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Developmental Domain: SSD- Self and sooal development

Measure 8: Cooperative play with peers

P esc
Definition: Child interacts with peers through play that becomes increasingly cooperative and oriented towards a shared purpose
1. Mark the developmental level the child has mastered.
!Interacts other children side by side
! as they play with similar materials
I Engages with another child or children in
j play involving a common idea or purpose
) Not yet at first level
Shows preference for
particular playmates, but plays
cooperatively with a variety of children
Leads or participates in planning
cooperative play with other children
'- hamples --------+------- ----+-----------+-------------ll
; Plays side side with other children. Plays with blocks with another child, but, I rom
H d th h'ld t th t h h .
k. I time to time, alone with the blocks. , an 1 a no er c 1 a oy a e or 1 e11 oo mg
Plays in sand to build a castle with several other
H d b
,, h'ld . . h. h children.
an sa ucm to a c 1 Sitting next to 1m or er
in the sandbox.
Joins another child to help for a lost toy.
with the group while on a treamre hunt.
2. Record evidence for this rating here. Sec auecdotalmtdcr
3. Mark here if child is emerging to the next level. )
4. If you are unable to rate this measure, explain here.
Measure 8
Plays in block\ area with whoever happens to
be there, then moves on to play with particular
playmates on the climbing struc ture.
Gets along easily with various playmates in
different parts of the room or playground.
Participates in short pretend play w1th several
peers, but mostly interacts wi th one of them.
)uccesslully organizes playmates to build a city
out ol blocks.
Participates in pretend play with peers, following
the agreed-upon roles.
)uccessfully helps to negotiate where and how a
small group of children can play.
we can make one big spaceship with the plastic
bloch. Want to try!"
When role playing wi th other children, dresses up
as a doctor. then a nurse, and then a patient
Valerie wa in the block area witl1
Arery when she said. "let's build a zoo."
Valerie and Avery began getting block out
started building the zoo. The two girls
worked togetl1er. changing the stmcture as
needed. A\'ety said, "Let' put people to
gaurd the animals." Valerie. "Sure. tltey can
go all armmd the bottom and top." The play
Developmental Domain: LLD - language dnd literacy development
Measure 19: Concepts about print
Definition: Child shows an increasing understanding of the conventions and physical organization of print material and that print carries meaning
1. Mark the developmental level the child has mastered.
I Shows understanding of the way books
i are handled and
I C)
J Shows understanding that print carries
1 meaning
-) Not yet at first level

Shows understanding of print conventions Shows understanding that print is
on a page of text (such as top to bottom/ organized into units (such as letters and
left to right)
words) and knows some vocabulary that
describes print
L Examples--------+----------+----------+-- --------11
; Holds upright, turning pages from front to
I back turn more than one page at a time).
! Points to the front and of the book when
: asked to do so.
P dlt icipates actively with special features,
such as flaps for lifting or buttons for pushing to
make noises.
When looking at books, differentiates between
the role of print and the role of pictures, for
l print going from left to right (although
may get off track).
Can point out one word on a page, then two
words, when asked by the teacher.
lracks print going from top to bottom. Can point to the first and last word on a page,
Points to the print, not a picture, when asked to p . h fi d fth
t h t h when asked by the teacher.
h d I h d
omts to t e rst wor o e ex w en eac er
s ow an a u t w ere to rea . L h b . d.
p fi d f d 1
ere to egm rea mg. 01nts to a spec1 c wor 1n a text a ter an a u I
lei Is another child to move her hand because C .
"th d'' ft th
1 1
fth says1t out loud (e.g., points to the word "cat ''
ommumca es e en a er e as page o e . .
hecan't see the words.
b k
when adult reads Cat 10 the Hat (may not pomt to
Requests adult to write "dog" next to a picture

thecorrect word).
she has drawn.
lurns pages one at a time.
Asks for the meanings of words on signs or
posters in a classroom, in books, or on Web
Uses words that refer to print such as, read,"
"write,' 'spell," "letter, 'word:'
\'alene wa out ide in the reading area. She
up a book. She began to read "Green Eggs
and Ham." to Elexi . Yaleries pointed to the
he read them. She read the whole
book 11ith only baring to a5k a teacher for
help a couple of times.
2. Record evidence for this rating here. See anecdotal tmder integrating
3. Mark here if child is emerging to the next level. C)
4. If you are unable to rate this measure, explain here.
Measure 19
OROPPS 1010 (dlifornid Oepdrl menl of [duwion -All rights remved
Domain: COG- Cognitive development
Measure 28: Problem solving
Definition: Child shows increasing ability to reason logically or use strategies to solve challenging problems
1. Mark the developmental level the child has mastered. c_) Not yet at first level
Exploring Developing
Bui lding
0 ()
Tries to solve simple problems, including Tries a strategy he or she saw someone Uses familiar or actions in a Tries out a set of actions to develop a
! using trial and error else use to help solve a problem deliberate way to solve problems strategy for solving problems

J fries different to get a ball that has rolled
Imitates another child building a bridge with long When building a bridge, first takes one long block
' under the sofa.
and puts it across two other blocks to see if the
; fries a square and a rectangle before finding the Watches another child d1g out a toy in the size is right before continuing to build.
: triangle to fit in a shape sorter. sandbox using a stick, instead of a shovel, and
then tries that on his own.
furns a puzzle piece to get it to fit in a wooden
Uses a block as a doorstop when the classroom
! puzzle.
After watchmg an adult. uses a block to retrim a When the telephone in the playhouse is missing,
! fries to put on his or her coat by laying the coat
uses a curved block as a pretend phone.
, dmvn first, then putting one hand in a sleeve. After watching another child, pushes a wagon
that is too difficult to pull.
During mealtime. tries to open the milk container
by pushmg the way teachers do.
2. Record evidence for this rating here. anecdotal record
3. Mark here if child is emerging to the next level. 0
4. If you are unable to rate this measure, explain here.
Measure 28
When an unfamiliar toy stops working, looks to
see if batteries are missi ng.
2010 California Department of All nghts rmrvetl
When building a bridge with unit blocks and runs
out of the same size blocKs, looks for alternative
materials and continues building with them.
bui lding a tower with a plan in mind even
if it doesn't work-for example, puts the tallest
fi rst. tnen tries again with the biggest blod
on the bottom.
When a ball gets in a tree, comes up with
several ideas of now to get it down.
looKs at a pic ture to figure out how to build
5-06-H 9:3 5 am
Valerie went to the woodshop to build a
"castle.'' Valerie began placing wood on the
cardboard and gluing it together. One piece
that she wanted to go in a wtain postion
kept falling om. Valerie walks over to the
shelf \\ith wood. looks over wood. then
brings a small chunk of wood o\'er to the
table. She places it the curved
piece o it will tay where she wants it.
Developmental Domain: MATH- Mathematical development
Measure 33: Number sense of mathematical operations
Definition: Child shows increasi ng ability to add and subtract small quantities of objects
1. Mark the developmental level the child has mastered.
, Demonstrates that items can be grouped I Correctly identifies the larger of two
i and compared by quantity; communicates 1 groups out counting; adds or
: that result is /lmore/1 objects from
takes away objects from a group and
i two groups are put together i communicates that the result is more or
1 fewer
(_) Not yet at first level
( )
Compares by matching or counting two
small groups of objects and identifies
which has more, fewer, or they
are the same; identifies the number of
objects in a small group after one object is
added or taken away
Solves simple addition and subtraction
problems with a small number of objects
'-- Examples ----------r-----------+------ - - --t---- --------1
1. Communicates, we have the same," when
: referring to the number of toy animals each child
! has.
: Communicates, "Now we have more more,' when
, the tedcher combines marKers on the table with
; markers from the shelf.
I Points to the group with the fewest objects when 1
asked to do so. !
I farm animals, places horses together, and 1
counts, though may not count correctly. I
When there is a group of six cups and two cups,
can point to the group that is "larger."
Communicates, '' lhere are more bds on that
2. Record evidence for this rating here.
3. Mark here if child is emerging to the next level. ()
4. If you are unable to rate this measure, explain here.
Counts the number of shells she has and the
number a fnend has and communicates, "five and
five: you have the same as me."
When setting the table for snack, puts out three
cups, then communicates, 'Oh, there are only two
kids,' and taKes one cup away.
When to away one car from a
structure, removes a car and communicates, 'Hey,
now there are only two cars.'
Adds one counting bear to her group of two when
adult says, 'You need to have three bears.'
[ats one cracker and commumcates, 'Now, I only
have two left."
Measure 33
Number sense of mathematical o
DROP-P) Copyrtght ,; lOlO California Departmenl of [ducation - All rights reserved
Brings over two more to a group of two and
communicates that there are four cups.
Has two bloch and gets three more.
Communicates, 'I have five blocks.'
Removes one block from a collection of ten blocks
and wmmunicates, ''She has nine now."
Removes three (of ten) ducks from the
flannelboard, saying, 1hree left, and seven stay,
when act ing out a story.
Adds two more cups to a group of eight and
communicates that there are ten cups.
Has three beads then taKes another, and holds up
four fingers.
:05 am
During the greeting table \'alerie
her Teddy Grahams. he cotuned
had II chocolate bears and 1f she ate 1
bare hare left. Then he cotwted
hip bear .. hecowlted 10. If he
bean. be would hm fire left .
Developmental Domain: PD- Physical development
Measure 38: Gross motor movement
Definition: Child refines the ability to move in a coordinated way using large muscles (arms and legs)
1. Mark the developmental level the child has mastered.
. Makes basic movements with confidence
I and
I ()
I Uses movement skills to go smoothly up,
I down, and through a variety of spaces
C) Not yet at first level
Uses complex movement skills in active
Participates in extended or integrated
physical activities
L hamples ---------+------------+----------+----------ll
! Moves body in response to music. follows movement prompts in a song.
. Runs smoothly. Atlempts to throw a ball to another child .
Walks backwards smoothly. Oimbs stairs. allernating feet.
Jumps forward on two feet.
: Walh up step1 one step at a time, putting both
I feet on each step.
2. Record evidence for this rating here.
3. Mark here if child is emerging to the next level. 0
4. If you are unable to rate this measure, explain here.
Dances usmg steps in a simple routine.
Runs and changes direction
' (limbs on a jungle gym.
Measure 38
Gross motor movement
OROP-PS Copyrtghl .: 2010 California Oeparlmenl of fduwion- All righ
Creates own dance steps to mus1c.
Participates in active play sequences that combine
runnmg, jumping, throwing, catchmg, kicking,
lhrows a ball to another ch1ld with some accuracy
or while doing something else.
lhrows a toy plastic disc.
4-25-1410:35 am
During an outdoor physical activity. Valerie
skipped through the cones as directed. ran to
the pop-up tents. crawled though the tent.
to the hay. climbed up & walked across.
off with both feet. hopped the hoops
on tlte gromul walked across the balance
beam and rode a bike using the pedals. After
tlte acti\'ity. Vale1ie picked up one of the
Hoop and began to use it. she kept tlte hoop
swinging around her waist by balancing out
ann and legs. swinging her hips.
PO 1 (of3)

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