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3a, p 1

4.3a: Adjectives of the first and second declension (Type I)
Most of the nouns of the first declension are feminine (the fewer masculine nouns have a distinctive citation). If an adjective
modifies one of these nouns, it will need to agree with it in gender. In the first three lessons, while we were handling masculine
nouns of the second declension, we used the masculine form of a few adjectives, and we cited them in the vocabulary
(inaccurately) as if that were their only form: , . Yet since adjectives must agree with the nouns they modify,
they need to be flexible with respect to gender. The adjectives we are studying now (which I label Type I adjectives) have three
endings. Adjectives should actually be cited in the nominative singular, with all the endings they possess for the three genders,
masculine, feminine, and neuter.
, , = fine, good
, , = wise
or (a new adjective)
, , = small
It will be obvious to you that, while the masculine and the neuter follow the models, respectively, of and , the
feminine has two possible endings:
- / -
Before proceeding further, go to 4.3b, (and print it out or keep it open). You will find there the declension of the adjectives
, , (wise) and , , modifying a masculine noun of the second declension,
(man, human being), and two feminine nouns of the first declension, (proverb, opinion),
(joy), and (gift). These examples have been chosen so that an - feminine adjective is shown with an - noun
of the first declension,and an - feminine adjective with an - noun. It wont always be so simple!
We will learn later how to predict the feminine form of an adjective of this type, if you know only the masculine. At this time
you can at least identify the feminine if the complete citation is given.

4.3a, p 2
......... S......... PN V
My opinion is not always right.

adv ......... S .......... ......... D O ......... V

Small girls too know fine proverbs.

b) ()
S ............... gen ............... PN V

Isnt the life of beautiful girls difficult?

Note 1: () = always. Adverbs are not declined.
Note 2: When does not make sense as a conjunction = and, it may have the role of an adverb = also, too.
Note 3: often introduces a direct question. It should not be translated: it is a counterpart of the special intonation of a
question, or of our question mark at its end. In this sentence its final vowel has been cut (elided) because the next word begins
with a vowel. The loss of the vowel, which will have been natural in the spoken language, is indicated in the spelling and is
known as elision.

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