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[Strategy] RAS Mains Public Administration
Paper 1: Strategy, Approach, Topicwise
Booklist (Hindi, English medium)
1. Essent ial books f or Public Administ rat ion Paper I (RAS)
2. Int roduct ion t o Public Administ rat ion
3. Principles
4. OB (organizat ional Behavior)
5. Theories of Organizat ion
6. Organizat ional St ruct ures
7. Personnel Administ rat ion
8. Financial Administ rat ion
9. Account abilit y and Cont rol
10. Administ rat ive Ref orms
11. Delegat ed Legislat ion and Administ rat ive law
12. CPA and DA
Essential books for Public Administration
Paper I (RAS)
Also download UPSCs Public Administ rat ion (Mains) quest ion papers of Last 33 years [1979-
2011]: here is t he link: ht t ps://docs.google.com/f ile/d/0B9AJvFSzIyiwMGFaOTI3eXZ5WHc/edit ?
Why UPSC papers? Because many st at ic-direct quest ions remain import ant f or St at e PSC
exams as well, f or example
1. The Cent ral Secret ariat occupies a key posit ion in t he administ rat ive hierarchy.
2. Judicial Cont rol over administ rat ion operat es t hrough a syst em of writ s. Explain
So go t hrough t he old UPSC papers, prepare answers f or all st at ic-direct quest ions relevant t o
syllabus of RAS.
Introduction to Public Administration
Topic Source
Basic Premises : Meaning, scopes nat ure and signif icance of
Public Administ rat ionEvolut ion of Public Administ rat ion as a
1. First Chapt er of
Laxmikant hs book on
Public Administ rat in.
2. First chapt er of IGNOU
3. First Chapt er of Mohit
Ecology of administ rat ion -social, economic, cult ural, polit ical
and legal.
1. MPA-013: chapt er 3,4 and
New Public Administ rat ion
1. M.Laxmikant h
2. Chapt er 18 of MPA-012
3. First Chapt er of Mohit
Principles of Organizat ion Hierarchy, Unit y of Command, Aut horit y and Responsibilit y,
Coordinat ion. Span of Cont rol, Supervision, Cent ralizat ion and Decent ralizat ion, Delegat ion.
These t opics are beaut if ully explained in M.Laxmikant hs book on Public Administ rat ion.
For ext ra f odder mat erial, consult block 3,4 and 5 of EPA-01 (IGNOU BA Public
Administ rat ion)
Chapt er 8 f rom Mohit .
The nat ure of t his t opic leads t o Direct st at ic quest ions. Hence your score here direct ly
depends on abilit y t o recall number of point s during exam hall = revision essent ial.
OB (organizational Behavior)
Administ rat ive Behaviour Decision making wit h Special Ref erence t o t he cont ribut ion of
Herbert Simon, Theories of leadership; Communicat ion, Morale, Mot ivat ion (Maslow and
Laxmikant h, Prasad, IGNOU MPA-012, EPA-01 block 5.
Chapt er 10 of Mohit .
There may not be enough direct cont ent f or Morale t opic.
You may consult int ernet f or t hat .
Theories of Organization
Topic Source
1. Scient if ic management (Taylor and his
associat es)
1. Laxmikant hs book on Public
Administ rat ion
2. Prasad and Prasad
3. Relevent Chapt ers in IGNOU BA Public
Administ rat ion booklet code EPA-01
4. Relevent chapt ers in IGNOU M.A.Public
Administ rat ion booklet code MPA-012
5. Relevent t opics f rom Mohit .
2. The Bureaucrat ic t heory of organizat ion
3. Classical t heory of Organizat ions(Henri
Fayol, Lut her Gullic and ot hers)
4. The Human Relat ions Theory of
Organizat ion(Elt on Mayo and his
5. Behavioural approach
6. Syst ems Approach: Organizat ional
Ef f ect iveness
It is one t hing t o t ick answers in Administ rat ive t hinker based MCQs, and it is t ot ally
dif f erent t hing t o writ e a decent answer on a part icular t hinker.
Frequent revision and answer writ ing pract ice is essent ial. You dont need t o enroll in
some f ancy mock t est series f or t his. Plent y of quest ions given in IGNOU booklet s as well
as in old Public Administ rat ion papers of UPSC.
Organizational Structures
St ruct ure of Organizat ions-Chief Execut ive; Types of Chief Execut ives and t heir f unct ions;
Line, st af f and Auxiliary agencies; Depart ment s: Corporat ions, Companies, Boards and
Commissions, Headquart ers and f ield relat ionship.
These t opics are again beaut if ully explained in M.Laxmikant hs book on Public
Administ rat ion and IGNOU EPA-01
Line-St af f t opic f rom Chapt er 8 of Mohit .
For ext ra f odder or any missing t opics you may consult Sharma Sadana chapt er 9 t o 14.
Personnel Administration
1. M.Laxmikant hs book on Public Administ rat ion.
2. Mohit Bhat t acharyas Chapt er on Public Personnel administ rat ion.
Just like St at ist ics and graphs t opic is considered scoring in General St udies paper II,
similarly personnel administ rat ion is considered scoring (or atleast thats what Delhis
eminent Coaching sirs used to tell hehehe).
Anyways point is, Personnel administ rat ion, Org.behavior=usually direct st at ic quest ions,
so easier t o score decent marks compared t o crit ically analyse xyz t hinker/t heory.
But again, no t opic is scoring by it self . A t opic or an opt ional subject becomes scoring
only af t er youve read, revised, underst ood, digest ed and pract iced it many t imes.
Financial Administration
1. LAxmikant hs chapt er on Financial Administ rat ion (Chap 8)
2. IGNOU BA: EPA 05. EPA 05 is quit e lengt hy but youve t o do select ive st udy only- of t he
syllabus t opics.
3. Finally Mohit s Chapt er on Financial Administ rat ion t o get t he gist of everyt hing.
Accountability and Control
1. Religiously mugup t he ent ire chapt er given in M.Laxmikant hs PubAD book.
2. Chapt er 19 and 22 in IGNOU MPA-013
3. Mohit s chapt er on Account abilit y.
Administrative Reforms
O & M, Work St udy, Work Measurement ; Administ rat ive Ref orms; Processes and Obst acles.
O&M: Chapt er 21 of Indian administ rat ion by Avast hi and Avast hi OR Sharma Sadana.
Work measurement : Chapt er 16 IGNOU MPA 013.
Ref orms and obst acles: Chapt er 23, 25 in MPA-13
Mohit s chapt er on Administ rat ive ref orms.
Or just skip t he whole damn t opic. (according t o coaching expert s lolz!)
Delegated Legislation and Administrative
IGNOU BA Public Administ rat ion code BPAE-102.
Visit Library, do chapt er 36 and 37 f rom a book named Public Administ rat ion by Avast hi
and Maheshwari. Or wait f or a f ew days, Ill writ e an art icle on it .
CPA and DA
Comparat ive and Development Administ rat ion.
1. St art wit h M.Laxmikant hs book on pubad
2. Fred riggs f rom Prasad and Prasad
3. Mohit s chapt er 15 and 16.
The booklist / approach f or RAS (MAins) Public Administ rat ion Paper II is given in separat e
art icle, click ME
Previous Posts
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Previous quest ion Paper
December 9t h, 2012 | Cat egory: St udyplan

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