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This project has been funded with support from the European Commis-

sion. This publicaton refects the views only of the author, and the Com-
mission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the
informaton contained therein.
The frst thought that came to my mind when I
read this booklet has been wow! These guys have
done a good work. I was defnitely not expectng
that they would have put so much efort in cre-
atng this publicaton. It means that the mater it
deals with is really felt important for the authors.
They are the partcipants to the project Amplifer,
a project co-funded by the European Commission through the Youth in
Acton programme that lasted 5 months. This publicaton presents the
phases of the project, the partcipants, the methods used, taking the
reader to deeply understand the aim and results of the acton.
The most important part of this booklet is, in my opinion, the one
dedicated to the recommendatons directed to the European Commis-
sion for the new programme dedicated to youth. This secton contains
contributons from the partcipants to Amplifer, from the partner
organizatons, from youth workers, youth leaders and trainers. All
concerned and commited to give their advices for a programme that
would actually give answers to the needs of the new generaton of
youth projected towards the Europe of 2020.
Even if the structure of the new programme is already set though is not
clear yet, we defnitely believe that this booklet has relevant advices
that can help those that are working on the defniton of the new pro-
gramme or suggest adjustments to it.
I hope that our recommendatons will be useful for those that are
drawing the new strategy for youth and that the authors of this publica-
ton will be able to identfy themselves in the new Programme hope-
fully, one day some of them could be among those that will be planning
the new programme for youth.
Have a nice reading!

Contact informaton:
0039 328 612 1018
Via Vitorio Emanuele 94/a
09045 Quartu SantElena,
Cagliari Italy
TDM 2000 Internatonal is a vibrant and passionate non-governmental,
non-partsan, non-proft, independent organizaton commited to foster
cooperaton across Europe through the establishment of a vivid network
of youth organizatons. Founded in 2008 by a group of young people with
extensive internatonal experience in youth work, it was initally the real-
izaton of a dream that in the meantme has signifcantly fourished and
now embraces organizatons from and outside the EU and. TDM 2000 In-
ternatonal commits to establishing an efectve network of cooperaton
between youth organizatons through which we shall develop concerted
strategies to approach common issues that afect youth, thus becoming
a main promoter of the empowerment of young people, youth associ-
atons and their communites as an all TDM 2000 Internatonal, coordi-
nates, directly implements, supports and divulges actvites and projects
designed either by our staf or by our afliates. So far it has developed
projects and actvites of the likes of training courses and study ses-
sions, diferent sorts of encounters and workshops, awareness-raising
campaigns and lobbying meetngs, inquiries and polls, voluntary service
projects, partnership building actvites and contact making seminars,
electronic and hard cover publicatons, youth exchanges and seminars,
or other mult-measure projects with diverse types of social interventon
for development.
The concern over the future has been stressed by all youth
organizatons we have encountered during the last months. The un-
certainly around the next European programme for youth has raised
many eyebrows, with the future steps being yet unclear. Furthermore,
all have displayed the utmost motvaton in taking part in the defniton
of youth policies and fagship initatves.
The project Amplifer: share, evaluate and design the future! was
planned to meet these needs. During the planning phase of the pro-
ject we involved young partcipants, youth leaders and responsible of
youth organizatons to understand what their main concern was.
Collectng needs and expectatons, we prepared the applicaton. We
got the project approved by the Educatonal Audiovisual and Culture
Executve Agency from the European Commission (EACEA) in March
2013. The Project received a grant of 23.123 and lasted 5 months dur-
ing which partcipants and youth leaders have been actng at local and
internatonal level to collect the voices of youngsters from 7 countries
concerning the results achieved by the Youth In Acton programme and
suggestons for the new programme.
Youth leaders, politcians, experts, decision-makers, administrators in
the feld of youth and policymakers shared opinions, experiences and
best practces connected to youth work and youth policies, and evalu-
ated some of the key features of the Youth in Acton Programme.
In the context of the project Amplifer: share, evaluate and design the
future! we have implemented a Trans-Natonal Youth Seminar that
aimed at mainstreaming the interests and recommendatons of young
people. This was accomplished while incorporatng these young peo-
ple into policies and insttutonal initatves, markedly the new Europe-
an programme for youth.
Finally, we published this booklet prepared by partcipants of the sem-
inar with the guidelines and recommendatons for future acton in
the youth feld. To promote them we launched a concerted cross-bor-
der campaign to encourage youth to take acton at local and interna-
tonal level and make a diference in the building of what will proba-
bly be the most important European programme for young people.
The seminar took place afer a great deal of
preliminary work, including numerous polls,
questonnaires, surveys and public consul-
tatons, developed both online and at local
level. The results of the consultatons orient-
ed the structure (and content) of the seminar,
launching the main issues to be addressed
during the discussions. We involved youth
leaders, politcians, experts, decision-makers,
administrators in the feld of youth and policymakers to share opin-
ions, experiences and best practces connected to youth work and
youth policies, and evaluate some of the key features of the Youth in
Acton Programme. Finally, we published this booklet with the guide-
lines and recommendatons for future acton in the youth feld. To
promote them we are launching a concerted cross-border campaign
to encourage youth to take acton at local and internatonal level and
make a diference in the building of what will probably be the most
important European programme for young people.
The seminar took place in Sardinia, Italy, in October, 2013. It brought
more than 40 people from Italy, Portugal, Poland, Hungary, Croata,
Latvia and Romania representng organisatons with great experience
in the YiA Programme.
The seminar of the project Amplifer: share, evaluate and design
the future! was a Trans-Natonal Youth Seminar that aimed at main-
streaming the interests and recommendatons of young people. This
was accomplished while incorporatng them into policies and insttu-
tonal initatves, markedly the new European programme for youth.
This booklet was published in order to gather recommendaton
and guidelines from youth leaders and actve young people for future
European mobility progammes. While preparing it we were always
referring to the new programme Erasmus + because the name of the
progame was already announced. In the frame of the project Ampli-
fer: share, evaluate and design the future! this aim was reached by
gathering various data, opinions, establishing surveys and polls, organ-
ising the seminar with young people who are actve in youth policies,
brainstorming and coming up with conclusions on what in our opinion
is needed for the future programmes. All in all more than 500 people
were included in this project and had infuenced this recommenda-
ton booklet. Moreover, young politcal actvists and decision makers
took part and contributed to the project and to its outcomes. It is of
high importance that actvely involved in Youth in Acton young peo-
ple took part in this project and shared their ideas for future mobil-
ity programmes. Thus there are few recommendatons as follows.

Afer 7 years of Youth in Acton Programme, experienced or-
ganisatons from 7 European countries met in the mentoned sem-
inar. Before it they made a research which was developed both
online and at local level in order to refect a reality lived by the
people involved. The whole project and this publicaton aim to:

Discover and divulge the opinions, interests and needs of young people
regarding youth work and youth policies.
Evaluate a program that is about to come to an end, assessing whether
and how its main priorites and objectves were met.
Launch an internatonal campaign to advocate for the mainstreaming
of the recommendatons of young people at local, natonal and Europe-
an policy-making.
Promote an understanding of youth work and non-formal educaton as
a powerful system to fght unemployment, to developing competences
and sof skills required by the labour market and traditonally not of-
fered by formal educaton insttutons.
Empower and encourage young people to acknowledge their prospec-
tve role as actve European citzens and partcipate in the solutons for
social hindrance.
Recogniton of non-formal learning

From our polls and analysis we have found out that young people
really think that non formal educaton improves their personal and
professional competences. Youngsters that have partcipated to mo-
bility projects have developed competences and improved some
skills that helped them to understand beter what they wanted to do
in their future and in some cases have made them more employable.
We have examples of youth that have been selected for interviews
because they had experiences as volunteers in the European Voluntary
Service (one of the actons of the Youth In Acton programme); we have
examples of people that got a job because of the competences that they
have acquired during their non formal learning experiences; examples
of Universites/Facultes that give credits to the students that are
atending projects under the Youth in Acton programme. All this wit-
nesses the value that other sectors (except the one of NGOs) are pro-
gressively giving to non formal learning. It is especially valuable the rec-
ogniton given by the formal educaton: more and more teachers think
that formal and non formal learning should go hand in hand; increasing
is also the number of programmes that are promotng collaboraton and
partnerships between public insttutons, third sector and companies.
It was stressed out that results of the Youth in Acton projects were
not reaching a proper learning dimension. Promoters did not suc-
ceed to reach their target group. Moreover, it was discussed that of-
ten the aims and goals of projects were not clarifed enough. Thus it
is suggested to work for a system that actually takes the partners to
commit themselves for the preparaton of the partcipants before
they take part to the projects. More atenton to the support (also
in terms of foreseen funds) for the implementaton of related ac-
tvites at local level could be useful to achieve this goal because the
partners would be motvated by the opportunity to gain visibility.
Afer discussing about ways to promote and introduce youth mo-
bility and non-formal learning, including Youthpass, we came to the
point that there are not enough projects that will be held in local com-
munites to promote new ERASMUS+ actvites and youth mobility,
non-formal learning, sof skills and Youthpass in general. The Europe-
an Commission and Natonal Agency should provide specifc funds for
the projects on recogniton and provide organizers with all necessary
tools and equipment to accomplish the project. This is the summary
of the following ideas expressed by the youth that we have involved:
Example 1: Local 5 day events hosted by local youth NGOs that are
working on the feld of youth to promote the new programme in the
local community. Project should be funded by the Programme or by the
Natonal Agency. NGOs will put an ERASMUS+ tent in a public place and
will provide citzens with publicatons, informaton and knowledge about
youth mobility, sof skills and non-formal learning. During 5 days of pro-
moton youth workers will be able to communicate with citzens and in-
form big number of them about the meaning and benefts of this projects.
Example 2: Local projects about recogniton in way of showing to young
people how youth mobility projects are working in practcal way. NGOs
that are working on the feld of ERASMUS+ will host small projects (ex.
1-2 days) for local people to simulate what they can expect on the pro-
jects of youth mobility. On that project youth trainers from the host-
ing NGO will show to youth partcipants simulaton of ERASMUS+ pro-
ject (youth exchange / seminar / training courseetc.) to increase their
awareness of importance of non-formal learning.
Example 3: To fund projects of an NGO that will work on publicatons
about youth mobility, non-formal learning and youthpass. Local NGOs
can do a lot of hard work on recogniton of ERASMUS+ as European mo-
bility programme if someone will support and fund them, because the
reality of youth NGOs is that they do not have enough funds to make
such projects without support of the local government or European
Commission. In this example we want to be able to make publicatons
(video, leters, examples) that we will be able to use while presentng
ERASMUS+ and non-formal educaton to the public and target groups.
Example 4: YouthPass database for employers should be established in
order to check the validity and importance, like in a golden line. If the
project helped to fnd a job it can be an advantage in a database , digital
version of YouthPass.
The Natonal Agency should send a memorandum to natonal employ-
ment agencies and inform them of the need to promote sof skills and
non-formal educaton. This can be done during the NA projects or pub-
licatons may be sent to company owners/managers. It is also important
that natonal employment agencies should keep promotng sof skills
and non-formal educaton during the process when employers are look-
ing for employees.
Multple feedback
It was notced that there is a necessity of database/website
which would provide us with informaton about trainers, partci-
pants, projects and NGOs. Since SALTO does not let to leave your
own comment and EVE does not functon quite ofen it was decided
to ofer to create one common database with suggestons as follows.
A website representng a social network connected to the database of
trainers, partcipants, projects and organizatons is a good way for eval-
uatng projects as well as making evaluaton visible and easily reached.
Main goals of this site will be to evaluate projects, partcipants, keep your
youthpass in an updated, digital formal, and make it easy to fnd projects
for people who are new to the system or not currently taking an actve
part in NGOs. It will be useful especially for new partcipants, so we need
to create a clear and easy interface to fnd projects and organizatons.
Youth leaders focused their atenton also on the importance of the
quality of the project and referring to the trainings in partcular we
would suggest to include a specifc budget to recognise the work that
the trainers do. We recognise the importance of non formal learning for
the personal and professional development of youth, but we think that
to get the best results the partcipants need to be trained from a person
that is properly prepared and therefore rewarded.
On this purpose we would suggest to create a proper platorm for train-
ers, containing their specifc competences and expertse including the
possibility from partcipants and trainees to express their opinion and
confrm their professionalism and skills. It could be useful to ask the
trainers, in the applicaton or reportng phase, to provide a CV in order
to allow to evaluate their competences.
We also suggest to take these actons afer the project:
An evaluaton meetng to be held by the sending NGO;
The feedback from trainer to partcipants should be established;
Partcipants will evaluate the project on a website. Partcipants will be
able to evaluate the partcular project, especially the trainer, the prepa-
raton of a project;
Collecton of informaton about local needs to be taken into account
during the acceptance process to evaluate how much a project fulfls
gathered needs;
There is a need to explain why the project was rejected, to improve for
next tme;
Prepare a tutorial for people who wants to organize a project but dont
know how to write it, support from all natonal agencies is required, for
example in Poland you can send a project before a deadline to check if
it is good;
During short-term projects: anonymous feedback, suggestons in an
evaluaton box;
During long-term projects: unexpected visits, controls of members of na-
tonal agencies.
European Voluntary Service should receive a special atenton as it refers
to a important phase of the life of a young person. High accuracy in the
selecton of organizaton to be accredited is required. Stll for EVS we
suggest that criteria are ofcially set also for the selecton of volunteers.
The selecton should focus on giving the opportunity to youth that need
to do this experience and direct those that want to make a work experi-
ence to other actons.
Partcipaton & Inclusion
Since the partcipants and involved youth, policy makers of this pro-
ject came from diferent countries as well as diferent social backgrounds
and fewer opportunites they had some great ideas how include more
people to European mobility programmes. During this project it was ex-
pected to share cultural knowledge to increase awareness of social dif-
ferences and to promote tolerance among diferent social groups.
Afer this project is implemented, the partcipants should be more aware
of youth mobility (e,g, Youth Path). It is also expected that they actvely
get involved in various actvites in their local community, thus promot-
ing socially sustainable communites in the long term. Inclusion of peo-
ple with disabilites in such projects would have a positve efect on the
local communites by promotng mutual tolerance.
It was notced by partcipants of the seminar Amplifer: share, evalu-
ate and design the future! that people with fewer opportunites are
not involved in European mobility programmes enough. It was discussed
that people with fewer opportunites are not partcipatng because the
homework in their local communites was not accomplished. The third
sector together with public sector should involve people with fewer op-
portunites in local actvites; make them feel included and part of actve
and motvated society.
During the seminar Amplifer: share, evaluate and design the future!
representatves of partner NGOs proposed diferent actvites and means
to raise the visibility of Youth in Acton and Erasmus+ Programmes. Since
the project reached its last month, proposed actvites were implement-
ed and results are as follows.
On-line promoton was used on the European Network to pro-
mote involvement in the decision-making process. The promoton
was also implemented on the Involved Youth Coaliton website and
on partners social media websites such as Facebook. The website of
the Latvian partner www.fondssabiedrbai.lv has placed informaton
about the Youth in Acton Programme, as well as the Youthpass,
which provides a good idea for both of our organizatons and the pub-
lic, keeping everyone informed about their partcipaton in society.
Actve promoton was organized while meetng with NGOs volunteers
and promotng the results of seminar. School campaigns on mobility were
made in order to promote YiA and other European mobility programmes.
Several high schools were visited in the NGOs local areas. Leafets and
booklets were distributed. There was a huge interest from the youth
so an afernoon long training session about possibilites was organised.
Conferences were organised in several youth and student centers.
There, one of partner NGOs presented the YiA opportunites, how
to use them and how the Programme works. Also future possibil-
ites were discussed and presented. A queston and answer ses-
sion was very necessary due to high levels of audience interest.
An interactve internet campaign was implemented in order to encour-
age young people to partcipate in mobility programs, along with sever-
al projects and a calendar with current events. Partners of this project
defned their target group as mostly young people: students who are
spending their tme at universites; student clubs, and young people go-
ing to gyms. Brainstorm meetng was organised to answer to the ques-
ton How to reach the target audience?. It was decided to get to know
the lifestyles of the target audience, for example, where exactly they
are spending free tme and what modes transport they are using to get
to university. The main procedure was brainstorming session about lo-
cal target audience and research about the projects target audience.
These suggestons were collected in the tme when there were a lack
of informaton about new progamme called ERASMUS+ thus it should be
kept in mind that some of actons and steps were already made. The inter-
natonal partners, experienced organisatons, youth leaders, workers,
policy makers having representatve work in the domain approached in
this project, that brought together their resources, experience, results.
The project Amplifer: share, evaluate and design the future! cre-
ated the framework for youth leaders and youth workers to refect
on the future of youth work and youth policies in order to value the
potental of youth for the future of Europe. The results and proposals
of this publicaton could have an important role to give value to the ex-
perience and results from the Youth in Acton Programme in order to
have successful projects on the new European mobility programmes.
While gathering the work of partcipants of the seminar Ampli-
fer: share, evaluate and design the future!, their suggestons,
insights, opinions and gathered data we got to know their expec-
tatons from new programmes. Also some unofcial data on Euro-
pean mobility programmes, documents, informaton from social
networks and blogs were gathered and incorporated in this booklet.
Raplecton (Croata)
Our goal is to develop a social and a cultural platorm for young people
to discover their talents and potentals.
They permanently work with young people while organizing workshops,
special trainings and cultural events, with the main objectve always in
focus: to bring their hidden creatvity to the surface, and to present it to
the wider audience.
TDM Polska (Poland)
+48 506 579 215, +48717165169
Zaciszna Str. 64/8, 55-200 Olawa
TDM Polska is the Polish branch of TDM 2000 Internatonal. Were fo-
cused on European youth development,
mobility and educaton. The mission is to bring young Europeans togeth-
er and give them the tools to construct a beter Europe for everyone.
EuroDEMOS Associaton (Romania)
20 Pacurari Street, Iasi, Romania
0040332803634, 0040743360315
A human rights defense internatonal organizaton and civic school of
voluntary involvement, training and promoton at internatonal level of
young opinion leaders. EuroDEMOS Internatonal Associaton is contrib-
utng to the sustainable development of the community through ap-
plicatve programs of European interest, having constant civic actvity
since 1990.
Fonds Sabiedribai (Latvia)
Raia bulv. 2-3 Riga-LV-1050
+371 29 299 952
A new and actve organisaton, our team consists
of 6 members. We are working with EU fnanced projects in educaton-
al, social and youth programmes. We are creatng internatonal projects
with partners from diferent countries. Our projects are about educaton
for young people and people at risk. Our aims are educaton, science and
culture encouragement; charity; sport support; protecton of the envi-
ronment and cultural monuments; raising social welfare and improve-
ment of living conditons of the poor and socially disadvantaged groups
of people.
Associazione TDM 2000 (Italy)
+39 070 666941
Autorit Portuale di Cagliari Molo Sanit Porto di Cagliari, 09123
TDM 2000 Promotes personal and professional development of young
people, aiming at making them actve citzens in the society in which
they live. It is a non partsan, independent, no proft organisaton with
educatonal aims and it coordinates youngsters willing to cooperate in
the voluntary feld. It believes in the mutual respect of diferent cultures
and in the equality between people; it aims to contribute to the develop-
ment of the countries in which it works by achieving a greater conscious-
ness of internatonal cooperaton, mutual understanding and the need
to be actve in todays society.
Ifusagi Szolgaltatok Orszagos Szovetsege (Hungary)
+36 1 264 2090, kucson.gyula@iszosz.hu
Honvd u. 38. fszt., Budapest, 1055

ISZOSZs mission is to explore the interests of its members and represent
them, especially in the legislaton, as well as the natonal authorites
while promotng economic actvites for members, providing services in
this context. It aims to support legal and ethical operaton of the mem-
ber organizaton, the control and the protecton of clients and students.
Geoclube Associao Juvenil de Cincia,
Natureza e Aventura (Portugal)
Geoclube was born on 10th November of 1999. It was a group of stu-
dents from the town school (Gondomar) with some teachers, that
founded this youth associaton. They want to meet and feel our planet:
sea, land, plants, animals, rocks, people. Also to fnd, study, discover and
understand their home planet earth. This organisaton seeks to enjoy
the nature, make friends, protect our planet, fghts against stereotypes
and prejudices, and trys to increase the awareness of drug and alcohol
The Youth in Acton Programme
Youth in Acton is the Programme that the European Union has set
up for mobility and non formal educaton actons addressed to young
It is period of validity goes from 2007 to 2013.
It aims to inspire a sense of actve European citzenship, solidarity and
tolerance among young Europeans and to involve them in shaping the
Unions future. It promotes mobility within and beyond the EUs bor-
ders, non-formal learning and intercultural dialogue, and encourages
the inclusion of all young people, regardless of their educatonal, social
and cultural background: Youth in Acton is a Programme for all.
The target group are young people aged between 13 and 30 years.
Its general objectves are the following:
Promote young peoples actve citzenship in general and their Euro-
pean citzenship in partcular;
Develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in
partcular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union;
Foster mutual understanding between young people in diferent
Contribute to developing the quality of support systems for youth
actvites and the capabilites of civil society organisatons in the youth
Promote European cooperaton in the youth feld.
In order to achieve its objectves, the Youth in Acton Programme
foresees fve operatonal Actons.
Youth in Acton is the Programme the European Union has set up for
young people. It aims to inspire a sense of actve European citzen-
ship, solidarity and tolerance among young Europeans and to involve
them in shaping the Unions future. It promotes mobility within and
beyond the EUs borders, non-formal learning and intercultural dia-
logue, and encourages the inclusion of all young people, regardless of
their educatonal, social and cultural background: Youth in Acton is a
Programme for all.
Every year, thousands of projects are submited by promoters in or-
der to get fnancial support from the Programme; a selecton process
aims at grantng the best projects.
The YOUTH IN ACTION programme is the EUs mobility and non-for-
mal educaton programme targetng young people aged between 13
and 30 years. Its general objectves are the following:
Promote young peoples actve citzenship in general and their Euro-
pean citzenship in partcular;
Develop solidarity and promote tolerance among young people, in
partcular in order to foster social cohesion in the European Union;
Foster mutual understanding between young people in diferent
Contribute to developing the quality of support systems for youth ac-
tvites and the capabilites of civil society organisatons in the youth
Promote European cooperaton in the youth feld.
Acton 1 - Youth for Europe
Acton 2 - European Voluntary Service
Acton 3 - Youth in the World
Acton 4 - Youth Support Systems
Acton 5 - Support for European cooperaton in the youth feld
Each of these actons have specifc rules and it allows diferent kind of
actons to be undertaken. All the details can be found in the users guide
that is available on the ofcial websites of the Natonal Agencies.
Responsible enttes for the management of the Programme
DG Educaton and Culture is responsible for the running of the Youth in
Acton Programme. It manages the budget and sets priorites, targets and
criteria for the Programme on an ongoing basis. Furthermore, it guides
and monitors the general implementaton, follow-up and evaluaton of
the Programme at European level.
The Educaton, Audiovisual and Culture Executve Agency (EACEA) is re-
sponsible notably for the implementaton of the permanent and central-
ised actons of the Youth in Acton Programme and for launching the spe-
cifc calls for proposals. It is in charge of the complete life cycle of selected
projects, from analysing the grant request to monitoring projects on the
The Natonal Agencies are responsible for the implementaton of the per-
manent and decentralised actons of the Youth in Acton Programme.
They are in charge of the complete life cycle of selected projects, from
analysing the grant request to monitoring projects on the spot.
ERASMUS plus Programme
The new programme will be called ERASMUS plus, it will run for the pe-
riod going from 2014 to 2020 and it will put together all the programmes
dedicated to youth, educaton and training. The structure and specifci-
tes of the Programme are stll under defniton. It is supposed to be ready
by the end of the year 2013.
We have some basic informaton about its structure that we present here
to give a general idea to the reader. It seems that it will be made of 3 key
Acton 1
Acton 2
Acton 3
Policy Dialogue
Staf Mobility
Student Mobility
Master Degree Mobility
Youth Mobility
Strategic Partnerships
Knowledge Allience and
Sectors Skills Allience
IT Plaform
Capacity Building
Open method of coordinaton
and European Semester
EU tools

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