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Loading the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server

SQL Server 2008 R2

This topic provides instructions for loading the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server into the PHP
process space.
There are two options for loading a driver. The driver can be loaded when PHP is started or it can be
loaded at PHP script runtime.
Moving the Driver File into Your Extension Directory

Regardless of which procedure you use, the first step will be to put the driver file in a directory where the
PHP runtime can find it. So, put the driver file in your PHP extension directory. See System Requirements
for a list of the driver files that are installed with the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server.
If necessary, specify the directory location of the driver file in the PHP configuration file (php.ini), using
the extension_dir option. For example, if you will put the driver file in your c:\php\ext directory, use this
extension_dir = "c:\PHP\ext"
Loading the Driver at PHP Startup

To load the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server when PHP is started, first move a driver file into your
extension directory. Then, follow these steps:
1. To enable the SQLSRV driver, modify php.ini by adding the following line to the extension
section, or modifying the line that is already there (this example uses the version 2.0 thread safe
driver for PHP 5.2):
To enable the PDO_SQLSRV driver, modify php.ini by adding the following line to the extension
section, or modifying the line that is already there (this example uses the version 2.0 thread safe
driver for PHP 5.2):
2. If you want to use the PDO_SQLSRV driver, the php_pdo.dll must be available, either as a built-in
extension, or as a dynamically-loaded extension. If you need to load the PDO_SQLSRV driver
dynamically, the php_pdo.dll must be present in the extension directory and the the following
line needs to be in the php.ini:
3. Restart the Web server.
To determine whether the driver has been successfully loaded, run a script that calls phpinfo().
For more information about php.ini directives, see Description of core php.ini directives.
Loading the Driver at PHP Script Runtime

To load the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server at script runtime, first move a driver file into your
extension directory. Then include the following line at the start of the PHP script that will use the driver:
For more information about PHP functions related to dynamically loading extensions, see dl and

Using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 With
PHPs PDO and Apache
One of the projects that Im working on involves the use of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2
as our DBMS with Apache and PHP as our web technology. While there isnt anything
wrong with this, Ive found that anytime you step outside of using MySQL with PHP,
support tends to drop off fairly quickly. For this project, we were using the ODBC
extension of PHP to perform database operations. While this is adequate for some
operations, it doesnt support parameterized queries, transaction handling seems to be quite
weird, etc. So, I decided to look into replacing the ODBC calls (odbc_*) with PHP Data
Objects (PDO).
It takes a bit of effort to get this working properly, but once you do, the pain ends and you
can use PDO as you normally would.
First, head over to Microsoft and download the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server.
Right now its pre-release stuff, but I have yet to run into any trouble. Grab the drivers here.
The next step will depend on the version of PHP youre running and how youre running it.
For my configuration, Im running PHP 5.2 compiled by VC6 as a module under Apache
2.2, so I needed to use the VC6 threadsafe version of the SQL Server drivers. Your needs
may be different if youre running PHP as a module or CGI binary check out the
StackOverflow discussion if youre confused. So, once you know which driver you need,
copy it to the ext directory of your PHP install. For me, it was under C:\PHP\ext.
Now, you need to edit PHP.ini. This is where things get tricky. If youre running PHP 5.2,
you may have a reference to the ancient mssql PHP extension. From what I can tell, its old,
cranky, and something you shouldnt use. Its not even included with PHP 5.3 or higher.
Dont use it. So, if youre running PHP 5.2, youll need to remove the old reference, and
add the new one. My PHP.ini file, at the end, looks as follows:
; I'm old, stop using me!

; Instead, use me!
With the PHP.ini file edited and saved, restart Apache so the new config is loaded. Either
head into services.msc (the Services MMC console) or punch in at your (elevated)
command prompt net stop apache2.2, then net start apache2.2.
Before you go any further, write a simple page that calls the phpinfo() function, just to
make sure that the MSSQL drivers are now installed. You should have something that
looks like this.

Now, its time to do a query. Youll need the path to your SQL Server instance, the
username, password, and an actual database to work with. Once all thats in place and the
connection is made, then youre ready to use PDO as you normally would. Head over to the
manual for PDO to learn more.

SQL 2008 R2 Hosting :: Login failed for user 'NT
Tuesday, November 16, 2010 3:58 PM
If you encountered this error while running your published website or web service in IIS7:

Message: Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: Cannot open database
"[DB_NAME]" requested by the login. The login failed.

This is very simple problem. Please follow this steps:

1. Open SQL Management Studio

2. On the left menu, expand Security then Logins. Check if 'NT AUTHORITY\IUSR' exists. If not then that is
the cause of the problem.

3. Right-click on Logins then click New Login...

4. On the General page, click Search...

5. On the next popup window, click Advanced...

6. Then on the following window, click Find Now and find IUSR on the Search Results. Then click OK.

7. Back on the left menu, you'll now see the 'NT AUTHORITY\IUSR' user. Right click on it and click

8. On the Server Roles page, check on sysadmin.

9. Then on the User Mapping page check on the database name you need access to; and below that on the
database role membership make sure to also check on db_owner then click OK.

And you wont see login failed error now.

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Making SQL Server 2008 and php Play Nice
By Becky Resler, Web Programmer
I like having a local development environment when Im working on new or existing projects. This means that if
I blow something up, its just on my local machine and not on either the staging server or (God forbid) the live
server. Its an added level of sanity for me (I can revert back to the code that worked on the staging/live server
before my changes blew it up). Also, I dont have to keep uploading changes to the staging server to make
sure things are working properly. I just have to save the changes and refresh the page in my browser.
Most of our client projects are php/MySQL projects. I am running WampServer on my computer for my local
development. WampServer allows you to run a development web server on your (Windows) computer, with
Apache, php, and MySQL. You can download and install multiple versions of each. This helps you mimic the
live web server environment. There are other solutions, such as XAMPP, but WampServer has been working
well for me.
We have an upcoming client project that requires the website be on a Windows server with php and MSSQL.
We do have some other projects that run php on a Windows server, so that wasnt my concern. My concern
was the MSSQL part of the equation. How in the world am I going to develop a website locally using MSSQL?
Well, I was in luck. Microsoft has a FREE version of their SQL Server available for download, SQL Server 2008
R2 Express. They have several different versions based on what your needs are. I went with the Database
with Management Tools version because I dont really have the need for reporting services since Im just
developing locally.
I did run into a snag while setting things up. I couldnt get php and the SQL server to talk to each other.
Eventually I figured things out (after uninstalling and then reinstalling the SQL server). Here is how you can do
it too.
Install a Web Server
If you dont already have something like WampServer or XAMPP installed, go download one and install it.
Then make sure things are working properly before you even start with the SQL server side of things. As I
already said, I have WampServer installed, so I was good to go for this part.
Install SQL Server
The installation process for SQL Server is pretty straightforward. One thing that I had to make sure of was that
I set the Security Mode to Mixed Mode Authentication. Other than that, I pretty much followed the article
How to: Install SQL Server 2008 R2 (Setup).
Create and Configure Database
It was at this point that I ran into my first snag. I opened Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, which was
installed during the SQL server install, but no database servers were showing up. It turns out that I needed to
register the server instance that was created when SQL Server was installed. Here is how you do that.
1. Go to View Registered Servers in the menu to open the Registered Servers window (in the
left sidebar). (screenshot)
2. Expand the Local Server Groups folder. If your SQL server instance doesnt show up, you need
to register it.
3. Right click on the Local Server Groups folder and select Tasks Register Local Servers.
If you get an error that says No local servers of type Database Engine were found, you will need to select
the New Server Registration option in the right click menu from step #3 above (this is what I had to do). This
will open up an interface where you can register your server.
Please refer to the screenshot to the left (click it to enlarge it).
For the Server name, enter the name of your computer and the name of the instance you created when you
installed the SQL server.
For example, if your computer is named mycomp and your instance is named SQLEXPRESS, enter
mycomp\SQLEXPRESS for the Server name.
Then select either Windows Authentication or SQL Server Authentication based on how you want to set
things up. You should be able to leave the defaults for everything else, unless you want to customize things.
After doing this, my database server instance showed up in the Objects Explorer. At this point I created a
database. Right click on the Databases folder in the Object Explorer and select New Database. This will
open an interface where you can create the database. You should only have to enter a name for your
database. I left the default values for all other options.
I then created a login. Open the Security folder (the one under the server, not the one under the database that
you just created) and the Logins folder under that. (screenshot) This will open an interface where you can
create the login. Please refer to the screenshot to the below (click it to enlarge it).

Enter the name of the login and select SQL Server authentication. This login will end up being associated
with the user that is used by the php code to connect to the database, so it needs a password set up for it.
Selecting this security mode allows for that to be done. Once SQL Server authentication is selected, more
options become available. I checked Enforce password policy and unchecked the other 2 options. For the
Default database, select the database that you created for your application.
Now switch over to the User Mapping tab. You need to map this login to a user on your database (this will
save you a step).Please refer to the following screenshot (click it to enlarge it).

Select the database you created earlier. A user will be created with the same name as the login. Then click the
button in the Default Schema column and select the db_datareader and db_datawriter objects (I selected
these since the website will be selecting/inserting/updating/deleting data, but I must admit, Im not sure if it
really did anything for me).
You should be able to leave the default values for everything else on all of the other tabs. Click the OK button
to create the login.
Here is another snag that got me. You must grant the new user permission for the actions that will be
performed. If you do not do this, you wont be able to access the database from your php script. The code for
that is:


SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Begins a transaction on a specified connection. The current transaction includes all statements on the
specified connection that were executed after the call to sqlsrv_begin_transaction and before any calls to
sqlsrv_rollback or sqlsrv_commit.
The Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server is in auto-commit mode by default. This means that all
queries are automatically committed upon success unless they have been designated as part of an
explicit transaction by using sqlsrv_begin_transaction.
If sqlsrv_begin_transaction is called after a transaction has already been initiated on the connection but
not completed by calling either sqlsrv_commit or sqlsrv_rollback, the call returns false and an Already in
Transaction error is added to the error collection.

sqlsrv_begin_transaction( resource $conn)

$conn: The connection with which the transaction is associated.
Return Value

A Boolean value: true if the transaction was successfully begun. Otherwise, false.

The example below executes two queries as part of a transaction. If both queries are successful, the
transaction is committed. If either (or both) of the queries fail, the transaction is rolled back.
The first query in the example inserts a new sales order into the Sales.SalesOrderDetail table of the
AdventureWorks database. The order is for five units of the product that has product ID 709. The second
query reduces the inventory quantity of product ID 709 by five units. These queries are included in a
transaction because both queries must be successful for the database to accurately reflect the state of
orders and product availability.
The example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local
computer. All output is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));

/* Initiate transaction. */
/* Exit script if transaction cannot be initiated. */
if ( sqlsrv_begin_transaction( $conn ) === false )
echo "Could not begin transaction.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));

/* Initialize parameter values. */
$orderId = 43659; $qty = 5; $productId = 709;
$offerId = 1; $price = 5.70;

/* Set up and execute the first query. */
$tsql1 = "INSERT INTO Sales.SalesOrderDetail
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$params1 = array( $orderId, $qty, $productId, $offerId, $price);
$stmt1 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql1, $params1 );

/* Set up and execute the second query. */
$tsql2 = "UPDATE Production.ProductInventory
SET Quantity = (Quantity - ?)
WHERE ProductID = ?";
$params2 = array($qty, $productId);
$stmt2 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql2, $params2 );

/* If both queries were successful, commit the transaction. */
/* Otherwise, rollback the transaction. */
if( $stmt1 && $stmt2 )
sqlsrv_commit( $conn );
echo "Transaction was committed.\n";
sqlsrv_rollback( $conn );
echo "Transaction was rolled back.\n";

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt1);
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt2);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
For the purpose of focusing on transaction behavior, some recommended error handling is not included
in the example above. For a production application it is recommended that any call to a sqlsrv function
be checked for errors and handled accordingly.
Do not use embedded Transact-SQL to perform transactions. For example, do not execute a statement
with "BEGIN TRANSACTION" as the Transact-SQL query to begin a transaction. The expected
transactional behavior cannot be guaranteed when using embedded Transact-SQL to perform
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Cancels a statement. This means that any pending results for the statement are discarded. After this
function is called, the statement can be re-executed if it was prepared with sqlsrv_prepare. Calling this
function is not necessary if all the results associated with the statement have been consumed.

sqlsrv_cancel( resource $stmt)

$stmt: The statement to be canceled.
Return Value

A Boolean value: true if the operation was successful. Otherwise, false.

The following example targets the AdventureWorks database to execute a query, then consumes and
counts results until the variable $salesTotal reaches a specified amount. The remaining query results are
then discarded. The example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on
the local computer. All output is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Prepare and execute the query. */
$tsql = "SELECT OrderQty, UnitPrice FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail";
$stmt = sqlsrv_prepare( $conn, $tsql);
if( $stmt === false )
echo "Error in statement preparation.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
if( sqlsrv_execute( $stmt ) === false)
echo "Error in statement execution.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Initialize tracking variables. */
$salesTotal = 0;
$count = 0;

/* Count and display the number of sales that produce revenue
of $100,000. */
while( ($row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt)) && $salesTotal <=100000)
$qty = $row[0];
$price = $row[1];
$salesTotal += ( $price * $qty);
echo "$count sales accounted for the first $$salesTotal in revenue.\n";

/* Cancel the pending results. The statement can be reused. */
sqlsrv_cancel( $stmt);

A statement that is prepared and executed using the combination of sqlsrv_prepare and sqlsrv_execute can
be re-executed with sqlsrv_execute after calling sqlsrv_cancel. A statement that is executed with
sqlsrv_query cannot be re-executed after calling sqlsrv_cancel.
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Returns information about the connection and client stack.

sqlsrv_client_info( resource $conn)

$conn: The connection resource by which the client is connected.
Return Value

An associative array with keys described in the table below, or false if the connection resource is null.
Key Description
DriverDllName SQLNCLI10.DLL (Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server version 2.0)
DriverODBCVer ODBC version (xx.yy)
DriverVer SQL Server Native Client DLL version:
10.50.xxx (Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server version 2.0)
ExtensionVer php_sqlsrv.dll version:
2.0.xxxx.x(Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server version 2.0)

The following example writes client information to the console when the example is run from the
command line. The example assumes that SQL Server is installed on the local computer. All output is
written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/*Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName);

if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

if( $client_info = sqlsrv_client_info( $conn))
foreach( $client_info as $key => $value)
echo $key.": ".$value."\n";
echo "Client info error.\n";

/* Close connection resources. */
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Closes the specified connection and releases associated resources.

sqlsrv_close( resource $conn )

$conn: The connection to be closed.
Return Value

The Boolean value true unless the function is called with an invalid parameter. If the function is called
with an invalid parameter, false is returned.
Null is a valid parameter for this function. This allows the function to be called multiple times in a script.
For example, if you close a connection in an error condition and close it again at the end of the script,
the second call to sqlsrv_close will return true because the first call to sqlsrv_close (in the error condition)
sets the connection resource to null.

The following example closes a connection. The example assumes that SQL Server is installed on the local
computer. All output is writing to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/*Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

// Perform operations with connection here.

/* Close the connection. */
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
echo "Connection closed.\n";
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Commits the current transaction on the specified connection and returns the connection to the auto-
commit mode. The current transaction includes all statements on the specified connection that were
executed after the call to sqlsrv_begin_transaction and before any calls to sqlsrv_rollback or sqlsrv_commit.
The Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server is in auto-commit mode by default. This means that all
queries are automatically committed upon success unless they have been designated as part of an
explicit transaction by using sqlsrv_begin_transaction.
If sqlsrv_commit is called on a connection that is not in an active transaction and that was initiated with
sqlsrv_begin_transaction, the call returns false and a Not in Transaction error is added to the error

sqlsrv_commit( resource $conn )

$conn: The connection on which the transaction is active.
Return Value

A Boolean value: true if the transaction was successfully committed. Otherwise, false.

The example below executes two queries as part of a transaction. If both queries are successful, the
transaction is committed. If either (or both) of the queries fail, the transaction is rolled back.
The first query in the example inserts a new sales order into the Sales.SalesOrderDetail table of the
AdventureWorks database. The order is for five units of the product that has product ID 709. The second
query reduces the inventory quantity of product ID 709 by five units. These queries are included in a
transaction because both queries must be successful for the database to accurately reflect the state of
orders and product availability.
The example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local
computer. All output is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));

/* Initiate transaction. */
/* Exit script if transaction cannot be initiated. */
if (sqlsrv_begin_transaction( $conn) === false)
echo "Could not begin transaction.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));

/* Initialize parameter values. */
$orderId = 43659; $qty = 5; $productId = 709;
$offerId = 1; $price = 5.70;

/* Set up and execute the first query. */
$tsql1 = "INSERT INTO Sales.SalesOrderDetail
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$params1 = array( $orderId, $qty, $productId, $offerId, $price);
$stmt1 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql1, $params1 );

/* Set up and execute the second query. */
$tsql2 = "UPDATE Production.ProductInventory
SET Quantity = (Quantity - ?)
WHERE ProductID = ?";
$params2 = array($qty, $productId);
$stmt2 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql2, $params2 );

/* If both queries were successful, commit the transaction. */
/* Otherwise, rollback the transaction. */
if( $stmt1 && $stmt2 )
sqlsrv_commit( $conn );
echo "Transaction was committed.\n";
sqlsrv_rollback( $conn );
echo "Transaction was rolled back.\n";

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt1);
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt2);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
For the purpose of focusing on transaction behavior, some recommended error handling is not included
in the example above. For a production application it is recommended that any call to a sqlsrv function
be checked for errors and handled accordingly.
Do not use embedded Transact-SQL to perform transactions. For example, do not execute a statement
with "BEGIN TRANSACTION" as the Transact-SQL query to begin a transaction. The expected
transactional behavior cannot be guaranteed when using embedded Transact-SQL to perform
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Changes the settings for error handling and logging options.

sqlsrv_configure( string $setting, mixed $value )

$setting: The name of the setting to be configured. The possible values are "WarningsReturnAsErrors",
"LogSubsystems", and "LogSeverity".
$value: The value to be applied to the setting specified in the $setting parameter. The possible values for
this parameter depend on which setting is specified. The following table lists the possible combinations:
Setting Possible values for $value parameter
(integer equivalent in parentheses)
Default value
WarningsReturnAsErrors true (1) or false (0) true (1)
LogSubsystems SQLSRV_LOG_SYSTEM_ALL (-1)
Return Value

If sqlsrv_configure is called with an unsupported setting or value, the function returns false. Otherwise,
the function returns true.

For more information about configuring error and warning handling, see How to: Configure Error and
Warning Handling Using the SQLSRV Driver.
For more information about logging activity, see Logging Activity.
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Creates a connection resource and opens a connection. By default, the connection is attempted using
Windows Authentication.

sqlsrv_connect( string $serverName [, array $connectionInfo])

$serverName: A string specifying the name of the server to which a connection is being established. An
instance name (for example, "myServer\instanceName") or port number (for example, "myServer, 1521")
can be included as part of this string. For a complete description of the options available for this
parameter, see the Server keyword in the ODBC Driver Connection String Keywords section of Using
Connection String Keywords with SQL Native Client.
$connectionInfo [OPTIONAL]: An associative array that contains connection attributes (for example,
array("Database" => "AdventureWorks")). See Connection Options for a list of the supported keys for the
Return Value

A PHP connection resource. If a connection cannot be successfully created and opened, false is returned.

If values for the UID and PWD keys are not specified in the optional $connectionInfo parameter, the
connection will be attempted using Windows Authentication. For more information about connecting to
the server, see How to: Connect Using Windows Authentication and How to: Connect Using SQL Server

The following example creates and opens a connection using Windows Authentication. The example
assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local computer. All output
is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and specify
the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. To connect using
SQL Server Authentication, set values for the "UID" and "PWD"
attributes in the $connectionInfo parameter. For example:
$connectionInfo = array("UID" => $uid, "PWD" => $pwd, "Database"=>"AdventureWork
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);

if( $conn )
echo "Connection established.\n";
echo "Connection could not be established.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

// Perform operations with connection.

/* Close the connection. */
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Returns extended error and/or warning information about the last sqlsrv operation performed.
The sqlsrv_errors function can return error and/or warning information by calling it with one of the
parameter values specified in the Parameters section below.
By default, warnings generated on a call to any sqlsrv function are treated as errors; if a warning occurs
on a call to a sqlsrv function, the function returns false. However, warnings that correspond to SQLSTATE
values 01000, 01001, 01003, and 01S02 are never treated as errors.
The following line of code turns off the behavior mentioned above; a warning generated by a call to a
sqlsrv function does not cause the function to return false:
sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", 0);
The following line of code reinstates the default behavior; warnings (with exceptions, noted above) are
treated as errors:
sqlsrv_configure("WarningsReturnAsErrors", 1);
Regardless of the setting, warnings can only be retrieved by calling sqlsrv_errors with either the
SQLSRV_ERR_ALL or SQLSRV_ERR_WARNINGS parameter value (see Parameters section below for details).

sqlsrv_errors( [int $errorsAndOrWarnings] )

$errorsAndOrWarnings[OPTIONAL]: A predefined constant. This parameter can take one of the values
listed in the following table:
Value Description
SQLSRV_ERR_ALL Errors and warnings generated on the last sqlsrv function call are returned.
SQLSRV_ERR_ERRORS Errors generated on the last sqlsrv function call are returned.
SQLSRV_ERR_WARNINGS Warnings generated on the last sqlsrv function call are returned.
If no parameter value is supplied, both errors and warnings generated by the last sqlsrv function call are
Return Value

An array of arrays, or null. Each array in the returned array contains three key-value pairs. The following
table lists each key and its description:
Key Description
SQLSTATE For errors that originate from the ODBC driver, the SQLSTATE returned by ODBC. For
information about SQLSTATE values for ODBC, see ODBC Error Codes.
For errors that originate from the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server, a SQLSTATE of
For warnings that originate from the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server, a SQLSTATE of
code For errors that originate from SQL Server, the native SQL Server error code.
For errors that originate from the ODBC driver, the error code returned by ODBC.
For errors that originate from the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server, the Microsoft
Drivers for PHP for SQL Server error code.
message A description of the error.
The array values can also be accessed with numeric keys 0, 1, and 2. If no errors or warnings occur, null is

The following example displays errors that occur during a failed statement execution. (The statement fails
because InvalidColumName is not a valid column name in the specified table.) The example assumes that
SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local computer. All output is written to
the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Set up a query to select an invalid column name. */
$tsql = "SELECT InvalidColumnName FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail";

/* Attempt execution. */
/* Execution will fail because of the invalid column name. */
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql);
if( $stmt === false )
if( ($errors = sqlsrv_errors() ) != null)
foreach( $errors as $error)
echo "SQLSTATE: ".$error[ 'SQLSTATE']."\n";
echo "code: ".$error[ 'code']."\n";
echo "message: ".$error[ 'message']."\n";

/* Free connection resources */
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Executes a previously prepared statement. See sqlsrv_prepare for information on preparing a statement for
This function is ideal for executing a prepared statement multiple times with different parameter values.

sqlsrv_execute( resource $stmt)

$stmt: A resource specifying the statement to be executed. For more information about how to create a
statement resource, see sqlsrv_prepare.
Return Value

A Boolean value: true if the statement was successfully executed. Otherwise, false.

The following example executes a statement that updates a field in the Sales.SalesOrderDetail table in the
AdventureWorks database. The example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are
installed on the local computer. All output is written to the console when the example is run from the
command line.
/*Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false)
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Set up the Transact-SQL query. */
$tsql = "UPDATE Sales.SalesOrderDetail
SET OrderQty = ( ?)
WHERE SalesOrderDetailID = ( ?)";

/* Set up the parameters array. Parameters correspond, in order, to
question marks in $tsql. */
$params = array( 5, 10);

/* Create the statement. */
$stmt = sqlsrv_prepare( $conn, $tsql, $params);
if( $stmt )
echo "Statement prepared.\n";
echo "Error in preparing statement.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Execute the statement. Display any errors that occur. */
if( sqlsrv_execute( $stmt))
echo "Statement executed.\n";
echo "Error in executing statement.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Free the statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Makes the next row of a result set available for reading. Use sqlsrv_get_field to read fields of the row.

sqlsrv_fetch( resource $stmt[, row[, ]offset])

$stmt: A statement resource corresponding to an executed statement.
A statement must be executed before results can be retrieved. For information on executing a statement,
see sqlsrv_query and sqlsrv_execute.
row [OPTIONAL]: One of the following values, specifying the row to access in a result set that uses a
scrollable cursor:
For more information on these values, see Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
row to retrieve. The first record in the result set is 0.
Return Value

If the next row of the result set was successfully retrieved, true is returned. If there are no more results in
the result set, null is returned. If an error occurred, false is returned.

The following example uses sqlsrv_fetch to retrieve a row of data containing a product review and the
name of the reviewer. To retrieve data from the result set, sqlsrv_get_field is used. The example assumes
that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local computer. All output is
written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/*Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Set up and execute the query. Note that both ReviewerName and
Comments are of SQL Server type nvarchar. */
$tsql = "SELECT ReviewerName, Comments
FROM Production.ProductReview
WHERE ProductReviewID=1";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql);
if( $stmt === false )
echo "Error in statement preparation/execution.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Make the first row of the result set available for reading. */
if( sqlsrv_fetch( $stmt ) === false)
echo "Error in retrieving row.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Note: Fields must be accessed in order.
Get the first field of the row. Note that no return type is
specified. Data will be returned as a string, the default for
a field of type nvarchar.*/
$name = sqlsrv_get_field( $stmt, 0);
echo "$name: ";

/*Get the second field of the row as a stream.
Because the default return type for a nvarchar field is a
string, the return type must be specified as a stream. */
$stream = sqlsrv_get_field( $stmt, 1,
while( !feof( $stream ))
$str = fread( $stream, 10000);
echo $str;

/* Free the statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Retrieves the next row of data as a numerically indexed array, associative array, or both.

sqlsrv_fetch_array( resource $stmt[, int $fetchType [, row[, ]offset]])

$stmt: A statement resource corresponding to an executed statement.
$fetchType [OPTIONAL]: A predefined constant. This parameter can take on one of the values listed in the
following table:
Value Description
SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC The next row of data is returned as a numeric array.
SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC The next row of data is returned as an associative array. The array keys are
the column names in the result set.
SQLSRV_FETCH_BOTH The next row of data is returned as both a numeric array and an associative
array. This is the default value.
row [OPTIONAL]: Added in version 1.1. One of the following values, specifying the row to access in a
result set that uses a scrollable cursor. (When row is specified, fetchtype must be explicitly specified, even
if you specify the default value.)
For more information about these values, see Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows. Scrollable cursor
support was added in version 1.1 of the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server.
row to retrieve. The first record in the result set is 0.
Return Value

If a row of data is retrieved, an array is returned. If there are no more rows to retrieve, null is returned. If
an error occurs, false is returned.
Based on the value of the $fetchType parameter, the returned array can be a numerically indexed array,
an associative array, or both. By default, an array with both numeric and associative keys is returned. The
data type of a value in the returned array will be the default PHP data type. For information about default
PHP data types, see Default PHP Data Types.

If a column with no name is returned, the associative key for the array element will be an empty string
(""). For example, consider this Transact-SQL statement that inserts a value into a database table and
retrieves the server-generated primary key:
INSERT INTO Production.ProductPhoto (LargePhoto) VALUES (?);
If the result set returned by the SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() portion of this statement is retrieved as an
associative array, the key for the returned value will be an empty string ("") because the returned column
has no name. To avoid this, you can retrieve the result as a numeric array, or you can specify a name for
the returned column in the Transact-SQL statement. The following is one way to specify a column name
in Transact-SQL:
If a result set contains multiple columns without names, the value of the last unnamed column will be
assigned to the empty string ("") key.

The following example retrieves each row of a result set as an associative array. The example assumes
that the SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local computer. All output is
written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Set up and execute the query. */
$tsql = "SELECT FirstName, LastName
FROM Person.Contact
WHERE LastName='Alan'";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql);
if( $stmt === false)
echo "Error in query preparation/execution.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Retrieve each row as an associative array and display the results.*/
while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC))
echo $row['LastName'].", ".$row['FirstName']."\n";

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
The following example retrieves each row of a result set as a numerically indexed array.
The example retrieves product information from the Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail table of the
AdventureWorks database for products that have a specified date and a stocked quantity (StockQty) less
than a specified value.
The example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local
computer. All output is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Define the query. */
$tsql = "SELECT ProductID,
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail
WHERE StockedQty < 3
AND DueDate='2002-01-29'";

/* Execute the query. */
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql);
if ( $stmt )
echo "Statement executed.\n";
echo "Error in statement execution.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Iterate through the result set printing a row of data upon each
while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC))
echo "ProdID: ".$row[0]."\n";
echo "UnitPrice: ".$row[1]."\n";
echo "StockedQty: ".$row[2]."\n";
echo "-----------------\n";

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
The sqlsrv_fetch_array function always returns data according to the Default PHP Data Types. For
information about how to specify the PHP data type, see How to: Specify PHP Data Types.
If a field with no name is retrieved, the associative key for the array element will be an empty string ("").
For more information, see sqlsrv_fetch_array.
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Retrieves the next row of data as a PHP object.

sqlsrv_fetch_object( resource $stmt [, string $className [, array $ctorParams[,
row[, ]offset]]])

$stmt: A statement resource corresponding to an executed statement.
$className [OPTIONAL]: A string specifying the name of the class to instantiate. If a value for the
$className parameter is not specified, an instance of the PHP stdClass is instantiated.
$ctorParams [OPTIONAL]: An array that contains values passed to the constructor of the class specified
with the $className parameter. If the constructor of the specified class accepts parameter values, the
$ctorParams parameter must be used when calling sqlsrv_fetch_object.
row [OPTIONAL]: One of the following values, specifying the row to access in a result set that uses a
scrollable cursor. (If row is specified, $className and $ctorParams must be explicitly specified, even if you
must specify null for $className and $ctorParams.)
For more information about these values, see Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
row to retrieve. The first record in the result set is 0.
Return Value

A PHP object with properties that correspond to result set field names. Property values are populated
with the corresponding result set field values. If the class specified with the optional $className
parameter does not exist or if there is no active result set associated with the specified statement, false is
returned. If there are no more rows to retrieve, null is returned.
The data type of a value in the returned object will be the default PHP data type. For information on
default PHP data types, see Default PHP Data Types.

If a class name is specified with the optional $className parameter, an object of this class type is
instantiated. If the class has properties whose names match the result set field names, the corresponding
result set values are applied to the properties. If a result set field name does not match a class property, a
property with the result set field name is added to the object and the result set value is applied to the
The following rules apply when specifying a class with the $className parameter:
Matching is case-sensitive. For example, the property name CustomerId does not match the field
name CustomerID. In this case, a CustomerID property would be added to the object and the
value of the CustomerID field would be given to the CustomerID property.
Matching occurs regardless of access modifiers. For example, if the specified class has a private
property whose name matches a result set field name, the value from the result set field is applied
to the property.
Class property data types are ignored. If the "CustomerID" field in the result set is a string but the
"CustomerID" property of the class is an integer, the string value from the result set is written to
the "CustomerID" property.
If the specified class does not exist, the function returns false and adds an error to the error
collection. For information about retrieving error information, see sqlsrv_errors.
If a field with no name is returned, sqlsrv_fetch_object will discard the field value and issue a warning. For
example, consider this Transact-SQL statement that inserts a value into a database table and retrieves the
server-generated primary key:
INSERT INTO Production.ProductPhoto (LargePhoto) VALUES (?);
If the results returned by this query are retrieved with sqlsrv_fetch_object, the value returned by SELECT
SCOPE_IDENTITY() will be discarded and a warning will be issued. To avoid this, you can specify a name
for the returned field in the Transact-SQL statement. The following is one way to specify a column name
in Transact-SQL:

The following example retrieves each row of a result set as a PHP object. The example assumes that the
SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local computer. All output is written to
the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Set up and execute the query. */
$tsql = "SELECT FirstName, LastName
FROM Person.Contact
WHERE LastName='Alan'";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql);
if( $stmt === false )
echo "Error in query preparation/execution.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Retrieve each row as a PHP object and display the results.*/
while( $obj = sqlsrv_fetch_object( $stmt))
echo $obj->LastName.", ".$obj->FirstName."\n";

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
The following example retrieves each row of a result set as an instance of the Product class defined in the
script. The example retrieves product information from the Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail and
Production.Product tables of the AdventureWorks database for products that have a specified due date
(DueDate), and a stocked quantity (StockQty) less than a specified value. The example highlights some of
the rules that apply when specifying a class in a call to sqlsrv_fetch_object:
The $product variable is an instance of the Product class, because "Product" was specified with the
$className parameter and the Product class exists.
The Name property is added to the $product instance because the existing name property does
not match.
The Color property is added to the $product instance because there is no matching property.
The private property UnitPrice is populated with the value of the UnitPrice field.
The example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local
computer. All output is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Define the Product class. */
class Product
/* Constructor */
public function Product($ID)
$this->objID = $ID;
public $objID;
public $name;
public $StockedQty;
public $SafetyStockLevel;
private $UnitPrice;
function getPrice()
return $this->UnitPrice;

/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication, and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Define the query. */
$tsql = "SELECT Name,
FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail AS pdo
JOIN Production.Product AS p
ON pdo.ProductID = p.ProductID
WHERE pdo.StockedQty < ?
AND pdo.DueDate= ?";

/* Set the parameter values. */
$params = array(3, '2002-01-29');

/* Execute the query. */
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql, $params);
if ( $stmt )
echo "Statement executed.\n";
echo "Error in statement execution.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Iterate through the result set, printing a row of data upon each
iteration. Note the following:
1) $product is an instance of the Product class.
2) The $ctorParams parameter is required in the call to
sqlsrv_fetch_object, because the Product class constructor is
explicity defined and requires parameter values.
3) The "Name" property is added to the $product instance because
the existing "name" property does not match.
4) The "Color" property is added to the $product instance
because there is no matching property.
5) The private property "UnitPrice" is populated with the value
of the "UnitPrice" field.*/
$i=0; //Used as the $objID in the Product class constructor.
while( $product = sqlsrv_fetch_object( $stmt, "Product", array($i)))
echo "Object ID: ".$product->objID."\n";
echo "Product Name: ".$product->Name."\n";
echo "Stocked Qty: ".$product->StockedQty."\n";
echo "Safety Stock Level: ".$product->SafetyStockLevel."\n";
echo "Product Color: ".$product->Color."\n";
echo "Unit Price: ".$product->getPrice()."\n";
echo "-----------------\n";

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
The sqlsrv_fetch_object function always returns data according to the Default PHP Data Types. For
information about how to specify the PHP data type, see How to: Specify PHP Data Types.
If a field with no name is returned, sqlsrv_fetch_object will discard the field value and issue a warning. For
example, consider this Transact-SQL statement that inserts a value into a database table and retrieves the
server-generated primary key:
INSERT INTO Production.ProductPhoto (LargePhoto) VALUES (?);
If the results returned by this query are retrieved with sqlsrv_fetch_object, the value returned by SELECT
SCOPE_IDENTITY() will be discarded and a warning will be issued. To avoid this, you can specify a name
for the returned field in the Transact-SQL statement. The following is one way to specify a column name
in Transact-SQL:
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Retrieves metadata for the fields of a prepared statement. For information about preparing a statement,
see sqlsrv_query or sqlsrv_prepare. Note that sqlsrv_field_metadata can be called on any prepared
statement, pre- or post-execution.

sqlsrv_field_metadata( resource $stmt)

$stmt: A statement resource for which field metadata is sought.
Return Value

An array of arrays or false. The array consists of one array for each field in the result set. Each sub-array
has keys as described in the table below. If there is an error in retrieving field metadata, false is returned.
Key Description
Name Name of the column to which the field corresponds.
Type Numeric value that corresponds to a SQL type.
Size Number of characters for fields of character type (char(n), varchar(n), nchar(n), nvarchar(n),
XML). Number of bytes for fields of binary type (binary(n), varbinary(n), UDT). NULL for other
SQL Server data types.
Precision The precision for types of variable precision (real, numeric, decimal, datetime2, datetimeoffset,
and time). NULL for other SQL Server data types.
Scale The scale for types of variable scale (numeric, decimal, datetime2, datetimeoffset, and time).
NULL for other SQL Server data types.
Nullable An enumerated value indicating whether the column is nullable (SQLSRV_NULLABLE_YES), the
column is not nullable (SQLSRV_NULLABLE_NO), or it is not known if the column is nullable
The following table gives more information on the keys for each sub-array (see the SQL Server
documentation for more information on these types):
SQL Server 2008 data
Type Min/Max
bigint SQL_BIGINT (-5) 8
binary SQL_BINARY (-2) 0 < n <

bit SQL_BIT (-7)
char SQL_CHAR (1) 0 < n <

date SQL_TYPE_DATE (91) 10/10 0/0
datetime SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP (93) 23/23 3/3
datetime2 SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP (93) 19/27 0/7
datetimeoffset SQL_SS_TIMESTAMPOFFSET (-
26/34 0/7
decimal SQL_DECIMAL (3) 1/38 0/precision

float SQL_FLOAT (6) 4/8
money SQL_DECIMAL (3) 19/19 4/4
nchar SQL_WCHAR (-8) 0 < n <

numeric SQL_NUMERIC (2) 1/38 0/precision

nvarchar SQL_WVARCHAR (-9) 0 < n <

real SQL_REAL (7) 4/4
smalldatetime SQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP (93) 16/16 0/0
smallint SQL_SMALLINT (5) 2 bytes
Smallmoney SQL_DECIMAL (3) 10/10 4/4
time SQL_SS_TIME2 (-154) 8/16 0/7
timestamp SQL_BINARY (-2) 8 bytes
tinyint SQL_TINYINT (-6) 1 byte
udt SQL_SS_UDT (-151) variable
uniqueidentifier SQL_GUID (-11) 16
varbinary SQL_VARBINARY (-3) 0 < n <

varchar SQL_VARCHAR (12) 0 < n <

xml SQL_SS_XML (-152) 0
(1) Zero (0) indicates that the maximum size is allowed.
The Nullable key can either be yes or no.

The following example creates a statement resource, then retrieves and displays the field metadata. The
example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local computer.
All output is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Prepare the statement. */
$tsql = "SELECT ReviewerName, Comments FROM Production.ProductReview";
$stmt = sqlsrv_prepare( $conn, $tsql);

/* Get and display field metadata. */
foreach( sqlsrv_field_metadata( $stmt) as $fieldMetadata)
foreach( $fieldMetadata as $name => $value)
echo "$name: $value\n";
echo "\n";

/* Note: sqlsrv_field_metadata can be called on any statement
resource, pre- or post-execution. */

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Frees all resources associated with the specified statement. The statement cannot be used again after this
function has been called.

sqlsrv_free_stmt( resource $stmt)

$stmt: The statement to be closed.
Return Value

The Boolean value true unless the function is called with an invalid parameter. If the function is called
with an invalid parameter, false is returned.
Null is a valid parameter for this function. This allows the function to be called multiple times in a script.
For example, if you free a statement in an error condition and free it again at the end of the script, the
second call to sqlsrv_free_stmt will return true because the first call to sqlsrv_free_stmt (in the error
condition) sets the statement resource to null.

The following example creates a statement resource, executes a simple query, and calls sqlsrv_free_stmt
to free all resources associated with the statement. The example assumes that SQL Server and the
AdventureWorks database are installed on the local computer. All output is written to the console when
the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "SELECT * FROM Person.Contact");
if( $stmt )
echo "Statement executed.\n";
echo "Query could not be executed.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

Process query results here.

/* Free the statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Returns the current value of the specified configuration setting.

sqlsrv_get_config( string $setting )

$setting: The configuration setting for which the value is returned. For a list of configurable settings, see
Return Value

The value of the setting specified by the $setting parameter. If an invalid setting is specified, false is
returned and an error is added to the error collection.

If false is returned by sqlsrv_get_config, you must call sqlsrv_errors to determine if an error occurred or if
false is the value of the setting specified by the $setting parameter.
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Retrieves data from the specified field of the current row. Field data must be accessed in order. For
example, data from the first field cannot be accessed after data from the second field has been accessed.

sqlsrv_get_field( resource $stmt, int $fieldIndex [, int $getAsType])

$stmt: A statement resource corresponding to an executed statement.
$fieldIndex: The index of the field to be retrieved. Indexes begin at zero.
$getAsType [OPTIONAL]: A SQLSRV constant (SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_*) that determines the PHP data type for
the returned data. For information about supported data types, see Constants (Microsoft Drivers for PHP for
SQL Server). If no return type is specified, a default PHP type will be returned. For information about
default PHP types, see Default PHP Data Types. For information about specifying PHP data types, see How
to: Specify PHP Data Types.
Return Value

The field data. You can specify the PHP data type of the returned data by using the $getAsType
parameter. If no return data type is specified, the default PHP data type will be returned. For information
about default PHP types, see Default PHP Data Types. For information about specifying PHP data types,
see How to: Specify PHP Data Types.

The combination of sqlsrv_fetch and sqlsrv_get_field provides forward-only access to data.
The combination of sqlsrv_fetch/sqlsrv_get_field loads only one field of a result set row into script
memory and allows PHP return type specification. (For information about how to specify the PHP return
type, see How to: Specify PHP Data Types.) This combination of functions also allows data to be retrieved
as a stream. (For information about retrieving data as a stream, see Retrieving Data as a Stream Using the
SQLSRV Driver.)

The following example retrieves a row of data that contains a product review and the name of the
reviewer. To retrieve data from the result set, sqlsrv_get_field is used. The example assumes that SQL
Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local computer. All output is written to the
console when the example is run from the command line.
/*Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Set up and execute the query. Note that both ReviewerName and
Comments are of the SQL Server nvarchar type. */
$tsql = "SELECT ReviewerName, Comments
FROM Production.ProductReview
WHERE ProductReviewID=1";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql);
if( $stmt === false )
echo "Error in statement preparation/execution.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Make the first row of the result set available for reading. */
if( sqlsrv_fetch( $stmt ) === false )
echo "Error in retrieving row.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Note: Fields must be accessed in order.
Get the first field of the row. Note that no return type is
specified. Data will be returned as a string, the default for
a field of type nvarchar.*/
$name = sqlsrv_get_field( $stmt, 0);
echo "$name: ";

/*Get the second field of the row as a stream.
Because the default return type for a nvarchar field is a
string, the return type must be specified as a stream. */
$stream = sqlsrv_get_field( $stmt, 1,
while( !feof( $stream))
$str = fread( $stream, 10000);
echo $str;

/* Free the statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Indicates if the result set has one or more rows.

sqlsrv_has_rows( resource $stmt )

$stmt: The executed statement.
Return Value

If there are rows in the result set, the return value will be true. If there are no rows, or if the function call
fails, the return value will be false.

$server = "server_name";
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $server, array( 'Database' => 'Northwind' ) );

$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "select * from orders where CustomerID = 'VINET'
" , array());

if ($stmt !== NULL) {
$rows = sqlsrv_has_rows( $stmt );

if ($rows === true)
echo "\nthere are rows\n";
echo "\nno rows\n";
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Makes the next result (result set, row count, or output parameter) of the specified statement active.
The first (or only) result returned by a batch query or stored procedure is active without a call to

sqlsrv_next_result( resource $stmt )

$stmt: The executed statement on which the next result is made active.
Return Value

If the next result was successfully made active, the Boolean value true is returned. If an error occurred in
making the next result active, false is returned. If no more results are available, null is returned.

The following example creates and executes a stored procedure that inserts a product review into the
Production.ProductReview table, and then selects all reviews for the specified product. After execution of
the stored procedure, the first result (the number of rows affected by the INSERT query in the stored
procedure) is consumed without calling sqlsrv_next_result. The next result (the rows returned by the
SELECT query in the stored procedure) is made available by calling sqlsrv_next_result and consumed
using sqlsrv_fetch_array.
Calling stored procedures using canonical syntax is the recommended practice. For more information
about canonical syntax, see Calling a Stored Procedure.
The example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local
computer. All output is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Drop the stored procedure if it already exists. */
$tsql_dropSP = "IF OBJECT_ID('InsertProductReview', 'P') IS NOT NULL
DROP PROCEDURE InsertProductReview";
$stmt1 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql_dropSP);
if( $stmt1 === false )
echo "Error in executing statement 1.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Create the stored procedure. */
$tsql_createSP = " CREATE PROCEDURE InsertProductReview
@ProductID int,
@ReviewerName nvarchar(50),
@ReviewDate datetime,
@EmailAddress nvarchar(50),
@Rating int,
@Comments nvarchar(3850)
INSERT INTO Production.ProductReview
SELECT * FROM Production.ProductReview
WHERE ProductID = @ProductID;
$stmt2 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql_createSP);

if( $stmt2 === false)
echo "Error in executing statement 2.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
/*-------- The next few steps call the stored procedure. --------*/

/* Define the Transact-SQL query. Use question marks (?) in place of the
parameters to be passed to the stored procedure */
$tsql_callSP = "{call InsertProductReview(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}";

/* Define the parameter array. */
$productID = 709;
$reviewerName = "Customer Name";
$reviewDate = "2008-02-12";
$emailAddress = "customer@email.com";
$rating = 3;
$comments = "[Insert comments here.]";
$params = array(

/* Execute the query. */
$stmt3 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql_callSP, $params);
if( $stmt3 === false)
echo "Error in executing statement 3.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Consume the first result (rows affected by INSERT query in the
stored procedure) without calling sqlsrv_next_result. */
echo "Rows affectd: ".sqlsrv_rows_affected($stmt3)."-----\n";

/* Move to the next result and display results. */
$next_result = sqlsrv_next_result($stmt3);
if( $next_result )
echo "\nReview information for product ID ".$productID.".---\n";
while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt3, SQLSRV_FETCH_ASSOC))
echo "ReviewerName: ".$row['ReviewerName']."\n";
echo "ReviewDate: ".date_format($row['ReviewDate'],
"M j, Y")."\n";
echo "EmailAddress: ".$row['EmailAddress']."\n";
echo "Rating: ".$row['Rating']."\n\n";
elseif( is_null($next_result))
echo "No more results.\n";
echo "Error in moving to next result.\n";
die(print_r(sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt1 );
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt2 );
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt3 );
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
When executing a stored procedure that has output parameters, it is recommended that all other results
are consumed before accessing the values of output parameters. For more information see How to:
Specify Parameter Direction Using the SQLSRV Driver.
The following example executes a batch query that retrieves product review information for a specified
product ID, inserts a review for the product, then again retrieves the product review information for the
specified product ID. The newly inserted product review will be included in the final result set of the batch
query. The example uses sqlsrv_next_result to move from one result of the batch query to the next.
The first (or only) result returned by a batch query or stored procedure is active without a call to
The example uses the Purchasing.ProductReview table of the AdventureWorks database, and assumes that
this database is installed on the server. All output is written to the console when the example is run from
the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Define the batch query. */
$tsql = "--Query 1
SELECT ProductID, ReviewerName, Rating
FROM Production.ProductReview
WHERE ProductID=?;

--Query 2
INSERT INTO Production.ProductReview (ProductID,
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);

--Query 3
SELECT ProductID, ReviewerName, Rating
FROM Production.ProductReview
WHERE ProductID=?;";

/* Assign parameter values and execute the query. */
$params = array(798,
798 );
$stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, $tsql, $params);
if( $stmt === false )
echo "Error in statement execution.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Retrieve and display the first result. */
echo "Query 1 result:\n";
while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC ))

/* Move to the next result of the batch query. */

/* Display the result of the second query. */
echo "Query 2 result:\n";
echo "Rows Affected: ".sqlsrv_rows_affected($stmt)."\n";

/* Move to the next result of the batch query. */

/* Retrieve and display the third result. */
echo "Query 3 result:\n";
while( $row = sqlsrv_fetch_array( $stmt, SQLSRV_FETCH_NUMERIC ))

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt );
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Retrieves the number of fields in an active result set. Note that sqlsrv_num_fields can be called on any
prepared statement, before or after execution.

sqlsrv_num_fields( resource $stmt)

$stmt: The statement on which the targeted result set is active.
Return Value

An integer value that represents the number of fields in the active result set. If an error occurs, the
Boolean value false is returned.

The following example executes a query to retrieve all fields for the top three rows in the
HumanResources.Department table of the Adventureworks database. The sqlsrv_num_fields function
determines the number of fields in the result set. This allows data to be displayed by iterating through
the fields in each returned row.
The example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local
computer. All output is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Define and execute the query. */
$tsql = "SELECT TOP (3) * FROM HumanResources.Department";
$stmt = sqlsrv_query($conn, $tsql);
if( $stmt === false)
echo "Error in executing query.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Retrieve the number of fields. */
$numFields = sqlsrv_num_fields( $stmt );

/* Iterate through each row of the result set. */
while( sqlsrv_fetch( $stmt ))
/* Iterate through the fields of each row. */
for($i = 0; $i < $numFields; $i++)
echo sqlsrv_get_field($stmt, $i,
echo "\n";

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt );
sqlsrv_close( $conn );
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Reports the number of rows in a result set.

sqlsrv_num_rows( resource $stmt )

$stmt: The result set for which to count the rows.
Return Value

false if there was an error calculating the number of rows. Otherwise, returns the number of rows in the
result set.

sqlsrv_num_rows requires a static or keyset cursor, and will return false if you use a forward cursor or a
dynamic cursor. (A forward cursor is the default.) For more information about cursors, see sqlsrv_query
and Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.

$server = "server_name";
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $server, array( 'Database' => 'Northwind' ) );

$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "select * from orders where CustomerID = 'VINET'
" , array(), array( "Scrollable" => SQLSRV_CURSOR_KEYSET ));

$row_count = sqlsrv_num_rows( $stmt );

if ($row_count === false)
echo "\nerror\n";
else if ($row_count >=0)
echo "\n$row_count\n";

sqlsrv_num_rows() with stored procedures
[NOTE: also posted in SQL Server 2005]

Is there a way to use sqlsrv_num_rows() with stored procedures?
When a cursor (ie SQLSRV_CURSOR_KEYSET or STATIC) is set in the db connection options, as is required,
the following notice is returned without a num_row result:
Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 01000 [SQLSTATE] => 01000 [1] => 16954 [code] => 16954 [2] =>
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Executing SQL directly; no cursor. [message] =>
[Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 10.0][SQL Server]Executing SQL directly; no cursor. ) )

Obviously, I'm great at neither PHP or T_SQL so really need help with this. So far I've come across three
options which I wasn't too keen on trying either because they aren't quite effiecient or I lack the know-
how / control of the SQL database:
1. using a "count()" function
2. passing a parameter from containing row count through the SP;
3. creating a VIEW for the results of the SP, then applying sqlsrv_num_rows() on this VIEW
Are these my only options or is there some hidden gem which I'm yet to discover?

SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Creates a statement resource associated with the specified connection. This function is useful for
execution of multiple queries.

sqlsrv_prepare( resource $conn, string $tsql [, array $params [, array $options]

$conn: The connection resource associated with the created statement.
$tsql: The Transact-SQL expression that corresponds to the created statement.
$params [OPTIONAL]: An array of values that correspond to parameters in a parameterized query. Each
element of the array can be one of the following:
A literal value.
A reference to a PHP variable.
An array with the following structure:
array(&$value [, $direction [, $phpType [, $sqlType]]])
Variables passed as query parameters should be passed by reference instead of by value. For example,
pass &$myVariable instead of $myVariable. A PHP warning will be raised when a query with by-value
parameters is executed.
The following table describes these array elements:
Element Description
&$value A literal value or a reference to a PHP variable.
$direction[OPTIONAL] One of the following SQLSRV_PARAM_* constants used to indicate the parameter
The default value is SQLSRV_PARAM_IN.
For more information about PHP constants, see Constants (Microsoft Drivers for
PHP for SQL Server).
$phpType[OPTIONAL] A SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_* constant that specifies PHP data type of the returned
$sqlType[OPTIONAL] A SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_* constant that specifies the SQL Server data type of the
input value.
$options [OPTIONAL]: An associative array that sets query properties. The table below lists the supported
keys and corresponding values:
Key Supported values Description
QueryTimeout A positive integer value. Sets the query timeout in seconds. By default,
the driver will wait indefinitely for results.
SendStreamParamsAtExec true or false
The default value is true.
Configures the driver to send all stream data
at execution (true), or to send stream data in
chunks (false). By default, the value is set to
true. For more information, see
This key was added in version 1.1 of the
Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server.
For more information about these values, see
Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
Return Value

A statement resource. If the statement resource cannot be created, false is returned.

When you prepare a statement that uses variables as parameters, the variables are bound to the
statement. That means that if you update the values of the variables, the next time you execute the
statement it will run with updated parameter values.
The combination of sqlsrv_prepare and sqlsrv_execute separates statement preparation and statement
execution in to two function calls and can be used to execute parameterized queries. This function is ideal
to execute a statement multiple times with different parameter values for each execution.
For alternative strategies for writing and reading large amounts of information, see Batches of SQL
Statements and BULK INSERT.
For more information, see How to: Retrieve Output Parameters Using the SQLSRV Driver.

The following example prepares and executes a statement. The statement, when executed (see
sqlsrv_execute), updates a field in the Sales.SalesOrderDetail table of the AdventureWorks database. The
example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local computer.
All output is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Set up Transact-SQL query. */
$tsql = "UPDATE Sales.SalesOrderDetail
SET OrderQty = ?
WHERE SalesOrderDetailID = ?";

/* Assign parameter values. */
$param1 = 5;
$param2 = 10;
$params = array( &$param1, &$param2);

/* Prepare the statement. */
if( $stmt = sqlsrv_prepare( $conn, $tsql, $params))
echo "Statement prepared.\n";
echo "Statement could not be prepared.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Execute the statement. */
if( sqlsrv_execute( $stmt))
echo "Statement executed.\n";
echo "Statement could not be executed.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Free the statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
The following example demonstrates how to prepare a statement and then re-execute it with different
parameter values. The example updates the OrderQty column of the Sales.SalesOrderDetail table in the
AdventureWorks database. After the updates have occurred, the database is queried to verify that the
updates were successful. The example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are
installed on the local computer. All output is written to the console when the example is run from the
command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Define the parameterized query. */
$tsql = "UPDATE Sales.SalesOrderDetail
SET OrderQty = ?
WHERE SalesOrderDetailID = ?";

/* Initialize parameters and prepare the statement. Variables $qty
and $id are bound to the statement, $stmt1. */
$qty = 0; $id = 0;
$stmt1 = sqlsrv_prepare( $conn, $tsql, array( &$qty, &$id));
if( $stmt1 )
echo "Statement 1 prepared.\n";
echo "Error in statement preparation.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Set up the SalesOrderDetailID and OrderQty information. This array
maps the order ID to order quantity in key=>value pairs. */
$orders = array( 1=>10, 2=>20, 3=>30);

/* Execute the statement for each order. */
foreach( $orders as $id => $qty)
// Because $id and $qty are bound to $stmt1, their updated
// values are used with each execution of the statement.
if( sqlsrv_execute( $stmt1) === false )
echo "Error in statement execution.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
echo "Orders updated.\n";

/* Free $stmt1 resources. This allows $id and $qty to be bound to a different s
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt1);

/* Now verify that the results were successfully written by selecting
the newly inserted rows. */
$tsql = "SELECT OrderQty
FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail
WHERE SalesOrderDetailID = ?";

/* Prepare the statement. Variable $id is bound to $stmt2. */
$stmt2 = sqlsrv_prepare( $conn, $tsql, array( &$id));
if( $stmt2 )
echo "Statement 2 prepared.\n";
echo "Error in statement preparation.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Execute the statement for each order. */
foreach( array_keys($orders) as $id)
/* Because $id is bound to $stmt2, its updated value
is used with each execution of the statement. */
if( sqlsrv_execute( $stmt2))
sqlsrv_fetch( $stmt2);
$quantity = sqlsrv_get_field( $stmt2, 0);
echo "Order $id is for $quantity units.\n";
echo "Error in statement execution.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Free $stmt2 and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt2);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Prepares and executes a statement.

sqlsrv_query( resource $conn, string $tsql [, array $params [, array $options]])

$conn: The connection resource associated with the prepared statement.
$tsql: The Transact-SQL expression that corresponds to the prepared statement.
$params [OPTIONAL]: An array of values that correspond to parameters in a parameterized query. Each
element of the array can be one of the following:
A literal value.
A PHP variable.
An array with the following structure:
array($value [, $direction [, $phpType [, $sqlType]]])
The description for each element of the array is in the table below:
Element Description
$value A literal value, a PHP variable, or a PHP by-reference variable.
$direction[OPTIONAL] One of the following SQLSRV_PARAM_* constants used to indicate the parameter
The default value is SQLSRV_PARAM_IN.
For more information about PHP constants, see Constants (Microsoft Drivers for
PHP for SQL Server).
$phpType[OPTIONAL] A SQLSRV_PHPTYPE_* constant that specifies PHP data type of the returned
$sqlType[OPTIONAL] A SQLSRV_SQLTYPE_* constant that specifies the SQL Server data type of the
input value.
$options [OPTIONAL]: An associative array that sets query properties. The supported keys are as follows:
Key Supported Values Description
QueryTimeout A positive integer value. Sets the query timeout in seconds. By default,
the driver will wait indefinitely for results.
SendStreamParamsAtExec true or false
The default value is true.
Configures the driver to send all stream data
at execution (true), or to send stream data in
chunks (false). By default, the value is set to
true. For more information, see
For more information about these values, see
Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows.
Return Value

A statement resource. If the statement cannot be created and/or executed, false is returned.

The sqlsrv_query function is well-suited for one-time queries and should be the default choice to execute
queries unless special circumstances apply. This function provides a streamlined method to execute a
query with a minimum amount of code. The sqlsrv_query function does both statement preparation and
statement execution, and can be used to execute parameterized queries.
For more information, see How to: Retrieve Output Parameters Using the SQLSRV Driver.

In the following example, a single row is inserted into the Sales.SalesOrderDetail table of the
AdventureWorks database. The example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are
installed on the local computer. All output is written to the console when the example is run from the
command line.
Although the following example uses an INSERT statement to demonstrate the use of sqlsrv_query for a
one-time statement execution, the concept applies to any Transact-SQL statement.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Set up the parameterized query. */
$tsql = "INSERT INTO Sales.SalesOrderDetail
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";

/* Set parameter values. */
$params = array(75123, 5, 741, 1, 818.70, 0.00);

/* Prepare and execute the query. */
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql, $params);
if( $stmt )
echo "Row successfully inserted.\n";
echo "Row insertion failed.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
The example below updates a field in the Sales.SalesOrderDetail table of the AdventureWorks database.
The example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local
computer. All output is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array("Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Set up the parameterized query. */
$tsql = "UPDATE Sales.SalesOrderDetail
SET OrderQty = ( ?)
WHERE SalesOrderDetailID = ( ?)";

/* Assign literal parameter values. */
$params = array( 5, 10);

/* Execute the query. */
if( sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql, $params))
echo "Statement executed.\n";
echo "Error in statement execution.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Free connection resources. */
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Rolls back the current transaction on the specified connection and returns the connection to the auto-
commit mode. The current transaction includes all statements on the specified connection that were
executed after the call to sqlsrv_begin_transaction and before any calls to sqlsrv_rollback or sqlsrv_commit.
The Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server is in auto-commit mode by default. This means that all
queries are automatically committed upon success unless they have been designated as part of an
explicit transaction by using sqlsrv_begin_transaction.
If sqlsrv_rollback is called on a connection that is not in an active transaction that was initiated with
sqlsrv_begin_transaction, the call returns false and a Not in Transaction error is added to the error

sqlsrv_rollback( resource $conn)

$conn: The connection on which the transaction is active.
Return Value

A Boolean value: true if the transaction was successfully rolled back. Otherwise, false.

The following example executes two queries as part of a transaction. If both queries are successful, the
transaction is committed. If either (or both) of the queries fail, the transaction is rolled back.
The first query in the example inserts a new sales order into the Sales.SalesOrderDetail table of the
AdventureWorks database. The order is for five units of the product that has product ID 709. The second
query reduces the inventory quantity of product ID 709 by five units. These queries are included in a
transaction because both queries must be successful for the database to accurately reflect the state of
orders and product availability.
The example assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local
computer. All output is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));

/* Initiate transaction. */
/* Exit script if transaction cannot be initiated. */
if ( sqlsrv_begin_transaction( $conn) === false )
echo "Could not begin transaction.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));

/* Initialize parameter values. */
$orderId = 43659; $qty = 5; $productId = 709;
$offerId = 1; $price = 5.70;

/* Set up and execute the first query. */
$tsql1 = "INSERT INTO Sales.SalesOrderDetail
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
$params1 = array( $orderId, $qty, $productId, $offerId, $price);
$stmt1 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql1, $params1 );

/* Set up and executee the second query. */
$tsql2 = "UPDATE Production.ProductInventory
SET Quantity = (Quantity - ?)
WHERE ProductID = ?";
$params2 = array($qty, $productId);
$stmt2 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql2, $params2 );

/* If both queries were successful, commit the transaction. */
/* Otherwise, rollback the transaction. */
if( $stmt1 && $stmt2 )
sqlsrv_commit( $conn );
echo "Transaction was committed.\n";
sqlsrv_rollback( $conn );
echo "Transaction was rolled back.\n";

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt1);
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt2);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
For the purpose of focusing on transaction behavior, some recommended error handling is not included
in the preceding example. For a production application, it is recommended that any call to a sqlsrv
function be checked for errors and handled accordingly.
Do not use embedded Transact-SQL to perform transactions. For example, do not execute a statement
with "BEGIN TRANSACTION" as the Transact-SQL query to begin a transaction. The expected
transactional behavior cannot be guaranteed when using embedded Transact-SQL to perform
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Returns the number of rows modified by the last statement executed. This function does not return the
number of rows returned by a SELECT statement.

sqlsrv_rows_affected( resource $stmt)

$stmt: A statement resource corresponding to an executed statement.
Return Value

An integer indicating the number of rows modified by the last executed statement. If no rows were
modified, zero (0) is returned. If no information about the number of modified rows is available, negative
one (-1) is returned. If an error occurred in retrieving the number of modified rows, false is returned.

The following example displays the number of rows modified by an UPDATE statement. The example
assumes that SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local computer. All output
is written to the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Set up Transact-SQL query. */
$tsql = "UPDATE Sales.SalesOrderDetail
SET SpecialOfferID = ?
WHERE ProductID = ?";

/* Set parameter values. */
$params = array(2, 709);

/* Execute the statement. */
$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, $tsql, $params);

/* Get the number of rows affected and display appropriate message.*/
$rows_affected = sqlsrv_rows_affected( $stmt);
if( $rows_affected === false)
echo "Error in calling sqlsrv_rows_affected.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));
elseif( $rows_affected == -1)
echo "No information available.\n";
echo $rows_affected." rows were updated.\n";

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Sends data from parameter streams to the server. Up to eight kilobytes (8K) of data is sent with each call
to sqlsrv_send_stream_data.
By default, all stream data is sent to the server when a query is executed. If this default behavior is not
changed, you do not have to use sqlsrv_send_stream_data to send stream data to the server. For
information about changing the default behavior, see the Parameters section of sqlsrv_query or

sqlsrv_send_stream_data( resource $stmt)

$stmt: A statement resource corresponding to an executed statement.
Return Value

Boolean : true if there is more data to be sent. Otherwise, false.

The following example opens a product review as a stream and sends it to the server. The default
behavior of sending the all stream data at the time of execution is disabled. The example assumes that
SQL Server and the AdventureWorks database are installed on the local computer. All output is written to
the console when the example is run from the command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication and
specify the AdventureWorks database as the database in use. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$connectionInfo = array( "Database"=>"AdventureWorks");
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName, $connectionInfo);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Define the query. */
$tsql = "UPDATE Production.ProductReview
SET Comments = ( ?)
WHERE ProductReviewID = 3";

/* Open parameter data as a stream and put it in the $params array. */
$comment = fopen( "data://text/plain,[ Insert lengthy comment.]", "r");
$params = array( &$comment);

/* Prepare the statement. Use the $options array to turn off the
default behavior, which is to send all stream data at the time of query
execution. */
$options = array("SendStreamParamsAtExec"=>0);
$stmt = sqlsrv_prepare( $conn, $tsql, $params, $options);

/* Execute the statement. */
sqlsrv_execute( $stmt);

/* Send up to 8K of parameter data to the server with each call to
sqlsrv_send_stream_data. Count the calls. */
$i = 1;
while( sqlsrv_send_stream_data( $stmt))
echo "$i call(s) made.\n";

/* Free statement and connection resources. */
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt);
sqlsrv_close( $conn);
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

Returns information about the server. A connection must be established before calling this function.

sqlsrv_server_info( resource $conn)

$conn: The connection resource by which the client and server are connected.
Return Value

An associative array with the following keys:
Key Description
CurrentDatabase The database currently being targeted.
SQLServerVersion The version of SQL Server.
SQLServerName The name of the server.

The following example writes server information to the console when the example is run from the
command line.
/* Connect to the local server using Windows Authentication. */
$serverName = "(local)";
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $serverName);
if( $conn === false )
echo "Could not connect.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

$server_info = sqlsrv_server_info( $conn);
if( $server_info )
foreach( $server_info as $key => $value)
echo $key.": ".$value."\n";
echo "Error in retrieving server info.\n";
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));

/* Free connection resources. */
sqlsrv_close( $conn);

Specifying a Cursor Type and Selecting Rows
SQL Server 2008 R2
Other Versions

The SQLSRV driver lets you create a result set with rows that you can access in any order, depending on
the cursor type. For information on how to specify a cursor using the PDO_SQLSRV driver, see
PDO::prepare. The rest of this topic discusses how to use cursors in the SQLSRV driver.
Cursor Types

When you create a result set with sqlsrv_query or with sqlsrv_prepare, you can specify the type of cursor. By
default, a forward-only cursor is used, which lets you move one row at a time starting at the first row of
the result set until you reach the end of the result set. This was the only cursor type available in version
1.0 of the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server.
Starting with version 1.1 of the Microsoft Drivers for PHP for SQL Server, you can create a result set with a
scrollable cursor, which allows you to access any row in the result set, in any order. The following table
lists the values that can be passed to the Scrollable option in sqlsrv_query or sqlsrv_prepare.
Option Description
SQLSRV_CURSOR_FORWARD Lets you move one row at a time starting at the first row of the result set
until you reach the end of the result set.
This is the default cursor type.
sqlsrv_num_rows returns an error for result sets created with this cursor
forward is the abbreviated form of SQLSRV_CURSOR_FORWARD.
SQLSRV_CURSOR_STATIC Lets you access rows in any order but will not reflect changes in the
static is the abbreviated form of SQLSRV_CURSOR_STATIC.
SQLSRV_CURSOR_DYNAMIC Lets you access rows in any order and will reflect changes in the database.
sqlsrv_num_rows returns an error for result sets created with this cursor
dynamic is the abbreviated form of SQLSRV_CURSOR_DYNAMIC.
SQLSRV_CURSOR_KEYSET Lets you access rows in any order. However, a keyset cursor does not
update the row count if a row is deleted from the table (a deleted row is
returned with no values).
keyset is the abbreviated form of SQLSRV_CURSOR_KEYSET.
If a query generates multiple result sets, the Scrollable option applies to all result sets.
Selecting Rows in a Result Set

After you create a static, dynamic, or keyset result set, you can use sqlsrv_fetch, sqlsrv_fetch_array, or
sqlsrv_fetch_object to specify a row.
The following table describes the values you can specify in the row parameter.
Parameter Description
SQLSRV_SCROLL_NEXT Specifies the next row. This is the default value, if you do not specify the
row parameter for a scrollable result set.
SQLSRV_SCROLL_PRIOR Specifies the row before the current row.
SQLSRV_SCROLL_FIRST Specifies the first row in the result set.
SQLSRV_SCROLL_LAST Specifies the last row in the result set.
SQLSRV_SCROLL_ABSOLUTE Specifies the row specified with the offset parameter.
SQLSRV_SCROLL_RELATIVE Specifies the row specified with the offset parameter from the current row.
Negative numbers are allowed.

The following example shows the effect of the various cursors. On line 33 of the example, you see the first
of three query statements that specify different cursors. Two of the query statements are commented.
Each time you run the program, use a different cursor type to see the effect of the database update on
line 47.
$server = "server_name";
$conn = sqlsrv_connect( $server, array( 'Database' => 'test' ));
if ( $conn === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));

$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "DROP TABLE dbo.ScrollTest" );
if ( $stmt !== false ) {
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt );

$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "CREATE TABLE ScrollTest (id int, value char(10))"
if ( $stmt === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));

$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "INSERT INTO ScrollTest (id, value) VALUES(?,?)", a
rray( 1, "Row 1" ));
if ( $stmt === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));

$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "INSERT INTO ScrollTest (id, value) VALUES(?,?)", a
rray( 2, "Row 2" ));
if ( $stmt === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));

$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "INSERT INTO ScrollTest (id, value) VALUES(?,?)", a
rray( 3, "Row 3" ));
if ( $stmt === false ) {
die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true ));

$stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "SELECT * FROM ScrollTest", array(), array( "Scroll
able" => 'keyset' ));
// $stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "SELECT * FROM ScrollTest", array(), array( "Scr
ollable" => 'dynamic' ));
// $stmt = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "SELECT * FROM ScrollTest", array(), array( "Scr
ollable" => 'static' ));

$rows = sqlsrv_has_rows( $stmt );
if ( $rows != true ) {
die( "Should have rows" );

$result = sqlsrv_fetch( $stmt, SQLSRV_SCROLL_LAST );
$field1 = sqlsrv_get_field( $stmt, 0 );
$field2 = sqlsrv_get_field( $stmt, 1 );
echo "\n$field1 $field2\n";

$stmt2 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "delete from ScrollTest where id = 3" );
// or
// $stmt2 = sqlsrv_query( $conn, "UPDATE ScrollTest SET id = 4 WHERE id = 3" );
if ( $stmt2 !== false ) {
sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt2 );

$result = sqlsrv_fetch( $stmt, SQLSRV_SCROLL_LAST );
$field1 = sqlsrv_get_field( $stmt, 0 );
$field2 = sqlsrv_get_field( $stmt, 1 );
echo "\n$field1 $field2\n";

sqlsrv_free_stmt( $stmt );
sqlsrv_close( $conn );

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