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What is ASEANpreneurs?
The ASEANpreneurs Youth Leaders Network (AYLN), also fondly known as
ASEANpreneurs, was officially launched in Singapore in May !!" #y $r Soeung
%athcha&y, $eputy Secretary 'eneral of the ASEAN Secretariat and Mr Teo Ser Luck,
Senior (arlia)ent Secretary for the Ministry of *o))unity $e&elop)ent, Youth and Sports,
Singapore+ ASEANpreneurs is a glo#al pro,ect #y the National -ni&ersity of Singapore
Entrepreneurship Society (NES)+
To foster growth and prosperity in the ASEAN region #y pro)oting entrepreneurship to the
youth of ASEAN
To groo) entrepreneurial youth leaders in ASEAN and create a platfor) for interaction and
sharing of entrepreneurial ideas, knowledge and e.perience a)ong ASEAN youth+
/n a nutshell, ASEANpreneurs hopes to groo) ASEAN entrepreneurs together #y tapping on
the i))ense potential of the ASEAN region and )ore specifically on the capa#ilities and
a)#itions of ASEAN youth towards fostering growth and prosperity+
What is the ASEANpreneurs Youth Leaers E!"han#e?
The ASEANpreneurs Youth Leaders E.change (AYLE) is the flagship pro,ect of AYLN+ The first
edition of AYLE was held in Singapore in May !!"+ AYLE !"0 saw 1 uni&ersity students fro) "
ASEAN countries gather in Singapore and engage in )eaningful entrepreneurship2related acti&ities+
/t was hosted #y the National -ni&ersity of Singapore Entrepreneurship Society (NES)+
The second edition of AYLE3 AYLE !10 was held in $ec !!1 in 4akarta, /ndonesia+ /t was hosted #y
5inus -ni&ersity in partnership with NES+ This ti)e there were a total of 67 delegates for) "
ASEAN countries who gathered to i))erse the)sel&es in the *reati&e /ndustry in /ndonesia and to
learn firsthand fro) esta#lished co)panies, start2ups and *E8s a#out entrepreneurship in this
The third edition of AYLE, AYLE !9!, was held in $ece)#er !9! in :uala Lu)pur, Malaysia+ /t
was hosted #y -N/TEN in partnership with ASEANpreneurs+ There were a total of 7! delegates fro)
" ASEAN countries who participated in a range of acti&ities which e.plored the entrepreneurial
en&iron)ent of Malaysia+
Essentially the AYLE is a platfor) which #rings together aspiring and #udding youth entrepreneurs
fro) ASEAN allowing the) to interact and learn not only fro) esta#lished entrepreneurs in the
region #ut also fro) each other+ Each AYLE spells unli)ited possi#ilities of cross2country
colla#orations, start2ups and e&en ,ust sharing of wisdo) and e.perience+ The AYLE e.perience is a
trade)ark of ASEANpreneurs and acts as an effecti&e tool towards #uilding a co))unity of
We $ou% there&ore %i'e to e!ten the in(itation to host the ne!t AYLE) AYLE *+,, to
an- or#anisations or institutions that .e%ie(e in our "ause an $ou% %i'e to partner us
on this /ourne- o& "reatin# ASEANpreneurs 0ASEAN entrepreneurs12

Na)e of 8rgani;ation< $ate of =or)ation>%egistration<
%egistration Nu)#er (if any)<
Address< Tel No+ 2
=a. No+ 2
?e#site 2
Total No+ of %egistered Me)#ers< No+ of Youth Me)#ers (97 2 @7 yrs)<
$escription of 8rgani;ation ((lease attach infor)ation as an anne.)

:ey acti&ities in the past few years+ (lease include any )edia co&erage and pu#licity gained+
Na)e< Tel No+ 2
=a. No+ 2
E2)ail 2
$esignation< Total No+ of (eople<
(ro,ect Tea) AAAAAAAAAA
Bision C Mission
o The &ision and )ission should #e aligned to those of the ASEANpreneurs Youth
Leaders Network (refer to www+aseanpreneurs+org for our &ision and )ission)
o The host organi;ation is encouraged to )ake the AYLE e.perience distinct and
uniDue to the host country #ut at the sa)e ti)e )aintain the ASEAN centric nature of
the e&ents instead of pri)arily focusing on local content+

o A short write2up of the the)e and the )oti&ations #ehind choosing the the)e is
reDuired+ Also highlight how the the)e )eets the &ision and )ission+ ASEAN centric
the)es are encouraged i+e+ a the)e which will interest participants fro) all ASEAN
o (roposals which ha&e the)es that are different fro) past AYLE0s will #e fa&ored in
ter)s of originality C inno&ation+

$escription of (rogra) *ontent
o This section needs to include detailed infor)ation a#out the )ain acti&ities and
e&ents that will #e conducted and should include a #rief profile of the tentati&e
speakers and guests that will #e approached+
o This section should also include any cultural &isits and site2seeing that will for) part
of the progra)+
o (lease pro&ide a tentati&e>pro#a#le itinerary that incorporates the entire progra) in
ti)ed seDuences+

Benues C Acco))odation
o You are reDuired to include the possi#le &enues that will #e utili;ed for AYLE as well
as possi#le acco))odation pro&iders who) the host organi;ation can approach+

=inancial 5udget
o /nclude a detailed #udget that esti)ates the costs that will #e incurred+ Appro.i)ate
prices will suffice, the host organi;ation does not ha&e to check and include e.act
prices+ The #udget ai)s to pro&ide a rough esti)ate of the costs+

=inancial A#ility C Support
(i) (lease indicate the funding sources that your organi;ation has access to3
indicating, where&er possi#le, appro.i)ately how )uch they are willing to
o Also include the other potential sources of funding or an action plan that details
how the host organi;ation will #e o#taining the funding reDuired to host AYLE
o (lease note that to ensure the s)ooth e.ecution of AYLE it is i)portant for any
potential host organi;ations to ensure they ha&e highly plausi#le sources of funding
a&aila#le+ The ASEANpreneurs tea) will endea&or to assist the host organi;ation
howe&er will NOT #e a#le to pro&ide direct financial support+ ?e will howe&er, #e
&ery willing to pro&ide assistance in drawing up sponsorship proposals and referring
the host organi;ation to possi#le sponsors+

o (lease pro&ide tentati&e details of a working co))ittee that the host organi;ation will
for) to o&ersee the organi;ation of AYLE !99+
Aitiona% Notes
o ASEANpreneurs will work hand2in2hand with the successful host country co))ittee
to #ring the proposal to reali;ation+ Eowe&er, the working co))ittee will #e )ainly
responsi#le for the organi;ation of AYLE099+
o AYLE099 will #e conducted in English, to facilitate ease of co))unication a)ong the
o /t is i)portant for the host organi;ation to #e financially independent+ ?e will
support and
assist in seeking for sponsors, howe&er the responsi#ility lies with the host
organi;ation to ensure funding is secured prior to e.ecution+
4EA4LINES an Other Instru"tions
The AYLE !99 Eosting Application opens on 1 th =e#ruary and closes on I
Any applications after this date will not #e considered+ All applications are to #e e2)ailed

You )ay su#)it preli)inary applications so as to recei&e feed#ack fro) the
ASEANpreneurs co))ittee #efore su#)itting your final applications+ The ASEANpreneurs
co))ittee will reDuire I days to pro&ide feed#ack+ As such please su#)it any preli)inary
applications in ad&ance+ All final entries )ust #e recei&ed #y I

(lease su#)it your application following the proposal for)at pro&ided #y adding pages to
this docu)ent and also fill up section / and //+ (lease e2)ail the application
toasenapreneursJnes+org+sg and la#el the title as AYLE !99 Eosting Application #y
KNa)e of 8rgani;ationK

=or any Dueries and Duestions, please e2)ail akuldewanJnes+org+sg

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