benefits to farms
to elucidate some guidance for future modeling applica- A tandem approach was applied in developing the
tions. They conclude that for successful development and GHGFarm emissions model and associated software
adoption of model and simulation approaches, relevance tool. The first version (available online at http :
and strong partnerships between farmer, scientist and ad- //ncgavs.usask.ca/ghg calculator/GHGF arm1.1/)
visors are critically important. Key points of practice iden- was developed based on a so-called agile software
tified were: issues must be neither trivial nor obvious, an methodology[23], whereby iterative changes guided by in-
approach must reduce complexity rather than proliferate cremental feedback led to a set of emergent requirements.
choices to aid the decision-making process, and the agri- In this way, the software tool contained features and func-
cultural systems themselves must be sufficiently flexible to tionality that did not strongly contextualize or tailor to any
allow management interventions based on insights gained specific user group, but instead was made available to wide
from models. user audience to encourage feedback. This first version
Agriculture is a significant contributor to global was released and showcased at the Eleventh Conference
greenhouse gas emissions (GHG’s). In Canada, 2004 agri- of the Parties (COP 11) to the United Nations Framework
culture emissions (roughly 250 000 farms covering 50 Mha Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the first
with 98% of farms family owned), comprised 55 Mt or Meeting of the Parties (MOP 1) to the Kyoto Protocol in
7.2% of all national GHG emissions, an increase of 10 Mt 2005 held in Montreal, Quebec. This version contained
since 1990. Just over half (50.5%) of total agricultural a bilingual interface (French and English). Feedback in-
emissions are from nitrous oxide (N2 O), with methane formation from the public, conference policy and scientist
(CH4 ) accounting for 49.5% (EC[22]). Agricultural GHG delegates, national and international non-governmental
emissions vary by the extent of enteric fermentation in the organizations (NGO’s) and agricultural producers was
rumen of livestock (mainly cattle), microbial activity that gathered. This complemented consultation and consensus-
processes nitrogen from fertilizer added to the soil, rate of building efforts led by producer organizations at the local
decomposition of crop residue and soil organic matter, and and regional level and a series of national consultation
specific methods for applying, handling and storing ma- meetings. This approach helped to build confidence
nure. About 83% of Canada’s cropland is in the interior between the developers and intended client groups.
plains of western Canada, made up of the semi-arid and Once a set of requirements could be well-articulated
sub-humid Prairies and Boreal Plain ecosystems, constitut- that was considered to meet the needs of the targeted user
ing mainly mineral soils. Carbon dioxide (CO2 ) emissions groups (i.e., scientist, farmer/producer, policy-maker), a
emitted from agriculture originate, for example, from trac- software plan based on a traditional, staged process was ini-
tor fossil fuel use and heating, or from net decomposition tiated, whereby farm-level emission algorithms were ver-
or organic matter in soils or vegetative matter. ified according to their consistency with emission algo-
The GHGFarm tool was developed to enable scien- rithms specified in Canada’s National Carbon and Green-
tists, policy makers, and agricultural producers to collec- house Gas Emission Accounting and Verification System
tively quantify, interpret and compare alternative farm man- (NCGAVS). Detailed information on user recommenda-
agement scenarios, thereby encouraging the adoption of tions and strategic improvements towards a second release
longer-term sustainable farm practices. The tool aims to version were also prepared, directed towards articulating
confer: 1) a better understanding of farms as systems and and adding features and functionality requested by the in-
the cumulative effects of incremental farming decisions, 2) dividual user groups themselves.
to identify strategies to reduce emissions on specific farms The GHGFarm model consists of a set of algorithms
and 3) to objectively assess potential impacts of a manage- that simulate whole farm greenhouse/trace gas emissions
ment chance before a specific practice is implemented on (carbon dioxide - CO2 , nitrous oxide - N2 0 and methane -
their farm. Embedded within the software is an emissions CH4 ) as a function of climate, soil properties and manage-
model consisting of a set of equations/algorithms consis- ment practices, and was coded and developed as a software
tent with the International Panel on Climate Change, IPCC tool using the object-oriented language, Visual Basic.NET

(Microsoft Corp.). Integrating the emission equations pro-
vides an overall net-estimate of farm-level GHG emission
in CO2 equivalent units based on the global warming po-
tential of each gas. The model’s algorithms are static
(i.e., independent of time), although some assumptions on
present day conditions do consider change of variables over
time, such as history of tillage practice, in specifying ini-
tial conditions. The model’s parameters are consistent with
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guide-
lines, modified for Canadian conditions through a combi-
nation of expert opinion and meta-analysis of latest results
from the statistical analysis of emission data[24,25]. For
further information on the detailed methodology, we refer
readers to a documentation report available from the GHG-
Farm web-site and a methodological paper[26].
Users input information on farm environmental con-
ditions, past and current operations, and are able to, subse- Figure 1. Overview of the GHGFarm emission model and
quently, build scenarios consisting of a single change or software tool, addressing multi-user requirements.
simultaneous change to multiple variables; such as live-
stock number/s, change a crop rotation, amount and type
of fertilizer applied, or to alter tillage intensity or manure
handling. Users run models corresponding to the control coefficients/factors, archived input and output for all model
and set of ’model farm’ scenarios (Figure 1). Uncertainty scenario runs, and specific persistent user-flow directives
is propagated for various individual sources of greenhouse enabling the graphical user interface (hereafter, GUI) to
gas emission that contribute to uncertainty in the net-GHG change to accommodate user preferences. The ecosystem-
estimate for a farm. Currently this procedure assigns indi- logic layer contains the GHG emission model equations
vidual sources to a specified category/level of uncertainty. and algorithmic linkage between them. This layer also
Accompanying a procedure to estimate uncertainty, is an specifies leading variables for a series of default mitigation
automated procedure to validate net-GHG estimates with scenarios a user can select and run to compare with their
other independent estimates derived from data and mod- model farm as a control. Users are also free to specify their
els. This validation procedure has not yet been fully im- own scenarios by varying management control variables of
plemented, but instead, has been conducted independently, interest.
in part due to lack of sufficient farm-level GHG estimates Within the presentation layer, is the core GUI consist-
and associated breakdown of individual sources for cross- ing of a set of windows that enables users to specify in-
validation. Here we implicitly include model sensitivity formation on local climate, soil conditions, land-use, crop-
analysis with the validation category. Two extensions as ping, livestock, manure, and on-farm energy use (e.g., trac-
modules or sub-models have been developed and used in tors, heating). The extension interface complements the
research, concurrent to the development of a second re- core interface by adapting it to user preferences, and pre-
lease version of the tool - a bio-energy and economic mod- senting graphical results of emissions from model farms
ule. The bio-energy module performs life-cycle accounting and scenarios with links to detailed information on the in-
(LCA) of biodiesel production from canola and soybean dividual emission contributions, assumptions and values
energy crops, and couples with the main GHGFarm emis- selected/input by users during run-time, or obtained from
sion algorithms to estimate net-GHG emission and relative database tables.
GHG savings generated by the use of bio-fuel compared to
fossil fuel sources[27]. Production chains for ethanol from 3 Example Mitigation Scenario
corn, wheat, wheat ethanol, sugarbeet and biogas from ma-
nure methane and processing of residues are also modeled. An example of GHGFarm output results for four model
An economic module enables producers and extension per- farms (control and three scenarios) is shown in Figure 4.
sonnel to determine the potential economic impacts and The farm control is that of a cow-calf farm located in the
costs of adopting effective GHG mitigation strategies at the Canadian Prairies in Western Canada consisting of 2000 ha
farm level and is currently adapted to cow-calf livestock en- (80% cropland, 20% grassland/rangeland), 100 beef cows
terprises in Alberta, Canada. with calves, and a 20 yr history of intensive tillage prac-
The GHGFarm’s software architecture consists of tice. Based on this control or benchmark farm, GHGFarm
three layers: persistence, ecosystem-logic and presenta- calculates that emissions can potentially be reduced by up
tion (Figure 2). The persistence layer contains data- to 153% by a series of mitigation practices: adopting no-
bases and reference/’look-up’ tables specifying local cli- till practices, modifying fertilizer input levels by introduc-
mate (i.e., temperature, precipitation), soil type, emission ing legumes in rotation, and converting cropland to pas-

ture. While GHGFarm has been developed specifically to
handle Canadian farms and conditions, further adaptation
would enable net-GHG estimates to be generated and com-
pared for a broader farm context and range of environmen-
tal conditions. For example, Olesen et al.[28,29] modeled
European conventional and organic dairy farms with a fixed
50 ha land area by varying livestock density and the rel-
ative amount of feed imported, with regional differences
expressed by varying milk yield, crop rotations, livestock
housing and manure management (this European model is
called ’FarmGHG’, not to be confused with the Canadian
model called ’GHGFarm’). Their modeling and scenario
results reveal nitrogen (N) use-efficiency as a leading op-
eration variable (and proxy) for estimating net-farm GHG
emission reduction; a doubling of N efficiency from 12.5
to 25% was found to reduce emissions by ca. 50%. In
their farm scenarios, net-GHG emission varied roughly be-
tween 3-16 Mg CO2eq ha−1 yr−1 under N fertilizer input
rates of 56-319 kgN ha−1 yr−1 , compared to the Canadian
cow-calf farm absolute reductions varying between 447-
850 Mg CO2eq ha−1 yr−1 and much lower N rates of 10-50
kgN ha−1 yr−1 alongside other mitigation practices.
Additional estimates for other mitigation scenarios
for dairy farms, the largest sources of agricultural GHG
emission in Europe, show net-GHG reductions of 3% ac-
companying manure application by direct injection into
soil, 13% by efficient lifetime scheduling of cows, 7% by
Figure 2. Primary user-related and logical flow steps within improved manure handling through the use of covered stor-
three layers of the GHGFarm software architecture. age, and 96% by use of an anaerobic digestion to process
wastes into biogas and used to substitute fossil fuel use on
the farm. Across all modeled farm, regional and country-
specific scenarios, net-GHG emission reductions of 25-
105% were discovered possible with multiply applied mit-
igation measures, comparable to 156% shown here for the
Canadian cow-calf farm with an additional conservative es-
timate of 25% possible, estimated from a range of estimates
obtained using the GHGFarm’s biodiesel model component
(see [27]). Gibbons et al.[30] have also recently developed
a model characterizing dairy and beef farms in northwest-
ern England, called ’farm-adapt’. This model includes esti-
mation of uncertainty by Monte-Carlo (MC) simulation us-
ing a triangular distribution for parameters and re-sampling
rate from these distributions of 1000. They identify three
primary sources of uncertainty: lack of fundamental un-
derstanding of biophysical systems, poor validation and
weather-induced variability. Corresponding to an absolute
emission level of 9 Mg CO2eq ha−1 yr−1 , MC simulations
for multiply applied mitigation measures yielded an over-
estimated mean and uncertainty range of 16%.
Figure 3. The core GUI provides a flexible, stream-lined
series of windows for users to specify the location of their 4 Discussion and Conclusion
farm, local climate conditions, and information on land-
use, cropping, livestock, and manure handling, storage and Recent reviews identify, in general, a disappointing adop-
application. tion of decision-support systems targeting farmers, as
a special case of broader adoption and diffusion of
information technology (IT) and systems development
(ISD)[31,32,33]. Further exploration of human adoption

characteristic needs and preferences of multiple users. In
this way, higher transparency of models/tools and flexibil-
ity in their application was found to be highly dependent
on the degree that they can be constructed and resolve a
multi-user stream/flow design, in addition to greater trans-
Validating net-GHG estimates from GHGFarm is also
still a challenge, given the scarcity of published whole-farm
estimates for a wide range of farm types, conditions and
practices. Yet, the ability of this tool to address ’what-
if’ questions and to generate scenarios for multiple mit-
igation measures and a wide variety of combinations of
such measures shows its potential for a broader role, ap-
plication and use. For example, GHGFarm could be used
to generate GHG reduction estimates for farms where es-
timates currently are not available or where measurement
and estimation knowledge, capacity and capability are too
Figure 4. Example model output for a farm and three GHG costly to obtain or unreadily available. In this way, a multi-
mitigation scenarios. The farm is characteristic of a Prairie stream software architecture and design bridges multi-user
farm in Western Canada. Note that a reduction in fallow perspectives and preferences to ensure the highest level of
would not apply to farms in Eastern Canada and are pro- transparency. Extensive sensitivity testing and quantifica-
vided here for illustrative purposes only. tion of uncertainty are especially needed as they contribute
to our ability to interpret, compare and assess reliability in
model output, thereby further supporting its use and exten-
sion. Furthermore, other than general help guidelines for
and non-adoption behaviour indicates a need for such tools users, there is currently no module which can help to un-
to address the feeling and thinking domain (see Kim et derstand and interpret the quantitative scenario results from
al.[34]). Yet, the extension of specialist knowledge and sci- GHGFarm and should be considered in future versions of
entific understanding to address agricultural problems and the GHGFarm software tool.
issues is still urgently needed given that many underlying International efforts aimed at establishing a consis-
aspects of these systems are neither easily or typically as- tent modeling framework and software development strat-
sessed in practice, such as precise defining of ecosystem egy (e.g., IPCC Tier-3 level assessment) that encom-
components, flows and heterogeneous features, reliable passes farm-level, regional and national differences will
characterization of an agricultural system’s initial, interme- likely be necessary for broad extension and adoption of
diate and final ecological ’state’, its sustainability condition decision-support tools like GHGFarm. Moreover, a con-
before management changes are introduced or as a conse- sistent and reliable framework is also essential if farm-
quence of a sequence of changes being applied. Moreover, level estimates from GHGFarm are to be verified and vali-
the comprehensiveness of a model to suit all farm and en- dated with other farm-level estimates worldwide or by up-
vironmental differences does not necessarily imply that ap- scaling/downscaling against national GHG inventory esti-
plication of such a tool and its support of farming decisions mates and regional indicators[35]. The GHGFarm emis-
would be more reliable. Instead, more refined and transpar- sion model may also be decoupled from the existing soft-
ent models and associated software tools whereby input- ware tool and ’re-used’ to profile changes in GHG/trace gas
output and cause-effect relationships are more tractable by emission over time by coupling it with a dynamic ecosys-
a given user, are required. Such a motivation or need is sep- tem model. An example of this approach is offered with a
arate from a communication or deployment strategy for dif- simple dynamic model already formulated[36], and a more
ferent users and levels of adoption (i.e., innovators, early- comprehensive and sophisticated dynamic model, currently
adopters, late-adopters, laggards) and instead involves the in development[37].
use of training sessions and targeting groups to help accel-
erate adoption efforts. Whether from a policy-maker, sci- Acknowledgements
entist or producer perspective, models and software tools
must avoid becoming ’black-boxes’ and strive to maintain This research was funded by the ’Model Farm Program’,
transparency alongside flexibility and ease of use. Broad Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). The authors
feedback in developing GHGFarm followed an adaptive ap- acknowledge the helpful recommendations and discussion
proach: a fairly lengthy and broad level of consultative, with Dr. H. Henry Janzen and R.L. Desjardins as part of
communication and outreach to gather scientific informa- collaborative development of the first-version of the GHG-
tion and user-feedback that preceded a more traditional Farm software decision-support tool. We acknowledge sci-
staged software development process, aiming to solidify entists who have contributed emission data and expert in-

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