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The Medical Students Anesthesia

University of Texas Health Science Center Houston
Table of Contents
Contributors: Trent Bryson MS4, Tanner Baker MS4, Claudia Moreno MS4,
Darrell Wilcox MS3, and Allison DeGreeff MS3
"e the contributors would first and fore!ost like to thank the faculty at the University of Texas
at Houston for their su##ort$ uidance$ and teachins in hel#in us create this #ocket book% "e
would also like to thank the residents for their contributions to our learnin and skill
develo#!ent as well as in hel#in us revise the content to be as detailed$ succinct$ and accurate
as #ossible%
Anesthesia 'verview
Ada#ted fro! (A Medical Students Anesthesia Pri!er) by *oy +% Soto$ M, -roysoto.ucla%edu/
0n !any #rora!s across the country$ !edical students are only ex#osed to two weeks of
anesthesioloy durin their third or fourth year% The student often attends daily lectures and
!iht be told to 1read Miller2s 3asics of Anesthesia1$ but often by the ti!e the student has finally
fiured out why we are doin what we2re doin$ the rotation is over$ and he or she leaves with
only a !ini!u! of anesthesia knowlede%
This #ri!er is intended to ive a brief overview of what we do$ when we do it$ and why we do it
for standard$ unco!#licated cases %%% the ty#es that you are bound to see durin your rotation% 3y
no !eans is the infor!ation contained co!#rehensive$ or intended to allow you to #ractice
anesthesia solo$ but it is intended to ive an overview of the 1bi #icture1 in a for!at that can be
4uickly read in one sittin$ and then referred to as needed% 5ee# in !ind that there are !any
ways to acco!#lish the sa!e thin in anesthesia$ and you will undoubtedly see techni4ues that
differ fro! what we2ve written here$ but our oal aain is to #resent you with a si!#le overview%
Anesthesia is a challenin and excitin s#ecialty$ but can also be extre!ely frustratin if not
tauht clearly durin the short ex#osure that !any !edical students et to the field%
Preoperative History and Physical
Unlike the standard internal !edicine H6P$ ours is !uch !ore focused$ with s#ecific attention
bein #aid to the airway and to oran syste!s at #otential risk for anesthetic co!#lications% The
ty#e of o#eration and the ty#e of anesthetic will also hel# to focus the evaluation%
'f #articular interest in the history #ortion of the evaluation are7
Coronary Artery Disease 8 "hat is the #atient2s exercise tolerance9 How well will his or her
heart sustain the stress of the o#eration and anesthetic9 Askin a #atient how he feels -i%e% S'3$
CP/ after cli!bin two or three flihts of stairs can be very useful as a 1#oor !an2s stress test1%
Hypertension 8 How well controlled is it9 0ntrao#erative blood #ressure !anae!ent is affected
by #reo#erative blood #ressure control%
Ast!a 8 How well controlled is it9 "hat triers it9 Many of the stressors of surery as well as
intubation and ventilation can sti!ulate bronchos#as!% 0s there any history of bein hos#itali:ed$
intubated$ or #rescribed steroids for asth!a9 This can hel# assess the severity of disease%
"idney or #i$er disease 8 ,ifferent anesthetic drus have different !odes of clearance and oran
function can affect our choice of drus%
%eflux Disease 8 Present or not9 Anestheti:ed and relaxed #atients are #rone to reuritation and
as#iration$ #articularly if a history of reflux is #resent% This is usually an indication for ra#id
se4uence intubation -succinylcholine ; cricoid #ressure/%
S!okin& 8 Currently s!okin9 Airway and secretion !anae!ent can beco!e !ore difficult in
Alcool Consu!ption or Dru& A'use9 8 ,rinkers have an increased tolerance to !any sedative
drus -conversely they have a decreased re4uire!ent if drunk/$ and are at an increased risk of
he#atic disease$ which can i!#act the choice of anesthetic aents%
Steroids > #atients with recent steroid use !ay re4uire #reo#erative steroids to cover secondary
adrenal su##ression%
Dia'etes 8 "ell controlled9 The stress res#onse to surery and anesthesia can !arkedly increase
blood lucose concentrations$ es#ecially in diabetics%
Tyroid > Hy#o?Hy#er !etabolic states affect the cardiovascular syste!$ renal clearance$ and
Medications 8 Many !edications interact with anesthetic aents$ and so!e should be taken on
the !ornin of surery -blood #ressure !edications/ while others should #robably not -diuretics$
diabetes !edications/%
Aller&ies 8 "e routinely ive narcotics and antibiotics #erio#eratively$ and it is i!#ortant to
know the ty#es of reactions that a #atient has had to !edications in the #ast% The @A anesthesia
alleren is the non8de#olari:in #aralytics% The @2 class is antibiotics%
(a!ily History 8 There is a rare$ but serious disorder known as malignant hyperthermia that
affects susce#tible #atients under anesthesia$ and is heritable% Another heritable disorder is
pseudocholinesterase deficiency which affects succinylcholine duration and !ay re4uire
extended #osto#erative ventilation%
Anestesia istory 8 Has the #atient ever had anesthesia and surery before9 ,id anythin o
#ast Meal 8 "hether the #atient has an e!#ty sto!ach or not i!#acts the choice of induction
techni4ue -another indication for ra#id se4uence intubation/%
"hile a history of a difficult intubation !ay be the !ost reliable #redictor of future difficult
intubations$ the #hysical exa! is also i!#ortant to hel# #redict #otential #roble!s% Bor the
#hysical exa!$ the s#ecific areas which are of #articular i!#ortance to the anesthesioloist
include the cardiovascular syste!$ luns$ head?neck?u##er airway$ sins of #reexistin
neuroloical dysfunction$ and sins of coaulation dysfunction%
Many tests have been #ro#osed to hel# #redict difficulty with intubation$ but no sinle factor$
taken inde#endently$ has been able to acco!#lish this oal% However$ when !ulti#le factors are
taken toether$ the #redictive value is increased% The followin so!e s#ecific as#ects of the
head?neck?u##er airway exa! which can be used to hel# #redict difficulties that !ay be
Head?Deck?U##er Airway exa!
(acial trau!a or defor!ities8 !ay !ake it difficult to #erfor! larynosco#y%
De$iated septu! or nasal polyps8 can #ose difficulty with nasal intubation or with insertin a
nasoastric tube$ #ossibly resultin in bleedin%
)eck ran&e of !otion8 the #atient needs to be able to assu!e the sniffin #osition -cervical
flexion and atlanto8occi#ital extension/ so that the oral$ #haryneal$ and laryneal axes are
alined which will facilitate viewin the lottic o#enin% Dor!al #atients should achieve &C
derees or !ore of atlanto8occi#ital extension$ which can assessed by observin the anle
traversed by the occlusal surface of the !axillary teeth when the head is fully extended fro! the
neutral #osition% ,ifficulty with intubation !ay be #redicted by a sinificant reduction in the
ability to achieve this deree of extension or if the #atient ex#eriences any #ain$ tinlin$ or
nu!bness durin this !ove!ent%
TM* !o'ility and de&ree of !out openin&8 this is i!#ortant for deter!inin the ade4uacy of
s#ace for !ani#ulatin the larynosco#e and endotracheal tube% Measure the inter8incisor
distance% An o#enin of E & c! or 2 finer breadths will likely not #rovide ade4uate s#ace and
!ay result in a difficult intubation% 0n addition$ ask the #atient to !ove the lower incisors as
hih on the u##er li# as #ossible -u##er li# bite test/% 0f the lower incisors do not reach the
ver!ilion border of the u##er li#$ this !ay be a sin of inade4uate translational !ove!ent of the
TMF$ which is also necessary for successful larynosco#y%
Dentition8 0t is i!#ortant to note the #resence of dentures$ #oor dentition$ loose teeth$ or ca#s$
which !ay not tolerate diital !ani#ulation or !ay be at risk of da!ae when the larynosco#ic
blade is inserted into the !outh% ,entures should be re!oved before surery% 0n addition$ the
#resence of #ro!inent !axillary incisors !ay result in obstruction of the view of the lottis%
Conversely$ edentulous #atients are enerally easy to intubate$ but !ay #ose difficulty with !ask
Ton&ue+,roparynx8 ,irect larynosco#y allows visuali:ation of the larynx by dis#lacin the
tonue anteriorly into the !andibular s#ace$ which !oves the tonue out of the line of siht% A
nor!al si:ed tonue will enerally fit easily into the s#ace between the two !andibular ra!i%
However$ if the tonue is too lare -!acrolossia/ or the !andible is too s!all -!icronathia/$
there will likely be difficulty with #ro#er visuali:ation of the lottis% The Malla!#ati
classification is a !ethod to assess the tonue si:e in relation to the si:e of the oro#harynx% The
test is #erfor!ed by havin the #atient sit with their head in the neutral #osition$ and then o#en
their !outh as wide as #ossible and #rotrude the tonue as far as #ossible% They should not
#honate$ as this can elevate the soft #alate and alter the view% A Class & or < view !ay be
associated with difficult larynosco#y%
The si:e of the !andible can be assessed by !easurin the thyro!ental distance% This is the
distance fro! the !entu! of the !andible to the thyroid cartilae% A thyro!ental distance of G
c! -a##roxi!ately & finer breadths/ or less$ as often seen in #atients with a recedin !andible
or a short neck$ !ay indicate a #ossible difficult intubation% Alternatively$ the sterno!ental
distance -fro! !entu! to sternal notch/ can also be used$ which assesses the si:e of the
!andible and neck% A sterno!ental distance of E A& c! !ay also #oint to difficulty with
Binally$ a #hysical status classification is assined$ based on the criteria of the A!erican Society
of Anesthesioloists -ASAA8C/$ with ASA8A bein assined to a healthy #erson without !edical
#roble!s other than the current surical concern$ and ASA8C bein a !oribund #atient$ not
ex#ected to survive for !ore than twenty four hours without surical intervention% An 1=1 is
added if the case is e!erent% The full details of the classification scale are also detailed later%
IVs and Premedication
The two skills you should take the o##ortunity to #ractice while on your rotation are 0H insertion
and airway !anae!ent?intubation% =very #atient -with the exce#tion of so!e children that can
have their 0H2s inserted followin inhalation induction/ will re4uire 0H access #rior to bein
brouht to the o#eratin roo!% The key to success with 0H #lace!ent is #re#aration and #atience%
All of us have successfully found and cannulated a vein$ only to find that we left the ba of 0H
fluid or the ta#e across the roo!% Dor!al saline$ Iactated *iner2s solution$ or other balanced
electrolyte solutions -Plas!alyte$ 0solyte/ are all co!!only used solutions intrao#eratively%
Many #atients are understandably nervous #reo#eratively$ and we often #re!edicate the!$
usually with a ra#id actin ben:odia:e#ine such as intravenous !ida:ola! -which is also
fabulously effective in children orally or rectally/% Metoclo#ra!ide$ 3icitra$ and?or an H2
blocker are also often used if there is a concern that the #atient has a full sto!ach$ and
anticholinerics such as lyco#yrrolate can be used to decrease secretions%
Room Setup and Monitors
3efore brinin the #atient to the roo!$ the anesthesia !achine$ ventilator$ !onitors$ and cart
!ust be checked and set u#% The anesthesia !achine !ust be tested to ensure that the aues and
!onitors are functionin #ro#erly$ that there are no leaks in the as delivery syste!$ and that the
backu# syste!s and fail8safes are functionin #ro#erly%
The !onitors that we use on !ost #atients include the #ulse oxi!eter$ blood #ressure !onitor$
and electrocardiora!$ all of which are ASA re4uire!ents for #atient safety% =ach are checked
and #re#ared to allow for easy #lace!ent when the #atient enters the roo!% Kou !ay see so!e
!ore co!#licated cases that re4uire !ore invasive !onitorin such as arterial or central lines%
0n the o#eratin roo!$ the anesthesia !achine can su##ort non8invasive and invasive !onitors%
"hile in the !aLority of cases$ non8invasive !onitorin is sufficient$ exa!#les and indications
of invasive !onitors include7
Arterial lines for continuous blood #ressure !onitorin > usually radial$ but can be
brachial$ fe!oral$ etc%
o Used in any case where wide swins in blood #ressure are ex#ected$ where tiht
control of blood #ressure is needed$ in cardio#ul!onary by#ass cases$ or when
there will be the need for !ulti#le blood as analyses%
Central venous lines for !easurin CHP8 ty#ically 0F or subclavian
o Used in any case when there is the need to closely !onitor the intravascular
volu!e status or there is a need to evaluate riht ventricular function%
Pul!onary artery catheter for !easurin "ede #ressure -IH=,P/
o Used to deter!ine *AP$ PA$ IH=,P$ C'$ and Pv'
% These !easure!ents are
hel#ful when faced with #oor left ventricular function$ valvular disease$ recent
M0$ A*,S$ !assive trau!a$ !aLor vascular sureries$ or when there is a critical
need to accurately assess the intravascular fluid volu!e or the res#onse to blood
#ressure interventions%
Transeso#haeal echo -T==/ > used in !any CH cases
o Used to evaluate reional wall !otion abnor!alities indicative of !yocardial
ische!ia$ to evaluate stroke volu!e?eLection fraction$ to evaluate cardiac valvular
function$ to look for intracardiac air$ to !onitor chanes in cardiac function$ or to
evaluate ade4uacy of intravascular fluid volu!e%
The anesthesia cart is set u# to allow easy access to intubation e4ui#!ent includin endotracheal
tubes$ larynosco#es$ stylets$ oral?nasal airways and the !yriad of drus that we use daily% A
#ro#erly functionin suction syste! is also vital durin any ty#e of anesthetic%
"hen it co!es to drawin u# the initial drus$ there are < cateories of drus that should be
ready for each case7 induction aents$ sedation?analesia drus$ reversal aents$ and e!erency
drus% At ti!es$ the s#ecific drus !ay vary de#endin on the case$ but the followin are !ost
co!!only used% The first & cateories should be drawn u# in #re#aration for the case$ but the
e!erency drus are often already #re#ared%
-nduction A&ents
Iidocaine -AN/ -AO!?!I/ > ,raw u# in a Ccc syrine
Pro#ofol -AO!?!I/ > ,raw u# in a 2Occ syrine
*ocuroniu! -AO!?!I/ > ,raw u# in a Ccc syrine
Sedation+Anal&esia Dru&s
Hersed -A!?!I/ > ,raw u# in &cc syrine
Bentanyl -CO!c?!I/ > ,raw u# in Ccc syrine
%e$ersal A&ents
Deosti!ine -A!?!I/ > ,raw u# in Ccc syrine
+lyco#yrrolate -O%2!?!I/ > ,raw u# in Ccc syrine
.!er&ency Dru&s -PAt Her!ann$ these drus are already #re#ared and should be found in
#lastic ba/
PPhenyle#hrine -AOO!c?!I/ > 0n AOcc syrine
P=#hedrine -C!?!I/ > 0n AOcc syrine
PSuccinylcholine -2O!?!I/ > 0n AOcc syrine
Atro#ine A!?!I > 0n &cc syrine

'ther #re#arations that can be done before the case focus on #atient #ositionin and co!fort$
since anesthesioloists ulti!ately are res#onsible for intrao#erative #ositionin and resultant
neuroloic or skin inLuries% Heel and ulnar #rotectors should be available$ as should axillary rolls
and other #ads de#endin on the #osition of the #atient%

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