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International Phonetic Alphabet Chart

(Words in SMALL CAPITALS are the standard lexical sets. Words in the lexical sets BATH and CLOTH are
gien t!o transcriptions" respectiel# one !ith $ $ and one !ith $%$" and !ith $ $ and $ $ &.
IPA Examples
b b'#" cab
d d#e" cad
( th#" breathe" )ather
d giant" badge" ja*
) phi" caff" fan
g'#" bag
h high" ahead
. yes" yacht
/ sk#" crack
l lie" sl#" gal
* m#" smile" cam
n nigh" snide" can
0 sang" sin/" singer
0 )inger" anger
1 thigh" *ath
p pie" sp#" cap
r r#e" tr#" er#
s sigh" *ass
sh#" cash" e*otion
t tie" st#" cat" ato*
t China" catch
IPA Full owels !!! followed by "
PALM" baht" )ather" bra r
STA"T" bard" barn" snarl"
star (also $ r.$ &
L#T" pod" 5ohn" doll
r *oral" )orage
% T7AP" pad" shall" ban %r barro!" *arr#
a P7IC8" ride" )ile" )ine" pie
a r )ire ($a r.$ &
M#$TH" loud" )oul" down"
a r hour ($a r.$ &
:7ESS" bed" )ell" *en
r error" *err#
e <AC8" *ade" )ail" ein" pay r
S=>A"E" scared" scarce" cairn"
Mar# ($e r.$ &
?IT" lid" )ill" bin r *irror" Siri's
<LEEC8" seed" )eel" *ean"
@EA"" beard" )ierce" serio's

TH#$%&T" Maud" dawn" )all"

r @#"TH" born" )or" aural ($r.$&
CH#IC8" oid" )oil" coin" boy r loir " c oir ($r.$&
o B#AT" code" )oal" bone" go
<#"C8" boar" *ore" oral ($or.$&
<##T" good" )ull" !o*an r Courier
B##S8" )ood" )ool" soon"
r boor" *oor" tourist ($'r.$&

cued" cute" *ule" tune"

. r C$"E
ST7$T" *ud" dull" gun
r boro'gh" hurr#
@$"S8" !ord" girl" )ern" )urr#
($ $&
"educed owels
ie" hae
! w#e" swine
h! wh#
F 'oo" has

pleas're" ision"
(arginal consonants
x 'gh" loch"Chan'/ah
'h)oh $ o $
7osaGs" a *ission" COMMA r L8TTE"" per)or* (also $$&
roses" e*ission
(either or & n B'tton
(either o or & * 7h#thm

bea'ti)ul" c'rricul'* (+.-&

(either or &
l Bottle
i HAPP*" serio's
(either or i& "
(o!el is )reE'entl# droppedH

+tress +yllabification
IPA Examples IPA Examples

intonation $ntne n$"

battleship $b%tlp$
shell)ish $l.) $" sel)ish $
nitrate $na.tret$" nightI
rate $nat.ret$
hire $ha r$" higher $ha.r$
*oai $*o.a$" Windhoe/ $
Janco'eria $%n./' ri$


Phones Examples
IPA: English Consonants
p p, p pen, spin, tip
b b but, web
t t, t, ,
two, sting, bet
d d,
do, odd
t t, t chair, nature, teach
d d gin, joy, edge
k k, k cat, kill, skin, queen, unique, thick
go, get, beg
f f fool, enough, leaf, off, photo
v v voice, have, of
, t
thing, teeth
! , d
this, breathe, father
s s see, city, pass
" " "oo, rose
she, sure, session, e#otion, leash
pleasure, beige, sei"ure
x #k$ $ loch %&cottish'
h h, ha#
m #
man, ham
n n no, tin
% * ringer, sing,
finger, drink
l l,
w , o,
left, bell
& , ,
&un, ve&y
' w 'e, .ueen
j / (es
h' hw, , w

IPA: )a&ginal *ounds

IPA: +educed vo'els
, 1educed 2 , 3, , 2
#,$ 1educed 2 , i , , e , a 2
#,$ 1educed 2 , u 2
#,$ 1educed 2o 2
#,$ 1educed 2 2

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