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We are pleased to present Jesus/Sananda's Autobiography and New Scriptures.

directed by Sananda, there will be no excerpts, no para-phrasing, no overview o
!is words. "et us all ta#e responsibility to insure the continuing integrity o
Sananda's words, $ust as !e has given the% here or the irst ti%e.
Jesus/Sananda - An Autobiography
Transcribed by Kathryn E. May,
January 7, 20!, " #M, $os Ange%es, &A
I would like to tell the story of my life as Jesus. I am Sananda Kumara. This
is my spiritual name - my soul name. When I came to Earth I was given the
name eshua !en Joseph" !ut those who knew me when I was young called
me Emmanuel.
I will tell you many things that do not agree with the story of my life as it has
!een told in the #i!le. Some of these corrections have !een pu!lished in my
$ew Scriptures" which were transcri!ed !y the present scri!e" Kathryn" who
has agreed to take these messages and present them to the world until I am
a!le to come to you in person. Some of the !asic information also appears in
her !ook" %Who $eeds &ight'% (owever" I will now complete the story !y
writing my own !iography.
I do this not !ecause I care a!out whether people know me or not" !ut
!ecause of the implications it holds for my teachings. I do wish to !ring
accuracy and clarity a!out the message I intended to carry to )lanet Earth"
and it seems that now is a good time to do that.
I will try to give you a picture of the !asic elements of my life" and I will touch
!riefly on my fundamental !eliefs" which are far more simple and consistent
than the #i!le stories would have you !elieve. I came to tell of my love of
*od" of the wonders of *od+s ,reation" and to teach that &ove is what truly
matters in life" nothing more.
I was !orn to my mother" -ary" in the spring .not /ecem!er 012. It is true that
she was a young woman" and that she was told !y the 3rchangel *a!riella
that she would have a child who was sent directly from *od. The energy of
)rime ,reator was the source for the formation of the human !ody which was
created in my mother+s wom!" so it is true that the infant !ody was not
conceived in the usual way. Joseph" who !ecame the true father of the child I
came here to !e" was a good man of great 4aith" and accepted the
responsi!ility for the care of me and the children who were to come later to
our !lessed family.
It is not true that I was !orn in a manger" or that my parents were poor. We
were surrounded !y close family and friends5 we lived comforta!ly and were
afforded a good education. I had a !rother" James" and a sister" -artha.
&ater" we were followed !y a young !rother whom we called Simon. I was
also surrounded !y close cousins" aunts and uncles who oversaw our
growth and well-!eing" and who took pleasure in our company. 6ne of my
closest friends and schoolmates was -ary -agdalene" who was the love of
my life from our earliest days.
$ow" it is important for all of you to know a!out the formation of my identity"
!ecause it will tell you a great deal a!out the great &ove that *od feels for
humanity" and it will give you a glimpse into the workings and plans of the
,ompany of (eaven.
The person and the life you knew as Jesus ,hrist was planned carefully
!eforehand" with the foresight that such a life would !ring enormous change
and hopefully a new understanding of *od+s True Way. It was intended to
raise the consciousness of the population of )lanet Earth" which was mired
in the struggle against /arkness" nearly overwhelmed !y waves of invading
/ark 6nes who incarnated over and over" monopoli7ing the power and wealth
on the )lanet" as they continued to do until this past year" when the *alactic
,ouncils were finally a!le to come to the aid of humankind in a more direct
3t the time I came" 0888 years ago" it was with the intention of !eginning the
3scension process which was to usher in the $ew *olden 3ge. We knew it
was a difficult challenge" and we wanted to assure our success !y creating
the situation which would offer the !est chance of success. It was decided
that I would incarnate as the soul which would 9oin with the !a!y eshua" !ut
that it was too difficult a task for one lone soul to accomplish" and so it was
suggested that we create a more powerful entity !y 9oining forces with
another soul" or perhaps two other souls who would merge together to
!ecome one in life.
This was the creation we agreed upon. I was to !e 9oined in the !ody of
eshua !y my dear #rother and fellow Starseed" the one you know as St.
*ermain" an ancient soul of the Kumara lineage like me. We were then 9oined
!y one who is known to you as El -orya" whose identity has not !een fully
revealed to this day. We felt so comforta!le in our &ove and Trust for one
another that we were reassured !y the knowledge that no matter what this
life might !ring" we could manage it together. I would !e the %lead soul% and
would take responsi!ility and !e the namesake !y which the person of Jesus
would !e known. It was a great comfort to me to know I would !e so
6ur hope was to !ring &ight and &ove to all. It was also planned that -ary
-agdalene" who was to !e my lifelong partner and wife" would !e created of
our three twin flames who would share the !ody of -ary. 6ur intense love
and attraction for one another as twin flames would allow for the strongest
possi!le !ond" and provided the !alance needed to create an e:ually
powerful female partner" for it was important to )rime ,reator" in agreement
with the *alactic ,ouncils" that the female energy !e fully represented as
-other;4ather *od" as the ,reators of this -ilky Way *ala<y" were intimately
involved at every step of the way" and oversaw the )ro9ect which was to !ring
the ,hrist ,onsciousness !ack to their !eloved -other Earth and her
suffering humanity. So you see" there are no coincidences or accidents in
the planning of events which are chosen to unfold on the planet. 3ll is
carefully planned" although free will on the ground does not always allow for
the perfectly predicta!le e<ecution of our plans. In this case" it took almost
0888 years for our carefully laid plan to come to fruition.
-y childhood and education was a happy time" a time of preparation and
e<pansion" for I needed to !ecome used to the e<perience of co-ha!iting in
one !ody with two other intelligences" !ut we fell into step with one another
as we had always done" and -ary e<perienced the same. -y memory of my
origins and my mission was not complete in the !eginning" !ut it !ecame
clearer as I grew. I studied and traveled" !ut always returned to my family
and my -ary.
I felt such &ove for my family and for my !eloved -ary that our destiny
together was a!solutely clear. We were married in a 9oyful cele!ration in the
!osom of our family in $a7areth" and !egan our life together dedicated to
!ringing &ight and Truth to our world.
-ary accompanied me on many of my trips to other towns" and our home
!ecame a gathering place for conversation. I did not think of myself as a
teacher or lecturer. I simply shared the deep &ove I felt for *od and
humankind. I knew the deep respect and affection of our )rime ,reator" our
-other;4ather *od and the 3scended -asters who had !een my friends and
teachers in the eons !efore my 9ourney as Jesus. I was a!solutely certain
that the representation of *od as an angry and punitive 9udge was utterly
wrong. I also knew there was no hell" no fire and !rimstone" and no Satan.
I wanted to !ring the message of love and forgiveness to all I encountered"
!ut early on I !egan to feel the intensity in the reaction from anyone who was
close to a position of power or influence over others. Their resistance to my
story of &ove was clear" insistent" and !ased in fear of losing something they
felt they could not let go of. This negativity was not limited to religious
leaders of my own faith" who did not relin:uish their image of an angry and
vengeful *od easily. =ather" it crossed religious and philosophical
!oundaries" and sometimes came from une<pected sources.
The more I shared my message" the more I !egan to see that people in any
position of authority feared it !ecause it inspired personal freedom and
independent thought in a way that challenged all forms of authoritarian
control. )eople !egan to flock to the gatherings when I !rought the power of
)rime ,reator to heal the sick" and those who had felt !ereft at the idea of
coming to the end of a life without any hope for understanding their place in
the >niverse were fascinated and relieved to hear my affirmations that yes"
there is an afterlife" there is the possi!ility of reincarnation" and *od is &ight?
es" I did talk a!out my own memories of life in higher dimensions" where all
life is guided !y the >niversal &aws" where peace reigns" and where one can
learn to create with their own thoughts and deep intentions. There" learning
goes on in the most e<pansive and unlimited ways" and the mysteries of
space and time are easily understood. 3ngels are indeed real" and souls can
!e forgiven for all life+s transgressions and !e helped to learn a higher level
of understanding" a greater closeness with *od.
I also taught that it is our responsi!ility as intelligent !eings to respect and
hold precious our !lessed -other Earth" who provides all and who nurtures
all upon her !reast. (umans" animals" all the creatures" plants and sacred
places on her surface deserve our protection and respect" !ecause they are
as much the e<pression of *od as we are. I did not eat meat" nor did I
encourage the raising and slaughtering of animals of any kind for food. With
attention to the particular needs of native plants in the dry -editerranean
climate where we lived" the cultivation of fruits and vegeta!les provided a
rich !ounty" enough for all.
These were my simple teachings" and I talked to everyone who would listen
a!out the glory of life when &ove is put a!ove all else. 6f course" this came
in direct conflict with the =oman con:uerors whose civili7ation" for all its
cultural advantages" was firmly founded in war and con:uest. Thus" my
message of love" while it raised hope and comforted many" put me at odds
with the authorities across the region.
-y friends and students in turn taught the message of *od+s &ove wherever
they went. 6ccasionally" they took notes" and -ary -agdalene recorded
some of our teachings in a more formal way in her graceful" clear language.
Those writings have !een mostly hidden" revised" or re-translated to present
an entirely different perspective - one which engenders fear" want" and
feelings of entitlement. -other Earth was descri!ed as a force to !e
con:uered" and *od+s &ove was shaded with contempt and arrogance. 6ur
simple and direct 3ramaic was twisted into dense and contorted para!les.
I did en9oy using para!les to make a point" !ut where I was :uoted" my
e<planations for the e<amples I gave would !e left out" and the result !ecame
murky and contradictory.
This is my reason for giving these messages to the world at this time@ to
help those who felt the truth of my message find their way !ack to the simple
pleasures of knowing who you are" where you came from" and what life is
really a!out.
Throughout the >niverse" life thrives. We are not alone" nor are we the most
advanced civili7ation. 4ar from it. 6ur #rothers and Sisters from the Stars
are here in the skies a!ove you" waiting patiently to !e of help in the most
important endeavor a !eing can take part in - the 3scension of the entire
population of the planet. With this lifting of all souls to higher dimensions"
we will also e<perience a lifting of energies throughout the -ultiverse" for it
is a >niversal process. It is the destiny" the inner drive of all lifeforms" this
evolution to higher dimensions" and you are a part of that process" every one
of you.
$ow I must return to the story I promised you - the story of my life. -ary and
I continued to live and teach" we had two children" a !oy and a girl" and lived
a life as nearly idyllic as a family could e<perience for a time. It was a simpler
time" and we were generously supported emotionally and financially !y our
families and our community so that we could travel" do our healing work" and
continue to spread our message throughout what is now known as the
-iddle East and !eyond. 6ur !eloved friends welcomed us warmly" cared for
us and our children with great love" and made it possi!le for us to share our
message widely.
I was completely devoted to my !eloved -ary" my love" my inspiration and
the center of my life" as I am still. We have remained as twin souls even as
we have continued our long relationship with )lanet Earth and her !eloved
humankind. She has incarnated since" and is in a !ody now" as are most of
your 3scended -asters - especially the female counterparts who are here to
usher in the 3ge of the 4eminine.
ou are all familiar with the supposed end of my life" when the forces of
/arkness within !oth the Jewish community and the =oman governance
aligned to persecute me as a traitor and a trou!lemaker. They did put out the
warrant for my arrest" I was alerted" and it was apparent that the inevita!le
would come to pass. I was to !e made an e<ample of in order to :uell the
growing foment against the oppressive =oman rule.
I called my !eloved family together - I did not call them disciples5 they were
my close friends and fellow travelers" my trusted companions. $one was
more loyal or devoted than my dearest #rother" Judas as you call him. I
called him to my side to talk with him a!out the impending confrontation with
the =oman soldiers. I asked him to go to them" to tell them of my
wherea!outs in order to avoid a search-and-sei7ure melee which would have
put my entire family in danger.
(e carried out my wishes faithfully" as I knew he would" for he was the
incarnated Soul of &ight" &ucifer" son of my !eloved #rother whom you now
call St. *ermain. (e was and is the #earer of the &ight of *od" as his name
represents. (e did not then nor has he ever had any connection to the
fantasy creation the /ark 6nes called Satan. There was no !ri!e or !etrayal -
he loved me then as he does now" without reservation.
3nd so it happened that I was taken into custody" given a !rief and pre-
9udged trial at the hand of the autocratic )ontius )ilate and taken to !e tied
up and yes" nailed with spikes" not to a cross !ut to a large tree in the
commons" in full view of the populace. I was not given the honor of !eing
put on a cross" contrary to the later contrived history.
The whole procession and %e<ecution% carried little of the drama or
pageantry of the (ollywood version. It was a stark demonstration of cruelty
and raw a!use of power. I was tied to the tree" nails in my feet and hands"
causing great pain and anguish to !oth the tree and me.
I was a!le then to leave my !ody" call upon my ,reator to protect and sustain
me" and we put the !ody into a deep coma state" which you might call
suspended animation.
We" the souls who had inha!ited this !ody until then" were a!le to ascend
into higher dimensions while we tended to the !ody+s care. We kept the
thread of life alive until the !ody was taken away" and with the care of our
!eloved mother and wife" the !ody was later resuscitated.
es" I did later meet my friends on the road" and I appeared to )aul" too" after
I had spent a short time recuperating from the wounds" with the e<:uisite
ministrations of my two miraculous -arys. I did not leave the planet then.
$o" I lived on.
We traveled to 4rance" where we were welcomed and protected" and where
we were a!le to provide the education and safety our children re:uired. It
was there that our third child was !orn" and -ary -agdalene esta!lished her
own mystery school. We later traveled to Turkey and the 4ar East" where we
were also welcomed.
I felt the strong connection to #uddhism" and wished to unify the teachings
to include many of the tenets of #uddhism - especially the emphasis on
creating peace !y making peace within" the concentration on the inner
search" and the use of meditation to reach a higher vi!ration and connection
to *od.
It was in Ti!et that I found the mystical and mythical places where (eaven
and Earth meet. There are portals there to Inner Earth" and the monks have
studied the deep healing techni:ues and :uiet practices which allow them to
live for hundreds of years. I remained with them for e<tended periods during
my eighth decade of life" in perfect health.
It was a long and fulfilling life" filled with rich companionship and especially
in my older years" with :uiet contemplation in the em!race of *od+s &ove. I
returned from my travels to !e with my #eloved -ary in our last years. We
remained in 4rance" with occasional so9ourns to England and Scotland" until
my natural death at the age of a!out AB" and -ary followed me very shortly
afterward. We felt at the time that we had !egun an awakening" !ut we were
aware of the campaign of )aul" who called himself an 3postle" and took it
upon himself to create a new sect" ,hristianity.
I had not intended to create a religion. I only wanted to !ring the message of
&ove and &ight" which would have illuminated the world+s e<isting religious
teachings. 6urs was a straight-forward message - which" if left to flourish
and spread" would have created peace on )lanet Earth" or at least would have
esta!lished a !ulwark against the flood of /ark Energies which came with the
increasing invasion of the genetically modified =eptilians. (owever" as so
often happens" it turned out to !e those who professed to !e supporters who
created the most lasting distortion of our teachings.
When ,onstantine ordered the compilation and pu!lication of the #i!le of all
my availa!le teachings" the result was anything !ut accurate or complete.
(is intentions were politically motivated. (e wished to control the
!urgeoning growth of what was then !eing called ,hristianity - the
recognition of the ,hrist ,onsciousness on )lanet Earth. The Emperor saw
the threat of allowing &ight to filter throughout his far-flung and increasingly
unmanagea!le Empire.
Joy and )eace insulates the people from propaganda and fear-mongering"
and the !elief in a glorious afterlife in the presence of *od tends to make
them fearless in their resistance to !eing controlled. 3llegiance to family"
community and to *od dilutes one+s loyalty to any political entity" dissolving
artificial !oundaries and national fervor. The priesthood which was a
powerful entity in its own right aligned with ,onstantine+s needs !ecause it
was in their own !enefit to maintain the power of the )atriarchy-as-religion.
3nd so" the document you call the #i!le was created. The 6ld Testament set
the tone" with its emphasis on wars" competition and vengeance. The picture
of *od it painted com!ined the teachings of the most narrow and violent
sects of early Judaism" which were designed to align with the later writings"
most of which were doctored" redacted" reinterpreted and redesigned to
create the confusing" contradictory messages you now find in it.
The concept of sin was introduced into the writings" and the picture of a
Satanic anti-hero" lifted from the fearsome folklore which had !een used !y
parents to su!due their children" !ecame a primary tool of control. *uilt and
shame centered around the control of se<ual practices and o!edience to an
e<ternal" punishing *od. This %*od% was indeed a reflection of the perfectly
controlling Emperor" !ut it !ore no resem!lance to the *od who was my
4ather of ,reation" my own loving ,reator.
I will say definitively" a child cannot !e !orn in sin" since an infant is a
completely innocent &ight" untouched !y /arkness" a pure soul in the
process of !eginning a new life. ,reating a child is a holy act" !lessed !y all
in (eaven. $othing an infant could do could !e in any way associated with
sin or evil.
There is one remaining travesty which must !e addressed here" and which
must !e healed !efore -other Earth+s people will !e a!le to live in peace.
That is the idea that ,hristianity is the one true religion. I do not" and never
have" taught that I was the final e<pert" or the only son of *od. We are all
children of *od. $o single person or set of teachings is The &ast Word -
superior to all others. There is only one )rime ,reator" the ,reator of all
,reation. $o individual or religion has a direct line or a preferred standing
with (im" yet all are e:ual in his eyes.
So" you see" the idea of a religious war is an a!surdity. Every soul on Earth
and throughout the -ultiverse has an e:ual place in (is heart" and a open
line to communicate" without the need of intermediaries" priests" or even
channelers. ou are each !orn with the a!ility and the desire to !e connected
to the &ove" protection and forgiveness of our ,reator. To do so will !ring
only 9oy and deep fulfillment to all.
I will not offer you detailed descriptions of the people and places I
encountered in my life. Those elements are not important" e<cept to confirm
my love for humankind" and my close attachment to my family" wife and
children. I am not the su!9ect of the teachings *od wished to !ring to Earth.
I was the vessel for (is;(er message of &ove. The events of my life are
important only as they illuminate what I stood for and what they teach others.
-y message was changed when the crucifi<ion was invented as the
centerpiece and largest focal point of my life.
The image of my !ody hanging on the cross is indeed a constant reminder to
all that you too will !e punished for !elieving in me and my teachings. It is a
gruesome threat" and it wipes out 9oy. This indeli!le image alone has done
more damage than all the words could possi!ly do to discourage
e<u!erance" cele!ration and 4aith. It elicits sadness and dread" depression
and hopelessness. What comfort can one really take in the statement"
%,hrist died for your sins'% I must tell you now@ I emphatically did not.
-y punishment at the hands of my persecutors did not defeat me" nor did I
die. $either my life nor my death had anything to do with sin - yours or mine.
I came to )lanet Earth to represent the em!odiment of a good and loving
family" which o!viously had nothing to do with celi!acy" to teach through
living among others" and to lift the hearts of those who had !een
downtrodden and su!9ected to unfair political and financial practices. The
a!use of power was as rampant then as it is now" although the means of
ro!!ing the poor to give to the rich has !ecome more effective and efficient
in recent times.
-any people seem horrified to read the channelings from me and also from
-other;4ather *od which include e<tensive political content. I wonder why
they would think that my teachings could !e separated from the conditions
under which people lived" and the oppression which caused massive
suffering and deprivation.
)eople who are suffering oppression have little energy left after struggling to
survive" and are more vulnera!le to further oppression. They also have a
harder time keeping their hearts filled with &ove and their minds open to
*od+s message. It was my intention to lift the conditions under which people
were living as well as the state of their spiritual lives.
I was also a healer" as I am still. )hysical suffering caused !y illness and
disa!ility has long !een aggravated !y poor diet" overcrowding and to<ic
environmental conditions. I wished to alleviate the unnecessary pain of
physical illness !ecause it tends to leave people e<hausted and desperate.
They do turn to *od for solace and healing" and once they do" I want to !ring
them the relief and 9oy that comes with healing. This is the reason I am
working with so many &ightworkers who are healers now.
It is time for all of -other Earth+s !eings to heal" and for -other Earth to
restore herself after the millennia of a!use at the hands of humankind. It is
time for the *rand 3wakening to the Truth that all are 6ne. There is no
individual" no animal" no tree which is not inherently connected through the
fi!er of their !eing to every other !eing. 3 tree feels pain when it is cut5 it
deserves to !e honored and respected when it is used to !uild a house.
#etter yet" the technology to completely avoid the use of forest products is
availa!le and will soon !e !rought to Earth !y your *alactic #rothers and
What sort of thinking is re:uired to cause an entire civili7ation to deplete and
devastate its home" the source of all they need for survival' I !elieve it is the
same /arkness which feeds self-hatred and hatred of others not like oneself.
That festering hatred has flowed throughout the relationships !etween
humankind and their companions on Earth" creating a poisonous atmosphere
in which animals turned on each other and !egan to fight and eat each other.
3s the vi!ration of &ove courses across the planet" lifting hearts and minds"
the animals will respond !y feeling and !ehaving as !rothers to one another.
Eventually" all the Kingdoms of Earth will 9oin humankind in harmony and
&ove" and eating one another will !e a thing of the past. (uman !odies are
evolving to !e nourished !y a vegeta!le and fruit diet" and the animals will
change along with you. It has already !egun" for !oth humans and animals.
The same pervasive effect applies to your weather" for the consciousness of
humankind stirs the same violence in the weather patterns as it does in the
animal Kingdom. -other Earth is now accomplishing her cleansing and
restoration to the pure Eden of her !eginnings. (umankind will either !e
disrupted and overwhelmed !y the violence of her reactions" or you will raise
your vi!ration higher !y the day" there!y mitigating the effects of her self-
protective actions.
I tell you these things a!out the current developments on Earth !ecause" you
see" my work with humanity never ended. I passed from the e<perience of
life in a !ody in the Crd dimension directly to the 1th dimension. >nderstand"
I did ascend" taking my !ody with me" 9ust as you will do. This part of the
#i!lical story is partially true. It was called a resurrection" which is not as
accurate a description as ascension. I not only came !ack to life" !ut I raised
my !ody with me into higher dimensions. Those of us who have
accomplished this will now have a !ody availa!le to us when we wish to
return to Earth" without having to go through the !irth and childhood
I offer you this !rief outline of my life to reveal to you the most destructive of
the ideas which were presented as if they were mine" as if they represented
the Truths as they apply to our ,reator and his relationship to us. There is
much more I could tell" !ut I wished only to point to the most egregious
falsehoods - those which created the !iggest distortions to the Truth of our
relationship to )rime ,reator and the ,ompany of (eaven" all of whom are
here to assist you now in your coming 3scension.
I suggest that you read this auto!iographical message in the conte<t of the
earlier channeled messages from -other;4ather *od" the ,reators of the
-ilky Way *ala<y" who have given you a much more e<tensive and detailed
description. It was channeled earlier !y our dear Kathryn" and it is called
%When *od )inched -y Toe.% They provide the opportunity to feel how we
work together with other 3scended -asters to accomplish this glorious and
historic 3scension process. ou will hear the &ove in their voices and the
Truth of their words" which are completely in alignment with my own.
I !elieve you will come to feel the great &ove we have for you" and the &ove I
have carried in my heart for all these eons. When others had given up on the
humans of )lanet Earth" my 4aith and my &ove remained strong" and I have
now !een proven right in my faith that together" we will reali7e the /ream"
and accomplish the greatest challenge ever undertaken in the history of the
I &ove you all. We are 6ne" insepara!le as the wind and the leaf" forever and
I am your Jesus;Sananda" together with all the ,ompany of (eaven.
Transcri!ed !y Kathryn E. -ay" January D" 08EF" A )-" &os 3ngeles" ,3

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