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Confirmation - the next step
Weve a big day coming up on Sunday June 8
at 3pm as Bishop Paul leads a celebration of Confirmation
here at All Souls. Confirmation has been an important next step for countless Christians over hundreds
of years - and its a chance for all of us to affirm our faith and pray Gods blessing on those stepping out.
A public step of faith
All Souls has been the place for many that Christian faith, first tasted in childhood or newly discovered
here, has started to become real and personal. Some who were baptised as babies find in Confirmation
a confirmation of faith first expressed by parents years before. For others Confirmation includes baptism
itself, with its visual reminder that Gods love comes before our faith however far on in life we get.
Its a powerful and significant service giving an opportunity to express publicly what we may have been
increasingly aware of privately - that faith in Jesus is becoming real and is starting to shape our life.
If youve not yet been Confirmed, why not take the chance this year to express your faith publicly, to be
prayed for by Bishop Paul and the rest of the church and to be encouraged as you step forward in faith?
A public commissioning for service
Confirmation is not just about standing up and expressing faith verbally. Its also a service of commissioning
to express that faith in service of others. That can simply mean being part of an All Souls team, such as
childrens work or the Foodbank. For a few it might even mean embarking on training towards some
form of more widely recognised Church of England ministry.
As Bishop Paul prays and as the whole church supports, Confirmation confirms the faith of the candidate
and sends them out and on to serve of others in the name of Jesus.
Even if your faith has already been real and personal for years, if youre feeling called to step out and on
in a more publicly visible service of others, Confirmation might well be a powerful and significant moment
to ink in that decision publicly and be blessed and encouraged on your way.
Wondering if Confirmation is the right next step for you?
Please drop me a line this week - the service is only a month away!
A chance to celebrate together
If youre not being Confirmed yourself, I really hope youll plan on being part of the supporting
congregation on the day? Bishop Paul isnt just our Bishop - hes also a fantastic speaker, great leader and
has been an enthusiastic supporter and friend of All Souls for many years now.
Therell be childrens groups during the main part of the service and refreshments (including cakes - do
let us know if you can make and bring one) afterwards.
Looking forward to seeing you on the day!

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